Honeywell XNX Operating Manual

● Table of Contents
● Safety and Information
● Introduction
● Specications
● Control Drawings
● Installation and Operation
● Calibration
● Warnings/Faults
● Modbus Protocol
● Warranty
● Index
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XNX Universal Transmitter
Table of Contents
Safety and Information ���������������������������������������������������������������������5
Warnings�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������6 Hazardous Location Installation Requirements �������������������������8 Special Conditions for Safe Use �������������������������������������������������8 Cautions �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8 Notes ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8 Information ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������9 Contacting Honeywell Analytics ��������������������������������������������������9 Revision History ��������������������������������������������������������������������������9
Introduction �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������10
Product Description �����������������������������������������������������������������11
The Transmitter �������������������������������������������������������������������11 20 mA/HART Output �����������������������������������������������������������12 Communications �����������������������������������������������������������������12 Certifications �����������������������������������������������������������������������12 Patents ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������13 Glossary �����������������������������������������������������������������������������13
Product Overview ���������������������������������������������������������������������14
Enclosure ����������������������������������������������������������������������������14 Cover ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������15 POD �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������15
Options �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������16
Local HART �����������������������������������������������������������������������16 Relays ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������16 Modbus ������������������������������������������������������������������������������17 FOUNDATION Fieldbus ������������������������������������������������������17 Accessories ������������������������������������������������������������������������17
The Front Panel ������������������������������������������������������������������������20
Controls and Navigation �����������������������������������������������������21 The General Status Screen ������������������������������������������������21 Entering the Menu ��������������������������������������������������������������22
Displaying Transmitter Information ��������������������������������������23 Main Menu ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������24 Menu Navigation �����������������������������������������������������������������������25
Installation and Operation ���������������������������������������������������������������29
Sensor Mounting and Location �������������������������������������������������30
Mounting the T ransmitter ����������������������������������������������������30
Wiring the Transmitter ���������������������������������������������������������32
General Wiring Considerations �������������������������������������������33
Loading �������������������������������������������������������������������������������33
Isolation ������������������������������������������������������������������������������33
Circuit Protection ����������������������������������������������������������������33
Distance Considerations for Installation������������������������������33
Single Transmitter ���������������������������������������������������������������34
Multiple Transmitters Connected to a Single Power Source 34
Multiple Transmitters Connected in a “Daisy-Chain”
Configuration ����������������������������������������������������������������������34
Power Source Selection ������������������������������������������������������35
Wire Selection ���������������������������������������������������������������������35
Single Transmitter Distances ����������������������������������������������36
Daisy-Chained Transmitter Distances ���������������������������������36
POD Connections ���������������������������������������������������������������38
4-20mA Output, Common Connections, and Power ����������39
Settings ������������������������������������������������������������������������������39
FOUNDATION Fieldbus Wiring �������������������������������������������41
Terminal Block Connections �����������������������������������������������41
Table of Contents
XNX Universal Transmitter
Table of Contents
EC Personality Wiring ���������������������������������������������������������42 Electrochemical Sensor Installation ������������������������������������43 EC Sensor Remote Mounting Kit ����������������������������������������44 mV Personality Wiring ���������������������������������������������������������46 mV Remote Sensor Mounting ���������������������������������������������47 IR Personality Wiring ����������������������������������������������������������49 Searchpoint Optima Plus/Searchline Excel Connections ���50 Connecting Generic mA Devices ����������������������������������������50 Attaching the Searchpoint Optima Plus to the Transmitter �53 Searchline Excel/Searchpoint Optima Plus Remote
Installation ���������������������������������������������������������������������������53 Searchpoint Optima Plus/Searchline Excel Wiring �������������54
Options �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������56
Local HART Interface ����������������������������������������������������������56 Point-to-Point Mode ������������������������������������������������������������56 Multidrop Mode �������������������������������������������������������������������57 Cable Length ����������������������������������������������������������������������58 Relays ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������58 Modbus ������������������������������������������������������������������������������59 FOUNDATION Fieldbus ������������������������������������������������������60 Powering the Transmitter the First Time ������������������������������61 IR Units Configured for Searchline Excel ���������������������������62 Remote Calibration of MPD Sensors ����������������������������������63
Configuring the Transmitter �������������������������������������������������������63
Configure Menu ��������������������������������������������������������������64
Select Language �������������������������������������������������������������64
Set Date and Time ���������������������������������������������������������65
Set mV Sensor Type �������������������������������������������������������66
Set mA Sensor Type �������������������������������������������������������67
Gas Selection �������������������������������������������������������������������67 Changing the Gas or Units Name ���������������������������������������69 Gas Selections and Alarm Limits Based on mV Sensor Type
Range and Alarms ����������������������������������������������������������74 Latching/Non-Latching Alarms ���������������������������������������77
Set Units ��������������������������������������������������������������������������78
mA Levels �����������������������������������������������������������������������79 Calibration Interval ����������������������������������������������������������79
