Humminbird Handheld-GPS-Connection-Kit Owner's Manual

Handheld GPS Connection Kit
Accessory Manual
Handheld GPS Connection Kit
Accessory Manual
Thank You!
Thank you for choosing Humminbird®, America's #1 name in fishfinders. Humminbird® has built its reputation by designing and manufacturing top-quality, thoroughly reliable marine equipment. Your Humminbird® accessory is designed for trouble-free use in even the harshest marine environment. In the unlikely event that your Humminbird® accessory does require repairs, we offer an exclusive Service Policy - free of charge during the first year after purchase, and available at a reasonable rate after the one-year period. For complete details, see the separate warranty card included with your accessory. We encourage you to read this operations manual carefully in order to get full benefit from all the features and applications of your Humminbird® product.
Contact our Customer Resource Center at either 1-334-687-0503 or visit our website at
WARNING! This device should not be used as a navigational aid to prevent collision, grounding, boat
damage, or personal injury. When the boat is moving, water depth may change too quickly to allow time for you to react. Always operate the boat at very slow speeds if you suspect shallow water or submerged objects.
WARNING! Disassembly and repair of this electronic unit should only be performed by authorized service personnel. Any modification of the serial number or attempt to repair the original equipment or accessories by unauthorized individuals will void the warranty. Handling and/or opening this unit may result in exposure to lead, in the form of solder.
WARNING! This product contains lead, a chemical known to the state of California to cause cancer, birth defects and other reproductive harm.
Humminbird®, HumminbirdPCTM, X-PressTMMenu, Structure ID®, SmartCastTMand WeatherSenseTMare trademarked by or registered trademarks of Techsonic Industries, Inc.
© 2003 Techsonic Industries, Inc., Eufaula AL, USA. All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
Handheld GPS Connection Kit 1
How GPS and Cartography Work .................................................................................................................. 1
Connecting a Handheld Receiver to the Matrix ........................................................................................ 2
Views 5
Bird's Eye View.................................................................................................................................................... 5
Track View............................................................................................................................................................ 6
Combo View ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
View Orientation................................................................................................................................................ 7
Introduction to Navigation 8
Waypoints, Routes and Tracks........................................................................................................................ 8
Save, Edit or Delete a Waypoint .................................................................................................................... 9
Navigate to a Waypoint or Position............................................................................................................ 10
Add a Waypoint Target or Trolling Grid .................................................................................................... 11
Save or Clear a Current Track ........................................................................................................................ 12
Edit, Delete or Hide Saved Tracks ................................................................................................................ 12
The Menu System 13 Start-Up Options Menu 15
Normal Operation ............................................................................................................................................ 15
Simulator .......................................................................................................................................................... 16
System Status .................................................................................................................................................. 17
PC Connect (with PC Connect Cable Only) ................................................................................................ 18
Sonar X-Press™ Menu (Sonar Views Only) 19
Mark .................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Navigation X-Press™ Menu 20
Mark .................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Zoom.................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Go To.................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Save Current Track .......................................................................................................................................... 21
Clear Current Track .......................................................................................................................................... 22
Skip Next Waypoint (Only When Navigating) ........................................................................................ 22
Cancel Navigation (Only When Navigating) ............................................................................................ 22
Remove Target (Only If Target is Active).................................................................................................. 23
Remove Grid (Only If Grid is Active)............................................................................................................ 23
Sonar Window (Combo View Only) ............................................................................................................ 23
Navigation Menu Tab 24
Tracks .................................................................................................................................................................. 24
Waypoints.......................................................................................................................................................... 25
View Orientation.............................................................................................................................................. 25
Table of Contents
North Reference .............................................................................................................................................. 26
