Hakko FR-1418 User Manual

Operation and Maintenance Manual
Rev 2005-08
Section Item Page
2.0 Unpacking & Installation 12
3.0 Rework Process Overview 14
4.0 Operation 16
5.0 Options 19
6.0 Maintenance & Troubleshooting 21
7.0 HMI Software Guide 29
8.0 Advanced Rework Profiling and 39 Control Software
1.0 System Overview
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Figure 1: FR-1418
The previous picture and table are meant to familiarize the user with the term inology used to describe the major components of an FR-1418 BGA Rework System.
The figures below describe the specific features and controls found on the FR-1418 BGA Rework Systems. Not all features and controls will be found on all systems, as they vary according to the specific model and options purchased. The items described in the following figures will be referred to throughout the rest of this manual.
Front Panel:
Figure 2: Front Panel Controls
Item Description
1 HMI / Operator Keypad w/ LCD
2 Top (Component) Lighting Intensity Control
3 Teach Thermocouple Input (TCH or TC1)
4 Spare Thermocouple Input (TC2)
5 Bottom (Board) Lighting Intensity Control
6 Vacuum Switch and Indicator Lamp*
*Note: Some systems may have a footswitch or no switch when controlled by a Host PC.
Figure 3: FR-1418 HMI Panel Details
Item Description
1 LCD Screen / Message Window
2 L.E.D. Status Indicators
3 Vacuum Toggle Switch and Indicator
4 Start Button, or <Start>
5 Stop Button , or <Stop> or <Esc> or <No>
6 Menu Up Button , or <M↑>
7 Menu Button , or <Menu> or <Yes>
8 Menu Down Button, or <M↓>
9 Set Data Up Button , or <S↑>
10 Set Data Button , or <Set> or <Enter> or <Toggle>
11 Set Data Down Button, or <S↓>
12 Bar Graph Progress Indicator
Note: When the unit is controlled by an optional PC with the Thermal Analysis and Control Software installed, the display will read: “UNDER HOST CONTROL” and all keypad actions are ignored. All functions are accessible through the PC software.
Figure 4: Lighting Intensity Control
Turn clockwise to increase intensity, and counterclockwise to decrease intensity.
The TOP lighting (left hand knob) affects the brightness of the video camera image in the UP direction. This is the COMPONENT or NOZZLE image. The BTM lighting (right hand knob) affects the image brightness in the DOWN direction. This is the BOARD image. By varying the intensity in both directions, the operator can view a superimposed image of the COMPONENT or NOZZLE and BOARD for installation or removal of SMT components. Figure 5: Vacuum Control
Vacuum can be manually controlled by a front panel pushbutton, footswitch, or PC software.
At any time the machine is in a normal RUN mode, actuating the vacuum switch will toggle the vacuum from OFF to ON or from ON to OFF.
The vacuum switch is also used during semi­automatic operation to release the COMPONENT from the vacuum tip when placing a component on the BOARD, or when placing a component in the NEST, to indicate to the operator that it is time to continue the cycle after a manual operation. Figure 6: Thermocouple Inputs (TCH Shown)
The FR-1418 has (2) Thermocouple (T/C) inputs. The LH input is the TEACH or TCH input, and the RH input is the SPARE or TC2 input. These are Type K T/C inputs. 36 gauge, fine wire, Teflon insulated T/Cs are recommended.
The TCH input is used to measure the solder joint temperature. The TC2 input can be used to measure temperature at any point on the board or component being soldered.
Note: There must be a T/C or jumper plugged into each port in order for the machine to operate in TEACH or RUN Modes. The system will generate a fault message if either channel is open.
Board Fixture and Axis Definition:
Figure 7: Board Fixture
The standard board fixture consists of front (1) and rear (2) dovetail rails with adjustable spring clips (3) attached to them. The rear dovetail rail may be adjusted front to back to allow holding boards (also called PCB or PWB) of varying depths. To adjust the rear rail, loosen the black knobs at both ends, and slide the rail forward or backward using one hand on each end. Keep the rear rail parallel to the front rail for easiest adjustment without binding. For convention, left to right on the machine is called the X­Axis. The front to back direction is called the Y-Axis. The heater head (4) travels up and down in the Z-Axis.
