The Full Menu ........................................................................................................................ 3
The Quick Menu .................................................................................................................... 3
Menu Access ......................................................................................................................... 3
Direct Access ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Menu Driven Access ....................................................................................................................................4
Keypad Menu Timeout .................................................................................................................................4
Exiting from Engineer Mode......................................................................................................................... 5
Multi User Access ........................................................................................................................................6
Setting the System................................................................................................................ 7
Full Setting ................................................................................................................................................... 7
Part Setting ..................................................................................................................................................7
Cancelling the Setting .................................................................................................................................. 7
Unsetting the System ........................................................................................................... 8
Setting with Proximity Cards/Tags/Fobs ......................................................................................................9
Unsetting with the Proximity Cards ..............................................................................................................9
Cancelling and Resetting Alarms ........................................................................................ 9
Setting Features .................................................................................................................. 10
Show Set Status ........................................................................................................................................10
Exit Time .................................................................................................................................................... 10
Exit Time Reset.......................................................................................................................................... 10
Omitted Zones ........................................................................................................................................... 11
System Set Indication ................................................................................................................................ 11
Group Logic Setting Restriction ................................................................................................................. 11
Straying from the Entry Route.................................................................................................................... 11
Abort Time .................................................................................................................................................12
Section 6: Test Options .......................................................................... 25
Option 31 – Walk Test (Quick Menu Option 6) ................................................................. 25
Ending the Walk Test .................................................................................................................................25
Assigning Parameters to Groups ...............................................................................................................48
Option 52 – Program Zones ............................................................................................... 65
Selecting Zones .........................................................................................................................................65
System Alarms ...........................................................................................................................................68
Option 53 – Program Outputs ............................................................................................ 81
Option 57 – System Print ................................................................................................. 134
Selecting a Print Option ...........................................................................................................................134
Timer A and B .......................................................................................................................................... 156
Testing Zones ..........................................................................................................................................161
Card-Held Function .................................................................................................................................. A-6
Max Log ............................................................................................................................. A-7
Max Events Print-Out ............................................................................................................................... A-7
Index ............................................................................................................ 1
Galaxy Programming Manual
Quick Setup
Section 1: Quick Setup
To quickly set up the Galaxy control panel for programming follow these simple steps:
1. Connect a 1k Ω (1%) resistor across each of the zones on the panel and RIO (if connected).
2. Ensure that the tamper return loop — the terminal marked as
NOTE: This is factory set as a completed loop with a 0 V return.
3. Connect a keypad to the AB LINE terminals on the control panel. The Galaxy 128 has two AB lines.The Galaxy 500, 504 and 512 have four AB LINE terminals. Connect the terminals as follows:
Table 1. Terminal Connections
4. Connect a 680 Ω End Of Line (EOL) resistor across the A and B terminals of the keypad.
5. Ensure that the keypad is fitted to the wall (see Installation Manual, II1-0030, Keypad
Installation Procedure, Section 4).
6. Connect the battery before replacing the control panel lid.
T on the PCB — is a complete loop.
7. Make sure that the backup battery switch on the PCB (MEM BK) is closed.
8. Connect the mains wiring to the control panel. Do not switch the mains ON.
9. Replace the control panel lid and secure the fastening screw.
10. Switch on the mains voltage (230 Va.c. / 50 Hz).
11. The following sequence of events occur:
•the keypad buzzer and control panel horn (if fitted) activate momentarily,
•flashing ✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷ is displayed on the keypad,
•the sounders stop and the keypad displays become blank,
•the green power LED lights,
•the default banner is displayed on the keypad.
GALAXY <Panel Type> <Panel Version>
00:00 SUN 01 JAN
12. The system is now ready to be programmed. Refer to Section 2: System Operation for
programming details.
Galaxy Programming Manual
Galaxy Programming Manual
Menu options
Section 2: System Operation
Menu Options
The Galaxy provides various menu options for modifying the functional performance of the system.
There are two menu structures:
1.Full Menu — only accessed by default by the Manager code on the Galaxy 60, 128, 500, 504
and 512 control panels and by the engineer.
2.Quick Menu — a selection of options from the full menu. The quick menu is the default menu
access for all user codes (level 3 and above) as well as the Manager code on the Galaxy 8 and 18
control panels.
The Full Menu
The full menu has a hierarchy of four structures contained within it. Each structure is accessible by an increased level of user code.
The Quick Menu
The quick menu offers level 3 and above users a selection of up to 10 options, numbered 0 – 9. The options
available from the quick menu can be modified to the user’s requirement via option
Only valid codes (level 3 and above) can access the Galaxy menu options. Access to the user options is
assigned by the engineer (refer to options 42 = CODES and 68 = MENU ACCESS). Users cannot view or
access options for which they are not authorised; this includes options in the Quick Menu.
