Grundig UMS11, UMS12 Service Manual

Service Information Bulletins
Table of Contents
Serial no. 1/98 ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Technical Documentation
Serial no. 1/98 ...................................................................................................................................... 7
UMS11, UMS12
Serial no. 1/98 ...................................................................................................................................... 8
Sorted by type of TV set....................................................................................................................... 4
Sorted by type of chassis..................................................................................................................... 5
Serial no. 1/98 ...................................................................................................................................... 9
CTV sets with Digi Basic chassis - CUC 1825 and 1826 e.g.: ST 63-255 IDTV/LOG, Boston ST 270 IDTV/LOG, ST 72-261 IDTV/LOG CTV sets with CUC 2030 chassis - ST 63-700 text and ST 70-700 text
Serial no. 2/98 .................................................................................................................................... 10
Risks of failure of electric connections (solder pads) caused by ageing Satellite Receivers - memory EEPROMs Correction of Service Information bulletin 12/97 CTV sets with 82/70 cm Toshiba picture tube and Digi 6 chassis - e.g.: M 82-269/9 Ref, SE 8216/9 Ref./PIP, M 70-269/9 Ref, SE 7016/9 Ref/PIP Trento - “Hum and buzzing noise”
Serial no. 3/98 .................................................................................................................................... 11
Colour television receivers P 37-731 text and P 45-731 text with chassis CUC 7303 text
Serial no. 4/98 .................................................................................................................................... 12
Colour television receivers with chassis Digi Basic (CUC 1805/1825), Basic+ (1826/1827) and Basic++ (1806/1828/1829/1830)
- e.g.: M 70-280 IDTV/LOG, ST 72-261/8 IDTV/LOG, M 72-100, Atlanta SE 7220 IDTV/LOG, ST 70-270 IDTV
Serial no. 5/98 .................................................................................................................................... 13
Colour television receivers with chassis CUC 2030, 2031 and 2040 e.g.: ST 63-700 text, ST 63-710, Melbourne SE 7210 TOP, ST 70-700 NIC/text
Serial no. 6/98 .................................................................................................................................... 14
Colour television receivers with chassis CUC 6360 and 6365 e.g.: SE 6376, ST 63-761 TOP, ST 70-755 TOP, XS 70/1, ST 72-761 TOP
Serial no. 7/98 .................................................................................................................................... 15
Colour television receivers with chassis Digi Basic/Basic+/Basic++
- CUC 1805, 1806, 1825, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829 and 1830 e.g.: ST 63-255 IDTV/LOG, ST 72-261 IDTV/LOG, Boston SE 7090 IDTV/LOG, Atlanta SE 7220 IDTV/LOG Colour television receivers with chassis CUC 2030 and 2031 e.g.: ST 63-700 text, ST 70-780 text, Melbourne SE 7210 TOP, ST 70-700 NIC/FT
Serial no. 8/98 .................................................................................................................................... 16
Colour television receivers with chassis CUC 63xx, 64xx, 20xx and Digi Basic/Digi 6 ­new plug-in systems
Serial no. 9/98 .................................................................................................................................... 17
Colour television receivers with chassis CUC 2030 and 2031 e.g.: ST 63-700 text, ST 70-780 text, Melbourne SE 7210 TOP, ST 70-700 NIC/FT
Serial no. 10/98 .................................................................................................................................. 18
Colour television receivers with chassis Digi Basic, Basic+ and Baisc++
- CUC 1805, 1825, 1826, 1827, 1828 - e.g. ST 63-255 IDTV/LOG, M 70-280 IDTV/LOG, Atlanta SE 7220 IDTV/LOG, Sydney 100 SE 7020 IDTV/LOG
Serial no. 11/98 .................................................................................................................................. 19
Colour television receivers with chassis CUC 2030 - e.g. ST 63-780 text, ST 70-700 NIC/TOP, ST 70-780 text, Greenville 7003 text, Melbourne SE 7210 TOP
Serial no. 12/98 .................................................................................................................................. 20
Defective modules returned for repair within our repair exchange system
Serial no. 13/98 .................................................................................................................................. 21
Grundig built-in Satellite Receivers SER 150, SER 151E and SER 150ET - Differences and possible use of the receivers for colour television receivers with chassis Digi Basic, Basic+, Basic++ and Digi 6
Serial no. 14/98 .................................................................................................................................. 22
Colour television receivers M 84-210/8a IDTV/LOG - CUC 1829 (Digi Basic++)
Serial no. 15/98 .................................................................................................................................. 23
Colour television receivers with chassis CUC 7303
- e.g. P 37-830 text, T 51-071, T 51-731 text, T 55-830/4 text
Serial no. 16/98 .................................................................................................................................. 24
Colour television receivers with chassis CUC 2030 (N)/2031 (N)/2040 (N)/ 2050 (N)
- e.g. ST 63-700 text, ST 63-780 text, ST 70-780 NIC/TOP, Melbourne SE 7210 TO