Axis Adjustment Controls:
Figure 8: X-Axis Fine Adjust Knob
Figure 10: Y-Axis Fine Adjust Knob
Figures 8 through 11 show the X and Y Axis adjustment controls for positioning the heater head relative to the board loaded into the board fixture. To move the head left or right, squeeze the X-Axis adjust handle, and push or pull the head to the desired position. To move the head front to back, squeeze the Y-Axis adjust handle and push or pull the head to the desired position. Fine adjustments, such as when aligning a component or nozzle to a PCB, can be made by rotating the fine adjust knob for the each axis.
Figure 9: X-Axis Adjust Handle
Figure 11: Y-Axis Adjust Handle
Figure 12: Theta Adjust
The lower heater head can be rotated by turning the Theta Adjust knob. This rotates the nozzle and the vacuum pick-up, so the component and/or nozzle can be aligned to the PCB in the Theta, or rotational, direction. The Theta adjust is a precision assembly with limited travel in either direction. Take care not to continue to turn the knob once the Theta has been adjusted to the end of travel to avoid damaging the assembly. (Also see: Nozzle Installation)
Figure 13: Z-Axis Adjust Handle
Figure 14: Z-Axis Fine Adjust Knob
2 3
Figure 15: Z-Axis Rack Gear Assembly
Adjusting the heater head height (figures 13 and 14):
The Z-Axis adjust handle (1) is attached to the heater head. It is used to select the rough position of the heater head (7). This position is either UP or DOWN. Squeezing the adjust handle disengages a pin from the Z-Axis fine adjust rack gear assembly (3), allowing the head to be lifted or lowered to the top (4) or bottom (5) travel stop. There is a slot in the rack assembly at either end of travel in which the pin engages when the adjust handle is released. The Z-Axis Fine Adjust Knob (2) rotates a pinion gear (6), which moves the rack assembly up or down. This provides additional up and down adjustment of the head when it is in either the UP or DOWN rough position. During general use the rack assembly should always be adjusted UP using the knob, unless the operator is in the process of picking, placing or soldering a component. This ensures that there will be adequate clearance between the heater nozzle and the board or nest when a rapid move is made between the UP and DOWN rough positions.
Heater Head and Nozzle Installation:
Figure 16: Lower Heater Head Details
The lower heater head assembly is
supported by the theta adjustment bearings, which are mounted to the heater plate (7). The lower heater housing (1) rotates using the theta adjust (8). The heat path from the upper heater head to the lower heater
head is closed by a spring-loaded bronze seal (4). Vacuum is generated by a venturi in the rear head enclosure. The vacuum tip (6), not
visible in Fig. 16, receives vacuum through a Teflon tube connected to the vacuum transfer pipe (5). The vacuum tips are interchangeable for placing and removing different size and weight SMT components. Interchangeable nozzles (3) are held into the lower heater housing (1) by three spring-loaded clips (2).
Changing Nozzles:
Heater nozzles are available in different sizes, end-shapes, and styles. They are generally low-mass stainless steel shrouds with a machined top flange or hub which engages the lower heater housing. To remove a nozzle (3), grasp the shroud and tilt the lower end of the nozzle slightly away from one of the spring loaded clips (2), while pulling straight down. To insert a nozzle, center the theta adjustment (see note), hold the nozzle by the shroud, insert the vacuum tip through the opening in the top of the nozzle, place the flange of the nozzle over two of the spring clips (2) at a slight angle, and then push the nozzle straight up until the other side of the flange snaps past the third spring clip.
CAUTION! Nozzles may be VERY HOT! Hot nozzles can cause severe burns. Use adequate
hand protection when changing a hot nozzle, or wait for the nozzle to cool before changing.
