Grass Valley NewsBrowse XRE Conformance Server Distribution User Manual

NewsBrowse XRE Conformance Server Distribution
Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................................................1
Features new in 2.0............................................................................................1
Hardware Components...........................................................................................2
Software Components.............................................................................................2
XRE Folder Structure.........................................................................................3
Configuration Files............................................................................................3
Installation Procedure............................................................................................4
Initial Testing.....................................................................................................5
Testing IIS installation..................................................................................6
Testing Conform Service Installation............................................................6
Notes on Shared Environments...............................................................................7
Revision Date Description
0.0 02/28/2003 Original draft
0.1 03/10/2003 Added Version Tag to build the package
0.2 03/11/2003 Fixed file version
1.0 09/22/2003 OS now is Win 2000 server Add Section on how to build XRE
1.1 10/16/2003 Added step to configure XRE server in section 4
2.0 09/07/2004 Added 2.0 features
2.0.1 09/07/2004 Added section on initial testing
Copyright © 2004 Thomson Broadcast and Media Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. This document may not be copied in whole or in part, or other wise reproduced exc ept as speci fically permitted under U.S. copyright law, without the prior written consent of
Thomson Broadcast and Media Solutions, Inc.., P.O. Box 59900, Nevada City, California 95959-7900 Grass Valley, Profile and Profile XP are either registered trademarks or tr ademarks of Thomson Broadcast and Media Solutions, Inc. in the U nited Stat es and/or other coun-
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NewsBrowse XRE Conf ormance Server Distributio n


This document describes the components that need to be assembled together to create a NewsBrowse XRE Conformance Server. The XRE server conforms an EDL created by the NewsBrowse Advanced Edit to High Resolution movies on the Profile XP server. The hardware components are listed in the next section, followed by the software modules.

Features new in 2.0

Audio Voice-overs. NewsEdit AdvancedEdit 2.0 supports audio voice-overs.
These voice-over clips can the be conformed and sent to a Profile.
Rendering of se lected Video Transitions. NewsEdit AE 2.0 supports the
following transitions: Dissolve, Push, Slide. Video Compression types supported by XRE ConformServe r 2.0 are: DV25, DVCPro25, DV50, MPEG2 (I-frame only).

Hardware Components

The XRE server is designed to run on a Windows 2000 Server platform. The minimum hardware configuration is as follows:
• 1.0 GHz Pen tium 4 processor
• 512 Mby te s of RA M
• Ethernet card (On-board Gigabit Eth er net in the case of DEL L 1650 or 2650)
• Fiber Channel Card (Qlogic or Emulex)
• 40 Gbytes hard disk (longer movies require larger drives) The current hardware platform tested in Engineering is Dell 2650. The XRE server is
connected to two separate IP subnets. The first subnet, connected via the Ethernet card, is shared with all the NewsBrowse Advanced Edit work stations. The second subnet is connected via the Fiber Channel card to communicate with the Profile XP servers.

Software Components

The following software components are required to run the XRE server:
• Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Service Pack 4
• Microsoft IIS 5.0
• Microsoft .NET Framework Redistributable
• Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000)
• GrassValley Profile Client software
• GrassValley Vibrint DLLs:
• CDRip.dll
• ProfileObject.dll
2 NewsBrowse XRE Conformance Server Distribution October 26, 2004

XRE Folder Structure

• tstream.dll
• vbrAudioImport.dll
• vbrDataObject.dll
• vbrDataSource.dll
• vbrEDLReader.dll
• vbrFileInfo.dll
• vbrFileStream.dll
• vbrFileTransfer.dll
• vbrSurfObject.dll
• vbrXBoxConform.dll
New for 2.0: DV1000.dll,,,,,, vbrVMRG ra, vbr1394Stream.dll, vbrDVRender.dll, MainConcept DVCPro and MPEG codec.
XRE Folder Structure
XRE is a .NET module that is called by the IIS service. Therefore, it has to reside under th e wwwroot IIS folder. The following is a suggested directory structure for the XRE co m ponents
Services.asmx (Web Service entry point file)
_vti_cnf \ (leave empty, used by IIS) _vti_pvt \ (leave empty, used by IIS) _vti_script\ (leave empt y, us ed by IIS ) _vti_ctxt\ (leave empty, used by IIS)
bin\ (XRE DLLs)
DLLs\ (Vibrint DLLs)
vbrAudioImport.dll, …, vbrXBoxConform.dll
October 26, 2004 NewsBrowse XRE Conformance Server Distribution 3
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