Serial no. 17/98 .................................................................................................................................. 25
New type of picture tube for 72 cm colour television receivers with chassis Digi Basic+, Basic++, Digi 5 und Digi 6
Serial no. 1/98 .................................................................................................................................... 27
Satellite Receiver STR 100 DX microSAT
Serial no. 2/98 .................................................................................................................................... 28
Satellite Receivers STR 622 and STR 600 AP
Serial no. 3/98 .................................................................................................................................... 29
New SAT Boxes for STC 880 and STC 80 Head Stations
Serial no. 4/98 .................................................................................................................................... 30
Grundig Quattro Universal LNC UNI Q1
Serial no. 1/98 .................................................................................................................................... 31
GV 670S and colour television receivers with Digi 6 chassis
Serial no. 2/98 .................................................................................................................................... 32
TV/VCR combinations TVR 3701SV, 3705, 3710, 3720, 5100, 5120, 5500 and variants
Lfd.-Nr. 3/98 ....................................................................................................................................... 34
GV 6xx HIFI range and variants, GV 740, GV 7497, SE 7106, SE 7104
Sorted by type of TV set
Atlanta SE 7220 IDTV/LOG
Serial no. 4/98.................................................... 12
Serial no. 7/98.................................................... 15
Serial no. 10/98.................................................. 18
Boston ST 270 IDTV/LOG,
Serial no. 1/98...................................................... 9
Boston SE 7090 IDTV/LOG
Serial no. 7/98.................................................... 15
Greenville 7003 text
Serial no. 11/98.................................................. 19
Melbourne SE 7210 TOP
Serial no. 5/98.................................................... 13
Serial no. 7/98.................................................... 15
Serial no. 9/98.................................................... 17
Serial no. 11/98.................................................. 19
Serial no. 16/98.................................................. 24
M 70-269/9 Ref
Serial no. 2/98.................................................... 10
M 70-280 IDTV/LOG
Serial no. 4/98.................................................... 12
Serial no. 10/98.................................................. 18
M 72-100
Serial no. 4/98.................................................... 12
M 82-269/9 Ref,
Serial no. 2/98.................................................... 10
ST 63-710
Serial no. 5/98.................................................... 13
ST 63-761 TOP
Serial no. 6/98.................................................... 14
ST 63-780 text
Serial no. 11/98.................................................. 19
Serial no. 16/98.................................................. 24
ST 70-270 IDTV
Serial no. 4/98.................................................... 12
ST 70-700 text
Serial no. 1/98...................................................... 9
ST 70-700 NIC/TOP
Serial no. 11/98.................................................. 19
ST 70-700 NIC/text
Serial no. 5/98.................................................... 13
ST 70-700 NIC/FT
Serial no. 7/98.................................................... 15
Serial no. 9/98.................................................... 17
ST 70-755 TOP
Serial no. 6/98.................................................... 14
ST 70-780 text
Serial no. 7/98.................................................... 15
Serial no. 9/98.................................................... 17
Serial no. 11/98.................................................. 19
M 84-210/8a IDTV/LOG
Serial no.14/98................................................... 22
P 37-731 text
Serial no. 3/98.................................................... 11
P 37-830 text
Serial no.15/98................................................... 23
P 45-731 text
Serial no. 3/98.................................................... 11
SE 6376
Serial no. 6/98.................................................... 14
SE 7016/9 Ref/PIP
Serial no. 2/98.................................................... 10
SE 8216/9 Ref./PIP
Serial no. 2/98.................................................... 10
Sydney 100 SE 7020 IDTV/LOG
Serial no. 10/98.................................................. 18
ST 63-700 text
Serial no. 1/98...................................................... 9
Serial no. 5/98.................................................... 13
Serial no. 7/98.................................................... 15
Serial no. 9/98.................................................... 17
Serial no. 16/98.................................................. 24
ST 70-780 NIC/TOP
Serial no. 16/98.................................................. 24
ST 72-261 IDTV/LOG
Serial no. 1/98...................................................... 9
Serial no. 7/98.................................................... 15
ST 72-261/8 IDTV/LOG
Serial no. 4/98.................................................... 12
ST 72-761 TOP
Serial no. 6/98.................................................... 14
T 51-731 text
Serial no.15/98................................................... 23
T 51-071
Serial no.15/98................................................... 23
T 55-830/4 text
Serial no.15/98................................................... 23
XS 70/1
Serial no. 6/98.................................................... 14
