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2Kameleon Series Instruction Manual
About This Manual
This manual describes the features of a specific 2000 Series module in the
Kameleon Media Processing System. As part of this module family, it is
subject to Safety and Regulatory Compliance described in the 2000 Series
frame and power supply documentation (see the Kameleon 2000 Series
Frames Instruction Manual).
This manual contains a Quickstart guide supported by references to the
complete manual and supporting documents (see Quickstart Guide on
page 12). Detailed installation, power up, and configuration information
follows the Quickstart Guide.
The Kameleon Series multi-function modules are for use in 2000 Series
Kameleon Frames. They are designed for facilities that receive multiple
feeds that need considerable audio and video processing. They are particularly well suited for broadcasters and cable facilities that need to manipulate or add audio channels to multiple program streams.
revision 01A1 or greater with software version 4.0.0 or greater.
Kameleon systems installed in the 2000T3N frame require the 2000FAN fan
sled (refer to Figure 7 on page 18).
Kameleon offers processing modules that provide a flexible, compact
system of conversion, multiplexing, timing and signal processing functions
for standard definition, analog and digital, video and audio.
The Kameleon Modular Series consists of the following:
•Two versions of the front processing module are available,
•SD – SDI video processor with SDI Video I/O and AES/EBU
and/or analog audio I/O (with submodules), and
•AV – Composite or SDI video I/O and AES/EBU or analog audio
I/O (with submodules).
Kameleon Series Instruction Manual9
Standard front processing module functions include:
•3D video decoding (KAM-AV only),
•Up to 8 channels of audio A/D or D/A conversion (with submodules),
•Video and audio synchronization,
•8 channels of audio embedding/de-embedding,
•Audio remapping to specific I/O,
•AES/EBU sample rate conversion,
•Video and audio processing amplifiers,
•Video and audio test signal generators,
•Individual Analog and Digital video timing controls, and
•Two audio conversion submodules that can be installed on the processing module,
•Four-channel Analog to Digital Conversion Submodule (ADC), and
•Four-channel Digital to Analog Conversion Submodule (DAC).
NoteFrame synchronization requires a 2000GEN Genlock Reference Module
installed in the 2000 Series Kameleon Frame.
A front and rear module pair are required. The front processing modules
provide the signal processing power while the rear module determines the
specific I/O connections (refer to Figure 1 on page 11). Separate audio
A-to-D and D-to-A converter submodules may be installed in two slots on
either version of the processing module.
10Kameleon Series Instruction Manual
Figure 1. Kameleon Processing and Rear Modules
Processing Module
KAM-SD or KAM-A/V Processor
Rear I/O Modules
KAM-AA-R Kameleon Analog Audio Rear Module
KAM-MIX-R Kameleon Mixed Audio Rear Module
KAM-AES-R Kameleon AES Rear Module
KAM-AA-AES-UR Kameleon Analog
AES (Unbalanced) Rear Module
KAM-AA-MIX-BR Kameleon Analog
AES (Balanced) Rear Module
KAM-AA-MIX-UR Kameleon Analog
AES (Unbalanced) Rear Module
Kameleon Series Instruction Manual11
Quickstart Guide
Quickstart Guide
1. Install modules in the frame.
2. Connect the frame to the network and navigate the web browser to the
3. Navigate to the module you would like to configure and click on the
4. Navigate to I/O Configuration page to configure AES/EBU ports as:
Install the rear I/O Module. Install submodules on the front Processing
Module if needed (page 17) then install the module in the frame.
See the 2000NET Instruction Manual for information on configuring
your frame IP address and connecting to the network.
appropriate slot to open configuration links.
•Inputs or outputs, and
•Balanced or unbalanced (see page 50).
Click on the
uration also allows you to assign names for all of the module’s
incoming and outgoing signals. Assigning easily recognized names
will help later in the configuration process.
5. Connect signal cables.
Configuration will be easier if all of the input signals are connected at
this time.
6. Configure the Video Input Select page (see page 69).
Configure the video source and the output timing source. If you have
the 2000GEN reference installed in the frame and want the Kameleon
to work as a frame sync, set the output timing source to Frame Reference. If not, set the output timing source to Video In.
7. Configure the DEMUX (demultiplex) page (see page 68).
If you are de-multiplexing audio out of the video signal,
figured next. The audio Demux page is used to extract digital audio
groups from incoming SDI video for processing. These audio groups
become inputs to the Audio Input Select page.
