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This do cument m ay not be copied i n whole o r in part , or other wise repr oduced
except as sp ec ifi ca ll y permitt ed un de r U. S. co py r i gh t law, withou t the prior wr it ten
consent of Grass Valley Group Inc., P.O. Box 59900, Nevada City, California
TrademarksGrass Valley, GRASS VALLEY GROUP, Profile and Profile XP are either
registe red trad em arks or trad ema rk s of Gras s Va ll ey Gr oup in the Uni ted Stat es
and/or other countries. Other trademarks used in this document are either
registered trademarks or trademarks of the manufacturers or vendors of the
associ ated pro du ct s. G rass V a lley G ro up prod uc ts ar e co ver ed by U .S. an d f or eig n
patents, issued and pending. Additional info rmation regarding
Grass Valley Grou p's tradem arks and oth er propri etary right s may be fou nd at
DisclaimerProduct options and specifications subject to change without notice. The
informati on in this manual is furnished for informatio nal use only, is subjec t to
chang e witho ut notic e, an d shou ld not b e con strued a s a com mitme nt by G rass
Valley Group. Grass Valley Group assumes no responsibility or liability for any
errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this publicatio n.
U.S. Government
Restricted Rights
Revision Status
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the United States Government is subject to
restrictions as set forth in s ubparagraph (c )(1)(ii) of t he Rights in Tech nical Data
and Comp ut er Sof twa re clau se at DFA RS 25 2.277 -7 013 or in su bpara gra ph c(1 )
and (2) of the Comm ercial Co mputer So ftware Re stricte d Rights cl ause at FAR
52.227-19, as applicable. Manufacturer is Grass Valley Group Inc., P.O. Box
59900, Nevada City, California 95959-7900 U.S.A.
Rev Date Description
April 1998Original issue. Manual Part Number 071-0169-00.
September 2000Revised Product Support contac t informa tion.
Review the following safet y precautions to avoid personal injur y
and prevent damage to this product or any products c onnected to
Only qualified personne l should perform service procedures.
While using this product, you may need to access other parts of the
system. Read the ge neral sa fety summary in ot her system manuals
for warnings and cautions related to operating the system.
Injury Precautions
Do Not Operate
Without Product
Covers in Place
Do Not Operate in
Do Not Opera te i n an
Avoid Exposed
To avoid electric shock or fire hazard , do not operate this prod uct
with covers or panels removed.
To avoid electric shock, do not operate this product in wet or damp
To avoid injur y or fire h azar d , do no t operat e this pr oduct in an
explosive atmosphere.
To avoid injury while serving, remove jewelry such as rings,
watches, and other metallic objects. Do not touch exposed
connections and components when power is present.
viMPEG Board Upgrade Installat ion
Product Damage Precautions
Product Damage Precautions
Use the Proper
Voltage Setting
Provide Proper
Do Not O p er ate If
You Suspect
Product Failures
Ensure that the line selector is in the proper posit ion for the power
source before applying power.
Prevent product overhea ting by pr oviding proper ventilation.
If you suspect ther e is damage to this product, have it ins pected by
qualified servic e personnel.
Safety Terms and Symbols
Terms in This
Terms on the
These terms may appear in this manual:
WARNING: Warni ng statements identify conditions or practices
that can result in persona l injur y or loss of life.
CAUTION: Caution statements identify conditions or practices
that can result in damage to the equipment or other property.
These terms may appear on the product:
DANGER indicates a personal injury ha zard immediately
accessible as you read the marking.
WARNING indicates a personal injur y hazard not immediately
accessible as you read the marking.
CAUTION indicates a hazard to property, including the product.
MPEG Board Upgrade Installat ionvii
Symbols on the
The following symbols may appear on the produc t:
DANGER high voltage
Protective ground (ear th) terminal
ATTENTION – refer to manual
Service Safety Summary
Do Not Service
Disconnect PowerTo avoid electric shock, disconnect the main power by means of
Use Care When
Servicing With
Power On
WARNING: These instru ct ion s ar e for use b y qu alifi ed ser vice
personnel only. To avoid personal injury, do not perform any
servicing unless you are qualified to do so. Refer to all safety
summaries before performing se rvice.
