Print, Copy, Scan
HP Laser NS MFP 1005n
Easily print at high volumes with the world’s rst cartridge-free laser printer4 –
includes 2,500 pages of toner.1 Count on HP quality at an ultra-low cost. Print and
scan virtually anywhere with HP Smart – best-in-class mobile print app.
2,500 pages of toner
right out of the box
Original HP quality.
Unbelievable savings.
Mess-free, self-
reloadable toner in a
Easy mobile printing
with HP Smart app
few simple steps
• Engineered for high-volume
printing – get 2,500 pages of
toner right out of the box.
• Get print speeds up to 20 ppm.
• Breeze through tasks with
versatile MFP performance –
print, scan, and copy.
• Get quick and easy printing
directly at the control panel.
Decl ared yiel ds based on IS O/IEC 19752 and co ntinuou s printin g. Actual y ields var y conside rably bas ed on image s printed a nd other fac tors. Lea rn more at hp.com/go/learnaboutsupplies. 2 Requires the
HP Sma rt app down load. For d etails o n local pri nting requ irement s see hp.com/go/mobileprinting. 3 Comp ared to majo rity of OE M mobile pr inting app s for inkj et & laser pr inters & al l-in-on es for home &
home o ce, price d less than or e qual to $42 9.99 USD. Mar ket share as r eported b y IDC CYQ2 2018 Ha rdcopy Per ipheral s Tracker. Clai m based on l ab testing a nd resea rch of printe r manufa cturer ’s mobile
prin t apps and Ke ypoint In telligen ce - Buyers L ab study c ommissio ned by HP. See Sep t 2018 report at keypointintelligence.com/HPSmar tApp. 4 Constant toner self-reload using imaging-drum-in-place OEM
toner s upplie s compared t o majorit y of worldw ide OEM mon ochrome l aser prin ters <$250 US D and MFPs , priced <$350 U SD as of Nov 15, 2018. HP i nternal re search & Ke ypoint In telligen ce-Buy ers Lab 2018
stud y commissi oned by HP. Mar ket share as re ported by I DC CYQ2 2018 Har dcopy Peri pheral s Track er. For detail s, see keypointintelligence.com/HPNeverstop. 5 Excl udes rs t set of test do cuments . For more
information, see hp.com/go/printerclaims. Exact sp eed vari es depend ing on the sy stem cong uration , softwa re applic ation, dr iver, and doc ument com plexity. 6 Toner rel oad kit is no t include d with the pr inter;
please purchase separately.
• Count on getting consistently
superb prints this revolutionary
• Produce sharp text and bold
• HP’s innovative laser printer
helps you to print at high
volumes for an ultra-low cost.
• Easy reload your toner with a
mess-free experience.
• Quickly and easily restore toner
levels with the toner reload kit.
• Quickly access and print
documents and images on your
smartphone, from Dropbox and
Google Drive.
• Get high-quality scanning, and
share to Dropbox, Google
Drive, email, or the cloud –
virtually anywhere.