8. Configure the remaining audio/video pages.
I/O Config page link on the left side of the page. I/O Config-
DEMUX is con-
Navigate to the
or page 59 for the KAM-SD). Starting from the left, use the block
diagram links to access and configure the different blocks for the
desired operation by clicking on any link in a block.
12Kameleon Series Instruction Manual
Functional View web page (see page 58 for the KAM-AV
To support data carried on particular lines, the Kameleon controls
certain functions within the vertical blanking interval (VBI) and on
some of the active video lines.
We refer to active video lines that are used to carry data as “Data Lines”.
Clicking the
page (page 69) displays the controls that allow you to specify
which active video lines will be carrying data.
After making selections on this page, use the following pages for configuring the VBI/Data Lines:
VBI Decode – for the composite input (page 64),
VBI Encode – for the composite output (page 85), and
VBI SDI – for serial digital output (page 87).
Advanced (VBI Config) radio button at the top of the Video Input
Kameleon Series Instruction Manual13
Frame Capacity
To install the Kameleon modules:
1. Place the passive rear module in a frame slot and tighten the screws on
each side of the rear module,
2. Place the processor module in the corresponding front slot, and
3. Cable the signal ports.
All Kameleon modules can be inserted and removed from a 2000 Series
Kameleon Frame with power on.
NoteRemove the front processing module before removing the rear I/O module.
Audio submodules must be installed or removed with the processing module
removed from the frame (processor module powered down).
Kameleon modules can be installed in any 2000 Series frame with a
2000NET interface.
NoteFor optimum functionality, the 2000NET module should be running software
version 4.0.0 or later.
The one rackunit 2000T1DN (with dual 130W power supplies and 2000NET
module) or 2000T1DNG (with dual 130W power supplies, 2000NET and
2000GEN modules) frames have no Kameleon module capacity limitations.
The three rackunit 2000T3N (single 240W p/s, 2000FAN, and 2000NET
module) and 2000T3NG (single 240W p/s, 2000FAN, 2000NET and
2000GEN modules) frames can be fully populated with Kameleon modules
when the 2000FAN fan sled and two power sleds are installed.
Ta bl e 1 provides the maximum Kameleon module count for frame types.
Table 1. Power, Cooling, and Module Capacity of 2000 Series Kameleon Frames
Kameleon Frame
KAM-SD Module set
KAM-AV Module set
Kameleon Frame
14Kameleon Series Instruction Manual
Module Placement in the Kameleon Frame
There are twelve slot locations in both the front and rear of a 3 RU frame
and four slot locations in a 1 RU frame to accommodate 2000 and Kameleon
Series media modules (audio/video signal handling modules).
The Kameleon media modules consist of a two-module set with a processing module and a passive rear module that can be plugged into any of
the frame slot pairs. The rear modules provide the input and output interface connectors.
To install a Kameleon module set in a 2000 Series frame:
1. Locate a vacant slot in the rear of the 3 RU frame (Figure 2) or the
2000T1DNG frame (Figure 3).
Figure 2. 2000T3NG Frame, Rear View
Power, frame
& frame health
Power connections
Media section
rear slots 7-12
Figure 3. 2000T1DNG Frame, Rear View
Media section
rear slots 3-4
and reference
input connections
and reference
input connections
Media section
rear slots 1-6
(with three 2000EMI blanks)
Media section
rear slots 1-2
(with one 2000EMI blank)
2. Insert the passive rear module into the vacant rear slot of the frame as
illustrated in Figure 4 on page 16.
Kameleon Series Instruction Manual15
Figure 4. Installing Passive Rear Module
2000 frame (rear view)
Board edge guides
(both sides)
Rear alignment
post and receptacle
KAM passive rear module
Screw lock
(both sides)
3. Verify that the module connector seats properly against the midplane.
4. Using a crossblade screwdriver, tighten the two screw locks to secure
the module in the frame.
5. If an ADC and/or DAC audio submodule option has been ordered, the
submodule will be provided with the front processing media module.
Placement of the submodule depends on the desired audio I/O configuration from the rear module type being used. The installation of the
submodule will determine the functionality of the input and output
audio connectors on each side of the rear module.
