Grass Valley USA, LLC and its Grass Valley Affiliates
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This Certificate is valid as of: December 23, 2010
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User Manual
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MARCH 2012
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The Karrera User Manual is designed for operators of Karrera systems.
Standard Documentation Set
The standard Karrera documentation set consists of a:
•User Manual,
•Installation & Service Manual,
•Release Notes,
•Release Notes Addendum,
The Karrera User Manual contains background information about the
Karrera Video Production Center, and describes operating procedures. This
manual can be used while learning about Karrera, and for enhancing your
basic knowledge of the system.
The Karrera Installation & Service Manual contains information about
installing, configuring, and maintaining the system.
The Karrera Release Notes contain information about new features and
system enhancements for a specific software version, and also includes
software installation procedures. Always check the release notes for your
current system software before you begin operating your system.
The Karrera Release Notes Addendum contains corrected and known issues
about the system software.
Other Documentation
The Switcher Products Protocols Manual is available for developers and software engineers to use to design interfaces to the Karrera system.
KARRERA — User Manual
16KARRERA — User Manual
NoteFor reader convenience this identical Section 1 is included at the beginning
The Grass Valley Karrera family of multi-format digital production
switchers provides powerful, ground-breaking features designed to meet
the widest range of requirements for live studio, mobile, and post-produc
tion applications.
Section 1
of each Karrera manual. If you are already familiar with this material you can
skip to the next section.
•Frames scale from 1 to 2.5 MEs in compact (4 RU) frames and from 1 to
4.5 MEs in standard (8 RU) frames.
•Half-ME option includes cut/mix transitions and six linear/luminance
•Up to 48 inputs and 24 outputs in the compact frame and up to 96
inputs and 48 outputs in the standard frame.
•Up to 16 floating internal DPM channels—four per ME—available on
any full-function keyer. Plus four powerful expansion DPMs available
in the standard frame.
•Up to 30 keyers, six per ME.
•Keys 1 through 4 on full MEs have two pages of video and key storage.
•999 macros with many ways to recall macros from panel. Integrated
macro editor allows users to edit macros online or offline on a PC
running the menu application.
•1,000 E-MEM registers with Define E-MEM for fine control in creation
and editing of effects. Define E-MEM exposes 23 sublevels per ME for
partial keyframing and allows the assignment of non-ME sublevels to
KARRERA — User Manual17
Section 1 — Introduction
•Suites mode shares resources in one video processor frame across two
different production suites while completely isolating the resources in
one suite from the other as well as supporting more than one control
panel in the same suite.
•DoubleTake™ Split ME Mode effectively increases the number of MEs
to a total of up to 10 and includes FlexiKey™ Programmable Clean Feed
Mode for separately programmable configurations of keyers from four
ME outputs.
•Complete multiformat production with up/down/cross converting of
HD input and output formats, including aspect ratio conversion, color
space conversion, and motion adaptation on up to 16 inputs and eight
outputs in the standard frame.
•Transition Chaining augments parallel video paths using Key
Chaining, Background Chaining, and Partition Sync functions to simplify productions requiring multi-client feeds.
•Live 3D production is as straightforward as 2D production. DoubleTake simplifies configuration of ME resources with parallel background and keyer paths. Transition Chaining ensures left eye and right
eye content is automatically switched in parallel with all the resources
of Karrera's MEs.
•Fully interoperable with the Encore™, Jupiter™, and SMS-7000 routing
control systems; LDK series cameras using LDK Connect Gateway; and
with the K2 media server family. Supports Ethernet and serial AMP
protocol, BVW, VDCP, PBus II, and Odetics protocols, as well as controlling devices using PBus II and GPIs. Supports Grass Valley Editor
•Integrated external ClipStore provides multiple channels of video/key
pairs for over 10 hours of nonvolatile video/key/audio clip content.
•Tally (multiple tally calculators for contact closure, and tally contribution via serial port).
Karrera Video Processor Frames
The Karrera Video Processor Frame is available in two sizes. The 8-RU standard size frame supports up to 4.5-ME systems. The 4-RU compact frame
supports 1-ME through 2.5-ME Karrera systems (
licensed boards present in the Karrera frame determines the number of
MEs available, as well as the number of video inputs, outputs, GPIOs and
Relay Tallies.
Figure 1). The number of
18KARRERA — User Manual
Figure 1. Karrera Video Processor Frames
Karrera 8-RU
Video Processor Frame
Karrera 4-RU
Video Processor Frame
Optional Touch Screen
Karrera Menu Panel with
Fanless PC
Menu Panel
Karrera 3-ME 35 Control Panel
Karrera Control Surfaces
A Karrera control surface typically consists of a Control Panel and a Menu
application. Representative Karrera control surfaces are shown in the fol
lowing illustrations.
