0130/03/2012A.5"Cold tyre pressure - Rear" value corrected.
0223/10/2012All pagesInserted MY13 (section L excluded).
0208/11/2012D.18Added value in the table.
0208/11/2012D.19Applied change.
0208/11/2012D.25Inserted text.
0223/10/2012F4.13H10465 correct drawing in H12017.
0208/11/2012I.8Added value in the table; applied change.
0223/10/2012Section LValid only for MY12 - no ABS version.
0223/10/2012Section L1Valid only for MY13 - ABS version.
0208/11/2012M.18H10939 modiced drawing in H12123.
0208/11/2012M.21H10942 modiced drawing in H12124.
0223/10/2012M.28Delete note.
HUSQVARNA MOTORCYCLES S.R.L. - Varese disclaims all liabilities for any errors or omissions in this manual and
reserves the right to make changes to reect on-going product development. Illustrations in the manual may differ from
actual components. No reproduction in full or in part without written authorisation.
edition (11-2011) - Rev. 02
NUDA 900 2012/2013 - NUDA 900 R 2012/2013
Workshop Manual
NUDA 900 2012/2013
NUDA 900 R 2012/2013
Copyright by
BMW Group
Technical Service
Via Nino Bixio, 8
(Varese) - Italy
tel. ++39 0332 75.61.11
tel. ++39 0332 756 558
This publication is designed for use by HUSQVARNA Service Centres to assist authorised personnel in the maintenance
and repair of the models covered in this manual. The technical information provided in this manual is a critical complement to operator training and operators should become thoroughly familiar with it.
This publication is for the exclusive use of those HUSQVARNA technicians who have an adequate basic mechanical
preparation and a good knowledge of the vehicles repair procedures. Thus much information has been intentionally
omitted as it was considered superuous. The technicians must adopt special safety procedures that they will deem
necessary in order to prevent damages to the motorbike, to its components, and to people.
For ease of understanding, diagrams and photographs are provided next to the text.
Notes with special signicance are identied as follows throughout the manual:
Accident-prevention rules for operator and persons working nearby.
Damage to vehicle and/or its components may result from incompliance with relevant instructions.
Additional information concerning the operation covered in the text.
Useful tips
To prevent problems and ensure effective service work, observe the following HUSQVARNA recommendations:
– before repair, evaluate the customer's description of the problem and ask the appropriate questions to clearly identify
problem symptoms;
– diagnose the problem and identify the causes clearly. This manual provides basic background information that must
be supplemented with the operator's expertise and specic training available through HUSQVARNA held at regular
– plan ahead before starting work: gather any spare parts and tools to avoid unnecessary delays;
– avoid unnecessary disassembly work to get to the part that needs repairing.
Always read the relevant instructions and follow the disassembly sequence outlined in this manual.
Workshop Manual Ed. 11-2011
NUDA 900 2012/2013 - NUDA 900 R 2012/2013
Table of Contents
Title Section
Foreword, Table of Contents ...............................................................................a
Important Notices ................................................................................................b
.................................................................................................. C
Unless otherwise specied, data and specications apply to all models.
Workshop Manual Ed. 11-2011
NUDA 900 2012/2013 - NUDA 900 R 2012/2013
Workshop Manual Ed. 11-2011
NUDA 900 2012/2013 - NUDA 900 R 2012/2013
Read these general recommendations carefully before using the vehicle.
Carbon monoxide
Only run the engine in an open or very well ventilated area. If you do work in an enclosed area, make sure you use a fume extraction
Exhaust emissions contain carbon monoxide, a poisonous gas which can cause loss of consciousness and even
death if inhaled.
Parts of the vehicle that become hot
Before working on the engine and the exhaust unit, wait for them to cool down; while the vehicle is running, these parts become very
hot and remain hot for some time after turning off the engine.
Risk of burns - work with caution and wear suitable PPE if necessary.
The fuel used to power internal combustion engines is highly ammable and explosive.
Do all fuelling and maintenance operations with the engine switched off and in ventilated areas; do not
smoke and avoid contact between the fuel and naked ames, sparks, etc. that may cause an explosion.
Do not dispose of fuel in the environment.
Keep out of reach of children.
Do not tilt the vehicle excessively since this may cause fuel to leak.
In some cases, coolant may become inammable and if burnt, produce invisible ames which cause burns.
Do not spill coolant onto hot components like the engine or exhaust pipe, etc. since it may ignite.
During maintenance work, wear latex gloves.
Never leave the coolant in open containers in areas accessible to children and animals since it is toxic.
DO NOT remove the radiator cap when the engine is hot; the coolant is pressurised and may cause scalding.