As illustrated in Figure 5, Submodule 1 is wired to the connectors on
the left side of the rear module. Submodule 2 is wired to the right side
Figure 5. Submodule/Rear Connector Relationship
Wired to left side connectors
Submodule 1
Submodule 2
Wired to right side connectors
KAM-AA Rear connectors shown,
same relationship for other rear modules
Refer to the rear module cabling information tables for correct placement of the submodules to match your requirements as follows:
16Kameleon Series Instruction Manual
•KAM-AA-R – designed for eight-channel analog audio I/O (see
Table 2 on page 21).
•KAM-MIX-R – designed for mixed I/O of two AES/EBU streams
(balanced or unbalanced) and four analog audio channels, (see
Table 3 on page 22).
•KAM-AES-R – designed for eight AES/EBU audio, balanced or
unbalanced I/O connections (see Tab le 4 on pag e 24 ). No submodules are used with this application.
•KAM-AA-AES-UR – designed for mixed I/O of three dual balanced
analog audio inputs or outputs (six channels) and four BNC audio
connections for four streams of AES audio inputs, outputs, or two
inputs and two outputs (see Table 6 on page 26). If the sub-
module(s) need to be installed, refer to Figure 5 on page 16 for the
location of the submodule depending on the application.
•KAM-AA-MIX-BR – designed for mixed I/O of four dual balanced
analog audio inputs or outputs (eight channels) and two dual balanced audio connections for four streams of AES audio which can
be set independently as inputs or outputs (see Table 7 on page 28).
If the submodule(s) needs to be installed, refer to Figure 5 on
page 16 for the location of the submodule depending on the appli-
cation and Figure 6 for installing it onto the module.
•KAM-AA-MIX-UR – designed for mixed I/O of four dual balanced
analog audio inputs or outputs (eight channels) and one Sub-D 9
pin connector for four streams of unbalanced AES audio which can
be set independently as inputs or outputs (see Table 8 on page 30).
If the submodule(s) need to be installed, refer to Figure 5 on page 16
for the location of the submodule depending on the application.
To install a submodule, line up the connectors on the bottom of the submodule with the correct submodule position on the top of the media
module circuit board (Figure 6). Press firmly to seat the submodule and
Figure 6 for installing it onto the module.
After power-up, installation status of the submodule will be reported
on the Status web page as described in Status Web Page on page 46.
Figure 6. Kameleon Submodule Installation
KAM-ADC/DAC submodule
Submodule 1
Submodule 2
Kameleon Series Instruction Manual17
6. Locate the corresponding front media slot (1 -12) in the 3 RU frame
frame (Figure 7) or front media (slot 1-4) the 1 RU frame (Figure 8).
Figure 7. 2000T3NG Kameleon Frame, Front Slots
Reference Distribution Slot (15)
Network Slot (13)
Main Power Supply Slot (18)
Figure 8. 2000T1DNG Kameleon Frame Front Slots
Reference Distribution Slot (6)
Network Slot (5)
Secondary Power
Supply Slot (20)
Front Media Slots (1-12)
Power Supply Slot (7)
Front Media Slots (1-4)
Fan Sled
Slot (19)
18Kameleon Series Instruction Manual
7. With the component side up, insert the front processing module in the
corresponding front slot (see Figure 9).
8. Verify that the module connector seats properly against the midplane
and rear module connector.
9. Press firmly on both ejector tabs to seat the module.
Figure 9. Installing Front Media Module
2000 Frame (front view)
Alignment post and receptacle
Board edge
Board edge
Kameleon Series Instruction Manual19
All cabling is done at the corresponding rear module. Six different rear
modules are available for various audio and video I/O configurations.
All modules accept SDI video in and provide SDI video out. Composite
video inputs and outputs are only available with the KAM-AV front
Many audio functions require the use of the audio ADC (analog to digital)
and DAC (digital to analog) conversion submodules installed on the front
module. Use of the submodules depends on the type of rear module and
the audio requirements as described in each rear module cabling section.
Cabling for each type of rear module is illustrated in the figures listed
•KAM-AA-R – see Figure 10 on page 21,
•KAM-MIX-R – see Figure 11 on page 22,
•KAM-AES-R – see Figure 12 on page 23,
•KAM-AA-AES-UR – see Figure 13 on page 25,
•KAM-AA-MIX-BR – see Figure 14 on page 27, and
•KAM-AA-MIX-UR – see Figure 15 on page 29.
Specific signal names are assigned for each connector using the 2000 GUI
using the
I/O Config web page (see Configuration and Adjustments on page 33).