Figure 2. Karrera 3-ME 35 Control Surface
Figure 3. Karrera 2-ME 25 Control Surface
Karrera 2-ME 25 Control Panel
Karrera Menu Application
The Karrera Menu application software provided with every Karrera
system can be run on a standard PC. This software accesses all the function
ality of a Karrera system, permitting mouse and keyboard control from a
laptop, or remote control from any location on the network.
Karrera Menu on PC
(CustomerSupplied PC)
KARRERA — User Manual19
Section 1 — Introduction
Touch Screen Menu Panel Option
A hardware Karrera Menu Panel is available as an option, which features a
wide format 15 in. touch screen display. An articulated arm is also
included, offering a wide variety of installation options (
Figure 4. Menu Panel with Articulated Arm
Figure 4).
The Menu Panel has a standard VESA-75 hole pattern and M4 threads,
compatible with this and many other mounting devices. The Menu Panel
also has four USB ports, two on the right side edge of the panel and two on
the back for keyboard and mouse (wired or wireless are supported).
A fanless PC, running Windows OS, is available which mounts behind the
Menu Panel.
Soft Panel (KSP) Option
Figure 5. Soft Panel Application
20KARRERA — User Manual
Karrera System Examples
Karrera 2-ME 25 Control Panel
Karrera 4-RU
Video Processor Frame
Karrera Menu on PC
(CustomerSupplied PC)
The KSP is an optional 1-ME Soft Panel GUI which provides direct control
of switching crosspoints, recalling effects and macros together with an inte
grated version of the Karrera Menu application. A customized PC keyboard is included with the option for users who like quick cut and mix
action from a hard-button interface. The KSP can be used as an adjunct to a
main panel, providing a second seat (second control surface) in a Suite, or
as the only control surface for a second Suite.
The KSP GUI application is designed to run on a PC platform. The screen
must be 1920x1080 resolution or better (which is common in professional
video environments). A touchscreen is not required, but can be very useful.
The KSP software is included with the switcher application software. Purchasing the option provides a software license that enables the interface,
and includes a customized PC keyboard. The license activates an unlimited
number of KSP applications associated with a video processor frame.
Additional customized PC keyboards are also available for purchase.
Karrera System Examples
Basic Single Suite System
A basic Karrera system consists of a Control Panel, a Karrera Menu application running on a PC, and a Video Processor Frame. The Control Panel
and Menu application make up a control surface associated with that frame
Figure 6).
Figure 6. Karrera Single Suite Compact Frame Example
Multiple Suites and Control Surfaces
KARRERA — User Manual21
A Karrera system can be subdivided into two suites, if desired, each of
which can have two control surfaces. Hardware resources in the Video Pro
cessor Frame can be assigned to an individual suite during configuration,
essentially creating two separate switchers from one Karrera system
Figure 7).
Section 1 — Introduction
Optional Touch Screen
Karrera Menu Panel with
with Fanless PC and
Articulated Arm
Karrera 3-ME 35 Control Panel
Suite 1
Karrera 2-ME 25 Control Panel
Shared Karrera 8-RU
Video Processor Frame
Karrera Menu on PC
(CustomerSupplied PC)
Soft Panel Option
(CustomerSupplied PC)
Suite 2
Figure 7. Karrera Multi-Suite Standard Frame Example
22KARRERA — User Manual
User Setups and Preferences
The Karrera Control Surface allows you to customize how you work and
how you save your switcher settings. You can create personalized user
setups and suite preferences that determine the look and operational char
acteristics of the Control Surface. User setups and preferences can all be
saved and transported on removable media (see File
page 39).
Some configurations will require setup in the Engineering menus as well.
Detailed descriptions of the Engineering menus are available in the
Karrera Installation & Service Manual.
This section will provide you with information about setups and preferences for basic Karrera operations. For more advanced setups and operation see Advanced Operations on page 217.
Section 2
File Operations on
Button Mapping
Button mapping assigns video sources to source selection buttons (Source
Button mapping). Button mapping is also used to assign Aux buses to del
egation buttons (Aux Delegate mapping). This allows you to customize the
Control Panel and configured Remote Aux Panels to meet your individual
needs. Button mapping settings are included as part of Panel Preferences,
and can be saved and instantly loaded for use at any time (see
tions on page 39).
Button mappings of the Control Panel are set at the factory before shipment
to the settings listed below.
KARRERA — User Manual23
File Opera-
Section 2 — User Setups and Preferences
There are four source button delegation levels with Karrera. Tab le 1 shows
the source to button mapping for the 1st (unshifted) and second levels for
a 35 button 3-ME system.
Table 1. 3-ME Factory Configured Source to Button Mapping 1st and 2nd Levels
NoteWhen you map a Shift button, that button will be mapped in the same location
across all Shift Levels.