Engine oil
Do not dispose of oil in the environment since it is highly polluting.
Keep out of reach of children.
Wear latex gloves since prolonged contact with the skin can cause serious damage.
Send used oil to special authorised recyclers in accordance with the legal requirements in force in the country where
the vehicle will be used.
Brake uid
Brake uid is highly corrosive and may damage the rubber and painted parts of the vehicle.
While performing maintenance work, protect your eyes by wearing special goggles and wear protective gloves.
In the event of accidental contact with the eyes, rinse them with plenty of clean, running water and seek medical advice
Keep out of reach of children.
Workshop Manual Ed. 11-2011
NUDA 900 2012/2013 - NUDA 900 R 2012/2013
Recharge the battery in well ventilated areas since the battery produces toxic, highly inammable gases when being
recharged; do not smoke or use naked ames or sparks.
The liquid in the battery is highly corrosive. If it comes into contact with the skin, rinse thoroughly with running water.
It is extremely important to protect your eyes because even a small amount of liquid can cause irreversible damage
to the eyes.
If it comes into contact with the eyes, rinse thoroughly with clean, running water and if swallowed accidentally , drink
plenty of water or milk.
In all cases, seek medical advice immediately.
The battery liquid is corrosive and should not be poured onto the painted or rubber parts.
The battery liquid is highly polluting. DO NOT dispose in the environment; at the end of its service life, take the battery
to the special authorised recycling centres in accordance with the legal requirements in force in the country where
the vehicle will be used.
Keep out of reach of children.
NUDA 900 and NUDA 900 R models are STREET LEGAL motorcycles; they are
guaranteed exempt from functional defects and covered with legal guarantee, as
maintenance table shown in Section "B" is observed.
* In order to maintain the vehicle’s “Guarantee of Functionality”, the client must
follow the maintenance programme indicated in Section B by having the required
maintenance inspections carried out at authorised HUSQVARNA dealers. The
cost for cha nging par ts and for t he labour nec essar y in ord er to comply w ith
the maintenance p lan is char ged to the Cli ent. The war ranty b ecome s NULL
AND VOID if the motorcycle is rented.
Left and right side is determined when seated on motorcycle.
Z: number of teeth
A: Austria
AUS: Australia
B: Belgium
BR: Brazil
CDN: Canada
CH: Switzerland
D: Germany
E: Spain
F: France
FIN: Finland
GB: Great Britain
I: Italy
J: Japan
USA: United States of America
Unless otherwise specied, data and instructions apply to all market variants.
Workshop Manual Ed. 11-2011
NUDA 900 2012/2013 - NUDA 900 R 2012/2013
Before disassembling components or before performing repair operations, clean the motorbike removing possible mud, dust, or
foreign bodies.
- Put the vehicle in a well lit area;
- Fasten the vehicle in a steady position so that it cannot overturn; use suitable stands and belts.
- Use suitable equipment for lifting/removing heavy parts.
- Use appropriate keys (not pliers) to loosen/tighten nuts and screws.
- When loosening or tightening nuts or bolts, always begin with the bigger ones or from the centre. Tighten to the specied torque
and follow a cross pattern or a dedicated pattern as outlined in the relevant section.
- Always mark any parts or positions that might be confused upon assembly.
- Use special tools where specied.
- Clean thoroughly the removed components before retting them
- During the reassemb ly, make sure that the bearin gs turn f reely wi thout obs truc tion o r without g ettin g stuck, ot her wise r eplace
- Always replace the sea ls, the se aling r ings , the spli t pins, th e screw s with da mage d threa d, and the s elf- lo cki ng nuts w ith new
- Use genuine HUSQVARNA parts and the recommended lubricant brands.
- At the end of a repair or periodic maintenance, test the vehicle before delivering it to the customer.
Electrical parts
- Disconnect the electrical component connectors by pressing the special safety hooks.
- Make sure that inside the connector there is no dirt or rust; if need be, clean them with an air jet or suitable products.
- Make sure that the cables are correctly seamed to the connector terminals.
- When you reconnect the connectors, ensure the correct coupling.
Do not disconnect the connectors by pulling the electrical cables.
- Technical Bulletins might contain more up-to-date setting data and procedures than this manual. Be sure to read them.