NOTE: Menu options 51 – 67 (ENGINEER 1 and ENGINEER 2) can be assigned additional access to
user level 3 – 6, by the engineer.
Menu Access
There are two methods of selecting menu options:
1.Direct Access:
Code + ent + option number + ent.
2.Menu Driven Access:
Code + ent + A (to select menu level) + ent;
A key (to select menu option) + ent.
Galaxy Programming Manual
Direct Access
Entering a valid menu option number while in the menu immediately moves to that option. For example, pressing 52 when the keypad is displaying 22 = DISPLAY LOG moves directly to option
52 = PROGRAM ZONES; Pressing 8 while accessing the PROGRAM ZONES option moves directly to
8 = Group. The option number entered must be valid for the level of the menu structure that is currently being
Menu Driven Access
Menu driven access allows the engineer (and users) to enter the menu and, by using the A and B keys, navigate through the available options. The options are accessed by pressing the ent key. If you press and hold
the A key it will scroll forward through the options and if you press and hold the B key it will scroll backwards
through the options.
Keypad Menu Timeout
Once the user menu has been accessed (irrespective of user level), if there are no keypresses for 2 minutes,
then the keypad timeout occurs; the system returns to the banner text.
NOTE: This feature does not apply when the system is in the Walk Test option. If no zones are tested or no
keypresses occur for 20 minutes when Walk Test is selected, then the keypad timeout occurs. In
Menu Option 66 (Pre-check) there is also a 20 minute timeout after the last zone has been
Engineer Mode
To program the Galaxy, the system must be in engineering mode. This allows access to the engineer menu
options 50 = ENGINEER 1 and 60 = ENGINEER 2.
To access engineer mode, enter the engineer code twice.
Engineer Code + ent + Engineer Code + ent
The default engineer code is 112233.
The first entry of the code activates a tamper alarm. The second entry of the code cancels this alarm and puts
the system into engineer mode; 10 = SETTING, [ENT] TO SELECT is displayed on the keypad. While
engineer mode is accessed, all tampers are disabled, however, all constantly alert zone types — PA zone
types, 24 Hour, Security, Fire & Mask — remain active.
On accessing engineering mode, any group that is set becomes inaccessible to the engineer. The set groups
cannot be assigned to zones, outputs and any other functions permitting group allocation.
NOTE: The Galaxy 60, 128, 500 and 504 can be assigned manager authorised engineer access by adding a # to
the engineer code. Engineer access is then gained as described in the following paragraphs.
Galaxy Programming Manual
Engineer Menu
Accessing Engineer Mode (Galaxy 512)
User Authorised Access
The default engineer code (112233) on the Galaxy 512 is allocated a #. With the # assigned, the engineer
code operation is as follows:
1. Enable Engineer Access:
User Code + ent + 48 + ent + 1 + ent + esc + esc
2. Access Engineer Mode
Engineer Code + ent
Entry to the engineer mode is authorised by a user with access to menu option 48 = ENGINEER ACCESS.
The user selects this option and presses key 1 to enable engineer access. The engineer code must then be
entered within five minutes of the option being enabled. A single entry of the engineer code directly accesses
the mode, without activating an engineer tamper alarm. If the code is not entered within the five minute period,
the engineer code is invalid and has no effect. Once the engineer mode has been accessed, there is no time
limit on the period that the engineer can remain in the mode.
On accessing engineering mode, any group that is set becomes inaccessible to the engineer. The set groups
cannot be assigned to zones, outputs and any other functions permitting group allocation.
Galaxy 512 only
The system cannot be set by any user codes while engineer mode is accessed.
Disabling User Authorisation of Engineer Access
The remote code (User 200 on G60, User 250 on G128, User 500 on G500 and User 999 on G504 and
G512) can remove the # from the engineer code. If the # is removed access to engineer mode is gained in the
same manner as the Galaxy 8, 18, 60, 128, 500 and 504; the engineer code must be entered twice to gain
menu access.
NOTE: The engineer code or remote code can assign the # to the engineer PIN. Only the remote code can
remove it.
Exiting from Engineer Mode
To exit from engineer mode and return to the normal banner enter, carry out the following operation:
1.Return to the engineer banner,
2.Enter the engineer code,
3.Press the esc key.
The Galaxy carries out the following checks:
1.That there are no module or zone tampers. If there are any module or zone tampers the escape
procedure is aborted.
2.That it is communicating with all of the attached modules.
If any modules are reported as missing from the system, the Galaxy prompts the engineer to
remove each of the missing modules by pressing the ✴ key. If the engineer does not remove the
missing modules, the escape procedure is aborted.
