Huawei IDS1000 User Manual

User Manual
Issue 01 (2014-3-15)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
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Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
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IDS1000 Container Data Center User Manual

About This Document

Issue 01 (2014-3-15)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in equipment damage, data loss, performance deterioration, or unanticipated results.
NOTICE is used to address practices not related to
This document describes the operation methods and precautions for the fire extinguishing system in the IDS1000 container data center in terms of configurations, power-on commissioning, maintenance, alarm references, troubleshooting, and parts replacement. It provides you a quick grasp of the operations of the fire extinguishing system in the container data center.
Intended Audience
About This Document
This document is intended for:
Maintenance engineers
Technical support engineers
System engineers
Hardware installation engineers
Commissioning engineers
Symbol Conventions
The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.
IDS1000 Container Data Center User Manual
About This Document
Issue 01 (2014-3-15)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
personal injury.
Calls attention to important information, best practices and tips.
NOTE is used to address information not related to personal injury, equipment damage, and environment deterioration.
Change History
Changes between document issues are cumulative. The latest document issue contains all the changes made in earlier issues.
Issue 01 (2014-03-15)
This issue is the first official release.
IDS1000 Container Data Center User Manual


Issue 01 (2014-3-15)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
About This Document .................................................................................................................... ii
1 Configuration Description .......................................................................................................... 1
1.1 System Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Components .................................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Configuration Principles ............................................................................................................................................... 6
2 Operation Description ................................................................................................................. 8
2.1 Precautions .................................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Emergency Operation Overview ................................................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Preparations .................................................................................................................................................................. 9
2.3.1 Obtaining Tools .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.3.2 Obtaining Technical Documents .............................................................................................................................. 10
2.3.3 Personnel Skill Requirements .................................................................................................................................. 11
3 Power-On Commissioning ........................................................................................................ 12
3.1 Initial Configuration ................................................................................................................................................... 12
3.2 Checking Before Power-On ........................................................................................................................................ 17
3.3 Hardware Power-On Commissioning ......................................................................................................................... 19
3.4 Fire Extinguishing System Commissioning ................................................................................................................ 20
4 Routine Maintenance ................................................................................................................. 29
4.1 Routine Maintenance Overview ................................................................................................................................. 29
4.2 Daily Maintenance ...................................................................................................................................................... 29
4.3 Weekly Maintenance ................................................................................................................................................... 30
4.4 Monthly Maintenance ................................................................................................................................................. 30
4.5 Quarterly Maintenance ............................................................................................................................................... 31
4.6 Semi-Yearly Maintenance ........................................................................................................................................... 32
4.7 Yearly Maintenance .................................................................................................................................................... 33
5 Alarm Reference .......................................................................................................................... 34
6 Troubleshooting .......................................................................................................................... 36
6.1 Smoke Detector Fault ................................................................................................................................................. 36
6.2 Heat Detector Fault ..................................................................................................................................................... 37
6.3 Gas Release Indicator Fault ........................................................................................................................................ 39
IDS1000 Container Data Center User Manual
Issue 01 (2014-3-15)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
6.4 Audible and Visual Alarm Fault .................................................................................................................................. 40
6.5 Fire Alarm Bell Fault .................................................................................................................................................. 42
6.6 Failed to Drive the Fire Cylinder ................................................................................................................................ 43
6.7 VESDA Fault .............................................................................................................................................................. 43
6.8 Gas Extinguishing Controller Fault ............................................................................................................................ 43
7 Parts Replacement ....................................................................................................................... 45
7.1 Replacing a Smoke Detector ....................................................................................................................................... 45
7.2 Replacing a Heat Detector .......................................................................................................................................... 47
7.3 Replacing a Gas Release Indicator ............................................................................................................................. 49
7.4 Replacing an Audible and Visual Alarm ..................................................................................................................... 50
7.5 Replacing a Fire Alarm Bell ....................................................................................................................................... 51
7.6 Replacing a Fire Cylinder ........................................................................................................................................... 52
7.7 Replacing a Gas Extinguisher ..................................................................................................................................... 52
7.8 Replacing the Emergency Start/Abort Switch ............................................................................................................ 53
7.9 Replacing a VESDA ................................................................................................................................................... 54
7.10 Replacing a Gas Extinguishing Controller................................................................................................................ 55
8 Emergency Operation ................................................................................................................. 56
8.1 Early Fire Alarm ......................................................................................................................................................... 56
8.2 Single Fire Alarm ........................................................................................................................................................ 58
8.3 Composite Fire Alarm ................................................................................................................................................. 59
A Acronyms and Abbreviations .................................................................................................. 61
IDS1000 Container Data Center User Manual