Accept New Sensor Type ������������������������������������������������80
Beam Block Options �����������������������������������������������������81
Path Length ��������������������������������������������������������������������82
Unit ID �����������������������������������������������������������������������������83
Relay Options �����������������������������������������������������������������84
Fieldbus Options �����������������������������������������������������������85
Configure Security �����������������������������������������������������������86
Verifying the Configuration��������������������������������������������������������87
Test Menu ������������������������������������������������������������������������87
Inhibit ������������������������������������������������������������������������������87
Force Relays ������������������������������������������������������������������89
Alarm/Fault Simulation ���������������������������������������������������89
Information Menu ������������������������������������������������������������91
Alarm/Fault Status ����������������������������������������������������������91
Transmitter Data �������������������������������������������������������������91
Transmitter Status ����������������������������������������������������������92
Sensor Data ��������������������������������������������������������������������92
Sensor Status �����������������������������������������������������������������93
Table of Contents
XNX Universal Transmitter
Table of Contents
Gas Data ��������������������������������������������������������������������������93
Range/Alarm Settings�����������������������������������������������������94
mA Level Settings �����������������������������������������������������������94
Fieldbus Settings �����������������������������������������������������������95
Relay Data ����������������������������������������������������������������������95
Event History ����������������������������������������������������������������97
Calibration ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������100
Gas Calibration Menu���������������������������������������������������101
Zero and Span Calibration for EC/mV Sensors and Searchpoint Optima ����������������������������������������������������������102
Using the Calibration Cup �������������������������������������������������105 Zero and Span Calibration of EC Sensors ������������������������105 Zero and Span Calibration for MPD Sensors ��������������������110 EC Sensor Operational Life ����������������������������������������������113 Functional Gas T esting (Bump T esting) ����������������������������113
Calibrate mA Output ���������������������������������������������������114
Align Excel (Searchline Excel) �������������������������������������115
Soft Reset ��������������������������������������������������������������������115
Maintenance ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������116
MPD Sensor Cartridge Replacement �������������������������������117 EC Sensor Cartridge and Cell Replacement ��������������������118
Warnings and Faults ���������������������������������������������������������������������120
Warning Messages �����������������������������������������������������������121 Notes ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������125 Fault Messages �����������������������������������������������������������������126 Notes ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������133 Informational Messages ����������������������������������������������������135
Specifications �������������������������������������������������������������������������������137
Product Specifications ������������������������������������������������������������138
SENSOR DATA �����������������������������������������������������������������140 Operating and Storage Conditions for Performance Tested
EC Cartridges �������������������������������������������������������������������140
Detectable Gases and Performance ���������������������������������������141 EC Sensor Performance Data, Factory Mutual Verified ����������142 EC Sensor Performance Data, DEKRA EXAM Verified ����������143 Other EC Sensors ������������������������������������������������������������������144
Footnotes (see table on previous page): ��������������������������145 Notes (see table on previous page): ���������������������������������145
EC Sensor Cross-sensitivity ���������������������������������������������������146
Notes ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������153
MPD Sensor Performance Data ���������������������������������������������154
Notes �������������������154
EN60079-29-1 Performance Approved Gases for mV Sensor Types ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������155
Notes �������������������155
Other Sensor Performance Data ��������������������������������������������155 Certifications by Part Number Series �������������������������������������156
Notes �������������������157
Certification Labels ����������������������������������������������������161 Product Identification �������������������������������������������������������������163 EC Replacement Sensors ������������������������������������������������������164 EC Replacement Cells �����������������������������������������������������������165 MPD (Multi Purpose Detector) ������������������������������������������������166 Accessories/Spares ����������������������������������������������������������������167 EC Declaration of Conformity �������������������������������������������������171 �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������171
Table of Contents
XNX Universal Transmitter
Table of Contents
Control Drawings ��������������������������������������������������������������������������172
XNX UL/CSA/FM/ATEX/IECEx/INMETRO/RUSSIA ���������������173 Remote Sensor Mount ������������������������������������������������������������177
HART Protocol ������������������������������������������������������������������������������178
HART Interface �����������������������������������������������������������������������179 HART Sink, Source, and Isolated Wiring ��������������������������������182 DevComm PC-based HART Interface ������������������������������������185 Functions ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������186
Configuration Summary ����������������������������������������������������186 Information Screens ����������������������������������������������������������187 Event History ��������������������������������������������������������������������187 Test �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������187 Calibration �������������������������������������������������������������������������188 Configuration ��������������������������������������������������������������������188
Handheld Online Menus ���������������������������������������������������������189
Modbus Protocol ���������������������������������������������������������������������������191
Modbus and the XNX transmitter ��������������������������������������������192 Modbus Registers �������������������������������������������������������������������194
Warranty ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������198
Warranty Statement ����������������������������������������������������������������199
Warranty Conditions ���������������������������������������������������������199 Consumer Claims �������������������������������������������������������������199
Index ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������200
Table of Contents
XNX Universal Transmitter