User Access
3.That all of the access doors (controlled by the on-line MAX) are closed. If any of the access doors
are open, then the exit procedure is halted until all of the doors are closed.
4.That there are no power failures on the galaxy system, such as AC fail, fuse fail or battery fail
Aborting the Exit Engineer Mode Procedure
If the esc key is pressed at any point while engineer mode is being exited, before the normal banner is displayed, the exit procedure is aborted and the system returns to the engineer banner.
Galaxy Programming Manual
Multi User Access
The Galaxy 60, 128, 500, 504 and 512 allow multi-user access. A maximum of 4, 8, 8, 16 and 16 users
respectively can simultaneously carry out tasks on the system.
The Galaxy 8 and 18 only permit single-user access.
Galaxy Programming Manual
Setting the System
Section 3: Setting Options
Setting the System
Full Setting
If groups are enabled and the user code has been assigned group choice then the keypad displays the set
status of the available groups:
R =Ready
F =Fault (group is unset and at least 1
zone is open
P =Part Set
S (flashing) = selected for setting
S (steady) = already set
L =Lockout
SET A12345678
Pressing the keys for the groups toggles the R (Ready) to an S (set flashing).
SET A12345678
Groups SSRR---
Once the required groups have been selected press the ent key to begin the setting procedure.
If groups are not enabled or the user does not have group choice, entering the user code followed by the A
key immediately starts the setting procedure.
The keypad displays the exit time countdown. At the end of the exit time, or when the setting procedure is
terminated by a FINAL or PUSH-SET zone closing, the ENTRY/EXIT HORN outputs and keypad
buzzers become silent for 4 seconds, then emit 2 long tones to confirm that the system is set. The message
SYSTEM IS SET appears briefly before the keypad display clears (if all groups are set). Otherwise, it is the
customer banner that is displayed.
Part Setting
Enter:CODE + B
This is identical to the Full Setting procedure, except the keypad display indicates that the system is being
Part Set. Only the zones which have the Part attribute enabled (refer to option 52.5 = PROGRAM
ZONE.Part), are included.
Cancelling the Setting
The full and part setting routines can be aborted by pressing the esc key (on the keypad used to begin setting)
before the system sets.
Unsetting the System
Galaxy Programming Manual
Unsetting the System
During the unsetting procedure, initiated by the opening of FINAL or ENTRY zone on a set group, the
system is unset by entering the user code followed by the A key.
•If the user does not have group choice, all of the groups assigned to the code are instantly unset.
•If the user has group choice only the group that the FINAL or ENTRY zone is assigned to is
unset; all of the other groups remain set. The system displays the set status of the remaining
groups and prompts for the required groups to be unset. To unset the required groups press the
relevant number keys — the S or P (Set or Part Set) changes to flashing U — and then press theent key.
Engineer Unsetting (G8, 18, 60, 128, 500 and 504)
The engineer can only unset a system that was set using the engineer code. The engineer code cannot be used
to unset a system that was set by a user code.
Keyswitch Setting Options
Zones programmed as KEYSWITCH can be used to full set, part set and unset the system. Refer to option
Setting the System with a Keyswitch
The KEYSWITCH starts the setting procedure of each of the groups assigned to zone. At the end of the exit
time, or when the setting procedure is terminated by a FINAL or PUSH-SET zone closing, the ENTRY/EXIT HORN outputs and keypad buzzers become silent for 4 seconds, then emit 2 long tones to confirm
that the system is set.
NOTE: If the KEYSWITCH has its Part attribute enabled (refer to option 52 = PROGRAM ZONE) then
the KEYSWITCH part sets the system.
Unsetting the System with a Keyswitch
Activating the KEYSWITCH when the group that it is assigned to is set instantly unsets the group. All other
groups which have been “starred” to the KEYSWITCH are not affected and remain set.
Galaxy Programming Manual
Card Setting
Card Setting Options
Setting with Proximity Cards/Tags/Fobs
The Proximity user cards can be used to set and unset the system. This is done by assigning a MAX user
card (or fob) with one of the setting options (refer to option 42.1.8 = CODES.User Codes.MAX Func-tion). When the card is held against a MAX module or keyprox for 5 seconds, the MAX function is activated. For example, if the MAX function assigned is 13 = Part Set, then activating the card held function
results in the system being part set.
Unsetting with the Proximity Cards
If any of the groups assigned to the MAX or keyprox are set, then swiping the MAX or keyprox module with
a card unsets the groups.
NOTE: The MAX or keyprox module must have common groups to the proximity card user to allow the
card held function to be activated.
Cancelling and Resetting Alarms
Following each alarm activation, the alarm must be cancelled and the Galaxy reset. The alarm is cancelled by
entry of any valid user code (level 2 and above) assigned to the group that has alarmed or by presentation of a
valid proximity card to a reader or keyprox. The alarm sounders, Bell and Strobe outputs are silenced and
the keypad displays information on the zones that have been activated during the alarm.
