PanaFlow™ XMT1000
Panametrics Liquid Flow
Ultrasonic Transmitter
The XMT1000 is a new, cost-eective ultrasonic ow
transmitter that builds on Panametrics ow expertise
and on years of reliable performance from its XMT868i
predecessor. It oers state-of-the-art ow measurement
capability in a rugged, locally-mounted or remote-
mounted transmitter certied for use in hazardous
areas. It brings a new level of performance with improved
accuracy, congurable inputs and outputs, and multiple
ultrasonic transducer path options.
Liquid Flow Measurements for a
Wide Range of Applications
• Hydrocarbon liquids • Water & wastewater
• Crude oil • Distilled water
• Lubricating oil • Hot/chilled water
• Diesel fuel oil • Chemicals
• Solvents • Beverages
• Liquied natural gas (LNG)
Non-Intrusive, Reliable, and Accurate
Flow Measurement
The PanaFlow XMT1000 comes from a long line of
proven ultrasonic ow meters from Panametrics.
It shares all the advantages of ultrasonic ow
measurment: no moving parts to wear, no lters
or strainers, no maintenance requirement, no
pressure drop, and no drifting or required periodic
Its on-board digital signal processor (DSP) provides
proprietary digital signal coding and correlation
detection routines, automatic adjustment to
changing uid properties, and dynamicallycongured operating software to simplify
The XMT1000 oers:
• Improved accuracy of 0.3% of reading
• One, two or three-channel operation
• Four congurable inputs/outputs for analog or
digital communication
• Suitability for a wide range of pipe sizes and
Improved Programming Capability
PanaFlow XMT1000 Flow
The XMT1000 introduces a magnetic six-button keypad
to allow safe programming and diagnostics verication
in your hazardous (classied) location. There is no need
to open the case to use a PC to program, eliminating
the cost and time associated with obtaining hot work
permits, and there is no need for an additional handheld
programmer. Just touch the glass of the XMT1000 with
the magnetic wand to change any parameter setting.
If you prefer your PC interface, the PanaFlow XMT1000
comes standard with MODBUS RS485 connectivity,
providing full access to the meter’s diagnostics and
programming using Vitality™ software. Vitality also
provides continuous logging capability of up to 10,000
points with 26 parameters logged per point.
Multi-Channel, Multi-Path Options
Reduce Costs and Improve
The XMT1000 may be congured as a one-channel,
two-channel or three-channel meter for measurement
exibility. It also oers one, two or three ultrasonic
transducer paths. A single path can provide cost
eective ow measurement while multiple paths
improve ow measurement accuracy and repeatability
and add redundancy.
Automatically Adjusts to Changing
Fluid Properties
Standard in all PanaFlow XMT1000 transmitters, our
unique Automatic Tracking Window™ (ATW™) feature
ensures accurate ow measurements even when uid
properties are unknown or changing. ATW dynamically
sweeps the receiver window whenever the sound speed
of the uid changes. This powerful feature lets you
measure ow when the uid sound speed is unknown, or
is changing.
Variable Time Interval
Transmit Signal Receive Signal
ATW ensures accuracy when
fluid conditions change.
Tracking Window
Locked onto
Receive Signal
Range of Tracking Window
Transmitter Uses Transit-Time Flow
Measurement Technique
Downstream Wetted
Upstream Wetted
The transit time ow measurement method utilizes two
transducers to serve as both ultrasonic signal generators
and receivers. When mounted on a pipe, they are in
acoustic communication with each other. In operation,
each transducer functions as a transmitter, generating a
certain number of acoustic pulses, and then as a receiver
for an identical number of pulses. The time interval
between transmission and reception of the ultrasonic
signals is measured in both directions. When the liquid
in the pipe is not owing, the transit-time downstream
equals the transit-time upstream. When the liquid is
owing, the transit-time downstream is less than the
transit-time upstream.
The dierence between the downstream and upstream
transit times is proportional to the velocity of the owing
liquid, and its sign indicates the direction of ow.
Wetted Transducers
The XMT1000 can be used with a variety of wetted
systems including the PanaFlow system. The PanaFlow
system oers a fully integrated ow meter solution
that includes the XMT1000 electronics, ow cell, and
transducers, which simplies installation.
The PanaFlow XMT1000 can be used with other
PanaFlow systems or may be congured as a custom
meter solution with wetted transducers to meet specic
application needs.