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Restricted Rights clause at FAR 52.227-19, as applicable. Manufacturer is Grass Valley Group
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Revision Status
Rev Date Description
December, 1998Initial Issue. Manual part number 071-0553-00.
November, 2000Updated Product Support contact information.
Part number 071-0553-01.
Grass Valley Group Product Support
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2-1Po w e r C o rd s for the PD X218 Disk Ex pa n s io n Ch a s si s .. ... ........................ ................ 2-11
3-1PDX 218 Replaceable Part List ..................................................................................3-6
3-2SCSI-2 Connector Pin-out s ................................ .. ................................................. .....3-29
viPDX218 Instruction Manual
General Safety Summary
General Safety Summary
Review the following safet y prec autions to avoid injury and prevent
damage to this product or any products connected to it.
Only qualified personne l should perform service procedures.
While using this product, you may need to access other parts of the
system. Read the General Safety summary in other system manuals for
warnings and cautions related to operating the system.
Injury Precautions
Use Proper Power
Ground the ProductThis product is grounde d through the grounding conductor of the power
Do Not Operate
Without Covers
Use Proper FuseTo avoid fire hazar d, use only the fuse type and rating specified for this
Do Not operate in
Do Not Opera te i n an
Avoid Exposed
To avoid fire hazard, use only the power cord spe cified for this product.
cord. To avoid electric shock, the grounding conductor must be
connected to earth ground. Before making connections to the input or
output terminals of the produc t, ensure that the product is properly
To avoid electric shock or fir e hazar d, do not ope rate this product with
covers or panels removed.
To avoid electric shock, do not operate this product in wet or damp
To avoid injury or fire hazard, do not opera te this product in an ex plosive
To avoid injury, remove jewelry such as rings, watches, and other
metallic objects. Do not touch exposed connections and components
when power is presen t.
PDX218 Instruction Manualix
General Safety Summary
Product Damage Precautions
Use Proper Power
Provide Proper
Do Not Operate With
Suspected Failures
Do not operate this product from a power source that applies more than
the voltage specifi ed.
To prevent product overheating, provide proper ventilati on.
If you suspect there is damage to this product, have it inspected by
qualified servic e personnel.
xPDX218 Instruction Manual
Regulatory Summaries
Certifications and Compliances
Canadian Certified
Power Cords
FCC Emission
Canadian EMC
Notice of
Canadian approval incl udes the products and power cords appropriat e for
use in the North America power network. All other power cord s supplied
are approved for the country of use.
This equipment ha s been tes ted and f ound to comply with the li mits f or a
Class A digit al device, pur suant to Pa rt 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits
are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interferen ce wh en the equ i pmen t is operated in a comm erc ia l
environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not ins talled and us ed in accordan ce with the
instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is
likely to cause harmful int erf erence in which case the user will be
required to correct the interference at his own expense. Changes or
modifications not expr essly approved by Grass Valley Group can affect
emission compliance and could void the user’s authority to operate this
This digital appar atus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise
emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference
Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.
Le présent appareil num érique n émet pas de bruits radioélectriques
dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de la classe A
préscrites dans le Règlement sur le brouill ag e radioélectrique édicté par le
ministère des Communications du Canada.
EN55022 Class A
SafetyDesigned/tested for compliance with:
For products that comply with Class A. In a domestic environment this
product may cause radio interf erence in which case the user may be
required to take adequate measures.
UL1950 - Sa fe ty of Inf or mation Techn olo gy Equipme nt, incl udi ng Elect ri cal Bus in ess
Equipment (Third edition, 1995)
IEC 950 - Sa fe ty o f Info rma tion Te chn ol ogy Equi pment , inclu di ng Elec tric al Busines s
Equipment (Second edition, 1991, Amendments 1, 2, 3, and 4))
CAN/CSA C22.2, No. 950-95 - Safety of Information Tec hnology Equipment,
including Electrical Business Equipm ent
EN60950 - Sa fety of Inf ormation Technol ogy Eq uipment, includi ng El ectric al Busin ess
PDX218 Instruction Manualxi
xiiPDX218 Instruction Manual
This is the Instruction Manual for the Grass Valley Group PDX218, Disk Expansion
Chassis (Figure 1-1). The manual con sists of:
• A description of the PDX218.