If the user code entered is not of a sufficient level to reset the Galaxy, the keypad displays the message CALLMANAGER RESET REQUIRED or CALL ENGINEER RESET REQUIRED depending on the type
of alarm and level of reset required.
The Galaxy is reset by entering a valid user code assigned to the group that has alarmed, with the appropriate
reset level for the type of alarm that has activated — System, Tamper or PA (refer to option 51.6 =
PARAMETERS.System Reset, 51.7 = PARAMETERS.Tamper Reset and 51.22 =
PARAMETERS.PA Reset). The keypad displays information on the zones that have been activated during
the alarm.
NOTE: If a tamper alarm has activated (zone or module) then the system cannot be reset until the tamper
condition is restored.
Galaxy 8, 18, 60, 128, 500 and 504
On the next setting of the Galaxy, if any of the zones that were opened during the previous alarm have not
closed since the alarm activation, then the system is prevented from setting. The addresses of the open zones
are displayed on the keypad; there is no sounder activation. Closing the zones permits the setting procedure to
NOTE: This is not the same as open zones being indicated on the keypad; these are accompanied by rapid
tones on the Entry/Exit Horn.
Setting Features
Galaxy Programming Manual
Setting Features
The Galaxy control panels provide a range of features to assist the user in the setting and unsetting of the
system, minimising the possibility of error when carrying out these procedures.
Show Set Status
When Show Status is enabled (refer to option 58.6 = KEYPAD.Show Status), pressing the ✴ and # keys
simultaneously when the normal banner is displayed indicates the group set status.
F = Fault
R = Ready
S = Set
P = Part Set
L = Locked Out
– = Group not assigned to keypad
NOTE: The Show Status indicates the set conditions of groups when the system is set (keypad blank) or
unset (normal banner). Show Status does not operate while engineer mode is accessed.
Pressing the ✴ and # keys again toggles the display to show the status of the groups individually. To move
between each groups, press the ✴ and A or the ✴ and B keys simultaneously.
Pressing the ✴ and # keys again returns the keypad to the banner display.
STATUS 12345678
Group Block
08:58 TUE 22 NOV
A1U Group A1
Group A1 is unset
Galaxy 500, 504 and 512
The Galaxy 500, 504 and 512 have more than 8 groups; these are displayed on the keypad in blocks of eight
groups. Press ✴ and A or ✴ and B keys to display each of the group blocks.
Exit Time
Once the setting routine starts, outputs programmed as Entry/Exit Horn emit a continuous tone. The keypad
used to set the system indicates the time, in seconds, remaining before the system sets.
Exit Time Reset
If any zones are open when setting starts or are opened during the setting routine, the sounder begins to pulse
rapidly; zones types other than Final, Exit, Entry or Push-Set (and Secure Final or Part Final when acting
as a Final), indicate on the setting keypad the number of zones open. The A or B keys can be used to view
the open zone types and addresses. Closing the zones resets and restarts the exit time.
Galaxy Programming Manual
Setting Features (cont’d)
Omitted Zones
If zones are omitted when the system starts setting, this is indicated on the keypad. The keypad indicates how
many zones are omitted.
Expiry Warning
During the last 25% of the programmed exit time outputs programmed as Entry/Exit Horn begin to pulse
rapidly, indicating that time is running short.
System Set Indication
At the end of the exit time the Entry/Exit Horns become silent for four seconds. This allows the door to be
locked and secured and gives the detectors time to settle before the system finally sets. Two long tones are
emitted to confirm that the system has set. If all groups are set the keypad briefly displays the message SYS-TEM IS SET before going blank. If any group remain unset the display returns to the banner.
Group Logic Setting Restriction
If Setting Logic has been assigned to a group (refer to 63.1.2 = OPTIONS.Groups.Setting Logic), the set
status of the groups must satisfy the conditions defined in the option to permit the group to set. If the SettingLogic conditions are not satisfied, then the group cannot set. If multiple groups are being set simultaneously,
but one group is restricted due to the programmed Setting Logic, the remainder of the groups set. The
restricted group does not set; there is no warning or indication given.
If the programmed Setting Logic results in none of the selected groups being allowed to set, a warning
message is displayed on the keypad. This message does not appear if at least one group sets.
2 Groups not set
[<],[>] to view
Entry Time
The system begins the unsetting routine whenever a Final or Entry zone activates. The Entry/Exit Horns
pulse slowly indicating that the entry time countdown has started. The user must go directly to the keypad,
using the agreed entry route, and unset the system before the entry time expires. When 75% of the entry time
has elapsed the Entry/Exit horns pulse rapidly, indicating that time is running short.
