D2835A/S, D2836A
HP Ultra VGA 1280 (D2835A/S) and
HP Ultra VGA 1280 with Extra Low Emissions
(D2836A) 17-inch Color Displays
(CPL July 1997)
The difference between D2835A/S and D2836A is the ergonomic rating: D2836A
is TCO ‘95 compliant.
Controls, Indicators, and Adjustments
The On/Off switch is on the front of the display. You can adjust the quality,
position, size, and shape of the displayed image using the drop-down control
panel on the front of the display.
Open the control panel by pushing down the panel cover, as indicated above.
Pressing a control button displays an onscreen menu that contains information
about the display’s current setting(s) for the option selected.
Certain control buttons have dual function when pressed twice. Refer to the
information below for more details.

D2835A/S, D2836A
To adjust the contrast (image white level), use this
To adjust the overall picture brightness (image black
level), use this option.
To degauss the display, use this option. Degaussing
keeps the display free from unwanted magnetism that
can result in color impurity.
To revert to the default settings for
press this control button for at least five seconds.
video modes,
CAUTION: This option deletes the user’s preferred settings
and reverts to those preset at the factory.
To adjust the tint of your display, press this button
Adjusting the Size, Shape, and Position of the Displayed Image
and use the and adjustment controls to select
between the two preset options.
To revert to the default settings of the
mode, press this button for several seconds or until
the light indicator changes to green.
To adjust the horizontal or vertical size of the
displayed image, press once, and use
the , , and adjustment controls.
To adjust the horizontal or vertical position of the
displayed image, press once, and use the , ,
and adjustment controls