1 Configuration Description

Issue 01 (2014-3-15)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
1 Configuration Description

1.1 System Introduction

System Composition
The container data center fire extinguishing system consists of the automatic fire alarm system, gas extinguishing equipment, and the control system.
The automatic fire alarm system consists of components including the heat detector, smoke detector, audible and visual alarm, alarm bell, gas release indicator, and the very early smoke detection apparatus (VESDA for short, able to detect and report fire alarms at an early stage).
The gas extinguishing equipment uses heptafluropropane as the extinguishing agent. It consists of components such as the extinguishing agent vessel, gas supply pipe, pressure annunciator, and solenoid valve driver.
The control system consists of the gas extinguishing controller and emergency start/abort switch.
Working Principles
When a fire occurs and generates smoke and heat, the smoke detector and the heat detector will be triggered and send fire alarm signals to the fire controller. Then the controller will generate a startup current to start the solenoid valve to open the storage valve, which will release the extinguishing agent to the protected zone. The automatic alarm system will send alarm signals at the same time.
Figure 1-1 shows the network diagram of the container data center fire extinguishing system. Table 1-1 lists the functions of the components in the fire extinguishing system.
IDS1000 Container Data Center User Manual
1 Configuration Description
Issue 01 (2014-3-15)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Figure 1-1 Fire extinguishing system network diagram
Compone nt Name
Gas extinguishin g controller
Controls the fire extinguishing system and reports fire alarm signals.
Detects smoke at an early stage, displays the smoke density and alarm severities, and reports these information to the monitoring system.
VESDA power box
Supplies power to the VESDA.
Gas extinguishin g equipment
Stores and releases an extinguishing agent.
Fire extinguishin g pipe
Transports an extinguishing agent swiftly and evenly to the entire protected zone to extinguish fire in total flooding mode.
Table 1-1 Functions of the components in the fire extinguishing system
IDS1000 Container Data Center User Manual
1 Configuration Description
Issue 01 (2014-3-15)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Compone nt Name
Atomizer nozzle
Sprays an extinguishing agent to aisles in case of a fire.
Gas release indicator
Displays "DON'T ENTER WHILE RELEASING GAS" to warn onsite personnel in case of a fire and the fire extinguishing equipment releases the extinguishing agent into the protected zone.
Audible and visual alarm
Generates dazzling flash signals and shrill audible signals in case of a fire, reminding onsite personnel to evacuate from the site immediately, thereby avoiding major accident.
Emergency start/abort switch
Starts or stops the gas extinguishing equipment in case of a fire. The device is installed outside the door of the protected zone. If you press the glass plate to start extinguishing in emergency, the red indicator lights up.
Heat detector
Evenly deployed in the aisles inside containers to detect the temperature inside the containers in real time. When it works in monitoring mode, the red indicator blinks. When the ambient temperature exceeds the alarm threshold, it enters alarm mode and the red indicator is steady on.
Smoke detector
Evenly deployed in the aisles inside containers to detect the smoke density inside the containers in real time. When it works in monitoring mode, the red indicator blinks. When the onsite smoke density exceeds the alarm threshold, it enters alarm mode and the red indicator is steady on.
Alarm bell
Produces clear and consistent sounds in case of a fire, reminding onsite personnel to evacuate from the site immediately, thereby avoiding major accident.
System Features
All surface-mounted fire control cables are routed through metal hoses. The hose ends are protected with grommets to prevent damage in case of a fire. Fire control cables are routed and used separately which ensures secure and reliable power supplies to the fire extinguishing system.
IDS1000 Container Data Center User Manual
1 Configuration Description
Issue 01 (2014-3-15)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
AC input frequency
≤ 120 W
AC input voltage
220 V AC ± 20%
DC backup power
24 V DC
7.0 Ah
Number of detector loops
Two loops: one loop connected to the common heat detector and the other connected to the smoke detector
Number of detectors connected to each loop
≤ 20 (common detectors) Wire system of the detector loop
Two-wire system
Length of the detector loop
≤ 1000 m
Relay contact capacity
7 A, 24 V DC for all relays
Each core component in the fire extinguishing system can be flexibly matched with each other to create a system that meets the fire extinguishing requirements of different levels in a single container or combined containers.