Sorted by type of chassis
CUC 1805
Serial no. 4/98.................................................... 12
Serial no. 7/98.................................................... 15
Serial no. 10/98.................................................. 18
CUC 1806
Serial no. 4/98.................................................... 12
Serial no. 7/98.................................................... 15
CUC 1825
Serial no. 1/98...................................................... 9
Serial no. 4/98.................................................... 12
Serial no. 7/98.................................................... 15
Serial no. 10/98.................................................. 18
CUC 1826
Serial no. 1/98...................................................... 9
Serial no. 4/98.................................................... 12
Serial no. 7/98.................................................... 15
Serial no. 10/98.................................................. 18
CUC 1827
Serial no. 4/98.................................................... 12
Serial no. 7/98.................................................... 15
Serial no. 10/98.................................................. 18
CUC 2031(N)
Serial no. 5/98.................................................... 13
Serial no. 7/98.................................................... 15
Serial no. 9/98.................................................... 17
Serial no. 16/98.................................................. 24
CUC 2040(N)
Serial no. 5/98.................................................... 13
Serial no. 16/98.................................................. 24
CUC2050 (N)
Serial no. 16/98.................................................. 24
CUC 6360
Serial no. 6/98.................................................... 14
CUC 6365
Serial no. 6/98.................................................... 14
CUC 63xx, 64xx, 20xx und Digi Basic/Digi 6 -
Serial no. 8/98.................................................... 16
CUC 7303
Serial no. 3/98.................................................... 11
Serial no.15/98................................................... 23
CUC 1828
Serial no. 4/98.................................................... 12
Serial no. 7/98.................................................... 15
Serial no. 10/98.................................................. 18
CUC 1829
Serial no. 4/98.................................................... 12
Serial no. 7/98.................................................... 15
Serial no.14/98................................................... 22
CUC 1830
Serial no. 4/98.................................................... 12
Serial no. 7/98.................................................... 15
CUC 2030(N)
Serial no. 1/98...................................................... 9
Serial no. 11/98.................................................. 19
Serial no. 5/98.................................................... 13
Serial no. 7/98.................................................... 15
Serial no. 9/98.................................................... 17
Serial no. 16/98.................................................. 24
Digi Basic, Basic+, Basic++ und Digi 6
Grundig built-in Satellite Receivers SER 150, SER 151E and SER 150ET
Serial no. 13/98.................................................. 21
Digi Basic+, Basic++, Digi 5 und Digi 6
Serial no. 17/98.................................................. 25
Service Information
Technical Documentation
The following Service Training documents are available and can be ordered like spare parts usually are.
Video Engineering: Service Training Language Part Number
GV 400 and similar D 72010 525 1000 GV 500 and similar D 72010 525 1500
GV 540/560 HiFi and similar D 72010 525 2000 HSD Drive Mechanism D 72010 525 2500
GV 640 and similar D 72010 528 9000 GV 640 and similar GB 72010 528 9100
GV 670-690 D 72010 528 9300 GV 7000 D 72010 531 4000 GV 7000 GB 72010 531 4100
Digital Video Engineering: Service Training Language Part Number
DV (Fundamentals) D 72010 532 3500
TV Engineering: Service Training Language Part Number
CUC 6360/6365/7300 D 72010 350 0000 Digi IV/ 100Hz Engineering D 72010 350 0500
Pal+ System Fundamentals D 72010 350 1000 Digi Basic D 72010 350 1500 Digi Basic GB 72010 350 1600
Digi Basic ++ D 72010 350 1700 Digi 6 / CUC 1842 D 72010 350 3000 Digi 6 / CUC 1842 GB 72010 350 3100
CUC 2000/2010/2030 D 72010 350 3500 CUC 2000/2010/2030 GB 72010 350 3600
Audio/HiFi Engineering: Service Training Language Part Number
Audio Engineering Fundamentals D 72010 749 5000 FM Tuner T11 / T1000 D 72010 749 5500
CD Player CD11 / CD12 D 72010 749 6000
Telecommunications Enginnering: Service Training Language Part Number
Telecommunications Fundamentals D 72010 749 7000
211468000 (8002/8012)
Serial No. 1/98
Central After-Sales Service
Service Information
UMS11, UMS12
Possible complaint:
No display illumination.
Failure of La301, La302, La303 or La304.
To extend the lifetime of the bulbs, replace the bridge JP626 by a 3.3Ω/
0.33W resistor and a diode 1 N 4002 connected in series. Connect the anode of the diode to the emitter of Q531.
Afterwards, change the four bulbs La301, La302, La303 and La304.
This change was introduced in the factory from the serial numbers listed below:
UMS11: serial number 25904 UMS12: serial number 21721
Carry out this change in all systems coming in for repair.
Resistor 3.3Ω / 0.33W part no. 8765 097 01300
Diode 1 N 4002 part no. 8309 215 10400 Bulb 5.5V / 100mA part no. 75954 505 0800
Serial No. 1/98
54408000, 8002/8012
Central After-Sales Service
Service Information
Possible complaint:
When fitting a Grundig car radio into a motor car manufactured by VW (car models Golf and Passat from year of manufacture 4/98), the following fault symptoms may appear dependent on the type of radio:
- The car battery is discharged by the car radio after the car has not been driven for a prolonged time.