• Get notications when printing,
scanning, or copying from your

Short data sheet | HP Laser NS MFP 1005n
Technical specications
Functions Print, Copy and Scan
Technology Laser
Duplex print options Manual (driver support provided)
First page out Black (A4, ready): As fast as 8.5 seconds; Black (A4, sleep): As fast as 15 seconds
Automatic paper sensor Yes
Resolution Black (best): Up to 600 x 600 x 2 dpi; Black (normal): Up to 600 x 600 x 2 dpi; Black (ne lines):
Cartridges 1 Imaging Drum
Language PCLmS; URF; PWG
Printer smart software
Type Flatbed
Technology Contact Image Sensor (CIS)
Resolution Optical: Up to 600 dpi; Hardware: Up to 600 dpi
Scan le format JPG, RAW (BMP), PNG, TIFF, PDF
Input modes Scanning via HP LaserJet Software Scan or TWAIN-compliant or WIA-compliant software
Grayscale levels 256
Bit depth 24-bit
Twain version Version 2.1 (Windows 7 or higher)
First copy out Black (A4, ready): As fast as 11.6 seconds; Black (A4, sleep): As fast as 15 seconds
Connectivity (Standard) Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port; Fast Ethernet 10/100 Base
Mobile printing capability
Processor speed 500 MHz
Duty Cycle (monthly, A4)
Recommended monthly
page volume
Input 150-sheet input tray
Output 100-sheet output bin
Type Plain paper, Heavy paper, Bond paper, Label, Light paper, Envelope
Weight 60 to 120 g/m²
Sizes custom 105 x 148.5 to 215.9 x 297 mm
Sizes supported A6; A5; A4; Letter; No.10 Env; C5 Env; DL Env; B5(JIS), Ocio 216x340; Legal;); 105 x 148.5 mm to 216215.9 x
Operating system
Minimum system
Control panel ICON LCD
Software included
Power specications Power supply type: Internal (built-in) Power Supply; Power supply required: 110V - 127V nominal @ +/-10%
Acoustics Acoustic power emissions (active, printing): 6.5 B(A); Acoustic power emissions (ready): 2.6 B(A);
Operating environment Operating temperature range: 15 to 32.5° C; Recommended operating temperature range: 17.5 to 25° C;
Dimension (W x D x H)
What’s in the box
Black (A4, normal): Up to 20 ppm
Up to 600 x 600 dpi
Apple AirPrint™, Mopria-certied, HP Auto-On/Auto-O, HP Smart App, HP Smart Task
Apple AirPrint™; Google Cloud Print™; HP Smart App; Mopria™ Certied
Up to 20,000 pages
Up to 250 to 2,500 pages
356297 mm
Windows® 10, 8.1, 8, 7: 32-bit or 64-bit, 2 GB available hard disk space, CD-ROM/DVD drive or Internet connection,
USB port, Internet Explorer. macOS Sierra (v10.12) macOS High Sierra (v10.13) macOS Mojave (v10.14) macOS
Catalina (v10.15); 1.5 GB HD; Internet required; USB Linux (For more information, see
PC: Windows® 10, 8.1, 8, 7: 32-bit or 64-bit, 2 GB available hard disk space, CD-ROM/DVD drive or Internet
connection, USB port, Internet Explorer; Mac: macOS Sierra (v10.12) macOS High Sierra (v10.13) macOS Mojave
(v10.14) macOS Catalina (v10.15); 1.5 GB HD; Internet required; USB
For Windows OS: HP Software Installer, HP Software Uninstaller (exclude Win8+), HP PCLmS Printer Driver, HP
Device Experience (DXP), HP Web Services Assist (HP Connected), Device Setup & Software, Online user manuals,
HP Printer Assistant, HP Product Improvement Study; For Mac OS: Welcome Screen, (Directs users to HP.com or
OS App Source for LaserJet Software)
(min 99V, max 140V), 50 - 60Hz nominal +/- 3Hz (min 47Hz, max 63Hz), 220V - 240V nominal @ +/-10%
(min 198V, Max 264V), 50 - 60Hz nominal +/- 3Hz (min 47Hz, max 63Hz); Power consumption
(Active Printing), 3.3 watts (Ready), 0.95 watts (Sleep), 0.1 watts (Manual o); Typical electricity consumption
(TEC) number6: 0.67KWh/week
Acoustic pressure emissions bystander (active, printing): 51 dB(A); Acoustic pressure emissions bystander
(ready): 26 dB(A)
Operating humidity range: 10 to 80% RH; Recommended operating humidity range: 30 to 70% RH;
Storage temperature range: -20 to 50°C
380.5 x 293.4 x 287 mm
8.73 kg
HP Laser NS MFP 1005n; Preinstalled; HP Black Original Imaging Drum (~2,500 pages yield, ~20,000 pages
useful life); Reference guide; Setup guide; Regulatory yer; Support yer; Warranty guide; Power cord; USB cable
HP one year hardware limited warranty. For full terms and conditions, visit: hp.com/go/orderdocuments.
: 338 watts
Ordering information
Replacement cartridges
W114 3A
W114 4A
W114 3AD
For inf ormation o n referenc e page outp ut, pleas e log on the hp.com/go/pageyield.