Note: The range of theta adjustment for the heater head is limited. Attempting to force the theta adjustment beyond its intended travel will damage the assembly. To minimize the possibility of this occurring, observe the following: Before installing each nozzle it is best to center the theta adjustment in its travel range and install the nozzle at the approximate rotation angle required for installation or removal of the SMT component (usually 0, 90, or 45 degrees.)
Video Camera and Optical Alignment System: (Figures 17 & 18)
A video/optical system aids the operator in aligning the nozzle or component to the board. To use the alignment system, put the head in the UP position, and slide the optics train (10) to its right-most position underneath the nozzle. Top lighting (1) illuminates the component and/or the end of the nozzle and vacuum tip. Bottom lighting (2) illuminates the board. Light reflected from the component and board travels through the beam-splitting prism (3), reflects off the flat mirror (4), into the zoom lens (9), and finally onto the CCD imaging device (8). The CCD imaging device transmits a video signal to an LCD flat screen, an analog monitor, or a PC for high magnification viewing of the superimposed component/board image. The intensity of the component or board image can be adjusted by varying the light intensity. The image is adjusted using the focus (5), zoom (6), and f-stop (7) controls on the zoom lens (9). Always focus the camera on the BOARD and adjust the Z height of the component or nozzle to focus the top image. When focusing a component, adjust the Z height of the component so that the pitch of the leads on the component matches the pitch of the in-focus pads on the board. This is easiest when the X/Y/Theta adjusts are used to set the leads on the component parallel to, and one-half pitch offset in the Y direction from the pads on the board.
Figure 17: Optics Components
Figure 18: Camera & Zoom Lens
Component Nest:
3 4
Note: The component nest and optics train are shown in their retracted positions. The component nest (1) and optics train (4) must be fully retracted for the head to be lowered to the DOWN position.
Rear Panel:
Figure 19: Component Nest
The component nest (1) is provided for aligning a component to the heater nozzle, and for receiving a hot component after it has been removed from the board. The system is furnished with a generic plate (not shown) which fits into the component nest to aid in aligning new components with the heater nozzle (5). Component Print Frames, or CPF (2), also fit into the component nest, and are available for stencil printing solder paste onto BGA (3) and some other SMT components.
With the head UP, extend the component nest to its right-most position to align the center of the nest insert (2) with the nozzle (5) for receiving hot components, or transferring a new component to the nozzle.
Figure 20: Rear Panel
Item Description Item Description
1 Rear Panel 5 Serial Number Decal
2 On/Off Switch (Power Switch) 6 Host PC and/or Options Connector(s)
3 Air/N2 Supply Inlet (1/4” Tubing) 7 Power Cord
4 Services to Head Assembly
2.0 Unpacking and Installation:
The rework system packaging may vary due to the specific model purchased, options installed, and shipping/transportation requirements. The following figures provide a general guide for unpacking the system.
Figure 21: Outer cardboard or crating removed Figure 22: Bracing and Plastic Removed
To unpack the machine: Remove the outer cardboard or wooden crating material. Remove the two 5/16 lag bolts (2), and the hold-down brace (1) from the cushioned skid (4). Remove the outer plastic sheeting, shrink wrap or optional vapor-barrier bag (3). Remove the nozzle kit (5), accessory pack (6), and any LCD monitor (7) and/or optional equipment. The machine can now be lifted off the skid using at least two people. The uncrated machine weighs approximately 140 pounds. Place the machine on a stable bench with a solid top. The bench should not wobble or bend under the weight of the machine. If necessary adjust the four leveling feet so that the machine sits flat on the bench without rocking. Remove any final shrink wrap, plastic or foam, except the foam block (8) under the head. Raise the head to remove the final foam block. Remove the cardboard (9) covering the bottom heater.
1 1
Figures 22 & 23: Axes Blocked
Stop Collars (1) are used to secure the axes for shipment. Loosen the #10-32 set screws and slide the collars out of the way.
Power and Air/N2 Connections:
Connect air or nitrogen to the rear panel fitting using ¼ inch plastic tubing. (See Fig. 20 on page 11) The supply gas must be clean, dry and regulated to 60PSI. The supply should be capable of delivering 5 CFM minimum continuous supply at 80 PSI. Poor filtration or wet air lines will degrade heater and pneumatic component performance.
