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ContentShare, Grass Valley, NewsEdit XT, NewsQ, NewsQ Pro, NewsShare,
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Product options and specifications subject to change without notice. The
information in this manual is furnished for informational use only, is subject to
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52.227-19, as applicable. Manufacturer is Thomson Broadcast and Media
Solutions, Inc., P.O. Box 59900, Nevada City, California 95959-7900 U.S.A.
Rev Date Description
May 25, 2004 Release 071-8325-00 for Software Version 5.0
November 11, 2004 Release 071-8325-01 for Software Version 5.1
Installing NewsEdit LT
Use these instructions to install the NewsEdit LT software on the Dell Latitude
D800 Laptop PC.
To install NewsEdit LT, follow these steps:
1. Replace the keyboard with the Thomson Grass Valley color keyboard.
2. Set up Windows for optimal performance with NewsEdit LT.
3. Uninstall any previous versions of NewsEdit or Profile software from the PC.
4. Install the Profile software from the NewsEdit LT CD-ROM.
5. Install the NewsEdit LT software from the NewsEdit LT CD-ROM.
6. Install any options for NewsEdit LT—titling or external controllers.
7. Obtain a License Number from Thomson Grass Valley.
Digital News Production
Installing NewsEdit SCE
Step 1: Replace the Dell D800 Keyboard
Your NewsEdit LT software kit comes with a color keyboard that makes editing
with NewsEdit LT quick and easy. You should replace the keyboard that ships
with your laptop with the color NewsEdit keyboard.
Please note that these instructions are taken from the Dell Latitude D800
Service Manual; refer to that document on the Dell website at
for more information.
>>> CAUTION: Before performing the following procedure, read the safety
instructions in your System Information Guide.
To avoid electrostatic discharge, ground yourself by using a wrist grounding strap
or by periodically touching an unpainted metal surface (such as the back panel)
on the computer.
To replace your keyboard:
1. Turn the computer right-side up and open it.
Digital News Production
2. Remove the center control cover:
a. Open the display all the way (180 degrees) so that it lies flat against your
work surface.
b. Starting on the left side of the computer, use a plastic scribe or flat-blade
screw driver to pry up the center control cover.
c. Disconnect the center-control-cover flex cable from the system board
connector using the pull-tab.
d. Lift the center control cover away from the computer, and lay it aside.
Step 1: Replace the Dell D800 Keyboard
Digital News Production