Profile Fibre Channel Server Interface
The Profile Fibre Channel Server Interface allows an SGI Origin 200 or Origin 2000
server to appear to Media Manager or automation software as another Profile system
by emulating selected features of a Profile system. When in operation, files stored
on the Origin server can be accessed by the Profile system using Media Manager or
automation software through API calls.
The Profile Fibre Channel Server Interface is designed for applications like News
and Networked Video on Demand, where an Origin server is the central storage
system, a set of Profile systems function as the intake and play-out system, and the
two systems must inter-operate over Fibre Channel.
System Requirements
The following system requirements must be met for the interface software to
perform correctly:
NOTE: The Genroco Fibre Channel controller should only be installed by
qualified personnel.
• At least one Genroco Fibre Channel controller card with microcode version
1.7.6 must be installed in the SGI Origin server. Installation instructions from
Genroco are provided with the card.
• Genroco Fibre Channel controller card driver, version 2.0, must be installed in
the Origin server. To verify that the Genroco Fibre Channel controller is
installed, enter netstat -i and check the results for a line that begins with grx
• TheOriginserverrequires operating system version 6.4 with the May 1998 roll
up patch set.
• The Profile system must have the Fibre Channel option installed and must be
running Profile System Software 2.4 or higher.
Copyright 1998 by Tektronix, Inc., Wilsonville, Oregon
Tektronix and Profile are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc. Other trade
names used in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of the
manufacturers or vendors of the associated products.
x is a number such as 0 or 1).

Profile Fibre Channel Server Interface
Installing the Software on the Origin Server
Follow this procedure to set up the Origin server for installation and use of the
software. The procedure is divided into the operations that are performed as “root”
and those that are performed as user “profile.”
Operations Performed as “root”
1. Add the following line to the /etc/passwd file...
2. Create the directory /usr/people/profile and make sure it is owned by user
3. Add the IP address for the Fibre Channel card to the /etc/hosts file...
xxx.xxx.xxx.xx <hostname>_fc0 myFC
NOTE: The alias myFC is required, as is the convention “<hostname>_fc0,”
where <hostname> is replaced with the name of the host machine.
Also add ethernet and fibre channel addresses for all Profile systems to which the
Origin server will connect.
4. Run inst, the install utility, to install the software from the Profile Fibre
Channel Server Interface CD-ROM. Enter the commands as shown in this
# inst
Inst> from /CDROM/dist
Inst> install *
Inst> list (i) pdrStream
(i) pdrClean
(i) pdrServer
Inst> go
Verify that you have the following command files installed in ~profile/bin
pdrcshrc mkset pdr pdrClean pdrServer pdrStream
and that profile_start is installed in /etc/init.d.
2 Profile Fibre Channel Server Interface

Installing the Software on the Origin Server
5. Create a symbolic link to /etc/init.d/profile_start in /etc/rc2.d as shown here.
# cd /etc/rc2.d
# ln -s ../init.d/profile_start S999profile
6. Establish a storage location for movies on the Origin server by creating a
directory that will serve as the top of the movie directory structure. This
directory is typically called /movies, and should be the mount point of a RAID
file system.
7. Give user “profile” ownership of the directory that will contain movies.
# chown -R profile.guest /directory_name/
Operation Performed as User “profile”
Run mkset to create a directory that represents a PDR Dataset.
> mkset INT1 /directory_name
Profile Fibre Channel Server Interface 3