Grid Rotation .................................................................................................................................................... 26
Trackpoint Interval .......................................................................................................................................... 26
Track Min Distance (Advanced).................................................................................................................... 27
Map Datum (Advanced) ................................................................................................................................ 27
Delete All Nav Data (Advanced) .................................................................................................................. 27
Alarms Menu Tab 28
Off Course Alarm ............................................................................................................................................ 28
Arrival Alarm .................................................................................................................................................... 29
Drift Alarm ........................................................................................................................................................ 29
Setup Menu Tab 30
Units - Distance ................................................................................................................................................ 31
Units - Speed...................................................................................................................................................... 31
Triplog Reset .................................................................................................................................................... 31
Local Time Zone (Advanced) ........................................................................................................................ 32
Daylight Savings Time (Advanced).............................................................................................................. 32
Position Format (Advanced).......................................................................................................................... 32
Time Format (Advanced, International Only) .......................................................................................... 33
Date Format (Advanced, International Only) .......................................................................................... 33
NMEA Output (Advanced) ............................................................................................................................ 34
Accessories Menu Tab 35 Troubleshooting 36
Fishing System Doesn’t Power Up .............................................................................................................. 36
Fishing System Defaults to Simulator with a Transducer Attached.................................................. 36
Display Problems.............................................................................................................................................. 37
Finding the Cause of Noise............................................................................................................................ 38
Matrix Fishing System Accessories 39 Contact Humminbird® 40
NOTE: Entries in this Table of Contents which list (International Only) are only available on products sold
outside of the US and Canada by our authorized International Distributors. To obtain a list of authorized International Distributors, please visit our website at or contact our Customer Resource Center at 1-334-687- 0503 to locate the distributor nearest you.
NOTE: Entries in this Table of Contents which list (with PC Connect Cable Only) require the purchase of a separate accessory. You can visit our website at to order these accessories online or contact our Customer Resource Center at 1-334- 687-0503.
Handheld GPS Connection Kit
The Humminbird® Handheld GPS Connection Kit includes the following items:
• GPS Cable for NMEA data connection
• AS-YC (“Y”) cable for multiple accessory attachment
• Handheld GPS Connection Kit Accessory Manual
NOTE: You may have purchased either a direct-connect NMEA data cable, or one that requires splicing to an additional NMEA data cable(made by the manufacturer of the Handheld GPS receiver) to complete the connection to the Handheld GPS receiver.
NOTE: The AS-HHGPS accessory requires the purchase of an additional NMEA data cable (made by the manufacturer of the Handheld GPS Receiver) to complete the connection to the Handheld GPS Receiver.
How GPS and Cartography Work
Your Matrix Fishing System uses GPS and sonar to determine your position, display it on a grid, and provide detailed underwater information. The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite navigation system designed and maintained by the U.S. Department of Defense. GPS was originally intended for military use; however, civilians may also take advantage of its highly accurate position capabilities, typically within +/- 10 meters, depending on conditions. This means that 95% of the time, the GPS receiver will read a location within 10 meters of your actual position. Some GPS Receivers also use information from WAAS (the Wide Area Augmentation System), EGNOS (the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service), and MSAS (the MTSAT Satellite Augmentation System) satellites if they are available in your area.
GPS uses a constellation of satellites that continually send radio signals to the earth. Your present position is determined by receiving signals from up to 12 satellites and measuring the distance from the satellites.
The following GPS functionality is currently supported by the Matrix Fishing System when it is connected to a GPS receiver:
• View current position
• View current track (breadcrumb trail)
• View precision speed and heading from your GPS receiver
• Save tracks and waypoints
• Travel a route and navigate from one waypoint to the next.
Connecting a Handheld Receiver to the Matrix
Humminbird® has designed three different direct-connect cables to fit three of the most common GPS Receiver configurations. We also provide a cable that can connect your GPS Receiver to your control head via an additional NMEA data cable you must purchase from your GPS Receiver manufacturer in case none of the three direct-connect cables fit your configuration.
Direct-connect Cable Installation Instructions:
Use the chart below to determine which accessory kit will work with your NMEA-output Handheld GPS receiver.