1.2 Components

Gas Extinguishing Controller
A gas extinguishing controller provides the following functions:
Detects and reports composite fire alarm signals in dual loops. It can be connected to the emergency startup button, which ensures that the system operation is under control in case of an emergency or during onsite equipment maintenance.
Restarts automatically after a fault is rectified.
Provides a port for the gas release confirmation signal (reporting pressure values).
Generates single and composite fire alarms, drives gas release indicators and audible and visual alarms, and controls alarm bells.
Provides an independent output port for the solenoid valve driver and supports 3 A, 24 V solenoid valve (electric detonator) startup current.
Detects the open circuit fault of the input loop and the short circuit and open circuit of the output loop (in active output mode).
Provides the intelligent monitoring, and overcharge and overdischarge protection for standby batteries.
Adopts the low-power consumption design, and supports at least 48-hour consecutive operation for the backup power.
Provides password lock protection for the keypad to prevent misoperations.
Table 1-2 lists the specifications for the gas extinguishing controller.
Table 1-2 Specifications for the gas extinguishing controller
IDS1000 Container Data Center User Manual
1 Configuration Description
Issue 01 (2014-3-15)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Solenoid valve output loop
≤ 3 A
Output loop current limit for other drivers
≤ 1 A
Outer diameter of the steel vessel: 364 mm
Maximum operating pressure
50°C: 3.4 MPa
Storage pressure
20°C: 4.2 MPa
Storage container volume
70 L
Heptafluropropane filling density
≤ 1120 kg/m3
Startup current
1.2 A
Startup voltage
24 V DC
Gas Extinguishing Equipment
The gas extinguishing equipment uses heptafluropropane as the extinguishing agent. It consists of components such as the extinguishing agent vessel, gas supply pipe, pressure annunciator, and solenoid valve driver.
Table 1-3 lists the specifications for the gas extinguishing equipment.
Table 1-3 Specifications for the heptafluropropane gas extinguishing equipment
A VESDA consists of the host, power box, and sampling pipe. The VESDA host includes two types: VLS and VLP. The VLS is a four-pipe scanning detector that can monitor each pipe and generate alarms. The VLP is a standard detector that can only conduct general monitoring but not for each pipe. The host should be configured based on practical requirements.
The detector host consists of a suction pump, filter, high-sensitivity smoke detector, and precision electrical analyzer. The fan sucks air samples from the monitored environment through the air sampling pipe to the smoke detector, which will analyze and process the samples and calculate the amount of smoke in the air. If the smoke density exceeds the preset alarm threshold, the system blinks and sends alarm signals to the ECC.
A dedicated PPS-004 power box should be configured for the VESDA. The PPS-004 power box should be supplied by a 220 V AC main input and supplies 24 V DC power to the VESDA host. Backup batteries should be deployed for the PPS-004 power box.
The features of the VESDA are as follows:
High sensitivity and wide sensitivity adjustment range (0.005–20% obs/m), able to detect regular fires at an early stage as well as the particles generated by the softened insulation layer of an overloaded power cable
IDS1000 Container Data Center User Manual
1 Configuration Description
Issue 01 (2014-3-15)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Dimensions (H x W x D)
175 mm x 90 mm x 245 mm
Power supply voltage
24 V DC, powered by a dedicated power box (The power box is powered by 220 V external AC input.)
Power backup duration
DC, 24 V, 7 Ah, ≥ 8 h
Temperature of the sampled air
IP level
Maintenance port
Real-time fault detector, air filter, and programming port
Coverage area
500 m2
Component Name
Configuration Principle
Gas extinguishing controller
Configure one single-zone gas extinguishing controller for each single-zone fire extinguishing system.
Active air sampling which uses the high-efficient air suction pump to continuously suck the air samples from the protected zone to the detection cell; detecting results less influenced by air flow compared with the traditional fire detection method
Small-sized and easy for installation; able to be deployed based on onsite requirements, adopting polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes that enable flexible installation such as on the ceiling, under the floor, at the air conditioner air return vents, and in the positions that require special protection, for example, inside the equipment cabinet through the capillary air sampling pipes to monitor the equipment in the cabinet.
Using a dedicated filter to process the air that will be used to clean the laser measuring cell, which prolongs the life span of the detector. The filter can be easily maintained and replaced, and cleaned by blowing the air sampling pipe. Therefore, you do not have to replace other components.
Improved self-diagnostic system that enables the monitoring of the VESDA system, network, and sampling pipe status in real-time; generating alarm signals and able to locate the faulty areas if a fault occurs
Table 1-4 lists the specifications for the VESDA.
Table 1-4 VESDA specifications

