Grandview GPCP-D User Manual

Details of installation
Height and length adjustment
1.Loos en t he p osi tioning scre ws o f lo w bo ard (2-2), the heigh t of GPC P Main Bar Overview can be adjusted (the maxi mum heigh t: 45mm) as figure 1 1.
2.Loos en the pos iti oning scr ews of main bar (1-4 ), the len gth of subsidiar y bar (1-3 ) can be ad justed (c heck abou t the data of scope f or instal lat ion) as f igu re 12.
3.Loos en the pos itioning screws of in stallati on board (1-5) , the height of in sta llation board (1-5) c an be adjusted ( the max imum he ight: 3 0mm) as figur e 13.
figur e 11 figur e 12 figur e 13
Angle Ad justmen t
1.Loos en the p ositioni ng screws (front a nd back) for adjustin g the angle, and then rotate the scre wdriv er for fine turn ing to the required angle as f igu re 14.
2.Loos en the p osi tioning screws ( left and right) for adjustin g the angle, and then rotate the screwdri ver for f ine turning to the required angle as figure 1 5.
Installation of main bar
1.Firs tly , plea se con firm how many install ati on hol es the proje cto r has? 3 or 4.
2.If th ere are 3 h oles, the insta lla tion a rms (4-3) need to be taken apart from I nstallat ion bracket fir stly. Connec t 3 i nst allation arms(4-3) t o the projec tor , and the n conne ct the in sta llati on arms ( 4-3 ) to the install ati on base (4- 6) However ,the insta llation ba se needs to be t he center of projec tor . Figure 16
3.Conn ect th e instal lat ion arms to the proj ector conve rsely if the dis tance of i nstalla tion hole s is less tha n 1 20mm. Con nect the instal lation arms (4-3) to th e inst allat ion bas e (4-6 ) via sliding instal lat ion button ( 4-5) as figu re 17
4.Rota te th e adjus tab le screw (4- 4) for adjus ting the hei ght of instl lation arms (4- 2) if the inst all ation hole s are not at the s ame level as f igure 18.
5.The front or b ack o f adjuster must be p ara llel to th e surface of projec tor a s figure 19.
figur e 16
Scope o f adjus tment :10mm
figur e 17 figur e 18
Instruction Manual
Projector Wall Mount
Applicable Model GPCP-D4060 GPCP-D6090 GPCP-D90150
Please read before using
Thank you for purchasing our prod ucts. Please read the instructio n manual caref ully in order to ensure this pro jector lift is s uitable for your projection equipment .
The angle of vertical tilt:±15°
The nagle of horizontal tilt:±5°
figur e 14
figur e 15
The front or back of adjuster must be parallel to the surface of projector
Grandview Crystal Screen Canada Ltd.
#11- 3751 N orth F rase r Way, Marin e Way Bus ines s Cent re, Burna by, BC, Ca nada V 5J 5G4 Tel: 1-604- 412- 9777 Fax: 1- 604- 412- 9796 Websi te: ww w.gran dvie wscr een. ca
figur e 19
Guangzhou Grandview Crystal Screen Co., Ltd.
P.O. 511400 Fede ral In d. Zon e No. 36 3, Yushan Wes t Road ,Shi qiao , Pany u Distr ict, G uang zhou , Guan gdon g, Chi na Tel: +8620- 8489 -949 9 Fax: +8 620- 8480 -334 3 Websi te: ww w.gran dvie wscr een. com
Do not take apart
For safet y, t he m inim um of ceil ing must be 20Kgweight
The maxim um w eigh t of ins tall atio n br acke t is 20Kg
(note: the insta llation br acket's ma ximum weig ht of GPCP -D90150 is 15kg)
Pleas e do not incline t he p roje ctor the ext reme ly.
Please do not take apart the accessories of projector ceiling mount.
Steps of installation
GPCP-D is combined by GPCP and GPD
GPCP Main Bar Overview 1-1 Top Cap 1-2 Front Board 1-3 Subsidiary Bar 1-4 Main Bar 1-5 Installation Board 2-1 Low Cap 2-2 Low Board 2-3 Fixation
GPD Adjustment Overview 3-1 Adjuster 3-2 Hanging Button 3-3 Horizontal Adjusting Hole 4-1 Installation Bracket 4-2 Vertical Adjusting Button 4-3 Installation Arm 4-4 Adjustable Screw 4-5 Sliding Installation Button 4-6 Installation Base
①M3X8 Philips Screw (4pcs) ②M4X8 Philips Screw (4pcs) ③M5X8 Philips Screw (4pcs) ④M5X8 Philips Screw (2pcs) ⑤M6X12 Anti-Slip Screw (2pcs) ⑥M5X10 Philips Screw (5pcs) ⑦M6X25 Tapping Screw (4sets) ⑧ 6X50 Wood Screwn (4sets)
3-1 3-2 4-1
4-6 4-5
Scope f or ins tall ation (H is the distance between ceiling and projector) The H of GPCP-D 4060 is 420m m~60 0mm The H of GPCP-D 6090 is 600mm~900mm The H of GPCP-D 90150 is 900 mm~1 500m m
Steps of installation
Firstly, collect the power wires to the main bar as figure 1. Invaginate the low cap to the main bar as figure 2. Install the low board to the main bar, and then fasten the screws (accessories 5) as figure 3. Finally, install the front board to installation board of main bar and install the adjuster to the front board, and then fasten the screws (accessories 6) as figure 4.
Install the fixation on the wall (choose the screws according to the materials of wall, Use the screw of accessory 7 for concrete-wall, and use the screw of acessory 8 for wood­wall) as figure 5.And then, install the Main Bar Overview to the fixation and fasten the screws (accessory 4)as figure 5. Finally, connect the GPD Adjusting Overview to the adjuster and then fasten the screws (accessory 6 ) as figure 7.
figur e 5 figur e 7
figur e 6
Details of installation
Wires collection
Loosen out t he p ositioni ng scre ws o f main bar (1-4) as f igu re 8 , an d then take apa rt subsidia ry bar (1- 3) from main bar ( 1-4). Pu t the wir es into the main bar (1-4) then in sert the wi res to the pla stic groove of subsidiar y bar (1- 3). A nd then , re- insta ll th e subsidia ry bar (1 -3) t o main bar (1-4 ) after coll ect ing the w ire s as figure 9- 10.
Scope f or ins tall ation (Installation hole of projector): Maxim um sco pe for i nsta llation:360mm diameter Minim um sco pe for i nsta llation:50mm diameter
Note: C onnec t the installa tion arms to the p rojector con versely for di fferent inst allat ion holes o f proje ctor.
Maxim um diameter : 360mm
Minim um diameter : 50mm
figur e 1 figur e 2
figur e 3 figur e 4
figur e 8
figur e 9
figur e 10