Do not perform internal servi ce or adjustment of this product
unless another person capable of rendering first aid and
resuscitation is present.
the power cord.
Dangerous voltages or currents may exist in this product.
Disconnect power and remove batte ry (if applicable) before
removing protectiv e panels, soldering, or replaci ng components.
To avoid electric shock, do not touch exposed connections.
viiiMPEG Board Upgrade Installation
Certifications and Compliances
Certifications and Compliances
FCC Emission
Canadian EMC
Notice of
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the
limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC
Rules. These limits are des igned to provide reasonable prot ection
against harmful inter ference when the equipment is operated in a
commercial environm ent. This equipment g enerates, uses, a nd can
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with this insta llation manual, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. Operation of this
equipment in a residentia l are a is likely to cause harmful
interferen ce in wh i ch cas e the us er w ill be requ ired to correct the
interference at his or her own expense. Changes or modifications
not expressly a pproved by Grass Valley Gr oup can affect emiss ion
compliance and could void the user’s authority to operate this
This digital a pparat us does not exc eed the Class A limit s for radio
noise emissions from a digital apparatus set out in the Radio
Interference Regula tions of the Canadian Department of
Le présent appareil numérique n’émet pas de bruits radioélectriques
dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de la
classe A préscrites dan s le Règlement sur le brouillage
radioélectrique édicté par le ministère des Communications du
EN55022 Class A
For products that comply with Class A. In a domestic
environment, this product may cause radi o interference, in which
case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
MPEG Board Upgrade Installat ionix
SafetyDesigned/tested for compliance with:
UL1950 – Safety of Information Techn ology Equipment, including El ectrical
Business Equipment (Thi rd Edition, 1995)
IEC 950 – Safety of Informati on Technology Equipment, including Electrical
Business Equipment (Second edition, 1991)
CAN/CSA C22.2, No. 950-95 – Safety of Information Technology Equipment,
including Electrical Business Equipment
EN60950 – Safety of Information Technology Equipment, including Electrical
Business Equipment (includes Appendix ZB)
xMPEG Board Upgrade Installat ion
MPEG Board Upgrade Installation
NOTE: Profile system software version 2.4 or higher must be installed and
tested before you inst all any MPEG boards. For more information, see
“System Software Requirements” on page 2.
These instructi ons explain how to i nsta ll MPEG circui t board s in an MPEG-ready
(Option MG) PDR200 Video File Server. Instruct ions are also included for
installing MPEG boards in a PDR 200 that is not MPEG-ready. The MPEG field
kit comes with either of two boards, shown in Table 1.
Table 1. MPEG board nomenclature
MPEG Boa rdFeatures Nomencla ture
Encoder1 encoder, 2
Decoder4 decoders P2MPG04
In general, three configur ations are possible when instal ling MPEG boards:
1. In an MPEG-ready Option MG PDR200 (serial number B030000 or above).
For instructi on s, see “Installing Boards in an Option MG Unit” on page 12.
2. In a non-Option MG unit (serial number B030000 or above) . Ref e r to the
instructions in “Installing Boards in a non-Option MG Unit” on page 16.
3. In a early, non-MPEG ready unit (serial number B029999 or below). See
instructions under “Installing B oards in an Early PDR200 Unit” on page 18.
NOTE: It is stro ngly recommended that you read these instructions
thoroughly before attempting any part of the installation. The installation
process takes from t hree t o five hour s .
MPEG Board Upgrade Installat ion1
MPEG Board Upgrade Installation
Depending on the field kit s you have orde red and how you pl an to configu re your
system, you most probably will be adding other boards, such as serial digital I/ O
boards or an Audio Signal Proces sing Board (ASPB). For example, if you instal l
two decoder boards, you will need four serial digital I/O boards to output eight
video channels. In such a case, it is also likely that you will install an additi onal
ASPB for a total of 32 channels of embedded audio. There is no reason not to
install all the field kits while the Profile chassis is open.
