DR4500 Classic: The Benchmar k f or
12-inch Circular Chart Recorders
Proven LeaderLine Quality, Accuracy, and Value
An Instant Classic
Honeywell’s DR4500 Classic
circular-chart recorder is ideal for
applications in food, pharmaceuticals, environmental testing
and metalworking — wherever
measured variables must be
documented on a single chart and
retained to meet industry requirements. Functionality of the Classic
can be expanded by adding control
capability. Microprocessor-based
and field configurable, the Classic
is industrially hardened for use in
plant and factory.
Compare — Only the
Classic Offers this Unique
Line-up of Features
• Extreme accuracy — Typically
less than ±1°F for the usable
thermocouple ranges; ±0.1% or
better for voltage ranges.
• Universal inputs — Accepts all
thermocouples (Types B, E, J, K,
N, R, S, T, W
RTDs (100 or 500 Platinum,
100RH); Relative Humidity (0-
100%); voltage/current (0-10 mV,
10-50 mV, 0-5V, 0-10V, 4-20 mA);
all inputs are keyboard selectable.
A built-in 24 Vdc power supply
will drive up to 2 transmitters.
• Easy set-up — English language
prompts and menu selections walk
operator through the configuration
process. Simplifies set-up and re-
duces risk of improper configuration.
• Field configurable — Chart ranges
can be set, and reset, in the field
simply by inputting on the keyboard.
• Standard charts — Uses a standard
12-inch chart to record process
variables; 5,000 preprinted Honeywell
charts are available. Whatever your
application, we’ve got the chart.
• Data brilliantly displayed —
Bright, digital displays are easily
read at a distance or in dim light.
); Radiamatic;

Your Entire Process
at a Glance
Selectable displays include
indication of PV, SP, deviation,
alarms, control mode (automatic or
manual), temperature units (F or C),
and setpoint ramp (run/hold).
• Power requirements — 120/240V,
60 or 50 Hz, 9 watts.
Brilliant fluorescent displays and English language prompts not only simplify configuration but
also keep you informed of process conditions at all times. Display shown indicates recorder is
configured for a chart speed of 24 hours; operation is manual.
It’s Your Option
Expand the functionality of your
DR4500 Classic recorder with these
• Control — 2 loops are available,
configurable for On/Off, PID-A,
PID-B, or PD with manual reset.
Control outputs of Time, Current
or Position Proportioning,
Simplex or Duplex with Mixed
Output forms, fully field
selectable to provide the utmost
• Alarms — Fully configurable
alarms alert you to critical
process changes.
• Door lock
• Flow totalization
• Chart illumination
• Heavy duty door
• Auxiliary 4-20 mA output
• UL listing
• CSA/FM approved
• CE Mark
A Complete Product
The DR4500 Classic is a member
of Honeywell’s broad line of digital
instrumentation. If the DR4500
Classic doesn’t meet your recording
needs, Honeywell has the digital
recorder that does. Talk to your
Honeywell distributor or sales representative for price and delivery
information on the DR4500 Classic
and other Honeywell digital recorders.
If it’s worth recording, it’s worth
specifying Honeywell.
Sensing and Control
Honeywell Inc.
11 West Spring Street
Freeport, IL 61032
Recycled Paper
44-45-58-03 Rev. (1M) 12/00