1.3 Configuration Principles

Each independent protected zone in the container data center can be configured with one single-zone fire extinguishing system, as described in 1.1 System Introduction. Table 1-5 describes the quantity configuration principle for each component in the fire extinguishing system.
Table 1-5 Quantity configuration principle for each component in the fire extinguishing system
IDS1000 Container Data Center User Manual
1 Configuration Description
Issue 01 (2014-3-15)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Component Name
Configuration Principle
Determine the model and quantity of VESDAs based on the size of the protected zone.
VESDA power box
Determine the quantity of VESDA power boxes based on the quantity of VESDAs. Each VESDA is configured with one power box.
Gas extinguishing equipment
Determine the quantity of gas extinguishing equipment based on the size of the protected zone.
Fire extinguishing pipe
After ensuring that extinguishing agents can be transported to the entire protected zone swiftly and evenly, deploy the pipes flexibly based on the layout of the protected zone.
Atomizer nozzle
Installed on fire extinguishing pipes based on the size of the protected zone.
Gas release indicator
Configured at the entrance or exit of the protected zone (one to two in general).
Audible and visual alarm
Configured based on the size of the protected zone (one to two in general).
Emergency start/abort switch
Configured at the entrance or exit of the protected zone (one in general).
Heat detector
Configured in couple with a smoke detector based on the size of the protected zone.
Smoke detector
Configured in couple with a heat detector based on the size of the protected zone.
Alarm bell
Configured based on the size of the protected zone (one to two in general).
For details about how to configure the container data center fire extinguishing system, see the corresponding descriptions in the Container Data Center Initial Configuration Guide.
A VESDA is optional in the fire extinguishing system. If it is not configured in the practical solution, ignore the relevant VESDA descriptions in this document.
A gas extinguisher is an auxiliary device in the fire extinguishing system. If it is not configured in the practical solution, ignore the relevant gas extinguishing equipment descriptions in this document.
IDS1000 Container Data Center User Manual

