Remote Flammable Gas Monitor
Use 3-wire, 4-20mA, transmitter with optional Modbus for use with remotely mounted flammable gas sensors 705 and 705HT
Input Voltage Range 16 to 32VDC (24VDC nominal)
Max Power Consumption Max 5 Watts. at 24Vdc (see section 2 regarding maximum in rush current)
Current Output 4-20mA (Source or Sink)
≥0.0<1.0 mA: Fault
4.0 mA to 20.0 mA: Inhibit (during configuration/user settings)
22.0 mA: Maximum over range
Terminals 15 x screw terminals suitable for wire diameter 0.5mm2 to 2.5mm 2 (20AWG to 13AWG)
Relays 3 x 5A@250VAC. Selectable normally open or normally closed (switch) and energized/de-energized (programmable)
Communication RS485, Modbus RTU
Material Epoxy painted aluminium alloy or 316 Stainless Steel
Weight (approx) Aluminium Alloy LM25: 4.4lbs
316 Stainless Steel: 11lbs
Mounting Pole or wall mounting
Cable Entries 2 x ¾” NPT
Sensor Entries ¾” NPT
Detectable Gases and XCD RFD Sensor Performance
Gas User Selectable
705 Standard Temperature Sensor (UL/CSA Approved)
Flammable 1 to 8* 20 to 100%LEL 100%LEL 10%LEL
705 High Temperature Sensor (UL Only)
Flammable 1 to 8* 20%LEL 20%LEL 10%LEL <25 <±1.5%LEL 67°F (-55°C) 302°F (150°C) 10%LEL
Flammable 1 to 8* 20 to 100%LEL 100%LEL 10%LEL 50%LEL <6 <10 <±1.5%LEL 67°F (-55°C) 302°F (150°C) 20%LEL p 40%LEL p
*Contact Honeywell Analytics for availability.
Gas Displayed Name 705 Sensor
Methane** CH
Hydrogen H
Butane C
Propane C
Pentane C
Ethylene C
**Performance testing conducted with Methane calibration only.
Full Scale Range
Steps User Selectable
Cal Gas Range
25 to 95% of
selected full
scale range
Calibration Gas
50% Methane/air 50% 50% Methane/air 50%
50% Hydrogen/air 50% 50% Hydrogen/air 50%
50% Butane/air 50% 50% Butane/air
50% Propane/air 50%
50% Pentane/air 50%
50% Ethylene/air 50% 50% Ethylene/air 50%
Default Cal
50%LEL <25 <±1.5%LEL 67°F (-55°C) 176°F (80°C) 20%LEL p 40%LEL p
Response Time
(T60) Secs
Response Time
(T90) Secs
Adjust to 705HT Sensor
Accuracy Operating Temperature
Min Max
Calibration Gas
50% Propane/air
50% Pentane/air
Default Alarm Points
A1 A2
p 15%LEL p
p Rising Alarm
Adjust to
Performance figures are taken at 20~25º.
1. Measured using a sample humidity of 50%RH, applicable between 10 and 90% of full scale.
2. Measured using test units calibrated at 50% of full scale.
Response time (T90) may increase when operating in lower or higher temperature conditions or when gas is introduced with the Weather Protection accessory fitted.
Should it be exposed to other HC then non linear response is expected. For linearized operation other than Methane contact HA for alternate parts. This calibration enables 100%
functional test prior to dispatch.
This calibration does not remove need for calibration & test as part of commissioning at site. For gases other than Methane the unit has to be calibrated at site using target gas.
Data represents typical values, and system conditioning may be required to achieve stated result. Contact Honeywell Analytics for details.

IP Rating IP66 in accordance with EN60529:1992, NEMA 4X (Tested by third party laboratory)
Operating Temperature -40ºF to +149ºF (-40ºC to +65ºC)
Operating Humidity Continuous 20-90%RH (non condensing), Intermittent 10-99%RH (non condensing)
Operating Pressure 90-110kPa
Storage Conditions -13°F to +149°F (-25°C to +65°C)
US cCSAus approved for Class I, Division 1, Groups B, C & D Hazardous Locations. Performance approved to the following standards; ANSI/ISA-12.13.01
Canada cCSAus approved for Class I, Division 1, Groups B, C & D Hazardous Locations. Performance approved to the following standards;
C22.2 No. 152-M1984
Performance C22.2-152, ANSI/ISA 121301
Find out more
Toll-free: 800.538.0363
Please Note:
While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy in this publication, no responsibility can be accepted for errors or omissions.
Data may change, as well as legislation, and you are strongly advised to obtain copies of the most recently issued regulations,
standards, and guidelines. This publication is not intended to form the basis of a contract.
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