Safety and Information

Safety and Information
XNX Universal Transmitter
Read and understand this manual before installing, operating, or maintaining the transmitter. Pay particular attention to these warnings and cautions. All of the warnings and cautions shown here are repeated in the appropriate sections of the manual.
Warnings identify hazardous or unsafe practices which could result in severe injury or death.


Installation must be in accordance with the recognized standards of the appropriate authority in the country concerned.
Any work on the interior of the detector must be conducted only by Honeywell­trained personnel
Before carrying out any work, ensure that local regulations and site procedures are followed. Appropriate standards must be followed to maintain the overall certification of the sensor.
To reduce the risk of ignition in hazardous atmospheres, disconnect the equipment from the supply circuit before opening the sensor enclosure. Keep the assembly tightly closed during operation. Conduit runs must have a seal fitting connected within 18 inches (45 cm) of the enclosure.
Never open the XNX enclosure under power unless the area is known to be non­hazardous.
Do not use the XNX Universal Transmitter in oxygen-enriched atmospheres. In oxygen-enriched atmospheres, the electrical safety is not guaranteed.
The sensor must be earthed/grounded for intrinsic safety, electrical safety and to limit the effects of radio frequency interference. Earth/ground points are provided inside and outside the unit. EMI note for applications using shielded cable: Cable shield must provide 90% coverage of the wiring. Cable shield terminations must be made at the cable glands with suitable EMI type glands. Avoid terminating cable shields at the Earth ground lug inside the XNX enclosure. In cases where wiring is in pipe, a shielded cable is not required. The external terminal is only a supplemental bonding connection where local authorities permit or require such a connection.
Take care when handling EC sensor cells as they may contain corrosive solutions. Do not tamper or in any way disassemble the sensor cells. Do not expose to temperatures outside the recommended range. Do not expose the sensor to organic solvents or flammable liquids.
At the end of their working lives, sensors must be disposed of in an environmentally safe manner, in accordance with local waste management requirements and environmental legislation. Alternatively, sensors may be securely packaged, clearly marked for environmental disposal, and returned to Honeywell Analytics. Do NOT incinerate sensors as they may emit toxic fumes.
High off-scale readings may indicate an explosive concentration of gas.
Verify all outputs, including display, after installation, after service events, and periodically to ensure the safety and integrity of the system.
Do not use the transmitter in oxygen-enriched atmospheres. Concentrations displayed will be adversely affected by oxygen depletion.
After changing parameters with a handheld device, verify that the parameter settings are correct at the transmitter.
The factory-set passcodes must be reset to prevent unauthorized access to the transmitter’s menus.
When the transmitter is equipped with the optional Remote Mount Kit, the remote sensor must be securely mounted in a fixed position. The Remote Sensor kit is not intended to be used as a handheld sensor.
Safety and Information
XNX Universal Transmitter
Enclosures of remotely mounted sensors contain aluminum. When installed in Zone 1 locations, be careful to avoid ignition hazards due to impact or friction.
Install the junction box according to local codes and manufacturer’s requirements.
The enclosures of remotely mounted 705HT sensors contain aluminum. When installed in Zone 1 locations, be careful to avoid ignition hazards due to impact or friction.
Power off the transmitter before changing S3 or S4. Failure to do this will permanently damage the transmitter. Both switches must be set in either Source or Sink prior to applying power.
Do not set the minimum or maximum controller alarm levels at less than 10% or greater than 90% of the full scale range of the sensor. CSA and FM agency limits are 60% LEL or 0.6mg/m3.
When configuring or communicating with the transmitter using the front panel displays, resume monitoring by exiting all menus and returning to the General Status menu manually. No time outs are invoked.
When selecting a new target gas for units with a Searchpoint Optima Plus, the sensor must be recalibrated.
XNX Universal Transmitters carrying UL/CSA/FM approvals that are configured for devices measuring %LEL will not allow adjustments to the full scale value. The range is fixed at 100%.
There is a potential loss of sensitivity during exposure to high concentrations of H2S. Under these conditions, set the control unit to latch at overrange. In standalone configuration, set alarms to latching. When resetting the overrange or alarm, verify correct operation of the transmitter.
Keep the passwords in a secure area to prevent unauthorized access to the transmitter. If the passwords are lost, resetting the transmitter will require a service technician.
When the transmitter is placed in Inhibit Mode, alarms are silenced. This will prevent an actual gas event from being reported. Inhibit Mode must be limited to testing and maintenance only. Exit Inhibit Mode after testing or maintenance activities.
Honeywell recommends periodic bump tests (every 30 days or in accordance with customer site procedures) to the sensor to insure proper operation and compliance with the functional safety rating of the installation.
Honeywell Analytics recommends bump testing of ClO2, Cl2, HF, and HCl sensors frequently and in accordance with customer site procedures to ensure proper operation and compliance with the functional safety rating of the installation.
As some test gases are hazardous, exhaust the flow housing outlet to a safe area.
Exposure to desensitizing or contaminating substances or concentrations causing operation of any alarm may affect sensor sensitivity. Following such events, verify sensor performance by performing a functional gas test (bump test).
When servicing or replacing sensors, reduce the risk of ignition in hazardous atmospheres by declassifying the area or disconnecting the equipment from the supply circuit before opening the sensor enclosure. Keep the assembly tightly closed during operation.
Take appropriate precautions when using toxic, flammable, or pressurized cylinders.
XNX transmitter is SIL2 approved and please refer to XNX transmitter safety manual (1998-0808) for the detail of SIL certificate.
To minimize the risk of electrostatic discharge:
Ground the transmitter adequately
Install the transmitter in a manner that will prevent accidental electrostatic
discharges, e.g. ensure that objects do not rub against the housing etc.
Clean the enclosure with a damp cloth when necessary
Safety and Information
XNX Universal Transmitter

Hazardous Location Installation Requirements

Read and understand this manual prior to installation and use.
Use only certified cable glands for installation.
Shielded armored cable is required for CE compliance.
To reduce the risk of ignition in hazardous atmospheres, conduit runs must have a pour gland installed within 18 inches (45 cm) of the enclosure.
All ¾ inch NPT conduit, stopping plugs, and adapters must be installed with 5¼ threads (minimum) engaged to maintain the explosion-proof rating.
The XNX cover assembly must be fully seated to the enclosure (7 threads minimum) to maintain the explosion-proof rating.
Use only the supplied stopping plugs (Honeywell part number 1226-0258) with the XNX Universal Transmitter.
For units fitted with the optional relay module: relay contact ratings are 250 VAC 5A, 24 VDC 5A resistive loads only.
Use copper conductors only. Tighten terminal block screws to 4.5 lb/in (max).
For XNX-UT**-***** transmitters, refer to XNX control drawing 1226E0402.