2 Operation Description

Issue 01 (2014-3-15)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

2.1 Precautions

Before commissioning the fire extinguishing system, ensure that all control cables to fire cylinder solenoid valves have been disconnected. This prevents the fire extinguishing equipment from malfunctioning due to improper manual operations or incorrect cable connections, and further prevents accidental damage. After the commissioning is complete, reconnect the solenoid valves.
To ensure the normal operation of the fire extinguishing system, the dowel tightening the solenoid valve and the container valve must be removed. To prevent the fire extinguishing system from spraying falsely when installing the IT equipment and commissioning the system, remove the dowel tightening the solenoid valve and the container valve on the fire cylinder only after you have commissioned the IT equipment and fire extinguishing system.
Before commissioning the system, perform the jumper operation for the passive output. Otherwise, the 6 A fuse (5D) on the main board will be damaged.
The main task involves commissioning of fire extinguishing association, which can be operated only by professionals in this field.
Only qualified personnel are allowed to perform the operation and maintenance (O&M) on the fire extinguishing system of the container data center.
Before performing routine maintenance of the fire extinguishing system, inform the related departments of the temporary downtime due to maintenance. In addition, disable the logical control function of the area or system to prevent false alarms. Inform the related departments of the system recovery after the maintenance is complete.
Take ESD measures before removing the front panel from the VESDA.
The following contents in this document describe the operation of a single-zone fire extinguishing system. If the container data center is configured with multiple single-zone fire extinguishing systems, perform the operation based on corresponding introductions in this document.
2 Operation Description

2.2 Emergency Operation Overview

Only qualified personnel are allowed to perform emergency operations.
IDS1000 Container Data Center User Manual
2 Operation Description
Issue 01 (2014-3-15)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Alarm or Fault
Find Through
Possible Causes
Possible Impact
Emergency Operation
Early fire alarm
System and equipment alarms or maintenance
There is slight smouldering in the data center.
A fire is caused.
8.1 Early Fire Alarm
Single fire alarm
System and equipment alarms or maintenance
A smoke alarm or heat alarm is generated.
A fire is caused.
8.2 Single Fire Alarm
Composite fire alarm
System and equipment alarms or maintenance
A fire is caused in the data center.
The data center is destroyed.
8.3 Composite Fire Alarm
Tools and Materials
Phillips screwdriver
Flat-head screwdriver
Box cutter
Emergency operations are performed only when a critical alarm or fault occurs in the container data center.
Emergency operations are basic measures taken to prevent or reduce the loss or destruction of the container data center. When performing emergency operations during the O&M process, also take the actual situation into consideration.
This document provides only common emergency operations for the container data center. It does not cover all emergency operations. If the symptom is different from the symptom described in this document, do not use the method provided in this document to rectify the fault.
For more information about emergency operations, contact Huawei technical support.
Common Critical Alarms and Faults
Table 2-1 describes the common critical alarms and faults of the container data center.
Table 2-1 Common critical alarms and faults

2.3 Preparations

2.3.1 Obtaining Tools

Table 2-2 lists the tools required for the container data center.
Table 2-2 Tools and materials
IDS1000 Container Data Center User Manual
2 Operation Description
Issue 01 (2014-3-15)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Tools and Materials
Wire stripper
Cable ties
PVC insulation tape
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) gloves
Ladder (2 m)
ESD wrist strap
Technical Manual
Obtaining Method (Remarks)
Container Data Center Installation Parameter Description
Provides guide for the container data center initial configurations. You can obtain fire extinguishing system initial configurations and the reported alarm information in the management system.
Downloaded from
Container Data Center Power-On Commissioning Guide
Provides guide for the power-on commissioning, and shutdown and power-off for the container data center. You can obtain the power control information of the fire extinguishing system.
Downloaded from
iManager NetEco 6000 Product Documentation
Provides guide for installing, configuring, and commissioning the management system. You can obtain the methods for
Downloaded from
The listed tools are for routine maintenance only. Prepare other tools as required.

