GoPro HEROPLUS LCD User Manual

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/ Table of Contents
/ Table of Contents
The Ba sics
Getting Started
Camera Displays
Camera Modes
Navigating Settings Menus
Camera Icons
Camera Menus
Capturing Video
Capturing Photos
Capturing Burst Photos
Capturing Time Lapse P hotos
Conn ecting to the GoPro App
Transferring Files to a Computer
Playing Ba ck Video an d Photos
Setup Mode
Important Messages
Using the Mounts
4 5
Customer Support
Regulatory Information
/ The Basic s
/ The Basic s
1. Shutter/Select Button
2. Camera Status Screen
3. Settings/Tag Button
6 7
4. Power/Mode Button
5. Wireless Status Light (blue)
6. Camera Status Light (red)
7. Micro-USB Port
8. microSD Card Slot (microSD card not included)
9. Touch Display
/ Getting Started/ Getting Started
Slim housing remove camera
Slim housing insert camera
Slim housing closed Swapping housing doors
Quick Release Buckle + Thumb Screw + Slim housing = Complete Unit
The integra ted batter y comes par tially cha rged. No damage oc curs to the HER O+ LCD camer a or batter y if used befor e being fully charged.
1. Unlatch and o pen the bac kdoor.
Note: The came ra cannot be rem oved from the hou sing.
2. Charge the b attery using the included USB cab le.
Note: The bat tery canno t be removed from t he camera. When ch arging the cam era with a computer, be sure t hat the compute r is connecte d to a power source. I f the camera statu s lights do n ot turn on to ind icate that the ba ttery is cha rging, use a differ ent USB port.
8 9
WARNING: Us ing a wall ch arger oth er than a GoP ro Wall Charger can dama ge the GoP ro camer a batter y and could result in fir e or leakag e. Only use ch argers ma rked: Output 5V 1A . If you do not know the vo ltage an d current of y our charg er, use the incl uded USB cabl e to charge t he camer a from your c omputer.
For fastest c harging, make sure t he camera i s powered off aer connecting it to a comput er or USB charging ad apter. When the came ra is powered o ff, the ca mera statu s light turn s on during charging and turns off when charging is complete.
For more batte ry information, see Battery (page 55).
WARNING: Us e cautio n when usin g your GoPr o as part o f your active l ifest yle. Alway s be aware of yo ur surro undings t o avoid injury t o yoursel f and other s.
Abide by a ll local l aws when us ing your Go Pro and rel ated mounts a nd access ories, i ncludin g all priv acy laws , which may restri ct record ing in cer tain area s.
/ Getting Started
Use brand na me memory c ards that meet the se requirements:
• microSD, microSDHC, or microSDXC (sold separately)
• Capacit y up to 64GB
• Minim um of Class 10 or UHS -I rating
For a lis t of the recommend ed microSD cards , visit
To Power On:
Press the Power/Mode button onc e. The camer a status lig hts flash t hree times a nd the sound i ndicator e mits three b eeps. Whe n the ca mera statu s screen display s informati on, your cam era is on.
To Power Off: Press and hold the Power/Mode but ton for two se conds. The
NOTICE: Use care when ha ndling mem ory card s. Avoid liquid s, dust,
and de bris. As a preca ution, powe r off the camer a before inserting or removing the car d. Check ma nufactu rer guideli nes regarding use in acceptable temperature ranges.
10 11
came ra status lights fl ash severa l times and th e sound indicato r emits seven beeps.
/ Getting Started
/ Getting Started / Getting Started
Your HERO+ LCD cam era comes with thre e types of backdoors.
The Standa rd Backdoor makes t he housing water proof to 131’ (40m). Us e this door to pr otect the ca mera from wa ter, dirt, san d and other environmental hazards. This backdoor reduces wind noise at s peeds grea ter than 100mph .
The Touch Backdoor enables acce ss to the touc h displ ay and provi des waterp roof protec tion to
PRO TIP: If QuikCa pture is enab led, you ca n quickly tu rn your c amera on and immediately begin c apturing video or Time Lapse p hotos just by pres sing the Shutter/Select button . Short pre ss for video, pres s and hold for Time Lapse photos. For det ails, see QuikCapture (page 45).
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10’ ( 3m).
NOTICE: To prevent d amage to the t ouch displ ay, do not exc eed this de pth when using this b ackdoor. Touch functi ons do not wor k underw ater. In extr eme altitud e and temper atures, kee p the housi ng unlatch ed until you us e the camera.
The Ske leton Backd oor is not waterproof. This backdoor enables access to th e touch disp lay, provides enhanced cooling, and allows more direct access to the microphone. Use this backdoor only when san d, excessiv e dirt/dust , and water damage ar e not a risk. Th is backdoo r is also reco mmended for use in side vehic les.
/ Getting Started
/ Camera Displays
To get the latest features and be st perfor mance from your HERO+ LCD came ra, make sure you are using th e most curre nt camera so ware. You can update your cam era soware via th e GoPro App or GoPro Studio sow are. For more inform ation, visit
The HER O+ LCD camera powe rs up with the follow ing defau lt settings :
Video 1080p30, Auto Low Light
Photo 8MP, Wide Field of View (FOV )
Burst 10 photos i n 2 seconds ( 5 fps)
Time Lapse 0.5 seconds
QuikCapture Off
Wireless Off
PRO TIP: To open th e settings m enu for the current mode, t ap the Sett ings icon [ came ra setting s that apply to a ll modes, navigate to Setup mode.
14 15
] or pres s the Settings/Tag button. To change g eneral
HERO+ LC D features a st atus scree n on the front of the ca mera and a larger touc h display on the ba ck
The camera status screen on the front of the c amera disp lays the following in formation a bout modes and settings:
1. Camera Mode/FOV (field of view)
2. Resolution/fps (frames per s econd)
3. Number of Files Captured
4. Remainin g Time/Files o n microSD Card
Note: The ico ns that appear o n the camera stat us screen var y by mode.
5. Spot Meter (when feature is ena bled)
6. Time Lapse Interval/Burst Rate (not s hown)
7. Wireless
8. Battery Life
/ Camera Displays / Camera Displays
Tap Up/DownTap Tap Mode Tap Settings
Tap Up/DownTap Tap Mode Tap Settings
Tap Up/DownTap Tap Mode Tap Settings
Tap Up/DownTap Tap Mode Tap Settings
The integra ted touch display on the back of t he camera lets you c ontrol
Use these ges tures to navi gate the touc h display: your ca mera and its settings, and preview and play bac k videos and photos. You can also use it as a viewfinder s o you can see what your came ra sees for ea sy shot-framing.
To use the touch display with the housing do or closed, attach the
Tap the Mode Icon
Displ ay camera modes .
Touch Backdoo r or the Skeleto n Backdoor. For more informat ion, see
Camera Backdoors (p age 13).
PRO TIP: To conse rve battery power, the tou ch display is set to
Tap the Settings Icon
Open the settings menu for the current mode.
autom atically sleep a er 1 minute of ina ctivity. For details o n touch displ ay setting s, see Touch Display (page 43).
Tap the Up/Down Arrows
Move through s ettings lists or gallery images.
Select an item, turn a set ting on/off.
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