Special Conditions for Safe Use

The following applies to the HART Barrier intrinsically safe circuits: For installations in which both the Ci and Li of the intrinsically safe apparatus exceed 1% of the Co and Lo parameters of the associated apparatus (excluding the cable), then 50% of Co and Lo parameters are applicable and shall not be exceeded, i.e., the Ci of the device plus the C of the cable must be less than or equal to 50% of the Co of the associated apparatus, and the Li of the device plus the L of the cable must be less than or equal to 50% of the Lo of the associated apparatus.
For circuits connected to the EC barrier in which the capacitance and inductance exceed 1% of the permitted values, the maximum permitted capacitance is limited to 600 nF for group IIC and 1uF for group IIIC.
The connection to the HART circuit shall be rated a minimum of IP 6X.
Delays resulting from transmission errors between sensor and transmitter extend
response times T90 by more than one-third. The period until fault indication is 10 seconds.
The HART interface is subject of this EC-type examination certificate only for the purpose of configuration and maintenance. The options “Modbus interface” and “FOUNDATION Fieldbus interface” are not subject of this EC-type examination certificate.
Long-term exposure (>20 minutes) to concentrations exceeding the full-scale range of the H value may then decrease even though high levels of toxic gas are still present. If such conditions can occur, set the control unit to latch at overrange. In standalone operation, set alarms to latching. When resetting the overrange or alarm, verify the correct operation of the transmitter. Before re-calibrating the transmitter, verify the absence of gas.
The flameproof joints are not intended to be repaired.
S sensor Type 2 can cause it to lose sensitivity. The measured


Caution messages address situaltions that could result in damage to the transmitter or sensors.


Notes relate helpful information.
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive
This symbol indicates that the product must NOT be disposed of as general industrial or domestic waste. This product should be disposed of through suitable WEEE disposal facilities. For more information about disposal of this product, contact your local authority, distributor or the manufacturer.
Safety and Information
XNX Universal Transmitter


Honeywell Analytics assumes no responsibility for equipment that is not installed and used following the procedures in the Technical Manual.
Ensure that the appropriate equipment has been installed. If in doubt, contact Honeywell Analytics.
Honeywell Analytics assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in this document or the consequences of those errors or omissions. Contact Honeywell Analytics with corrections. Honeywell Analytics reserves the right to revise this document without notice. Contact the local distributor or Honeywell Analytics if additional information is needed.
XNX® is a registered trademark of Honeywell International.
is a trademark of Honeywell International.
HART® is a registered trademark of the HART Communication Foundation.
Modbus® is a registered trademark of Schneider Automation Inc. FOUNDATIONTM is a trademark of Fieldbus Foundation. Unistrut® is a registered trademark of Unistrut Corporation. Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

Revision History

Revision Comment Date
Rev 13 ECO 9425 Oct 2018 Rev 14 ECO 9443 Jan 2019 Rev 15 ECO 2019-4777 Sep 2019

Contacting Honeywell Analytics
Europe, Middle East, Africa, India
Life Safety Distribution GmbH Javastrasse 2 8604 Hegnau Switzerland Tel: +41 (0)44 943 4300 Fax: +41 (0)44 943 4398 India Tel: +91 124 4752700
Honeywell Analytics Inc. 405 Barclay Blvd. Lincolnshire, IL 60069 USA Tel: +1 847 955 8200 Toll free: +1 800 538 0363 Fax: +1 847 955 8210
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Honeywell Analytics Asia Pacific 7F SangAm IT Tower, 434 Worldcup Buk-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul 03922 Korea Tel: +82-2-69090300 Fax: +82-2-69090328
Technical Services
Safety and Information
XNX Universal Transmitter