Timeout (Slow Entry)
If the entry time expires before a valid code is entered to unset the group, a full alarm occurs. This is recorded
in the event log as a Timeout against the group which was in the process of being unset.
Straying from the Entry Route
If, during the entry routine, the user strays from the agreed entry route and activates a zone in a protected
area, a full alarm occurs.
Setting Features (cont’d)
Galaxy Programming Manual
Abort Time
Should the user exceed the entry time or stray from the entry route a full alarm occurs. However the activation
of the intruder output can be delayed to allow time for the user to abort the remote signalling.
The Abort Time parameter can also be programmed so that an Intruder alarm is activated immediately the
entry time expires or a zone is activated, but entry of any valid code cancels the alarm and deactivates the
Intruder outputs without the need for a system reset.
Abort Setting Message
Zones that are open or opened during the exit period are indicated to the user by a rapid audible tone from the
entry/exit horns. The keypad displays the open zones and then prompts the user to abort the setting by pressing the ESC key. This message is designed to prevent users from re-entering the building, closing the open
zones, allowing the system to set and trapping the user in the building.
Fail to Set – Galaxy 60, 128, 500, 504 & 512
An output type (Option 53-Program output 40, Fail Set) is available that activates if a full set has not
occurred after a programmed period of time (determined by Option 51-Parameter 35, Fail to Set) from the
start of the setting procedure.
Power Failure While System is Set
When power is restored to the system, following a complete mains (a.c.) and standby battery (d.c.) power
failure, the system attempts to return to the set status — full or part — prior to the power failure. The system
begins the setting procedure. If there are no zones open that prevent the system from setting, at the end of the
programmed exit time, the appropriate groups and parts are set.
Galaxy Programming Manual
11 - Omit Zones
Section 4: Menu Options 11-19
Option 11 – Omit Zones (Quick Menu Option 0)
Code + ent + 11 + ent + A or B to select zone + # +
A or B to select zone + # + ..........
ent (to set) or esc (to select another option)
This option allows zones to be temporarily removed (omitted) from the system. Once a zone has been omitted
it does not generate an alarm condition (including tamper). The omitted zones are reinstated automatically
when the system is unset or manually when the zone omit option is disabled.
On selecting the Omit Zones option, the first zone that has the omit attribute enabled is displayed (refer to
option 52 = PROGRAM ZONE). If there are no omittable zones, then the message NO ENTRIES is
Press the A or B keys to view other omittable zones. Press the # key to toggle the omit status of the required
zone. The display indicates the new omit status.
NOTE: A zone is omitted from the system as soon as it is selected.
This process is continued until all the required zones have been omitted:
•pressing the ent key starts the timed setting routine. The number of zones omitted from the system are
displayed during the exit time countdown;
•pressing the esc key returns to the 11 = OMIT ZONES without starting the setting routine.
On returning to the banner (normal or engineer) the keypad displays the message ZONES OMITTED.
Omitted zones remain omitted for one set period only or until they are manually reinstated to the system.
Outputs programmed as Zone Omit (mode programmed as reflex) are activated as soon as the zone is
omitted and remains active until the zone is reinstated.
11 - Omit Zones (cont’d)
Galaxy Programming Manual
Galaxy 512
Code + ent + 11 + ent + A or B to select zone + # + ent (to set) or esc (to select another option)
The Omit Zones option allows a single eligible zone to be omitted from the system. Once a zone has been
omitted from the system, it is not possible to view other zones that have the omit attribute enabled until the
omitted zone is reinstated (either automatically or manually).
There are five zone types which vary from the standard Omit Zones operation:
•Vibration Zones — if the omitted zone is a Vibration zone, then all zones (in all groups) programmed as
this type are block omitted. The Vibration zones remain omitted until they are manually reinstated.
Unsetting the system does not reinstate Vibration zones (vibration zones are also available on the G504).
•ATM1/2/3/4 Zones — a single ATM zone type can be omitted for the duration of the period entered in
the ATM Timeout parameter (option 51.39). The ATM Delay parameter (option 51.38) determines
the delay before ATM zones are omitted following the entry of one of the ten ATM Codes (User 188 –
197). Entry of a code allows the user to omit one of the ATM zone types. Once omitted, the initiating
keypad indicates the number of minutes remaining until the selected ATM zones are reintroduced to the
system. A warning is given ten and five minutes before the zones are reinstated. The omit time may be
extended indefinitely by reentering an ATM Code. Outputs programmed as ATM1/2/3/4 active when the
respective AT M zone type is omitted, and remain active until the zone type is reinstated.
Refer to option 52 = PROGRAM ZONES for details on the operation of Vibration and ATM zone types.