- A radio with the conventional on/off switch cannot be switched off.
- When switched off, the display of the radio remains illuminated and the colour of the display may have changed.
VW company have changed the pinning of the car‘s ISO power supply connector for the car radio. Contact 5 was previously provided for a positive voltage switched by the car radio (for antenna/booster). From 4/98 models onwards, an unswitched positive voltage may be applied to this contact.
Please ensure that no unswitched positive voltage is applied to contact 5 of the motor car otherwise remove the contact from the connector block and insulate it appropriately.
Please note when fitting the car radio.
Car radio connector block
Power Supply
Connector Block
Serial No.1/98
541308000, 8002/8012
Central After-Sales Service
Service Information
Colour television receivers with Digi Basic chassis - CUC 1825 and 1826, e.g. ST 63-255 IDTV/LOG, Boston ST 270 IDTV/LOG, ST 72-261 IDTV/LOG
Possible complaint:
Audible short noise building up when switching off with the mains switch.
Solder an additional diode 1N4148 (cathode to pin 5) between pin 81 and pin 5 of the processor CIC 80050.
Carry out on request.
Diode 1N4148 part no. 8309-215-045
Colour television receivers with chassis CUC 2030 - ST 63-700 text and ST 70-700 text
Possible complaint:
Vertical jittering of the videotext and menus displayed on the screen.
The vertical sync pulse at the input of processor CIC 81050 pin 46 is compressed.
Switch an additional 120 kΩ resistor from the base of CT 46009 to chassis.
Carry out on request. This modification has generally been introduced.
Serial No. 1/98
52018S2297, 8002/8012
Central After-Sales Service
Service Information
Risks of failure of electric connections (solder pads) caused by ageing
For reasons of thermal load and mechanical stress solder pads at positions where high voltages and /or currents are effective involve special technical problems.
In this connection we would like to refer you to our Service Information bulletin „General 1/95“ which dealt in great detail with this subject.
Solder pads which should be checked with special care in every set coming in for repair are for example:
- within the line output stage, the connections of line and diode split
transformers, connecting pins of the yoke plug, components of the +A supply rail as well as the capacitors and coils within the deflection circuit.
- within the mains supply stage, the transformer connections, the
connections of the rectifier and charging capacitor as well as the connections of the stabilizing ICs.
Satellite Receivers - memory EEPROMs
The part numbers of the memory ICs specified in the Service Manual are not correct. The preprogrammed EEPROMs are available under the following part numbers:
STR 641 IC 601 part no. 72008-668.6900 STR 642 IC 601 part no. 72008-688.7000 STR 642 IC 602 part no. 72008-688.7100 STR 100 DX CIC 1420 part no. 72008-668.7200 STR 110 CIC 1420 part no. 72008-668.7300
Correction of Service Information bulletin 12/97 Colour television receivers with 82/70cm Toshiba picture tubes and Digi 6 chassis, e.g. M82-269/9 Ref, SE 8216/9 Ref/PIP, M 70-269/9 Ref, SE 7016/9 Ref/PIP Trento - Hum and buzzing noise
The part number of the loudspeaker with compensating coil specified in the Service Information is not correct. The correct number should read 19154-
043.6100. Please correct your documents.
Serial No. 2/98
52038000, 8002/8012
Central After-Sales Service
Service Information
Colour television receivers P 37-731 text and P 45-731 text with CUC 7303 text
Possible complaint:
Teletext information cannot be received via the Euro-AV connection, for example when connecting a Grundig Micro-Sat Receiver.
For activating the teletext mode in „AV“ progamme position retrofit the following components:
- IC 2807 TEA 2114
- C 2815 1µF/100V
- C 2810 100µF/25V
- CC 2811 0.1µF
- CR 2814 390Ω 5% (structural shape 0805)
- CR 2813 change from 0Ω to 270 5% (structural shape 1206)
- Solder a wire bridge BR 077 (+B‘ voltage to IC 2807 pin 7)
- Unsolder the electrolytic capacitor C 2816 and re-solder it to position
C 2817 (positive connection to pin 30 of processor IC 850).
- Remove the bridge BR 056.
The circuit board is already prepared for fitting the components. The steps for retrofitting television receivers with chassis CUC 7301 are described in our Service Information TV 3/97.
IC TEA 2114 part no. 8305-362-11400
Electrolytic capacitor 1µF/100V part no. 8452-967-32500 Electrolytic capacitor 100µF/25V part no. 8452-967-13500 SMD capacitor 0.1µF part no. 8672-167-18700
Serial No. 3/98
52028000, 8002/8012
Central After-Sales Service
+ 23 hidden pages