GoPro HWRP1 User Manual

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/ Table of Contents / Table of Contents
The Ba sics
Getting Started
Capturing Video and Time Lapse Photos
Accessing Camera Settings
Camera Icons
Camera Modes and Settings
Video Mode
Photo Mode
Multi-Shot Mode
Setup Mode
4 5
Pro tune™
Transferring Files to a Computer
Playing Ba ck Video and Photos
Important Messages
The Frames
Using the Mounts
Customer Support
Regulatory Information
/ The Basic s
/ Getting Started
The integra ted batter y comes par tially cha rged. No damage oc curs to the ca mera or battery i f used before being f ully charged.
To Charge the Battery:
1. Camera Status Screen
2. Shutter/Select Button [ ]
3. Microphone
4. Camera Status Light (red) / Wireless Status Light (blue)
6 7
5. Micro USB Por t
6. microSD Card Slot
7. Camera Status/Wireless Button
For #3, show dots like in first drawing, but in square pattern
(3 across,
3 down)
1. Open the side door. 2. Charge the b attery using the included USB cab le.
Note: The bat tery canno t be removed from t he camera.
/ Getting Started
The camera statu s lights (red) tur n on during chargi ng and turn off when charging is c omplete. Whe n charging t he camera with a computer, be sure that th e computer is c onnecte d to a power source. If the camer a status lights do n ot turn on to ind icate char ging, use a different USB port.
For more batte ry information, see Battery (page 89).
WARNING: Us e cautio n when usin g your GoPr o as part o f your active l ifest yle. Alway s be aware of yo ur surro undings t o avoid injury t o yoursel f and other s. Abid e by all loca l laws when u sing your GoPr o and relat ed mounts a nd access ories, including all
privac y laws, which may res trict recordin g in certa in areas .
/ Getting Started
NOTICE: Using a wall charger other than a GoPr o Wall Charger can damage the b attery. Only use USB charging adapters mar ked 5V 1A. If you do n ot know the voltage a nd amperage of your charger, use the included USB cab le to charge th e camera from your computer.
8 9
/ Getting Started
Use brand na me memory c ards (sold separately) that meet these requirements:
• microSD, microSDHC, or microSDXC
• Clas s 10 or UHS-1 rating
• Capacit y up to 64GB
For a lis t of the recommend ed microSD cards, visit
10 11
NOTICE: Use care w hen handling mem ory card s. Avoid liquids, du st, and de bris. As a preca ution, powe r off the camer a before inserting or removing the card. Check manufacturer guidelines regarding use in acceptable temperature ranges.
To get the latest features and be st perfor mance from your HERO4 S ession camera, make sure you are using t he most curr ent came ra soware. You can up date your camera sowa re with the GoPro A pp, GoPro Stud io, or at
/ Getting Started
/ Getting Started
HERO4 Session automatically powers on when you short press the Shutter/Select button [ begin captu ring video or Time Lapse photos. Whe n you pres s the Shutter/Select button [ stop re cording, t he camera a utomatica lly powers off to con serve bat tery power.
PRO TIP: When car rying you r camera in a bag or pocket, place t he camera upside dow n in a frame with the Shutter/Select button [ covere d to prevent th e camera fro m accident ally powering on.
12 13
] to
] again t o
Shor t press the Camera Status/Wireless button. The status screen
cycles through the information bel ow, then autom atically turns off.
1. Capture Mode/Soware Version
2. Available Memory/ Capture Mode Settings
3. Wireless (when on)
4. Battery Status
5. Wireless Connection Confirmation
6. Current Wireless Option
7. Additional Wireless Options
/ Getting Started
Add “7” here
/ Getting Started
Follow these guide lines to get th e best performa nce from your camera:
☑ The camera is wat erproof to 30’ (10m)—no h ousing needed.
Ensure that t he side door is close d before usin g the camera in or around water, dirt, or sand .
☑ Before ope ning the side door, be sure the came ra is free of water
or debris.
☑ If sand or de bris hardens around the side door, soak the c amera
in war m tap water for 15 min utes and the n rinse thorough ly to remove the de bris before o pening the door.
14 15
☑ For best audio per formance, shake the ca mera to remov e water
and debris from t he microphone holes. (Blowing on the mic hol es does not remove water a nd debris .)
☑ Aer ever y use in salt water, rinse the ca mera wit h fres h wate r,
and dr y with a so cloth.
☑ If the came ra lens beco mes foggy, let it sit until it dries.
PRO TIP: During water act ivities, tether your camera fo r added
secu rity and use a Floa ty to keep your camera afloat (sold s eparately).
For more infor mation, visit
/ Getting Started
/ Capturing Video and Time Lapse Photos / Capturing Video and Time Lapse Photos
When your ca mera is not con nected to the remote (sold separately) or the GoPro Ap p, two capture modes are availa ble: Video a nd Time Lapse. To access more mod es or change came ra setting s, see
Accessing Camera Settings (page 20).
The default video resol ution is 1080p4 8 SuperView.
To Start Recording Video:
Shor t press the Shutter/Select but ton [
autom atically powers o n, emits three beeps, and begins recording vide o. The camera status lig hts blink while the came ra is recording.
16 17
]. Your cam era
If the memor y card is full or the batter y is out of power, your camera automatically stops recording and saves the video before powering off.
