HP (Hewlett-Packard) 4550 User Manual

Installation and
User's Guide
for the HP Color LaserJet 4550
IU 678 / 0225
TowerFeedTM 444 for Hewlett-Packard Color LaserJet 4550 Printers
INSTALLATION Hardware Installation 7 Printer Panel Settings 9 Software Installation 9
OPERATING Loading Paper 11 Reloading Paper 12 Out of Paper 12 Paper Jam 12
APPENDIX A - Printer Specific Notes 15 APPENDIX B - Tips & Hints 16 APPENDIX C - Standard Applications 20 APPENDIX D - Macintosh Environment 21 APPENDIX E - PCL Paper Select ion Comm ands 23 APPENDIX F - Troubleshooting 24 APPENDIX G - Printer Selftest Pages 26
Configuration Page 27 Menu Map 28 Event Log Page 29
APPENDIX H - TowerFeed Selftest 30 APPENDIX I - Cleaning and Maintenance 31 APPENDIX J - TowerFeed Specifications 32
for the HP Color LaserJet 4550
for the HP Color LaserJet 4550
Congratulations! You selec ted TowerFeed, a superior sheet f eeder specifically designed by Rutishauser Data AG in collaboration with Hewlett-Packard, USA, to extend the paper handling capabilities of the HP Color LaserJet 4550 series printers.
The TowerFeed Option offers new possibilities. You can
select from up to 8 different paper types directly from your workstation.
print extra copies instead of going to th e copier to make copies. You get the better copies and you can color code docum ent copies to c learly identify a copy. The color already defines the addressee and you will save the marking of the copies.
realize an attractive alternative t o the multi-part forms printed on conven tional impact printers. You will get better copies, raise the flexibility and you can save cost for expensive preprints and chemical papers.
We encourage you to read this manual carefully to ensure correct installation and reliable operation. While ins talling TowerF eed, or whenever an unclear s ituation arises , please also consult the user's manuals of your HP Color LaserJet 4550, your computer system, your application software and your network software.
The name T owerFeed is generic to the TowerFeed fam ily of automatic sheet feeders and is used throughout this manual. TowerFeed has this model number scheme:
TowerFeed 444/xx.64.0y
Version 01 = International (DIN A4 paper trays & EU power cable)
04 = US (US Letter paper trays & US power cable) 05 = Swiss (DIN A4 paper trays & CH power cable)
Printer Model 64 = HP LaserJet 4550 series
Configuration 44 = floor model, 4 x 500 sheets
66 = floor model, 6 x 500 sheets
For example:
TF 444/44.64.01 is an international version with 4 DIN A4 paper trays & European power cable.
A plate showing type, designation and serial number is located besides of the power inlet of TowerFeed. Please refer to this designation and the serial number whenever you call your service organization.
Rutishauser Data AG, Switzerland, reserves the right to make changes to its products or services without prior notice and without incurring any obligations to incorporate such changes in units or publications shipped.
Rutishauser shall in no event be liable for in cidental or consequent ial damages arising from the use of its equipment.
TowerFeed™ is a registered trademark of Rut i shauser Data AG. Windows™ is a regis tered trademark of Microsoft Corp. TowerFeed Support Software for Windows is a copyrighted product of Rutishauser. Other products and brand names mentioned are trademarks or regist ered trademarks of their respect i ve companies.
for the HP Color LaserJet 4550
Prior to delivery, your TowerFeed was thoroughly tested and carefully packaged. Please check your unit for transportation damage and/or missing parts immediately upon receipt.
It is advisable to get a second person to help you unpack the unit.
TowerFeed may weigh up to 50 kilograms (115 pounds) depending on configuration. To prevent back strain or injury, bend your knees when lifting the unit, and get help if you need
To unpack the TowerFeed unit, proceed as follows:
Cut the packing strips and remove the top of the shipping container (Fig. 1).
Remove the accessories box. It contains the rollers, the power and data cable, one diskette and this User's Manual (Fig. 7).
Remove the blue shock absorbers from the upper edges of TowerFeed.
Lay the unit on its side and carefully pull off the lower part of the shipping container (Fig. 2), or enlist the help of another person to lift TowerFeed out of the container.
Caution: Do not lift TowerFeed on the top profiles to prevent it from damage!
Insert the rollers from the accessories box with some force onto the shafts on the TowerFeed bottom plate until they snap into position with an audible click (Fig. 3).
Stand up the TowerFeed unit (Fig. 4).
Remove the plastic from TowerFeed.
For reshipping TowerFeed you must use the original packing to avoid shipping damage of the unit.