XNX Universal Transmitter Technical Manual
XNX Universal Transmitter

Product Description

The Transmitter

The transmitter is a comprehensive gas detection system designed to operate in hazardous locations sensor technologies –catalytic bead, electrochemical (EC),
or infrared (IR)– to detect toxic gases, ammable gases, and
oxygen depletion gas hazards. Each technology has a dedicated personality board.
Catalytic bead technology is used with the mV personality board. Catalytic bead sensors respond to a wide variety of
combustibles so are typically used for ammable gas detection.
Electrochemical technology is used with the electrochemical board. EC sensors measure toxic gases in low concentrations. The EC sensors employ the patented Reex™ cell fault
diagnosis routine. Reex checks for cell presence, cell dry-out, and cell open or short circuit. Reex is automatically initiated by the transmitter at eight-hour intervals. It is also initiated on
power up or sensor exchange. In the event of a cell failing this
test, a sensor fault code is displayed. Reex diagnostics occur in the rst minutes of the power up sequence.
Infrared technology is used with the IR board. IR sensors optically absorb gases that fall into the infrared spectrum.
For additional information about any of these sensor types, refer to the applicable data sheet for the supported sensor in Figure 1.
The transmitter also allows for an optional communication board. There are three types of boards: relay, Modbus
There are three main types of gas hazards: ammable, toxic, and asphyxiant. A am-
mable gas hazard is one in which there is a risk of re and/or explosion (e.g., a situation in which a gas such as methane, butane, or propane is present). A toxic gas hazard is one in which there is a risk of poisoning (e.g., a gas such as carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulde, or chlorine is present). An asphyxiant hazard would include a risk of suffocation through oxygen deciency. (Oxygen can be consumed or displaced by another gas.)
and utilize multiple
, or
FOUNDATIONTM Fieldbus. See the Communications section for
additional information.
XNX Universal Transmitter
Searchline Excel
Searchpoint Optima Plus
705 705HT
Personality Sensor Type Supported Sensors
rsonality Senso
Sensepoint HT
ted Sens
Detector (MPD)
Catalytic Bead
Infrared Flammable
Infrared Methane/CO
IR Point and Open-Path Infrared Searchpoint Optima Plus, Searchline Excel
mV Flammable and Toxic
XNX EC Toxic and O
705, 705HT, Sensepoint, Sensepoint HT, MPD (Catalytic Bead Flammable, IR Flammable and IR CO
Electrochemical sensors, with Hot Swap, pre-calibrated through Intrinsically Safe (IS) barrier
Figure 1. XNX Universal Transmitter and supported sensing technologies
The transmitter relies on 4-20mA output, refreshed at least every
two seconds (once per second is typical), in which the output is proportional to the gas concentration.
XNX Universal Transmitter
20 mA/HART Output
All XNX Transmitters provide a 20mA Current Loop with HART Communication which can be user congured for Sink, Source (3-Wire) or Isolated (4-Wire) electrical interface based on installation requirements.
The 20mA current loop output provides an analog indication of
special states, a proportional output to gas concentration and overrange indication as shown in the table below. In the event of a simultaneous alarm and fault, an alarm condition will always override fault or warning state.
Output Description* Notes
1.0 mA Fault
2.0 mA
3.0 mA Warning
4-20 mA Gas Concentration
21 mA Overrange
*Alarm conditions always take priority over faults and warnings.
Inhibit Bump Test Calibration
HART Protocol provides communications with the transmitter from a remote control system for Conguration, Status, and Diagnostics. (See the HART Protocol section for additional
The XNX® Universal Transmitter is registered with the HART®
Communication Foundation. The transmitter
features HART over 4-20mA as standard.
Additional optional communication interfaces are available: relay communication, Modbus, or FOUNDATION Fieldbus.
Each communication option has a dedicated option board. For additional information, refer to the Options section.
XNX-UT**-****** Versions are UL and CSA listed for installation in Class I, Division 1, Groups A, B, C and D Hazardous Locations. FM Approvals evaluation includes Class I, Zone 1, Group IIC, as well as performance tests for specic sensor/transmitter combinations. The CSA or FM certication does not cover daisy­chained XNX combustible gas transmitters, the use of HART, Modbus, or FOUNDATION Fieldbus protocols for combustible gas performance. HART, Modbus, or FOUNDATION Fieldbus protocols can be used only for data collection or record keeping
with regards to combustible gas. The EC cartridge
remote mount kit are UL classied to Canandian and US
XNX-AM **-***** versions are certied to comply with the
European Community ATEX Directive and the prescribed protection methods for installation in potentially explosive atmospheres.
XNX-BT**-***** versions are UL listed and INMETRO approved for compliance with both U.S. and Brazilian standards.
See the Sensor Data section for additional information on applicable approvals by part number and the Operating and
Storage Conditions for Performance Tested EC Sensors section
for marking.
“Cartridge” and “sensor” are used interchangeably in this document.
and EC
XNX Universal Transmitter
Patents Applicable to the XNX Universal Transmitter
6,123,818 Reflex patent Implemented in XNX 6,251,232 Reflex patent Implemented in XNX 6,351,982 Flammable sensor housing XNX accepts this sensor
6,395,230 Pellistor Sensor used in XNX 7,225,661 Gas calibration adapter Applicable to XNX
7,716,962 Method of gas calibration Used to calibrate XNX ECC cartridges
Description Application
Term Description
bump test
ferrite bead a device that suppresses noise in a circuit
HART Protocol
intrinsic safety
IP rating
latching alarm an alarm that, once activated, must be manually reset
magnetic wand a small device used to change the transmitter’s settings
Modbus a digital communications protocol based on RS-485 topology
non-latching alarm
pellistor/bead an electronic device used to detect combustible gases
personality board
span calibration
sticky gases gases that tend to coat the surfaces they contact
toxic gases
zero calibration
a brief exposure to a gas to verify that a detector is working; also known as a functional test
an open architecture, digital, serial communication system administered by the Fieldbus Foundation
Highway Addressable Remote Transducer Protocol; a bi­directional analog communication system developed by the HART Communication Foundation
design parameters for the safe operation of electrical equip­ment in hazardous environments; commonly abbreviated IS
Ingress Protection; a system for describing a device’s protec­tion against dry materials and liquids (e.g., IP66/67)
an alarm that automatically resets when the cause of the alarm is removed
a component of the transmitter that allows its operation to focus on different sensing technologies
Personality, Options, and Display; the group of components including an XNX transmitter’s personality board, display, com­munication board, etc.
adjustment of a detector so that its scale corresponds to a gas concentration range from 0% to 100%
gases that are poisonous to humans (refer to the gas’s Safety Data Sheet for details)
adjustment of a detector so that its zero reading corresponds to a test gas concentration of 0%
XNX Universal Transmitter