• Installation procedures.
• Maintenance procedures.
• Troubleshooting.
• Removal and replacement procedures.
Figure 1-1. The PDX218 Disk Expansion Chassis
PDX218 Instruction Manual1-1
Chapter 1 Introduction
Related Documentation
Profile PDR200 & PDR300 Installation Manual
Profile Family User Manual
Profile Syst em Sof twa re Re le as e No te s
Organization of the Manual
This instruction manual consists of the chapters identified and described below.
Chapter 1 - Introduc tion: Thi s chapt er descr ibes the c ontents of the manual and the
PDX218 chassis. It i ncl udes ph ysical and ele ctric al spe cific ations and e nvironmen tal
Chapter 2 - Installation: This chapter describes the physical installation of the
PDX 218 including initial power-on. It includes configuration information.
Chapter 3 - Service: This chapter consists of maintenance inform ation,
troubleshooting procedures, and removal and replacement procedures. The chapter
includes a list of Field Replaceable Units (FRUs) and pin-outs for the rear panel
SCSI-2 connector.
Product Description
The PDX218 Disk Expansion Chassis provides external stor age for the Pr ofile Video
File Server. The PDX 218 contains eight 18GB Ultra-SCSI disk drives on two SCSI
buses; four disk drives on each bus. The two SCSI buses can be connected togethe r,
using one of the external SCSI cables provided, placing all eight disk drives on a
single SCSI bus. This design provides the flexibility to operate the PDX218 with
different Profile Video File Server configurations.
The Profile Disk Utility, included with Profile system software, is used to configure
the PDX218 for operation as part of the Profile system. Fo r more information about
the Profile Disk Ut ili ty refer t o “Using the Pr ofile Dis k Uti lilt y” in the Profile Family User Manual.
1-2PDX218 Instruction Manual
Storage Capac ity
The Profile Video File Server stor a ge capacity is determined by the number of disk
drives in the system and the select ed vid eo data rate used to record the video signal.
The Profile Video File Server stor age space can be expanded by adding one or two
PDX218 Disk Expansion Chassis containing eight 18GB disk drives each.
Table 1-1 shows storage capacity estimates at selected video data rates for a sin gle
PDX218 containing eight 18GB disk drives
All Profile applic ations software allows yo u to select the video da ta rate used to record
the video signal. For more information about setting the video data rate, refe r the
appropriate sections of the Profile Family User Manual.
Storage estimates include 4 channel s of audio and 2 chann els of timecode. Adding 4
more channels of audio adds approximately 3Mb/s to the total data rate.
MPEG2 Data Rate
PDX218 Instruction Manual1-3
Chapter 1 Introduction
Product Features
Features of the PDX218 are:
• Contains its own power supply and connection to source power.
• Mounts on rac k slides for installation in a standard equipment rack.
• Control interface and media transfers from and to the Profile system are through
SCSI-2 cables connected to the rear panel (see Chapter 2, Installation).
• Front panel indicators.
The following describe s the indicators on the PDX218 front panel (see Figure 1-2).
Figure 1-2. PDX218 Indicators
Power indicator; gre en LED lighted when the power switch on the rear panel is
Disk Activity indic ators; two bank s of four green LEDs show disk activity. Each
bank corresponds to a SCSI bus with four disk drives. Mapped to the physical
location of each h ard disk drive in the chassis, the LED s flash when act ivity
occurs on the associated disk. A LED that never fl as hes on or remains on may
indicate a problem with the associated disk.
System Fault indicator ; red LED off during normal ope ration. Lights to ind icate
either a terminal power failure or (with
Fan Fault indi cator (behind the front panel bezel and only visible with the bezel
red LED off during normal operation . Lights (along with 3 above) to
a fan failure.
4 below lighted) a fan failure.