Manually Reintroducing Omitted Zones to the System
Selecting the OMIT ZONES option; using the A or B keys, select the omitted zone to be reinstated. Press
the # key toggle the omit status of the required zone. The display indicates the new omit status.
Normal Setting with Omitted Zones
Initiate the full or part setting routine. The system starts to set; the display indicates that zones have been
omitted. The zone remains omitted until the system is unset (with the exception of Vibration and ATM
Galaxy Programming Manual
Options 12 - 16
Option 12 – Timed Set
This option, when entered, starts the setting routine. The Entry/Exit Horns emit the expiry warning using the
programmed exit time (0-300 seconds). The system sets at the end of the exit time or earlier if a Final Zone is
opened and closed, key 0 is pressed — if programmed as an exit terminator — or if a push-set terminator is
operated. The option displays the time remaining until the system sets or the number of open zones preventing
the system from setting. Opening a zone during the exit routine resets the exit timer. Pressing the esc key prior
to the system setting aborts the setting routine.
NOTE: The factory default setting allows the timed setting routine to be initiated by entering a valid level 3
(or above) user code and pressing the A key. The A key can be reprogrammed by the engineer to
perform another function, or to start the setting routine without a code being entered.
Option 13 – Part Set
This option operates exactly as the Timed Set option with the exception that only those zones that have the
part attribute enabled (refer to option 52 = PROGRAM ZONES) are set. All zones have the part attribute
enabled by default. Therefore selecting PART SET from the factory will set all zones. The part attribute of
the zones must be disabled if they are not to be included in the part set.
NOTE: The factory default setting allows the part setting routine to be initiated by entering a valid level 3 (or
above) user code and pressing the B key. The B key can be reprogrammed by the engineer to
perform another function, or to start the part setting routine without a code being entered.
Option 14 – Forced Set (Quick Menu Option 1)
Forced Set allows a timed set of the system when there are zones that are open at the point of selecting
the option. The open zones must have the omit attribute enabled (refer to option 52 = PROGRAMZONES). This option is only available if the Forced parameter (option 51.26) is enabled; otherwise, the
selection is invalid and the keypad displays the message Option not available.
When the Forced Set option is entered, the keypad displays the number of zones that have been omitted
(manually by option 11 = OMIT ZONES and automatically by the Forced Set) and the setting routine
begins. If there are any open zones that do not have the omit attribute enabled, the keypad displays the
number of open zones that are not omittable and prompts the user to view them. The non-omittable zones
must be closed before the setting routine can continue.
Option 15 – Chime (Quick Menu Option 2)
The Chime option allows the user to switch the chime facility on and off. Any zones that have the chime
attribute enabled (refer to option 52 = PROGRAM ZONES) momentarily operate Entry/Exit Horns when
opened; 2 long tones are emitted.
Option 16 – Instant Set
Selecting this option immediatelysets all zones. No sounder or exit time is involved.
NOTE: The zones must be closed to allow the system to set. If any zones are open, then the exit time reset
feature (detailed previously) is activated.
Options 17 - 19
Galaxy Programming Manual
Option 17 – Instant Part
Selecting this option immediately sets all zones that have the part attribute enabled. No sounder or exit time is
NOTE: The zones must be closed to allow the system to part set. If any zones are open, then the exit time
reset feature (detailed previously) is activated.
Option 18 – Home Set
The Home Set option either fully sets or part sets the system. The system is:
•fully set if the exit time is manually terminated via a Final or Push-Set zone operation;
•part set if the exit time is allowed to expire.
Option 19 – All Set (Galaxy 18, 60, 128, 500, 504 & 512)
All Set allows a timed set of groups assigned to the user code without offering the choice of which groups are
to be set. No group choice is offered. The groups that are set when this option is selected is determined by the
keypad group restriction (refer to option 58.7 = KEYPADS.Groups):
•If there is no keypad group restriction then all of the groups assigned to the user are set — as long as
there is at least one common group assigned to the keypad.
•If there is a group restriction on the setting keypad, then only the groups that are common to both the user
and the keypad on which the menu option is selected are set. For example, a user assigned groups 1, 2, 3,
and 4 selecting the All Set option on a keypad assigned groups 2 and 3 will only set groups 2 and 3.
Galaxy Programming Manual
21 - Display Zones
Section 5: Display Options
Option 21 – Display Zones (Quick Menu Option 3)
Selecting and entering the Display Zones option shows the first zone on the system. Other zones may be
viewed by pressing the A and B keys or by entering the zone number directly.
The top line displays:
•the address;
•the zone function alternating with the status — open, closed, high resistance, low resistance, tamper short
or tamper open circuit;
•the group assigned — if the group mode is enabled. Only the zones assigned to the user’s group are
The bottom line shows:
•the zone descriptor (if used);
•by pressing the # key the bottom line changes to show the circuit resistance in Ohms, if using a hardwired
RIO and the RIO (not zone) voltage, pressing the # key returns the bottom line to the zone descriptor.