To Stop Recording:
Shor t press the Shutter/Select but ton [
autom atically stops re cording (indic ated by one be ep), saves the file
(three beeps), and then powe rs off (seven be eps).
]. The c amera
/ Capturing Video and Time Lapse Photos
You can mark spe cific moments in your video as th ey happen with HiLight Tags. HiLight Tags make it easy to find th e best moments to share.
Note: HiLight Tags a re visible dur ing playbac k on the GoPro App or i n GoPro Studio.
To Add HiLight Tags During Recording:
Shor t press the Camera Status/Wireless button.
The default inter val for Time L apse photos is 0.5 secon d.
To Start Capturing Time Lapse Photos: Press and ho ld the Shutter/Select but ton [ the Time Lap se photo icon [ scre en. Your camera automatic ally powers o n, emits tw o beeps, and begins capturing Time Lapse photos. The c amera status lig hts blink
/ Capturing Video and Time Lapse Photos
] for two seconds until
] appea rs on the cam era status
while t he camera is capturing photos .
PRO TIP: Yo u can also a dd HiLight Tags during
recording with t he GoPro App o r the Smart Re mote.
Show rear 3/4 view with arrow pointing
to Wireless button (back bottom of
camera), not Shutter button
18 19
To Stop Recording:
Shor t press the Shutter/Select button [
]. The c amera autom atically stops re cording (indic ated by one be ep), saves the file
(three beeps), and then powe rs off (seven be eps).
/ Accessing Camera Settings / Accessing Camera Settings
To access more modes or adju st camera settin gs, conne ct your came ra to the remote (sold separ ately) or the GoPro App. All modes and settings that y ou select are save d aer you disconnect the came ra. However, only Vide o and Time La pse modes can be accessed when t he camera is not con nected to the remote or the a pp.
Note: HERO4 Sessi on is compatib le with the Smar t Remote and the Wi-Fi R emote.
The GoPro App lets yo u adjust mod es and camera set tings remotely using a s martpho ne or tablet . Features in clude full c amera cont rol, live preview, p layback a nd sharing of conte nt, and cam era soware updates.
20 21
You can al so use the GoP ro App to see what your came ra sees whe n you mou nt HERO4 Session in hard-to -reach places. To learn more abou t the app, see
To Connec t to the GoPro App:
1. Download th e GoPro App to yo ur smartphone/t ablet from the
App Sto re, Google Play, or Windows© Phone marketplace.
2. Open the app.
3. Tap C onnect Your C amera.
4. Follow the ap p’s o n-screen instr uctions to conn ect your ca mera. The default pass word for your c amera is goprohero.
/ Accessing Camera Settings
The Smart Remote lets you change capture modes and settings, power your GoPro on/off, start/stop recording, and add HiLight Tags.
To Pair with the Remote:
1. On HERO4 Session, shor t press the Camera Status/Wireless button repe atedly to cy cle to Rem Ctrl, then short press the Shutter/Select but ton [ begins pairing.
2. Put the remote into pairing mode. For more information, see t he user ma nual for your remote at
22 23
] to sele ct it. The ca mera automa tically
Aer co nnectin g your camer a to the GoPro App or the remote for the first time, you c an connec t in the future thro ugh the wireless menu.
To Connec t Your Camera aer Pairing:
1. Shor t press the Camera Status/Wireless button to open the
wireless menu.
2. If needed, short press the Camera Status/Wireless button again to disp lay the sett ing that you wa nt (GoPro App or Rem Ctrl), and then short press the Shutter/Select butto n [
The wi reless status lig hts blink when wireless is on an d the camera is not re cording.
Note: If your sm artphone/t ablet has Blue tooth© LE, the wirele ss options are c ombined as RC/App.
/ Accessing Camera Settings
] to sele ct it.
/ Accessing Camera Settings
Aer you connect HERO4 Se ssion to the GoPro Ap p for the first t ime or pair it with the remote, you can connect your camera in the future using t he Camera Status/Wireless button.
To Turn Wireles s On:
1. Shor t press the Camera Status/Wireless button to open the
wireless menu.
2. If needed, short press the Camera Status/Wireless button again to disp lay the sett ing that you wa nt (GoPro App or Rem Ctrl), and then short press the Shutter/Select butto n [
24 25
] to sele ct it.
The wi reless status lig hts blink when wireless is on an d the camera is not re cording.
Note: If your sm artphone/t ablet has Blue tooth LE, the wirele ss options ar e combined as RC/App.
To Turn Wireles s Off:
1. Shor t press the Camera Status/Wireless button to open the
wireless menu.
2. Short press the Camera Status/Wireless button repeatedly to
cycle to Turn WiF i Off, and then shor t press the Shutter/Select button [
] to sele ct it.
/ Accessing Camera Settings
/ Camera Icons
/ Camera Icons
Burst Photos
Default Mod e
Field of View
Frame s Per Second
26 27
Looping Video
Low Light
Photo Mode
Pro tune™
Setup Mode
Spot Meter
Time Lapse
Video Format
Video Mode
Video Resolution
/ Camera Modes and Settings
Add Interval icon as first
setting for Video
Add Protune icon
at the end of the
Video settings
Settings: 3rd icon on top should be DFLT. For first icon on bottom, use the one on p. 27. Last icon on
28 29
bottom should be RESET CAM.
/ Camera Modes and Settings
Camera Default
+ 35 hidden pages