Recommended Papers
CG964 A
HP Care Packs
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hp.com/go/support, or chat with us online at hp.com/go/ispe, or call for technical
phone support within your warranty period to speak with our friendly experts. For more
information on Care Packs, visit hp.com/apac/homeservices
Hewlett-Packard oices
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Decla red black t oner page y ield valu e in accorda nce with IS O/IEC 19752 and
contin uous pri nting. Ac tual yiel ds vary con siderab ly based on i mages pri nted and
other factors. For details see hp.com/go/learnaboutsupplies.
Apple A irPrint - Mobile de vice must h ave AirPr int®. Goo gle Cloud Pr int™ 2.0-
Requi res Google C loud Pri nt™ registr ation and G oogle acco unt. Lear n more at
Duty c ycle is de ned as the ma ximum nu mber of pag es per month o f imaged
outp ut. This va lue provi des a compa rison of pro duct rob ustness i n relation t o other
HP Lase rJet or HP Colo r LaserJet de vices, a nd enable s appropri ate deploy ment of
print ers and MFP s to satisf y the dema nds of conne cted indi vidual s or groups .
HP recommends that the number of printed pages per month be within the stated
range f or optimu m device per forman ce, based on f actors i ncludin g supplie s
repla cement int ervals a nd device l ife over an e xtended w arrant y period.
Power re quireme nts are bas ed on the cou ntry/regi on where th e printer is s old. Do
not conv ert oper ating volt ages. Th is will dam age the pri nter and voi d the produ ct
warra nty. Energ y Star valu e typic ally based o n measure ment of 115 V device.
Power re quireme nts are bas ed on the cou ntry/regi on where th e printer is s old.
Do not con vert ope rating vol tages. T his will da mage the pr inter and vo id the
produ ct warra nty. Energ y Star valu e typica lly based o n measurem ent of 230 V
for Blu e Angel.
Dimen sions var y as per con guratio n.
Weight v aries as pe r congur ation.
HP Bla ck Origin al Laser Im aging Dr um (introd uctory ~ 5,000 pag e black ton er
yield p rovided , with ~20,000 p age Imag ing Drum us eful life ) . Actual yi elds var y
considerably based on images printed and other factors. For details see hp.com/
Decla red black t oner page y ield valu e in accorda nce with IS O/IEC 19752 and
contin uous pri nting. Ac tual yiel ds vary con siderab ly based on i mages pri nted and
other factors. For details see hp.com/go/learnaboutsupplies.
Available in selected countries only.
HP Lase r NS MFP 1005n (C N only)
HP 143A Blac k Origin al Nevers top Laser Tone r Reload Ki t
(Yie ld ~2,500 page s)
HP 144A Bl ack Origi nal Lase r Imaging D rum (incl udes ~5,00 0 pages of
inbox to ner, useful l ife of ~20,00 0 pages)
HP 143AD Dua l pack Bla ck Origin al Never stop Laser Ton er Reload K it
(Yie ld ~2x2,500 pa ges)
HP Profes sional Las er Paper, Gloss y, A4, 250 sheets, 120 gsm
HP Profes sional Las er Paper, Gloss y, A4, 150 sheets, 150 gsm
HP Profes sional Las er Photo Paper, Glo ssy, A4, 100 sheets , 200 gsm
HP Profes sional Las er Photo Paper, Mat te, A4, 100 sheets , 200 gsm
HP 1-year o nsite Exc hange Ser vice for Ne verstop L aser 1xxx M FP
HP 2-yea r onsite Ex change Se rvice for N eversto p Laser 1xx x MFP
HP 3-ye ar onsite E xchange S ervice fo r Neverst op Laser 1xx x MFP
HP 2-yea r Next Bus iness Day E xchange s ervice fo r Neverst op
Laser 1x xx MFP
HP 3-ye ar Next Bus iness Day E xchang e service f or Nevers top
Laser 1x xx MFP
HP 2-yea r Return to De pot serv ice for Neve rstop Las er 1xxx MFP
HP 3-ye ar Return to D epot serv ice for Nev erstop La ser 1xxx MF P
service and have them conveniently delivered to your
© 2020 HP Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and
services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an
additional warranty. To the extent allowed by law, HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.
4AA7-7141ENAP, March 2020