Hyundai Sonatahybrid 2014 Owner's Manual

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Hybrid cars don’t have to look radically different just because they’re hybrids.
The Sonata Hybrid has its own unique details, of course, but it shares its fluid,
sculpted shape with our award-winning Sonata sedan.
It also shared this: A top-three finish last year in U.S. News and World Report’s
2013 Best New Car ranking of affordable mid-size sedans.1 Sonata Hybrid stands
out simply because it’s outstanding.
Look under the hood, and you’ll discover the fundamental differences that set
Sonata Hybrid apart are more than skin deep. It’s driven by next-generation
lithium polymer battery hybrid technology. Compared to the nickel-metal hydride
battery used in many competing models, Sonata Hybrid uses a polymer gel as
the electrolyte in its battery. This allows for a thinner and lighter casing, which
translates into more cargo and interior volume. It’s capable of delivering the same
power with 25% less weight, 40% less volume and 10% more efficiency. It also
discharges more slowly to maintain available power up to 1.7 times longer than
traditional batteries.
Of course, it’s not just the battery that makes Sonata Hybrid more efficient.
Hyundai engineers paired an electric motor with a 2.4-liter, 4-cylinder engine that
features an Atkinson cycle for decreased pumping and friction loss – resulting
in more miles per gallon.
Together with a lifetime hybrid battery warranty2 and an advanced arsenal of safety
features that includes Assurance Connected Care powered by Blue Link,® it’s easy
to understand why owners of competing hybrids might turn a bit green with envy.
SONATA HYBR ID LIMITED with P anoramic Sunroof Package in Venetian Red Pearl
Information Provided by: brid. 2 Warrant y is non-transfe rable and n ot valid on vehicles ex porte d to Korea . 3 Assura nce Con nected C are requi res activ e Blue Lin k subscri ption. A ssuran ce Conne cted Ca re include s 3 years of t he
Blue Link A ssurance Pack age. Three-year term star ts from the new-vehicle date of f irst use a nd is availa ble for new -vehicle purchase s and leases on or after May 16, 2013. O nly use Blu e Link and c orresp onding de vices wh en safe to do s o. Blue Link serv ice work s using GPS and CDM A-base d cellular n etwor ks in the 5 0 United S tates . Blue Link s ervice is not available whe re there is n o cellular c overage, p artic ularly in e nclosed o r remote ar eas. Ser vice av ailabili ty may be af fecte d by the sign al streng th, folia ge, weathe r, topograp hical conditions (moun tains) an d nearby s tructures (ta ll building s, tunnel s) and other factors. Blue Lin k availabl e on most 2 013 and 2014 Hyun dai vehic les. Features and fees vary by subscr iption pl an. Terms and co nditio ns of subsc ription a greement apply. For m ore on det ails and limitations, v isit Hyu or your aut horized H yundai dealer. Blue L ink is a registered tr ademark o f Hyundai Motor A merica. Hyundai is a regist ered trademark of H yundai Motor Co mpany. All r ights res erved. ©2013 Hyu ndai Motor Ameri ca.
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