Where not specied, ret the previously removed components following the procedures in the reverse order with
Exhaust system defectiveExchange
Excessive Blow-by gases, Piston rings and/
or cylinder bore worn
Engine oil not according to specicationsExchange engine oil
Manuale d'officina Ed. 11-2011
NUDA 900 2012/2013 - NUDA 900 R 2012/2013
TroublePossible causesRemedy
Fuel of too low octane number
Spark plugs not according to specications
Engine knocks or pings
Engine overheats
Engine temperature is too lowThermostat defectiveReplace thermostat
Engine produces excessive blue smoke or
engine uses too much oil
Engine vibrates
Engine oil quantity increases
or defective
Leak air, intake system leaking
Ignition unit defective, ignition timing in-
Not enough coolant in cooling system, coo-
ling system leaking, air in cooling system
Cooling fan motor defectiveReplace cooling fan motor
Not enough engine oil in the engineRell oil
Radiator dirtyClean radiator
Thermostat defectiveReplace thermostat
Ignition unit defective, ignition timing in-
Water pump, water pump drive defective
Oil pump or oil pump drive defective, re-
taining ring for oil pump gear not tted, oil
circuit blocked
Cylinder head gasket defectiveExchange cylinder head gasket
Leak airCheck / replace intake socket
Too much oil in the engine (oil in the airbox)
Cylinder head gasket leakingExchange cylinder head gasket
Valve stem seals leakingExchange valve stem seals
Oil diluted with fuel / Piston rings and/or
cylinder bore worn
V-ring on water pump drive gear worn/
Oil diluted with fuel / motocycle is only used
in short distances (cold engine)
Engine xation into frame looseTighten engine xation
Bearing or bearing seat wornReplace bearing or worn component
Oil diluted with fuel / motocycle is only used
in short distances
Oil diluted with fuel / Piston rings and/or
Gears do not engage or gears jump out at
start or at abrupt acceleration
Clutch plates worn or warpedReplace clutch plates
Engine oil not according to specicationsExchange engine oil
Engine oil not according to specicationsExchange engine oil
Clutch plates warpedExchange clutch plates
Clutch plates stuck togetherClean or exchange
Clutch plates worn or warpedReplace clutch plates
Guide slots for friction plates in clutch drum
are worn
Guide slots for steel plates in clutch hub
are worn
Gearshifting action incompleteAlways actuate gearshift lever till stop
Gearshift lever incorrectly adjustedCorrect position of gearshift lever
Fastener of gearshift lever looseTighten fastener
Gearshift lever bentReplace gearshift lever
Function of index lever or index spring
Adjustment of gearshift pawl incorrect
Engagement teeth and/or windows of ge-
arbox gears badly worn
Gearshift forks are worn or bentExchange gearshift forks
Replace clutch drum
Replace clutch hub
Check index lever and index spring and
exchange if necessary
Check and adjust pawl wich spring, exchange if necessary
Exchange gears
Gearbox gears are worn or damagedExchange gearshift gearbox gears
Clutch does not disengageSee "Clutch disengages unsatisfactorily"
Gears can be shifted only noisilyClutch does not disengageSee "Clutch disengages unsatisfactorily"
Spark plugs overheated, burnt or dirty
Generator does not charge or chargs
Spark plugs not according to specications
Spark plugs looseTighten spark plugs
Intake socket not tight or leaking
Fuel supply system defectiveCheck and replace if necessary
Break in current, short circuit or earthing of
stator windings
Break in cables or short circuit, connections
Replace spark plug
Tighten intake socket or exchange if necessary
Check/replace battery and check connections
Replace stator
Check and replace if necessary
Manuale d'officina Ed. 11-2011
NUDA 900 2012/2013 - NUDA 900 R 2012/2013
Insufcient tyre pressureInate
Handlebar turns hard
Handlebar vibration
Damping is too hard
Damping is too soft
(Front / rear) wheel shakes
Rear suspension is noisy
Poor braking (front and rear)
Bearing adjuster ring nut or steering stem
nut overtightened
Bent steering stemReplace bottom yoke
Worn or seized steering bearingsReplace
Bent fork legsReplace
Bent front wheel axleReplace
Warped chassisReplace
Bent front wheel rimReplace
Worn front wheel bearingsReplace
Improperly balanced wheelBalance
Too much oil in fork legsRemove excess oil
Fork oil viscosity too highChange
Overinated tyresDeate
Improperly set rear shock absorberAdjust
Insufcient oil in fork legsTop up
Fork oil viscosity too lowChange
Weak fork springsReplace
Weak rear shock absorber springReplace
Improperly set rear shock absorberAdjust
Bent wheel rimReplace
Worn wheel hub bearingsReplace
Wheel axle nut looseTighten
Worn rear swinging arm bearingsReplace
Improperly balanced wheelBalance
Worn shock absorber ball jointsReplace
Shock absorber faultyReplace
Air in brake system Bleed
Insufcient uid in tankTop up
Worn brake pad and/or discReplace
Damaged discReplace
Manuale d'officina Ed. 11-2011
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