GE Industrial Solutions Power Mark Gold Load Centers User Manual [en, es]

DEH - 40537 Installation Instructions
To comply with the National Electrical Code and Underwriters Laboratories, the load center must be installed in accordance with the information included on the label on the inside of the equipment. This must also be done in accordance with applicable local electrical codes, and by a qualified electrical contractor and/or licensed electrician. WARNING: Hazard of electrical shock or burn. Turn off power before working inside this equipment.
1. Remove Front
Slip front and accessory package back into carton to protect finish.
2. Remove Interior (optional)
PowerMark Gold ™Load Center
Indoor Type
4. Remove KO’S for all main and branch circuits.
Knockout Center KO inward then Outer Rings
First knock center KO inward. Outer rings should be alternately pried up or driven in one at a time.
5. Pull incoming service and branch circuit wiring into box.
6. Replace interior
Back Out Mounting Screws and save for reuse. (Both sides)
Slide Interior Up to clear tabs and remove.
3. Mount Box
For Flush Mount line up front box edge with finish wall surface and screw or nail to stud through small KO’s in box side. For Surface Mount screw or nail through keyhole slot in back of box.


The load center will easily accommodate incoming electrical service from the top or bottom. Rotate the entire load center enclosure if a bottom feed configuration is required.
Nail or Screw
Reinstall mounting screws removed in Step 2.
7. Wire main, neutral, and equipment ground.
Refer to rating label inside equipment for proper tightening torque. Wire neutral and equipment ground only in direction indicated by arrows. If required, ground and bond neutral to box using screw provided.
Equipment Ground
8. Optional wiring of neutral and ground
The neutral crossbar may be removed to provide optional neutral and ground wiring as follows:
Right or left side
Main Breaker Service Entrance with Bonding Screw
Uninsulated neutral or ground Insulated neutral or ground
See rating label wiring diagram for additional neutral and ground lug kits
Insulated Ground or
Both Sides
Crossbar Bonding
Main Lug Only without Bonding Screw
eutral Terminal “A”
Equipment Ground
Screw Hole Both
9. Wire branch circuits
Individually wire each branch circuit into a circuit breaker, then firmly plug each breaker into the interior.
Refer to label on circuit breaker for proper tightening torque. Use only General Electric circuit breakers specified on the load center rating label. Use of other circuit breakers or components will void the load center warranty, may void the UL listing, and can result in property loss or personal injury.
10. Remove cover KO’s
Remove only enough knockout’s to match the number of circuit breakers installed. Close all unused open KO spaces with Knockout Filler Plates (see catalog numbers below)
Knockout Width ½” Catalog Number: TFH Knockout Width 1” Catalog Number: TQLFP1
Place screwdriver here and tap
ith hammer
11. Important
Re-tighten all electrical connections before energizing
12. Screw front on box
Adjustment for flush mount will be automatic when cover is installed
13. Identify circuits
For user’s convenience.
NOTE: Accessories and replacement parts are listed on the label inside the load center door.
These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment not to provide for every possible contingency to be met in connection with installation operation or maintenance. Should further information be desired or should particular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser’s purpose, the matter should be referred to the GE Company.
GE Consumer & Industrial
General Electric Company 41 Woodford Ave, Plainville, CT 06062 DEH-40537 R03 03/06 © 2002 General Electric
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