A printout of all the zones is available from this option by pressing the ✴ key; pressing the esc key aborts the
NOTE: A serial printer must be connected to the Galaxy panel via a printer interface module or an RS232
interface module.
22 - Display Log
Galaxy Programming Manual
Option 22 – Display Log (Quick Menu Option 4)
The Galaxy event log is viewed using this menu option. The number of events that each of the Galaxy panels
can store are as follows:
•Galaxy 8- 250 events
•Galaxy 18- 500 events
•Galaxy 60- 500 events
•Galaxy 128- 500 events
•Galaxy 500- 1000 events
•Galaxy 504- 1000 events
•Galaxy 512- 1000 events
If group mode is enabled (refer to option 63 = OPTIONS) and the user code has group choice (refer to
option 42 = CODES), then the available groups are displayed for selection. Press the number of the groups
to be displayed, the N below the selected group changes to a flashing Y. When all the required groups are
selected press the ent key to access the log; only the events in the selected groups are displayed.
Once the event log is accessed, the most recent event is displayed. The B key steps backwards in time
through the log, while the A key moves forward in time. Holding down either key quickly steps through the
dates until the required date is found. When a selected date is on display the events of that day and previous
days can be viewed by repeatedly pressing the B key; events on subsequent days are viewed by repeatedly
pressing the A key.
The event log is wrapped round from beginning to end. The message START or END (depending on
whether the A key or the B key is being pressed) is briefly displayed when the wraparound is passed through.
The following information is detailed in the event log:
•time - time that event occurred;
•date - day and date that event occurred;
•event - information about the type of event that occurred. Certain events are displayed with a +
(positive — indicating that the event started or was activated) or – (negative — indicating that the event
ended or was terminated) symbol;
•user - alternates between the name and number of the user who initiated the event. If the event is
one that is not associated with a user code, for example, an alarm activation or a Final zone
closing, then no user information is displayed.
Pressing the # key while viewing the log can reveal additional information about certain event types:
•User events reveal the keypad, user level and user group involved in the event;
•Alarm events reveal the zone descriptor, if programmed.
•Walk tested RF zones reveal the measured signal strength of each RF device.
10:24 SUN 01 JAN
K10 L7
K = Keypad
AB Line
Keypad Address
Level of User Code
Galaxy Programming Manual
1.Where two identical events occur within 1 second, only one is logged.
2.Only the first occurrences of high resistance and low resistance events on each day are logged.
Subsequent activations are ignored until midnight of the same day. This is to prevent the log
from being filled with high and low resistance activations from a faulty zone.
23 - System
The event log can be printed while accessing the Display Log option. Pressing the
event starts the printout from the displayed event and goes back to the first event. The esc key aborts the print
NOTE: A serial printer must be connected to the Galaxy panel via a printer interface module or an RS232
This option provides a quick overview of the system configuration; two lines of information are displayed at a
time - the A and B keys are used to scroll through the entire list:
•Groupsuse the A and B keys to scroll through groups A1–8, B1–8, C1–8 and D1–8
•Group statusU = Unset, S = Set, P = Part set and L = Locked-out for each of the groups
NOTE: Enabling the Show Status option (refer to option 58 = KEYPADS) allows the group set status to
be displayed from the normal banner (when the system is set or unset) by pressing the ✴ and # keys
•TypeGalaxy 8, 18, 60, 128, 500, 504 or 512;
•Versionversion of software in Galaxy panel;
•RIOs fittedincludes the on-board RIOs;
•Codes usedincludes the manager, engineer and remote codes;
•Max Modulesgives the number of Max/MicroMAX/MAX3 modules on the system;
•Panel locationup to 16 characters of text entered in System Text parameter (option 51.15.2).
24 - Print
Galaxy Programming Manual
Option 24 – Print (Quick Menu Option 5)
NOTE: A serial printer must be connected to the Galaxy panel via a printer interface module or an RS232
interface module.
This option allows one of the four listed options to be printed. Only information corresponding to the groups
assigned to the user is printed.
1.Codes – user number and name, level and groups assigned;
NOTE: only the manager can print out the user PINS; the Print Codes parameter (option 51.23) must be
enabled (default is disabled).
2.Zones – address, function, group (if group mode is enabled), status, descriptor (if assigned),
status of the chime, omit and part attributes, the RIO voltage and the zone resistance in Ohms;
3.Log – all events in the log, starting with the most recent and working backwards;
4.All – codes, zones and log details respectively.
The required option is selected by pressing the appropriate key 1-4. The printing begins immediately and can
be aborted by pressing esc.