Product Overview

The transmitter is comprised of these main parts:
Figure 2. XNX exploded view
Available in either Stainless Steel or Aluminum, with 3/4” NPT (UL/CSA or UL/ INMETRO) or M25 (ATEX/IECEx only) threaded cable/conduit ports, the transmitter enclosure is explosion­proof and suitable for use in -40°F to +149°F (-40°C to +65°C) operating conditions. A 5-coat marine nishing process provides
the highest degree of corrosion protection. For more information
on performance specications, see the Specications section.
The enclosure is equipped with up to ve threaded cable/conduit ports providing functional and exible congurations based on
sensor and option choices. See Cable/conduit port assingments for port assignments and restrictions.
Stopping plugs (PN# 1226-0257 or 1226-0258) have been provided to seal unused cable/conduit ports and have been Agency evaluated/approved for use with the XNX enclosure only.
The number of stopping plugs varies among available congurations.
Caution: The stopping plugs are for use only with the XNX transmitter. Do not use them with any other device.
Mounting lugs integral to the enclosure allow easy installation
on a at surface or 2”-6” (50-150 mm) diameter pipe with the optional Pipe Mount Kit or to ceilings with the Ceiling Mount Bracket Kit.
XNX Universal Transmitter
Cover Lock Screw, requires a 2mm hex key (included)
Tempered Glass Window
The transmitter cover is supplied in the identical material
specied for the enclosure.
Figure 3. XNX cover components
A tempered glass window requires the use of the supplied magnetic wand/screwdriver to activate the four user interface switches located on the front of the display module. This allows for non-
intrusive setup and operation.
A locking screw integrated into the cover provides positive locking that can be loosened by using the supplied 2mm hex key.
Figure 4. Magnetic wand/screwdriver
The POD (Personality, Options, and Display) includes circuit boards for the personality module, optional interfaces, and display.
The personality module, or circuit board, determines the transmitter behavior based on the sensor type attached to the transmitter (electrochemical cell, catalytic bead sensor, or infrared) and provides the necessary interface. Connection to the attached sensor is made through the sensor connector.
The optional communication boards vary depending on the
option selected when ordered. Only one of the three available interface options (relays, Modbus, or FOUNDATION Fieldbus)
can be attached to the transmitter.
Note: When attaching the cover or stopping plugs, coat the threads with a suitable anti­seize compound to prevent corrosion.
Figure 5. POD, exploded view
XNX Universal Transmitter


Local HART
Available with any sensor technology or personality, an external access to the HART interface in the transmitter is provided. An intrinsically safe (IS) barrier inside the transmitter gives the user full control using a handheld eld communicator for programming and conguration. The external interface is installed in the lower left cable/conduit port of the transmitter
and is intrinsically safe. For more information, see the HART
Protocol section.
Figure 6. XNX Universal Transmitter with HART interface IS barrier
Note: POD options are either relay, Modbus, or FOUNDATION Fieldbus.
The relay option (XNX-Relay) provides 3 form “C” (SPDT) normally open/normally closed (NO/NC) contacts for alarm and fault indication. A remote reset input (TB4) is provided to silence
alarms. Momentarily closing the the circuit between the pins of
TB4 performs the same function as the Reset Alarms & Faults
The remote reset switch (designated TB-4 and labeled “Remote
Reset SW”) is located on the relay option board. It provides a remote hardware-based reset of faults and alarms to the
transmitter. In the event that direct access to the local and
transmitter may be reset remotely using a momentary switch. This will momentarily close the circuit between the two pins of
TB4, providing the same functionality as a Reset Alarms & Faults
command performed from the main screen of thelocal user or the
HART interfaces.
Relays are not available when the Modbus Fieldbus options are installed.
The transmitter has three relays: relay 1 is for alarm level 1, relay 2 is for alarm level 2, and relay 3 is for faults and special states. Two
alarm levels can be set, allowing, for example, a level 1 alarm for the immediate area when a certain gas concentration is detected
and a plant-wide level 2 alarm when a greater gas concentration is
The maximum refresh rate of the relays is 2 seconds. See the Set
Alarm Values section for more information.
interfaces is not possible, alarms and faults from an XNX
XNX Universal Transmitter
The optional Modbus interface allows the transmitter to connect
to a bus of devices and transmit data to PLCs or controllers.
(For more information, see the Modbus Connections to the transmitter are made through a pluggable
terminal block on the Modbus interface circuit board. Modbus RTU protocol uses ASCII/Hex protocols for communication.
Protocol Manual).
FOUNDATION eldbus is a digital communication system which supports several types of messages. Unlike many traditional systems which require a set of wires for each device, multiple FOUNDATION eldbus devices can be connected with a single set of wires. FOUNDATION eldbus overcomes some of the disadvantages of proprietary networks by providing a standardized network for connecting systems and devices.
Note: FOUNDATION Fieldbus XNX transmitters require a separate power source and cannot be powered via the bus.
Refer to the Accessories/Spares section for part numbers.
Pipe Mount Kit
The pipe mount kit allows the transmitter to be mounted to pipe from 2”-6” (50-150 mm) in diameter. The kit includes the pipe mount bracket, two carriage bolts, nuts, and lock washers.
Calibration Gas Flow Adaptor
The calibration gas ow adaptor is used to apply calibration test gas to the sensor. It attaches to the bottom of the sensor and
can be tted without removing the standard weatherproof cover.
See the Calibration section for details on gas calibration.
XNX Universal Transmitter
Weatherproof Cover
The weatherproof cap protects sensors from harsh weather.
Remote Sensor Mounting Kit for EC Sensors
The remote sensor mounting kit allows EC sensors to be remotely mounted via an IS cable kit, available in various lengths. The kit includes shielded cable, cable glands, and remote terminal box. The cable can be cut to the required length
then terminated at the remote terminal box.
Ceiling Mount Bracket Kit
The optional ceiling mount bracket kit includes two stainless steel ceiling mount brackets, bolts, and nuts.
Remote Gassing Kit
The remote gassing kit enables gas to be applied remotely for performing functional response
checks (bump tests). The kit Includes: 50’ Teon® tubing, a mounting bracket, a tube cap, and device adapters in 1/4” and 1/8” (6.3 mm and 3.2 mm) ID to attach to
bump test ports on the weatherproof cap of the device.
Collecting Cone
The collecting cone improves detection of lighter-than-air gases such as hydrogen and methane.
Extreme Weather Protector
The extreme weather protector protects the sensor from environmental conditions in outdoor exposure applications.
XNX Universal Transmitter
Duct Mount Kit
The duct mount kit can be used with the EC sensor to detect O CO, H
, and H2S gases in ducts. When combined with the MPD
Interface Adapter (available separately), the duct mount kit can accommodate the MPD to detect ammable gases in ducts. The duct mount kit includes the adapter, gasket, and required fasteners. For MPD applications, order both the Duct Mount Kit
and the MPD Interface Adapter.
1226A0382 MPD Adapter Ring
S3KDMK EC/MPD Duct Adapter Kit
The sunshade is used in environments with high heat and/ or direct sunlight. It protects the sensor from environmental
conditions in outdoor applications, helping to keep the internal components within the specied temperature ranges. The sunshade can be mounted to 2-inch pipe or to a wall with suitable 6mm fasteners.
XNX Universal Transmitter
Move Right/Increase Value Mov e Left/Decrease Value
Fault LED (yellow)