Product Accessory Number Product Accessory Number
eTrex AS HHGAR205 GPSMAP 76 AS HHGAR082 eTrex Summit AS HHGAR205 GPS 12XL AS HHGAR082 eTrex Legend AS HHGAR205 GPS 92 AS HHGAR082 eTrex Venture AS HHGAR205 GPS II AS HHGAR082 eTrex Vista AS HHGAR205 GPS II Plus AS HHGAR082 eTrex Camo AS HHGAR205 GPS III AS HHGAR082 Geko 201 AS HHGAR205 GPS III Pilot AS HHGAR082 Geko 301 AS HHGAR205 GPS III Plus AS HHGAR082 GPS 72 AS HHGAR082 GPS V AS HHGAR082 GPS 76 AS HHGAR082 Meridian AS HHMAG344 GPS 76S AS HHGAR082 Sport Trak AS HHMAG344
1. Connect the NMEA-COM connector to your Matrix Control Head. If you are already using other Matrix accessories, you will need to use the AS-YC (“Y”) cable included in your Handheld GPS Connection Kit so that you can use both the accessories and your Handheld GPS receiver at the same time.
2. Refer to your Handheld GPS Receiver manual for instructions on how to connect the NMEA Cable to your Handheld GPS.
CAUTION: Please use caution before connecting the red +12V wire to your Handheld GPS Receiver, and consult your Handheld GPS Receiver manufacturer’s user manual before connecting power and ground, as some Handheld GPS Receivers have a different voltage input than 12V.
3. Your NMEA Cable comes with a power pigtail that allows you to connect your GPS Receiver to an external 12 VDC power supply. If you choose to run your GPS Receiver from an external power supply, connect the cable pigtail to a 12 VDC power supply by connecting the black wire to ground (-) and the red wire to positive (+) 12 VDC power.
4. Power up the Matrix Fishfinder (see your Matrix Operation Manual for details).
NOTE: The Matrix Fishing System accepts NMEA 0183 version 2.20 input at 4800 baud and listens for the NMEA sentences RMC and GGA to determine current position, heading, speed, time and date. In addition, the GSA and GSV sentences are used to monitor GPS satellite location and usage.
5. If the NMEA output of your Handheld GPS receiver can be configured, make sure that NMEA output is enabled, that the baud rate is set to 4800, and that at least the RMC and GGA sentences are enabled. (See manufacturer’s operation manual for your Handheld GPS Receiver.)
6. When the Matrix detects the NMEA-input from the Handheld GPS Receiver, the Combo, Track and Bird’s Eye Views will be added automatically to the VIEW key function. A Navigation menu tab and the Navigation X-Press
menu will also be added automatically to the
Menu system.
Bare Wire Cable Installation Instructions:
If you purchased the AS-HHGPS accessory, use the following connectivity instructions.
The pinouts of the Humminbird® NMEA data cable are as follows:
• Red Wire, +12V
• Black Wire, Ground
• Green Wire, NMEA In
• White Wire, NMEA Out.
CAUTION! Please use caution before connecting the red +12V wire to your Handheld GPS Receiver, and consult your Handheld GPS Receiver manufacturer’s user manual before connecting power and ground, as some Handheld GPS Receivers have a different voltage input than 12V. The Matrix Control Head can provide a maximum of 100mA to a Handheld GPS Receiver. The voltage provided is typically 1 volt lower than the boat battery voltage supplied to the Matrix Control Head.
1. Connect the NMEA In (Green wire) of the cable to the NMEA Out of your Handheld GPS Receiver.
NOTE: The white NMEA Out wire is provided for other uses, such a s connecting to an autopilot, but it is not needed to connect to a Handheld GPS receiver.
2. If you are already using other Matrix accessories plugged into the COM connector, you will also need to use the AS-YC (“Y”) cable included in your Handheld GPS Connector Kit so that you can use both the accessories and your Handheld GPS receiver at the same time.
3. Power up the Matrix Fishfinder (see your Matrix Operation Manual for details).
NOTE: The Matrix Fishing System accepts NMEA 0183 version 2.20 input at 4800 baud and listens for the NMEA sentences RMC and GGA to determine current position, heading, speed, time and date. In addition, the GSA and GSV sentences are used to monitor GPS satellite location and usage.