When this manual re fers to slot numbers, such as J8 and J12, refer to the label on
the back of the Profile unit to find wher e the physical slots are (see to Figure 10
on page 29).
System Software Requirements
The Profile system software installed in the Profile syste m must be version 2.4 or
higher to support MPEG boards. This software should have been ordered and
received along with this MPEG field kit. To chec k the softwa re version installed
in your Profile system, open the VrdPanel application and choose
have version 2.4 or higher software, contact your Grass Valley Group
. The software version is listed in the disp layed window. If you do not
Help | About
NOTE: Aft er you install 2.4 or highe r software, you must update the firmware
of some Profile circuit boards with an in-system programming (ISP)
procedure described in the appropriate software release note s and in the
Profile utilities chapter of the Profile Family User Manual.
2MPEG Board Upgrade Installat ion
Master and Slave EDR Memory Requirements
Master and Slave EDR Memory Requirements
The Master Enhanced Disk Recorder (EDR) board and Slave EDR board (if
present) must be upgraded to 64 megabytes of memory with the EDR Memory
Upgrade kit. If you ordered you PDR200 recently, the Master and Slave may
already have 64 megabytes of memory each. To see the amount of memory you
have on the Master and Slave EDR boards, check the Profile log for messages
regarding memory size or choose
Diagnostics | Master EDR
from the Win dows NT 4.0 desktop. If your system do es
not have the required memory, you will need two serv ice kits— one kit for the
Master and one for the Slave—each with two 32-megabyte SIMMs.
If you have a large file syste m, it is recommended that you upgrade the local i 960
memory to 32 megabytes. You will need one kit for this upgrade, containing one
32-megabyte SIMM, replacing the existing 16-megabyte SIMM.
NOTE: You should have obtained service kits for these memory upgrades at
the same time you receiv ed the MPEG fiel d kit. If you hav e not install ed these
memory upgrades, in stal l them fir st t hing when doi ng the MPEG upgrad e; i f
for some reason you have not obtained the kits, contact your Grass Valley
Group representativ e.
Start | Programs | PDR Debug Tools | PDR
Slave EDR Requirements
You may or may not have a Slave EDR board installed in your system. Table 2
lists the cases whe re y ou need a Sl ave an d when y ou do n ’t.
Tabl e 2. Slave EDR requirements
MPEG ConfigurationSlave Needed
Two encoder boardsYes
Two decoder boardsNo
One encoder, one decoderYes, but only with Fibre
One encoder onlyYes, but only with Fibre
Channel; otherwise No
Channel; otherwise No
MPEG Board Upgrade Installat ion3
MPEG Board Upgrade Installation
Kit Contents
This upgrade kit includes the following:
• An MPEG board.
• A five-slotted PCI Inter connect board.
• Sharcnet cables for digi ta l embedded audio.
• Five antistatic bags for board storage.
• Replacement tie wraps for bundling cables.
• A set of stick-on identifi cation labels.
• This installation manual.
Tools Required
Tools required to install the board are (not supplied in this kit):
• A Torx tool with T10 and T15 tips.
• Electrostati c discharge (ESD) wrist grounding straps.
Electrostatic Precauti ons
CAUTION: All Profile system circuit boards h ave components that are h ighly
sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD). To protect these components from
damage and to maintain product reliability, take the following precautions
when handling the circuit board:
• Handle all circuit boards in a static -protected area capable of controlling
static charge on conductiv e materials, people, and nonconductive
materials. Stat ic-protect ed areas inclu de nonstatic table tops a nd nonstatic
floor mats.
• While out of the chassis, place boards in the ESD static-shielded bags
(provided with this kit) until you install them.
• Wear ESD grounding straps when handling boards outside of their ESD
static-shielded bags.
• Handle the circuit boards only by the edges and av oid touching the printed
wires on the back of the circuit board as much as possible.
4MPEG Board Upgrade Installat ion
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