Re-packing (Fig. 5)
It is recomm ended that you keep the pack aging m aterial and ins erts f or proper protection of the unit and its parts in case of reshipment.
To repack TowerFeed, follow the above st eps in r ever se. Pull- of f r oller s from the unit and put it into the accessories box including manuals and cables. Rem ove the trays and insert the transportation inserts as s hown in Fig. 8 (It is important to secure the trays to avoid possible shipping damage). Place items according to Fig. 5. Ensure that TowerFeed is correctly seated and cushioned. Insert the blue shock absorbers on the top and close the container.
for the HP Color LaserJet 4550
Fig. 1 Cut the packing
strips and lift away the top of the shipping container.
Fig. 3 Insert rollers
Fig. 2 Lay unit on side and
carefully pull out TowerFeed from the bottom part of the
Fig. 4 Stand up TowerFeed
and remove plastic
Fig. 5 Re-packing
for the HP Color LaserJet 4550
Prior to delivery, your TowerFeed was thoroughly tested and carefully packaged. Please check your unit for transportation damage and/or missing parts immediately upon receipt.
Box Contents
(1) TowerFeed unit with
(2) Accessories box
Accessories Box Contents
(1) TowerFeed User's Manual
(this manual) (2) Data Cable (3) Power Cable (4) Rollers
Fig. 6 Box Contents
Installation and User‘s Guide
TowerFeed for the HP Color LaserJet 4550
Fig. 7 Accessories Box Contents
for the HP Color LaserJet 4550
Hardware Installation
POWER OFF your printer and TowerFeed and disconnect all power and interface cables before you proceed with the installation.
Remove Transportation Inserts
Pull out, lift upwards and remove the trays from TowerFeed. Remove the transportation inserts (Fig. 8). There are two at each side (keep the inserts for reshipment).
Re-insert and close the trays.
Note: Located on the right side of each tray you will find coding pins for the paper size. They are set by the factory and must not be changed.
Position and Connect Printer
The printer may weigh up to 50 kilograms (115 pounds). Enlist the help of a second person to lift the unit. To prevent back strain or injury, bend your knees when lifting the unit.
Place the TowerFeed unit at the location you wish. Be sure to
place it on a flat location.
Carefully lift the laser printer onto TowerFeed. Place its positioning holes on the positioning pegs of the TowerFeed top (Fig. 9).
Warning: To lift the printer use the hand holds on the side of the printer.
Never reach with the fingers underneath the printer to avoid injuries.
Fig. 8 Removing Transportation I nserts
Fig. 9 Positioning the print er and location of the Power Switch
for the HP Color LaserJet 4550
Connect TowerFeed and printer with the C-Link cable (Fig. 10) ­ one end to the printer port (ACCESSORY) and the other end to the
upper TowerFeed connector (••). The lower TowerFeed connector (•) would allow to connect to further paper handling options.
Note: Secure the connectors with the screws to ensure proper connection of the systems.
Connect the power cables to printer and TowerFeed (Fig. 10).
Note: When you power on the system, power on FIRST TowerFeed and then the printer.
When rolling TowerFeed and printer to another place, watch out when crossing doorsteps to not have the unit tipping over or TowerFeed drawers sliding open.
Fig. 10 Connecting the Cables
for the HP Color LaserJet 4550
Printer Panel Settings
Papertype Assignments
By default, each paper tray has assigned the paper type PLAIN. In case of a paper out in a selected tray, the printer automatically will pull paper from another tray. Assigning a different paper type to each tray inhibits the automatic switching to another tr ay if the selected tray runs out of paper. To assign a paper type to an input tray, select with the menu key the PAPER HANDLING MENU and there the specific input tray. Then assign to each tray another one of the 11 predefined paper types. If you have several trays with the same paper, assign to each of these trays the same paper type. This will increase your input capacity for this paper type, as the printer will automatically switch to the next tray with the same paper type in case the selected tray runs out of paper. For further information please also refer to APPENDIX B – Tips & Hints.
PLAIN is the default paper type. In case a print job arrives without paper selection, the printer will pull paper from the first tray containing PLAIN paper (e.g. printer test pages).
Software Install at ion
Installation of Printer Driver
Install the printer drivers delivered with your HP LaserJet according to the instructions. For availability of the m ost recent printer drivers and drivers for other operating systems, please cons ult the HP
WEB or our WEB site at http://www.rutishauser.ch/ti/sdlhp.htm.
Note: After installing the new printer driver, exit and restart your Windows System.
for the HP Color LaserJet 4550
+ 25 hidden pages