4. If the NMEA output of your Handheld GPS receiver can be configured, make sure that NMEA output is enabled, that the baud rate is set to 4800, and that at least the RMC and GGA sentences are enabled. (See the manufacturer’s operation manual for your Handheld GPS receiver.)
5. When the Matrix detects the NMEA input from the Handheld GPS receiver, the Combo, Track and Bird's Eye Views will be added automatically to the VIEW key function. A Navigation menu tab and the Navigation X-Press
menu will also be added automatically
to the Menu system.
The following views will be added to the View Rotation when a Handheld GPS Receiver is connected to the Matrix Fishing System:
Navigation views:
• Bird’s Eye View
• Track View
• Combo View
Bird’s Eye View
Bird's Eye View - This view shows a 3-D, perspective view of the track from a point above and behind the boat (the eye point). As the boat turns, the eye point moves to follow the boat.
When you press the 4-WAY Cursor key in the Bird’s Eye View, the position of the eye point will shift. This allows you to move and turn the eye point so that you can look off to the sides, or even behind the boat. Pressing the RIGHT or LEFT arrow keys on the 4-WAY Cursor key turns the eye point right or left, while pressing the UP arrow key moves the eye point forward, and pressing the DOWN arrow key moves the eye point backward.
Pressing the EXIT key moves the eye point back to its original position behind and above the boat.
Bird’s Eye View
Boat Icon
Wat er Surface
Latitude and Longitude Position of Boat
Speed of Boat
Bearing of Boat with Respect to True North
Sonar Views
Trac k
Track View
Track View - This view shows the current track (also known as the position history or breadcrumb trail) showing where the boat has been, along with saved tracks, waypoints, and the current route (when navigating).
Panning: Use the 4-WAY Cursor keys to move the chart around on the display in the direction of the key being pressed. When you do this, a bullseye cursor is drawn at the center of the screen and is linked to the boat by a gray line, even if the boat is off the screen.
Track View with Active Cursor
Latitude and
Position of
Bearing of Boat with Respect to True North
Distance to
Go To Cursor
Track Scale
Active Cursor
Bearing to
Combo View
Combo View - This view is displayed as a split screen, with Track View on the left and Sonar View on the right side of the screen. The width of the sonar window can be changed.
View Orientation
Both Track and Combo views allow you to choose the orientation of the view. When North-Up orientation is selected, True North is shown at the top of the display. In other words, objects located
to the north of the boat are drawn above the boat. When Course-Up orientation is selected, the direction of motion of the boat is shown at the top of the display. In other words, objects ahead of the boat are drawn above the boat. In both orientations, the view pans automatically, so that the boat is always centered on the display. When the boat is stationary, it is drawn as a circle. When the boat is in motion, it takes on a boat shape, pointed in the direction of motion (always Up in the Course-Up orientation).
Combo View
Sonar Window
Bearing of Boat with Respect to True North
Wat er Surface
Speed of Boat
Track Scale
Introduction to Navigation
Use the Matrix Fishing System to establish waypoints at areas of interest and to navigate to those waypoints via a route (representing the shortest intended distance between waypoints). You can also view and save tracks, which represent the actual path of the boat.
Waypoints, Routes and Tracks
Waypoints are stored positions that allow you to mark areas of interest or navigation points. Your Matrix Fishing System can store up to 750 waypoints.
Routes link two or more waypoints together to create a path for navigation, and are used in trip planning. A route represents your intended navigation and shows the shortest path from each waypoint to the next. As you travel a route, staying on the route line is the most efficient way to get to your destination, although you should always look out for obstacles not shown on the chart.
Trac ks consist of detailed position history, and are displayed as a breadcrumb trail of trackpoints. The Current Track shows the position history since the unit was powered up (maximum of 2000 trackpoints displayed). You can clear the Current Track or save it at any time. Your Matrix Fishing System can store up to 10 saved tracks, each containing 2000 trackpoints. The current track represents your actual path so far.