If a Karrera system’s NV memory is cleared, local panel button mappings
will revert to the factory defaults shown above.
KARRERA — User Manual25
Section 2 — User Setups and Preferences
Source Button Mapping
On the Karrera system, each bank on the Control Panel (Source Select areas)
can have its own independent source-to-button mapping, if desired, as well
as each Remote Aux Panel. Typically button mappings on the Control Panel
are set the same, for operating simplicity. However, in some situations indi
vidual bank mapping can be advantageous. For example, on a show with a
large number of sources you can place all the DDR and VTR sources on one
bank, all the cameras on another bank, etc., and then have direct access to
any desired source. If you use this feature, source names should be defined
for all sources on all banks so the different sources can be identified.
The Button Mapping menu is accessed by touching User Setups, Panel Prefs,
Button Mapping (Figure 8).
Figure 8. Button Mapping Menu
The Banks delegation buttons (Figure 8) are used to select the device to be
26KARRERA — User Manual
Local Panel Source Button Mapping
The Karrera Control Panels are considered local panels. Local panel button
mapping can be defined the same for all the banks at once, or you can select
individual local panel banks to map differently.
1. Touch the labeled Bank button(s) of the banks you wish to map
Figure 8). You can select one, some, or all of the banks to be mapped.
Notice that a Select All button is available below the list of bank buttons.
2. Scroll the Button list in the central pane and touch the bank source
button to be mapped in the center pane.
3. Scroll the Sources list on the right and touch the desired Karrera source
in the right pane. As the mappings change, the names of the different
sources will appear on the source name displays on the Control Panel.
4. Repeat Step 2 and Step 3 until all the bank buttons have been mapped.
Remote Aux Panel Source Button Mapping
Button Mapping
NoteRemote Aux Panels must be installed and configured before their buttons can
be mapped. Remote Aux Panels assigned to a control surface can only be
configured when the Menu Panel is accessing that control surface. See the
separate Karrera Installation & Service Manual for Remote Aux Panel configuration procedures.
KARRERA — User Manual27
Section 2 — User Setups and Preferences
The Remote Aux Button Map menu is accessed by touching Eng Setup,
Node Settings, Remote Aux Button Map (Figure 9).
1. Individual Remote Aux Panels are selected by touching the buttons in
the left pane. Select the
Figure 9. Remote Aux Panel Button Map Menu
Multi Select button for group selection (Figure 9).
2. When multiple Remote Aux Panels are selected, changing a button’s
mapping applies that individual button’s mapping to all the selected
Remote Aux Panels.
3. Use the same button mapping procedure (page 27) to map the source
buttons on the Aux panel. Select the Aux source button in the central
pane, then select the Karrera source in the right pane.
NoteButton mapping settings for Remote Aux Panels assigned to a Control
Surface are saved to the Panel Prefs configuration file. Button mapping settings for Independent Remote Aux Panels are saved to the Eng Setup configuration file.
28KARRERA — User Manual
Aux Bus Delegation Button Mapping
Map Remote Aux Panel Delegation Buttons
On multiple destination Remote Aux Panels, delegation buttons are used
to select which Aux bus is delegated for control by that panel. You map
Remote Aux buses to delegation buttons using the Eng Setup, Node Set
tings menu, accessed by pressing Eng Setup, Node Settings, Remote Aux Logical
(Figure 10).
Figure 10. Remote Aux Bus Delegation Button Mapping Menu
Button Mapping
Source Colors
1. In the Panel Delegation pane, choose the Remote Aux Panel to
configure. Only one Remote Aux Panel can be selected at a time.
2. In the Logical Aux Buses pane, select the Aux Bus delegation button
you wish to map.
NoteButton mapping settings for Remote Aux Panels are saved to the Eng Setup
configuration file.
The Control Panel sources can be changed from the Control Panel color
scheme to display user-defined colors (red, green, blue, light red, light
green, cyan, magenta, etc.). For example the operator could set user defined
colors for each camera as shown in
Figure 11 for quick reference.
KARRERA — User Manual29
Section 2 — User Setups and Preferences
Figure 11. Source Colors Menu
Assign Source Colors
1. To uc h User Setups, Panel Prefs, Source Colors to go to the Source Colors
menu (
2. Select the Logical ID of the desired source (use Multi-Select button for
multiple selections).
3. Select the desired color in the System Colors pane.
4. Selecting the Invert button displays dark text over a colored background
in the Source Select Area display OLEDs (default is colored text over
dark background).
Bus Delegate and Shift Button Source Colors
Source Colors can be configured for Bus Delegate and Shift buttons, in the
User Setups, Panel Prefs, Source Colors menu (
Figure 11).
Figure 12).
30KARRERA — User Manual
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