2.3.2 Obtaining Technical Documents

Table 2-3 lists the documents required for the operation and maintenance (O&M) of the
container data center fire extinguishing system.
Table 2-3 O&M document list
IDS1000 Container Data Center User Manual
2 Operation Description
Issue 01 (2014-3-15)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Technical Manual
Obtaining Method (Remarks)
configuring the fire extinguishing controller and VESDA in the management system.
Container Data Center Installation Guide
Provides guide for installing the container data center. You can obtain the methods for installing the container data center hardware devices.
Downloaded from
Container Data Center O&M Parameter Description
Provides guide for operating and maintaining the container data center. You can obtain the relationship between the fire extinguishing system and other systems in the container data center.
Downloaded from
Container Data Center Core Component Document Package
Provides guide for the power-on commissioning, configuration, and O&M of core components.
Provided by Huawei for the customer during project delivery.
Personnel Skill Requirement
Fire extinguishing system
Familiar with the configurations of the fire extinguishing system and the operations of each core component
Familiar with the overall configurations and layout of the container data center
Experienced in maintaining the fire extinguishing system

2.3.3 Personnel Skill Requirements

Table 2-4 describes the skills required for the container data center fire extinguishing system
O&M personnel.
Table 2-4 Requirements for the O&M personnel
IDS1000 Container Data Center User Manual

3 Power-On Commissioning

Issue 01 (2014-3-15)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3 Power-On Commissioning

3.1 Initial Configuration

The container data center has been installed and passed installation tests.
You have obtained the Container Data Center Initial Configuration Guide for the corresponding solution.
Step 1 Set the output jumper mode of the single alarm (JP8), composite alarm (JP9), and general
Before commissioning the fire extinguishing system, familiarize yourself with the configurations of the fire extinguishing system and the layout of each component in the corresponding solution. For details, see the Container Data Center Initial Configuration Guide for corresponding solutions.
fault (JP10) to passive output, as shown in Figure 3-1.
IDS1000 Container Data Center User Manual
3 Power-On Commissioning
Issue 01 (2014-3-15)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Figure 3-1 Setting passive output for alarms
You must perform the jumper operation. Otherwise, the 6 A fuse (5D) on the main board will be damaged.
The factory setting of the jumper mode on the fire extinguishing controller for the single alarm, composite alarm, and general fault is active output, as shown in Figure 3-2.
IDS1000 Container Data Center User Manual
3 Power-On Commissioning
Issue 01 (2014-3-15)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Figure 3-2 Setting active output for alarms
Step 2 Check the connections of the monitoring cables for reporting the single alarm, composite
alarm, and general fault.
The gas extinguishing controller adopts the passive output to report the alarms, and reports alarm signals to the management system through the network cable. Figure 3-3 shows the correct cable connections.
Figure 3-3 Correct cable connections for the general fault cables (4, 5), single alarm cables (6, 7), and composite alarm cables (8, 9)
Step 3 Set the solenoid valve test mode.
IDS1000 Container Data Center User Manual
3 Power-On Commissioning
Issue 01 (2014-3-15)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
For details about how to set the solenoid valve test mode, see the Container Data Center Initial Configuration Guide.
1. If the system is configured with one fire extinguishing cylinder and no fire extinguishing
power box is configured (fire extinguishing power module SJ-DYX-0607, with relays and batteries). Ensure that the jumper state for JP7 is OFF (detecting faults). If the jumper state is not OFF, adjust it to OFF. Figure 3-4 shows the position to be set.
Figure 3-4 Setting the test mode for the solenoid valve
2. If the system is configured with two or more fire extinguishing cylinders and no fire
extinguishing power box is configured (mode of the fire extinguishing power module SJ-DYX-0607, with relays and batteries). Ensure that the jumper state of JP7 is ON (not detecting faults). If the jumper state is not ON, adjust it to ON Figure 3-5 shows the position to be set.
Figure 3-5 Setting the test mode for the solenoid valve
Step 4 Set the power-on delay for the solenoid valve.
Set the power-on delay for the solenoid valve from 25s to 30s, as shown in Figure 3-6.
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