Galaxy Programming Manual
25 - Access Doors
Option 25 – Access Doors
NOTE: If the MAX mode has not been enabled (refer to option 63.2 = OPTIONS.MAX) the message No
Entries is displayed on entering this option.
Accessing this option when the MAX mode is enabled and there are MAX modules connected to the system
displays the address and descriptor details of the first MAX module on the system. Press the A and B keys to
view details of the other MAX modules on the system.
If there are no MAX modules attached to the system the message None Detected is displayed.
The MAX/MicroMAX/MAX3 log size mirrors the panel event log size. For example, the Galaxy 60 has a
MAX/MicroMAX/MAX3 log size of 300 events, and the Galaxy 500 has a MAX/MicroMAX/MAX3 log size
of 500 events. Full details of the MAX/MicroMAX/MAX3 log sizes for each panel type are given in Galaxy
Installation Manual, Appendix B, Panel Comparisons (part number II1-0030).
MAX/MicroMAX/MAX3 events are transmitted using Contact ID, SIA and Alarm Monitoring formats.
MAX/MicroMAX/MAX3 events transmitted are listed in the table that follows:
Table 3. Max/MicroMAX/MAX3 Events
Access Log Print and Store Option
The Access Doors (MAX/MicroMAX Log) is printed on-line and stored in the event memory.
The Access Door Log print displays in the format of the Event Log and allows information to be accessed.
The format is as follows:
HH:MM_XXXXXXXXXX_USR_NNN_UUUUUU_MYY_—_ (39 character display)
HH:MM = time in hour:minutes (5 characters). The date will be printed only at the beginning of every day,
that is midnight.
XXXXXXXXXX = access message (10 character) Valid, Invalid Vard, Reject Card
USR = User (3 characters)
NNN = User number to which MAX card is assigned (3 characters)
UUUUUU = User descriptor (6 characters)
M = MAX reader address (1 character)
YY = MAX physical address-M10, M24 etc (3 characters)
- (dash) = unused character slot
__ (underscore) = this represents a space and is not printed or displayed in the access log.
For example: A valid card read at MicroMAX/MAX3 30 from the card held by user 020, name Albert, at
13:48 would be:13:48 Valid USR 020 Albert M30 –
25 - Access Doors (cont’d)
Galaxy Programming Manual
Access Door MicroMAX/MAX3 LED Status
When the access doors option is entered in engineering mode the MAX address can be displayed by pressing
the # key. This feature includes displaying the MicroMAX address using the MicroMAX LED format. This is
shown in the following Figure graphically for both a MAX and a MicroMAX address as 26.
MicroMAX LEDs Displayed
Top (unused)
MAX LEDs Displayed
2 6M A X2 6M A X
Figure 1. LED Status
The line numbers are represented by the top row in MAX and blocks 2nd and 3rd from the top in the
MicroMAX and the address numbers are represented by the bottom row of blocks in the MAX and the four
bottom blocks in the MicroMAX. The top LED on the MicroMAX is always off in this mode.
The combinations are shown in the following Figure:-
Line No.
Module Address
Figure 2. Line Number/Module Address
The first digit of the two digit number refers to the line that the module is connected to (line 1 on Galaxy 18 &
60, lines 1-2 on Galaxy 128, and lines 1–4 on the Galaxy 500, 504 & 512); the second digit is the physical
address number of the MAX module. For example, a MAX module displaying as 25 indicates that the module
is on line 2 and is addressed as 5.
Pressing the # key gives a graphic representation of the MAX address in a binary format. The top two boxes
on the top row indicate the line address; the bottom four boxes indicate the physical address.
The descriptor is a maximum of 16 characters entered in the MAX Parameters option (63.2.3)
Engineer Mode
On accessing the Access Doors option in engineering mode, each on-line MAX module displays its address
by lighting the appropriate LEDs. To help the engineer identify each of the MAX modules, the keypad displays a graphic representation of the MAX module address. By matching the (LED off) and (LED on)
image to the LEDs on the MAX, the engineer can identify each MAX module on the system.
Galaxy Programming Manual
25 - Access Doors (cont’d)
The MAX log stores proximity card events from the microMAX/MAX3 card readers.
To display the events in the MAX log, use the A or B keys to select the required MAX address then press the
ent key. The first event that occurred on the selected MAX is displayed along with details of the time, date
and MAX number.
To view the log press the A key to move forward in time through the events or the B key to move backwards.
Press the esc key to return to the MAX address display. To view the log of another MAX, use the A or B
key to select the required address. To escape form the Access Doors option press the esc key.
Time and date
of event
MAX user number
02:25 SUN OCT
USR032 Valid
Event type
Galaxy Programming Manual
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