Waypoints, Routes and Tracks
Tra ck
Wat er Surface
DTG: Distance
to Go to
Speed of Boat
XTE: Cross Tra ck Error. Distance of
Boat from
Bearing of Boat with Respect to True North
BRG: Bearing to Waypoint
Save, Edit, or Delete a Waypoint
Save your current position as a waypoint: On any view, press the MENU key to display the X-Press
menu. Select Mark and press the RIGHT Cursor key to save the current position of the boat as a waypoint.
Save the cursor position as a waypoint: On the Track or Combo view, use the Cursor key to designate the position you want to save as a waypoint. Then press the MENU key to display the X-Press
menu. Select Mark and press the RIGHT Cursor key to save the current position of the boat
as a waypoint.
Save a position from the sonar history: On the Sonar view, use the Cursor key to point to a feature in the sonar history (also called the Sonar Saver feature). Then press the MENU key to display the X-Press
menu. Select Mark and press the RIGHT Cursor key to save the current position of the boat
as a waypoint. The new waypoint will also record the depth at that location.
NOTE: When you save a waypoint by any of these methods, a numerical waypoint name is automatically assigned. You can edit the waypoint information later to give it a different name and select an icon to represent it (see Waypoint submenu on the Navigation Main Menu Tab).
Display the Waypoints Submenu: From any view, press the MENU key twice to display the Main Menu System, then use the RIGHT Cursor key to select the Navigation tab. Select Waypoints and press the RIGHT Cursor key to display the Waypoints submenu.
Program a specific position as a waypoint: To create a waypoint that is NOT your current position, from the Waypoints submenu, select the Create option and press the RIGHT Cursor key. Use the Cursor keys to program a waypoint name, latitude, longitude, and icon before selecting Save.
Edit a waypoint: From the Waypoints submenu, select Edit and press the RIGHT Cursor key to display a list of saved waypoints. Select the waypoint you want to edit and press the RIGHT Cursor key. Use the 4-WAY Cursor Control key to move from field to field, and the UP and DOWN Cursor keys to changes values once you are in a field. In the Waypoint Name, Latitude and Longitude fields, use the UP and DOWN Cursor keys to change the letter or number. All upper and lower case letters are available, as well as digits 0-9 and some punctuation characters. In the Waypoint Icon field, use the UP and DOWN Cursor keys to change the icon used to represent the waypoint on the Combo and Track Views. You can exit these fields with the LEFT and RIGHT Cursor keys or by pressing the EXIT key. Select Save and press the RIGHT Cursor key to save your changes.
To make it easier to select a waypoint, select Sort By and press the RIGHT or LEFT Cursor keys to select a sort order:
• Name shows the waypoints alphabetically
• Time shows the most recently-created waypoint first
• Distance shows the closest waypoint first.
Delete a waypoint: From the Waypoints submenu, select Delete and press the RIGHT Cursor key to display a list of waypoints. Select the waypoint you want to delete, then press the RIGHT Cursor key. You will be asked to confirm deletion before the waypoint is actually deleted.
Navigate to a Waypoint or Position
Navigate to the cursor position: From the Track or Combo view, use the Cursor key to select a position or waypoint to which you want to navigate. Press the MENU key once to display the Navigation X-Press
menu. Select Go To and press the RIGHT Cursor key. Navigation will begin immediately.
Navigate to a specified waypoint: Press the MENU key once to display the Navigation X-Press
menu. Select Go To and press the RIGHT Cursor key. Then choose the waypoint to which you would like to navigate from the waypoint list and press the RIGHT Cursor key to select it.
NOTE: By repeating the previous instructions, you can add more waypoints to create a longer multi­segment route.
Skipping a waypoint: From the Navigation X-PressTMmenu, select Skip Next Waypoint and press the RIGHT Cursor key. If there is not another waypoint to skip to, navigation will be cancelled.
Cancel navigation: From the Navigation X-Press
menu, select Cancel Navigation and press the
RIGHT Cursor key. Canceling navigation removes the route and any waypoints created.
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