Plug the power cord into an appropriate, dedicated 120VAC outlet. It is now safe to turn on the power to the machine. The machine will run through a brief self-check on power-up and then be ready for operation. See section 4.0 Operation and Programming, Section 7.0 HMI Software guide, or Section 8.0 Thermal Analysis and Control Software for more information.
Repackaging the system:
Reverse the unpacking procedure, taking special care to secure all moving parts as indicated.
Note: The minimum packaging for local delivery or relocating of systems requires that the machine be securely fastened to a cushioned skid, with the head blocked, axes locked, bottom heater covered, and system shrink-wrapped as described in this section.
3.0 Process Overview
This section is intended to provide a brief and general overview of the SMT rework process using the FR-1418. Your process and corresponding requirements may vary considerably.
The typical rework process using this equipment would include the following three phases, each of which has several steps.
Rework Phases
I. Component Removal II. Board and Component Preparation for Installation III. Component Installation
Rework Phase I - Component Removal Typical steps:
1. Load the board with the component to be removed in the board fixture.(Fig. 7)
2. Align the nozzle with the component using the video image and X/Y/Theta adjust knobs (Fig. 8-12, 17, 18)
3. Retract Optics and lower head near board (Fig. 13-15)
4. Press <Start> to initiate the RUN/REMOVE Heat Cycle (Fig. 3, Section 4.0, Section 7.0)
5. When the heat cycle is complete, the vacuum comes on. Adjust Z height to pick up the component (Fig.
6. Raise heater head (Fig. 13-15)
7. Move the component nest/CPF under the hot component (Fig. 19)
8. Lower the head near the component nest and press the VAC switch to drop the component and continue the cycle.
9. After a timed cooling step, the cycle is complete.
10. Retract the component nest and raise the head. (Fig. 19, 14)
Note: See the items referenced after each step for additional information in this manual.
Rework Phase II - Board and Component Preparation Practices vary widely, but they may consist of the following steps:
1. Remove excess solder and level the pads with solder wick and soldering iron (Fig. 24 & 25)
2. Print fresh solder paste onto BGA balls using CPF stencil (Fig. 26) Note: In many cases for plastic BGA components with eutectic solder balls, a thin coating of flux paste is applied to the board in lieu of adding additional solder paste.
3. Load CPF with BGA into component nest (Fig. 19)
Rework Phase III – Component Installation typically consists of the following steps:
1. Load PCB onto adjustable board fixture (Fig. 7)
2. With the head UP, load the component in the nest and slide it under the nozzle (Fig. 13-15, 19)
3. Press <Start> to initiate the RUN/INSTALL cycle. The vacuum turns on. (Fig. 3, Section 4.0, Section
4. Adjust the head Z height down to pick up the component and then up away from the nest (Fig. 15)
5. Retract the nest and extend the optics train under the nozzle with the component (Fig. 19)
6. Using the video image and X/Y/Theta adjustments, align the leads (balls) on the component to the pads on the PCB (Fig. 8-12, 17, 18, 27, Section 4.0)
7. Retract the optics train, move the head DOWN to the board. (Fig. 19, 13-15)
8. Adjust the Z height so the component is just touching the board (Fig. 15)
9. Press the VAC button or footswitch to release the component and continue the cycle (Fig. 3)
10. Adjust the Z height so the nozzle is approximately 1/8 inch above the top of the component (Fig. 15)
11. The cycle continues heating through Preheat (PH), Soak (SK) and Reflow (RF) steps. (Section 7.0)
12. The cycle progresses to the Cooling (CL) step, while air flows through the heater nozzle to freeze the solder joints. The cycle is complete. (Section 7.0)
13. When the board has cooled sufficiently, remove it from the board fixture (Fig. 7)
14. Proceed to electrical test, visual inspection, or x-ray inspection of the reworked assembly as required
Figure 24: Removing Excess Solder Figure 25: Leveling Pads using Solder Wick & Flux
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