STT850 and STT750 SmartLine
Temperature Transmitter
Communications Opti o ns
Safety Manual
Revision 6
November 2020
Honeywell Process Solutions

Copyrights, No tices and Trademarks
© Copyright 2020 by Honeywell, Inc.
Revision 6, November 2020
While the information in this document is presented in good faith and believed to be accurate,
Honeywell disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
purpose and makes no express warranties except as may be stated in the written agreement with
and for its customers. In no event is Honeywell liable to anyone for any indirect, special, or
consequential damages. The information and specifications in this document are subject to
change without notice.
Honeywell, TDC 3000, SFC, SmartLine, PlantScape, Experion PKS, and TotalPlant are
registered trademarks of Honeywell International Inc. Other brand or product names are
trademarks of their respective owners.
Honeywell Process Solutions
2101 City West Blvd
Houston, TX 77042
ii HART Option Safety Manual Revision 6

About This Document
1st Release (STT850 only)
STT750 Temperature Transmitter added.
Digital Output for STT850
Note for HART Communication Module Firmware added
Release Information
STT850 and STT750 SmartLine Transmitter HART® Communications Options Safety Manual,
# 34-TT-25-05.
The following list id entifies publ ications that m ay contain inform a tion re levant to the information
in this document.
• STT850 SmartLine Temperature Tr ansmitter Specifications, 34-TT-03-14
• STT850 SmartLine Temperature Transmitter Quick Start Installation Guide,
# 34-TT-25-04
• STT 850 SmartLine Temperature Transmitter User Manual, Document # 34-TT-25-03
• STT850 SmartLine Temperature Transmitter HART/DE Option User’s Manual,
# 34-TT-25-06
• STT750 SmartLine Temperature Tr ansm itt er Spec if icat ion, 34-TT-03-16
• STT750 SmartLine Temperature Transmitter Quick Start Installation Guide,
# 34-TT-25-14
• STT 750 SmartLine Temperature Transmitter User Manual, Document # 34-TT-25-13
• STT750 SmartLine Temperature Tr ansm itt er HAR T Optio n Use r’s Man ual,
# 34-TT-25-16
Patent Notice
The Honeywell STT850 SmartLine Temperature Transmitter family is covered by one or more of
the following U. S. Patents: 5,485,753; 5,811,690; 6,041,659; 6,055,633; 7,786,878; 8,073,098;
and other patents pending.
Revision 6 HART® Communications Options Safety Manual iii

Support and Contact Information
1-800-343-0228 Customer Service
1-800-423-9883 Global Technical Support
For Europe, Asia Pacific, North and South America contact details, refer to the back page of this
manual or the appropriate Honeywell Solution Support web site:
Honeywell Corporate www.honeywellprocess.com
Honeywell Process Solutions www.honeywellprocess.com/temperature-transmitters/
Training Classes http://www.honeywellprocess.com/en-US/training
Telephone and Email Contacts
Area Organization Phone Number
Honeywell Inc.
Global Email Support Honeywell Process Solutions ask-ssc@honeywell.com
iv HART Option Safety Manual Revision 6

The equipment must be designed and manufactured such that it protects
Dangerous Undetected failures
Failure Modes, Effects and Diagnostic Analysis
The ability of a system to carry out the actions necessary to achieve or
Global Technical Support Center
Highway Addressable Remote Transducer
Mode, where the frequency of demands for operation made on a safety-
the proof test frequency.
Average Probability of Failure on Demand
Freedom from unacceptable risk of harm
The investigation to arrive at a judgment - based on evidence - of the
Safe Failure Fraction, the fraction of the overall failure rate of a device
Safety Instrumented Function, a set of equipment intended to reduce the
Safety Integrity Level, discrete level (one out of a possible four) for
Safety Instrumented System – Implementation of one or more Safety
Terms and Abbreviations
against risk of damage to persons by electrical shock and other hazards
and against resulting fire and explosion. The protection must be effective
under all conditions of the nominal operation and under single fault
to maintain a defined safe state for the equipment / machinery / plant /
apparatus under control of the system
related system is no greater than one per year and no greater than twice
safety achieved by safety-related systems. Further definitions of terms
used for safety techniques and measures and the description of safety
related systems are given in IEC 61508-4.
that results in either a safe fault or a diagnosed unsafe fault.
risk due to a specific hazard (a safety loop).
specifying the safety integrity requirements of the safety functions to be
allocated to the E/E/PE safety-related systems where Safety Integr ity
Level 4 has the highest level of safety integrity and Safety Integrity Level
1 has the lowest.
Instrumented Functions. A SIS is composed of any combination of
sensor(s), logic solver(s), and final element(s).
Revision 6 HART® Communications Options Safety Manual v