1-4PDX218 Instruction Manual
The followin g tables list the electrical and physical specifications and environmental
criteria for the PDX218.
Definition of Terms Used in Tabl es
The following terms apply to the PDX218 as they appear in the following tables.
Specification -
characteristics and performance requirements of equipment and certain program
REQUIREMENT: (Performance Requirement)
characteristic usually in limit form.
provide performance information. These are not considered to be statements of
guaranteed performance and are not ordinarily supported by a performance check
A document or a section of a document that lists and describes
Electrical Specifications
Table 1-1 lists the el ect rical specificati on s for the PD X218.
Table 1-2. Power Source
Electrical RatingRequirement:100 -240V, 50/60 Hz, 3A maxim um
Supply TypeSupplemental Data:Single Phase
Supply ConnectionSupplemental Data:Detachable cord set
Power C o nsumpt i o nSupplemen tal Data:<300 VA
- A statement that defines a
Statements that explain performance requirements or
PDX218 Instruction Manual1-5
Chapter 1 Introduction
Mechanical Specifications
Figure 1-3 shows the dimensions of the PDX218 and Table 1-2 lists and the
mechanical specifications.
Operating Tem peratureRequirement:10° to 40°C (+50° to 104°F)
Storage TemperatureRequirement:-40° to 60°C (-40° to 140°F)
Operating AltitudeRequirement:To 10,000 feet (3048 meters)
Supplemental Data:IEC 950 compliant to 2000 meters
Storage A ltitudeRequirement:To 40,000 feet (12,192 meters)
Mechanical ShockMilitary Specification: Mil -T-28800D, Class 6 (Non-Operating Onl y)
TransportationRequirement:Qualified under NS TA Test Procedure 1A, Categ ory II (18 in ch drop)
Equipment TypeSupplemental Data:Information Technology
Equipment ClassSupplemental Data:Class I
Installation CategoryRequirement:Category II Local level mains, appliances, portable equipment
Pollution DegreeRequirement:Level 2 operating environment, indoor use only
HumidityRequirement:Operating 8% - 90%
Non-Operating 8% - 90%
Maximum Wet Bulb Temperature 29° operating
Supplemental Data:Do not operate with visible moisture on the circuit boards
PDX218 Instruction Manual1-7
Chapter 1 Introduction
1-8PDX218 Instruction Manual
This chapter describe s the physical installa tion of your PDX218 and configuring it for
use with your Profile Video File Serv er. The information includes:
• Mounting the PDX 218 in the equipment rack.
• Making PDX218 rear panel cable connections.
• Turning power On.
• Making a file system on the PDX218.
Rack Mounting
The PDX218 installs in a standard 19-inch equipment rack. Rack slides allow the
PDX218 to slide in and out without having to remove it from the rack. However, if
the rack does not already have rack slides installed, or if the slides are not correctly
positioned, you will have to use those shipped with the PDX218.
When determining the location of t he PDX218 in the rack, bear in mind that the unit
weighs approximately 51.5 pounds. Observe the following warnings:
WARNING: To prevent inju ry, t wo people a re req uired to li ft th e PDX218. It is too
heavy for one person to install in the rack.
WARNING: To prevent seriou s injury , in sure that the rack i s anc hored to the f loo r
so that it cannot tip over when the PDX218 is extended out of the rack.
PDX218 Instructi on Manual2-1
Chapter 2 Installing
Mounting the Slides in the Rack
Figure 2-1 shows the components of a right-hand rack slide set. Note that the chassis
section is already atta ched to the PDX218. When mounting rack slides in the
equipment rack, bear in mind that the PDX218 occupies 3 RUs.
PDX 218 Ch assis Section
Stop Latch
Figure 2-1. Rack Slide Set for Right Side of Chassis and Rack
Flat Nut Bar
10-32 PHS
NOTE: Right-hand and left-hand stationary section is designated by the
RH and the LH marked on the rails. Stop latch holes should be towards
10-32 PHS
2-2PDX218 Instruction Manual
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