20Kameleon Series Instruction Manual
KAM-AA-R Configurations
The KAM-AA-R rear I/O module (Figure 10) accepts either SDI or composite video (KAM-AV only). Three video BNC connectors are provided—
one each for video in, composite video out (KAM-AV only), and SDI video
out. Eight three-terminal audio connectors are provided for analog audio
input or output I/O as determined by placement of the audio conversion
Figure 10. KAM-AA-R Input/Output Connectors
J11 VI, SDI or Composite Video In
J10 AN AUD1, Analog Audio In/Out
J9 AN AUD2, Analog Audio In/Out
J8 AN AUD3, Analog Audio In/Out
J7 AN AUD4, Analog Audio In/Out
+ – G
J6 Composite Video Out
J4 AN AUD6, Analog Audio In/Out
J5 AN AUD5, Analog Audio In/Out
J3 AN AUD7, Analog Audio In/Out
J2 AN AUD8, Analog Audio In/Out
J1 SDO, SDI Video Out
Ta bl e 2 provides the various audio input and output I/O configurations
based on the positioning of the audio ADC and DAC submodules and the
available video outputs. Figure 5 on page 16 illustrates the relationship of
submodule to rear connector for KAM rear modules. Submodule installation is shown in Figure 6 on page 17.
The KAM-MIX-R rear I/O module (Figure 11) accepts either SDI or com-
posite video (KAM-AV only). Five BNC connectors are provided—three for
video and two for unbalanced AES/EBU I/O. Six three-terminal audio
connectors are provided— four for analog audio I/O and two for analog or
balanced AES/EBU I/O.
Figure 11. KAM-MIX-R Input/Output Connectors
J11 VI, SDI or Composite Video In
J10 AN AUD1, Analog Audio In/Out
J9 AN AUD2, Analog Audio In/Out
J8 AN AUD3, Analog Audio In/Out
J7 AN AUD4, Analog Audio In/Out
J6 CVO, Composite Video Out
J5 AES1, Unbalanced AES/EBU Audio In/Out
J4 AES2, Unbalanced AES/EBU Audio In/Out
+ – G
J3 AES1, Balanced AES/EBU Audio In/Out
J2 AES2, Balanced AES/EBU Audio In/Out
J1 SDO, SDI Video Out
AES connector use:
Paired connectors,
must use either
balanced or unbalanced
Ta bl e 3 provides the various audio input and output I/O configurations
based on the positioning of the audio ADC and DAC submodules and the
available video outputs. Figure 5 on page 16 illustrates the relationship of
submodule to rear connector for KAM rear modules. Submodule installation is shown in Figure 6 on page 17
The KAM-AES-R rear I/O module accepts either SDI or composite video
(KAM-AV only). Seven BNC connectors are provided—three for video and
four for unbalanced AES/EBU I/O. Four three-terminal audio connectors
are provided for AES/EBU balanced audio I/O. AES/EBU connectors are
configured in pairs as shown in Figure 12.
NoteOnly the selected AES outputs are valid. Unconfigured AES outputs are
invalid and should not be used.
Figure 12. KAM-AES-R Input/Output Connectors
J11 VI, SDI or Composite Video In
J10 AES1, Unbalanced AES/EBU Audio In/Out
J9 AES2, Unbalanced AES/EBU Audio In/Out
J8 AES1, Balanced AES/EBU Audio In/Out
J7 AES2, Balanced AES/EBU Audio In/Out
+ – G
J6 CVO, Composite Video Out
J5 AES3, Unbalanced AES/EBU Audio In/Out
J4 AES4, Unbalanced AES/EBU Audio In/Out
J3 AES3, Balanced AES/EBU Audio In/Out
J2 AES4, Balanced AES/EBU Audio In/Out
AES connector use:
Paired connectors,
must use either
balanced or unbalanced
J1 SDO, SDI Video Out
Paired connectors,
must use either
balanced or unbalanced
Kameleon Series Instruction Manual23
Ta bl e 4 provides the various audio input and output I/O configurations
and the available video outputs. Submodules are not used in these configurations.
Tab le 5 lists the active and inactive connections for the KAM-AES-R
module when the Balanced or Unbalanced mode is selected.
Only the selected AES outputs are valid. Unconfigured AES outputs are invalid and
should not be used.