The Front Panel

The transmitter uses magnetic switches to enable non-intrusive
operation. To activate a magnetic switch, hold the magnetic end of the screwdriver up to the glass window and slowly swipe the magnet directly over the switch area. For best results, hold the
screwdriver as illustrated in Figure 7.
Switch Actuation
Visual Indicator
In some menus where displayed values can be changed, the magnet must be swiped over the switch to cause the numeral
on the display to advance through the available values. Use the
switch to return to a previous menu or eld.
For the purposes of this manual, the instruction to use
✓, ✖
, or , means to activate the relevant magnetic switch as
described above.
Power LED (green)
Alarm LED (red)
Move Left
Decement Value
Figure 8. Front panel display of the transmitter
Switch Actuation Visual Indicator
Move Right Increment Value
Figure 7. Using the magnetic wand
A visual indication of the switch actuation will appear in
the lower right corner of the display each time the switch is activated.
XNX Universal Transmitter
Current Concentration Level
Alarm 1 Set Point
Current Concentration Le
Warning Code
Warning Icon
Controls and Navigation
Command Description
Move Left/
Decrease Value
Move Right/
Increase Value
The Enter/Accept switch is used to access menus,
accept changes and to answer “yes” to system prompts.
The Escape/Back switch is used to return to previous
menus or to answer “no” to system prompts.
The Left/Decrement arrow is used to move through
menu options or decrease values when entering text or numbers.
The Right/Increment arrow is used to move through
menu options or increase values when entering text or numbers.
The General Status Screen
Figure 9. General Status screen
The General Status screen shows the status of the transmitter.
Warnings, faults, alarm levels, and current concentration levels
are displayed continuously.
Status Indicator
(Bar Graph)
Figure 10. General Status screen, normal operating mode
Concentration Units
Full Scale
Alarm 2 Set Point
The Normal Operating Mode icon indicates proper operation. The display also shows the concentration level of the target gas
in two ways. In the rst, a numeric value is shown in the upper right corner of the display in the units selected (ppm, %LEL, %VOL). The second concentration display is shown in the form
of a bar graph representing the current concentration against
full scale and in relation to the dened alarm levels. For more
information on setting range and alarm levels, see the Range/
Alarm Settings section. See the EC Sensor Performance Data, Factory Mutual Veried, EC Performance Data, DEKRA EXAM Veried and the Other EC Sensors sections for negative drift and
zero deviation values.
When a warning is triggered, the warning icon
appears and information is displayed on the General Status Screen. The information displayed alternates between screens displaying the gas concentration and the warning code. See the Warnings and
Faults section for more warning code information.
The LCD screen’s refresh rates are 500 milliseconds when the LCD heater is off and 1 second
with the heater on.
Figure 11. General Status Warning detail
XNX Universal Transmitter
Alarm Level Triggered
Alarm Level Triggered
m Setpoints Flash
If the fault icon is displayed, a fault condition has been triggered and the display will alternate between the target gas concentration and the fault code. See the Warnings and Faults section for more fault code information.
Fault Icon
Figure 12. General Status Fault detail
Fault Code
In the event of multiple warnings or faults, the user can view all
messages with the transmitter’s Event History function. When an Alarm icon
is displayed, the target gas concentration exceeds one or both preset alarm levels. The General Status Screen displays the gas concentration and the
alarm level exceeded.
m Icon
Target Gas
Figure 14. General Status Overrange detail
Negative values are not displayed and do not appear on the 4-20 mA output, but they are indicated by faults or warnings
when preset thresholds are exceeded. (See zero deviation in the
Specications section)
In addition to the graphic alarm, fault, and warning indicators, the LEDs on the front panel ash in these patterns based on the condition:
Alarm 1 Solid Alarm 2 Flashing
Warning Solid
Fault Flashing
Health Flashing
The refresh rate of the LEDs is 0.5 second.
Special states (Warmup, Inhibit) are not indicated by the Fault LED.
Red Green Yellow
Entering the Menu
Swiping the magnet over the magnetic switch ✓ or ✖ allows the
user to reset faults or alarms, display current settings, or make
adjustments to the device.
Figure 13. General Status Alarm detail
In an overrange condition, the alarm icon will display and the target
gas concentration bar graph and alarm setpoints will ash.
Full Scale Concentration
Concentration Bar, Alar
Note: If the Easy Reset option is set to Lock, alarms and faults cannot be reset without logging in or entering a passcode. For more information, see the Configure
Security section.
Swiping the ✖ or “escape” magnetic switch activates the Alarm Reset screen and allows alarms to be silenced and faults to be reset.
XNX Universal Transmitter
The ✓ switch resets all alarms and faults and returns to the
General Status screen. Use the
Status screen without resetting the alarms and faults.
Figure 15. Alarm Reset screen
Two authorization levels control access based upon the security
level of the user: Level 1 (routine maintenance) and Level 2
(technician and password administrator). The default passcodes for both levels are “0000” and must be changed after installation to control access (see the Configure Security section). In general, access to neither security level restricts the user to
viewing the transmitter’s display. If desired, the Easy Reset from
Main Status option
access to either security level.
allows alarm and fault resets without requiring
Figure 16. Passcode screen
switch to return to the General
When the Passcode screen is displayed, the rst passcode digit is highlighted. Use the through the values. Once the correct value is displayed for the rst digit,
moves to the previous digit of the passcode.
Repeat for each of the remaining digits in the passcode. If the
passcode is entered incorrectly, the Invalid Passcode screen is
displayed and the user is returned to the General Status screen.
accepts the value and moves to the next digit or ✖
switches to increase or decrease
Figure 17. Entering the passcode
Figure 18. Invalid Passcode screen
Displaying Transmitter Information
While in the General Status display, swipe the magnet over the
magnetic switch The General Status display will replace the bar graph in the
lower portion of the screen with the unit’s serial number, the date and time, and the unit’s part number.
to display information about the transmitter.
Warning: The factory-set passcodes must be reset to prevent unauthorized access to the transmitter’s menus.
XNX Universal Transmitter
Figure 19. General Status Screen with unit information