1 SDI (J1‘) and
Tab l e 5 . K A M- AE S-R AES/EBU Connector Selections
Channel PairModeActive Connectors
AES 1 & AES 2UnbalancedJ10 and J9J8 and J7
AES 1 & AES 2BalancedJ8 and J7J10 and J9
AES 3 & AES 4UnbalancedJ5 and J4J3 and J2
AES 3 & AES 4BalancedJ3 and J2J5 and J4
24Kameleon Series Instruction Manual
KAM-AA-AES-UR Configurations
The KAM-AA-AES-UR rear I/O module (Figure 13) accepts either SDI or
composite video (KAM-AV only). Three BNC connectors are provided for
video—one video input, one composite output (KAM-AV only), and one
SDI video output. Three dual terminal audio connectors are provided for
analog audio input or output I/O. Four BNCs are provided for unbalanced
input or output AES I/O.
Figure 13. KAM-AA-AES-UR Input/Output Connectors
J10 VI, SDI or Composite Video In
J9 Analog Audio, In or Out
J8 Analog Audio, In or Out
J7 CVO, Composite Video Out
J6 Analog Audio, In or Out
Dual Audio
+ – G
Analog AudioAnalog Audio
J5, Unbalanced AES/EBU, In or Out
Connector Use:
Analog Audio:
All Inputs or
All Outputs
J4, Unbalanced AES/EBU, In or Out
Analog Audio:
All Inputs or
All Outputs
J3, Unbalanced AES/EBU, In or Out
J2, Unbalanced AES/EBU, In or Out
J1 SDO, SDI Video Out
Unbalanced AES: (Four Streams)
All Inputs, All Outputs or independently
selectable as inputs or outputs.
Kameleon Series Instruction Manual25
Ta bl e 6 provides the various audio input and output I/O configurations
and the video outputs for the KAM-AA-AES-UR rear module. Analog
audio input or output configuration depends on the positioning of the
audio ADC and DAC submodules.
Any number of audio inputs can be configured but there is a limit of four
audio output pairs with any configuration.
Table 6. KAM-AA-AES -UR I/O Configurations
Submodule 1
A to DA to D
A to DD to A
A to DNone2 dual analog inputs (J8 and J9)
None A to D 1 dual analog input (J6
D to AD to A
D to AA to D
D to ANone2 dual analog outputs (J8 and j9)
None D to A1 dual analog output (J6
There may be any number of audio inputs but there is a limit of four output audio pairs with any configuration.
Only KAM-AV modules support composite video I/O.
Analog Audio connector J6 supports only Analog Audio Channels 1 and 2.
Video Input
1 SDI or Composite
2 dual analog outputs (J8 and J9) and
Analog Audio
3 dual analog inputs
, J8, and J9)
2 dual analog inputs (J8 and J9)
and 1 dual analog output (J6
3 dual analog outputs
, J8, and J9)
1 dual analog input (J63)
selectable as all inputs,
selectable as inputs or
I/O Config web page
AES Audio
BNCs J2-J5
all outputs,
or independently
outputs on the
Video Output
1 SDI (J1) and 1
26Kameleon Series Instruction Manual
KAM-AA-MIX-BR Configurations
The KAM-AA-MIX-BR rear I/O module (Figure 14) accepts either SDI or
composite video (KAM-AV only). Four BNC connectors are provided for
video—one video input, one composite output (KAM-AV only), and two
SDI video outputs. Four dual terminal audio connectors are provided for
analog audio input or output I/O. Two dual terminal audio connectors are
provided for balanced input or output AES/EBU I/O.
Figure 14. KAM-AA-MIX-BR Input/Output Connectors
J10 VI, SDI or Composite Video In
J9, Analog Audio, In or Out
J8, Analog Audio, In or Out
J7, CVO, Composite Video Out
J6, Analog Audio, In or Out
J5, Analog Audio, In or Out
Dual Audio
+ – G
Analog AudioAnalog Audio
J4, Balanced AES/EBU, In or Out
J3, Balanced AES/EBU, In or Out
Connector Use:
Analog Audio:
All Inputs or
All Outputs
J2, SDO, SDI Video Out
J1, SDO, SDI Video Out
Balanced AES/EBU:
(Four Streams)
2 Identical SDI
Video Outputs
All Inputs, All Outputs
or independently selectable
as inputs or outputs.
Kameleon Series Instruction Manual27
Ta bl e 7 provides the various audio input and output I/O configurations
and the video outputs for the KAM-AA-MIX-BR rear module. Analog
audio input or output configuration depends on the positioning of the
audio ADC and DAC submodules. Figure 5 on page 16 illustrates the relationship of submodule to rear connector for KAM rear modules.