Main Menu

Once the proper passcode has been entered, the transmitter
displays the Main Menu.
Figure 20. The Main Menu
From the Main Menu, a Level 1 user can:
• display the current settings/conguration
• test the transmitter
• calibrate and bump test the transmitter
congure the unit for language, date and time
The Main Menu consists of these options:
Menu Description
Provides access to settings to configure the transmitter and connected devices
Provides access to tools and settings to allow simulation of gas events to test the system
Displays current settings for the transmitter including optional relays and Modbus
Displays the interface to calibrate sensors attached directly to the transmitter
Tes t Menu
XNX Universal Transmitter

Menu Navigation

XNX Universal Transmitter
Information Mode
Alarm/Fault Status Alarm/Fault Conrm Alarm/Fault Reset Reset Alarm/Fault
Date & Time Transmitter ID, Serial #, Revision
Transmitter Data
Transmitter Status
Transmitter Status
Sensor Type, Serial #, Revision
Sensor Data
Sensor Status
Sensor Status
Gas Name, ID, Range
Gas Data
Range Settings, Alarm Settings
Range/Alarm Settings
mA Level Settings
mA Level Settings
Relay Settings
Relay Settings
Fieldbus Settings
Fieldbus Settings
Event History Increment Next/Previous Event Increment Next/Previous Hour Increment Next/Previous Day Increment Next/Previous Alarm Increment Next Previous Fault
4 Optional relay only
5 Optional FOUNDATION Fieldbus and Modbus only
XNX Universal Transmitter
Test Mode
Enable/Disable Inhibit
Force mA Output Select Current: 0 to 22 mA Accept
Force Relay
Select Relay 1
Select Relay 2
Select Relay 3
Alarm/Fault Simulation Alarm 1 Simulation Alarm 2 Simulation Warning Simulation
Fault Simulation
Calibration Mode
Gas Calibration
Enter Span Gas Concentration (Oxygen) Enter Span Gas Concentration (Not Oxygen)
Bump Test
mA Output Calibration Adjust 4 mA Output Adjust 20 mA Output
Soft Reset
Align Excel
6 Optional relay only
7 Searchpoint Optima and Searchline Excel only 8 Searchline Excel only
XNX Universal Transmitter
Conguration Mode
Select Language
Set Date & Time Set Date Format Set Year, Month, Day Set Hours, Minutes, Seconds
Sensor Type Selection Set mV Sensor Type
Set mA Sensor Type
Gas Selection
Changing the Gas or Units Name
Gas Selections and Alarm Limits Based on mV Sensor Type
Range & Alarms
Set Range
Alarm 1 Type Alarm 1 Setpoint Alarm 1 Latching or Non-latching Alarm 2 Type Alarm 2 Setpoint Alarm 2 Latching or Non-latching Selecting the Numeric Format
Latching/Non-latching Change Meas. Units
mA Output Levels Change mA for Inhibit
9 Catalytic bead sensor only 10 Searchpoint Optima and Searchline Excel only
11 ECC and mV only
Change mA for Warning Change mA for Overrange Change mA for Low Signal Change mA for Blocked Beam
Set Calibration Interval
Accept New Sensor Type
Information screen identifying previous sensor and new sensor
Screen displays new type and old type
Set Beam Block
Select Beam Block Threshold Select Time to Beam Block
Select Time to Fault
Set Path Length
Set New Path Length
Congure Unit ID Edit ID Clear ID Default ID
Relay Options
Select A1 Select A2
Fieldbus Options
Change Fieldbus Address
Change Fieldbus Speed
Reset and LVL1 LVL1 Code LVL2 Code
12 Electrochemical and catalytic bead sensors only
13 Searchline Excel only 14 Searchline Excel only
15 Optional relay only 16 Optional FOUNDATION Fieldbus and Modbus only
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