AES/EBU audio input or output configuration is set by configuring the
connector as an input or output on the I/O Config web page (Figure 27 on
page 54).
Any number of audio inputs can be configured but there is a limit of four
audio output pairs with any configuration.
Table 7. KAM-AA-MIX-BR I/O Configurations
Submodule 1
A to DA to D
A to DD to A
D to AD to A
D to AA to D
A to DNone2 dual Analog inputs (J8 and J9)
None A to D 2 dual Analog inputs (J5 and J6)
D to ANone2 dual Analog outputs (J8 and j9)
None D to A2 dual Analog outputs (J5 and J6)
There may be any number of audio inputs but there is a limit of four output audio pairs with any configuration.
Only KAM-AV modules support composite video I/O.
Video Input
1 SDI or Composite
and 2 dual Analog outputs (J5 and J6)
2 dual Analog outputs (J8 and J9) and
Analog Audio
4 dual Analog inputs
(J5, J6, J8, and J9)
2 dual Analog inputs (J8 and J9)
4 dual Analog outputs
(J5, J6, J8, and J9)
2 dual Analog inputs (J5 and J6)
AES Audio
4 AES/EBU (J3 and J4)
balanced I/O indepen-
dently selectable as
inputs or outputs on
the I/O Config web
Video Output
2 SDI (J1 and J2),
1 Composite (J7)
28Kameleon Series Instruction Manual
KAM-AA-MIX-UR Configurations
The KAM-AA-MIX-UR rear I/O module (Figure 15) accepts either SDI or
composite video (KAM-AV only). Four BNC connectors are provided for
video—one video input, one composite output (KAM-AV only), and two
SDI video outputs. Four dual terminal audio connectors are provided for
analog audio I/O. A 9-pin Sub D connector is provided for unbalanced
input or output AES I/O from a breakout cable that is included with the
Figure 15. KAM-AA-MIX-UR Input/Output Connectors
J10 VI, SDI or Composite Video In
J9 Analog Audio, In or Out
J8 Analog Audio, In or Out
J7 CVO, Composite Video Out
J6 Analog Audio, In or Out
J5 Analog Audio, In or Out
Dual Audio
+ – G
Analog AudioAnalog Audio
Connector Use:
Analog Audio:
All Inputs or
All Outputs
J3 Unbalanced AES/EBU Audio In or Out
J2 SDO, SDI Video Out
J1 SDO, SDI Video Out
Unbalanced AES/EBU:
(Four Sreams)
All Inputs, All Outputs
or independently selectable
as input or output.
2 Identical SDI
Video Outputs
Kameleon Series Instruction Manual29
Ta bl e 8 provides the various audio input and output I/O configurations
and the video outputs for the KAM-AA-MIX-UR rear module. Analog
audio input or output configuration depends on the positioning of the
audio ADC and DAC submodules. Figure 5 on page 16 illustrates the relationship of submodule to rear connector for KAM rear modules.
AES/EBU audio input or output configuration is set by configuring the
connector as an input or output on the I/O Config web page (Figure 28 on
page 55).
Any number of audio inputs can be configured but there is a limit of four
audio output pairs with any configuration.
Table 8. KAM-AA-MIX-UR I/O Configurations
Submodule 1
A to DA to D
A to DD to A
D to AD to A
D to AA to D
A to DNone2 dual Analog inputs (J8 and J9)
None A to D 2 dual Analog inputs (J5 and J6)
D to ANone2 dual Analog outputs (J8 and j9)
None D to A2 dual Analog outputs (J5 and J6)
There may be any number of audio inputs but there is a limit of four output audio pairs with any configuration.
Only KAM-AV modules support composite video I/O.
Video Input
1 SDI or Composite
and 2 dual Analog outputs (J5 and J6)
2 dual Analog outputs (J8 and J9) and
Analog Audio
4 dual Analog inputs
(J5, J6, J8, and J9)
2 dual Analog inputs (J8 and J9)
4 dual Analog outputs
(J5, J6, J8, and J9)
2 dual Analog inputs (J5 and J6)
AES Audio
4 AES/EBU (J3)
streams from break-
out cable indepen-
dently selectable as
inputs or outputs on
I/O Config web page.
Video Output
2 SDI (J1 and J2),
1 Composite (J7)
30Kameleon Series Instruction Manual
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