GE Industrial Solutions POWER LEADER PMCS Network Architecture User Manual

Power Management Control System
Network Architecture Guide
Warning notices are used in this publication to emphasize that hazardous voltages, currents, or other conditions that could cause personal injury exist in this equipment or may be associated with its use.
Warning notices are also used for situations in which inattention or lack of equipment knowledge could cause either personal injury or damage to equipment.
Caution notices are used for situations in which equipment might be damaged if care is not taken or which may cause communication errors to occur.
Notes call attention to information that is especially significant to understanding and operating the equipment.
This document is based on information available at the time of its publication. While efforts have been made to ensure accuracy, the information contained herein does not cover all details or variations in hardware and software, nor does it provide for every pos­sible contingency in connection with installation, operation, and maintenance. Features may be described herein that are not present in all hardware and software systems. GE Industrial Systems assumes no obligation of notice to holders of this document with respect to changes subsequently made.
GE Industrial Systems makes no representation or warranty, expressed, implied, or statutory, with respect to, and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, sufficiency, or usefulness of the information contained herein. No warrantees of merchantability or fitness for purpose shall apply.
©Copyright 2000- 2002 GE Company, all rights reserved.
POWER LEADER™, MicroVersaTrip®, Spectra®, and PowerBreak® are trademarks of GE Company.
Modbus RTU Modbus
is a registered trademark of AEG Schneider Automation.
is a registered trademark of Modicon Inc.
Power Management Control System
This manual provides an overview of the network architecture associated with the GE POWER LEADER Power Management Control System (PMCS). Please read through this guide prior to laying out a PMCS network. You must comple te the following steps before proceeding with the instructions in this manual:
1. Have instruction manuals on hand for all Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) to be installed. (See Ap pe ndix B f or a list of in str uction manuals.)
2. Complete installation of all system IEDs.
• All IEDs mounted.
• All IEDs wired to cont rol power and energize d .
• All IEDs assigned a unique address. Refer to the appropriate IED instruction manuals
for these procedures.
3. Ensure that the PC serving as the Power Management Contro l S y stem host is operati onal:
• The RS-485 interface card, RS-232/RS-485
converter, or Ethernet Card is installed and functioning correctly.
• Any Ethernet Gateways or Modbus
Concentrators are installed and functioning correctly.
• Windows 2000 SP2 is installed and functioning
• The Power Management Control System
software is installed and properly configured.
Getting Started
WARNING: Where personnel or equipment safety is involved, do not rely exclusively on information reported by the Power Management Control System or any power management equipment. ALWAYS confirm the status and safety of electrical power equipment in person by conventional test IEDs before operating, energizing or working on such equipment.
WARNING: Network wiring and grounding rules described herein apply primarily to commercial/industrial installations. Substation installations will exist in the presence of dangerously elevated ground potential relative to points outside of the station grid as well as large electromagnetic induction fields. Additionally, large ground faults can elevate substation ground potentials. Follow local utility best-practices/safety procedures to prevent risk of shock/electrocution to personnel and damage to equipment that could result in a loss of protection and communications.
Power Management Control System
Getting Started
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Power Management Control System
Table of Contents
Welcome to PMCS!.............................................................................................................................................1
What is Power Management?............................................................................................................................1
Benefits of Power Management.........................................................................................................................1
What is PMCS? ...................................................................................................................................................1
How Does PMCS Work? .....................................................................................................................................2
Using This Guide .................................................................................................................................................2
Chapter 1 – Introduction................................................................................. 3
1–1 Typical Systems...........................................................................................................................................3
1–2 Master-Slave Organization .........................................................................................................................4
1–3 Required Hardware......................................................................................................................................5
Host Computer......................................................................................................................................5
RS-485 Interface Card or RS-232/RS-485 Converter..........................................................................5
Ethernet Network Card........................................................................................................................5
1–4 Compatibility & Interconnection with Existing Ethernet Networks...........................................................5
1–5 Operation During Power Outage.................................................................................................................5
1–6 Time & Date Stamping................................................................................................................................6
1–7 Remote System Operation...........................................................................................................................6
1–8 Supported IEDs ............................................................................................................................................7
Chapter 2 – Network Design...........................................................................9
2–1 Modbus Rules............................................................................................................................................10
2–2 Ethernet Configuration Rules....................................................................................................................11
Table 3. Ethernet configuration rules2–3 Ethernet Network Considerations ................................................12
10Base-T specifications and rules ....................................................................................................13
10Base-FL specifications and rules...................................................................................................13
2–4 Commnet Configuration Rules...................................................................................................................14
2–5 Modbus Wiring Rules – Diagrams............................................................................................................15
2–6 Commnet Wiring Rules – Diagrams..........................................................................................................19
2–7 Performance Recommendations...............................................................................................................21
The Ideal Network..............................................................................................................................21
Modbus performance recommendations..........................................................................................21
Commnet performance recommendations........................................................................................21
2–8 Addressing the IEDs...................................................................................................................................21
2–9 Multiple RS-485 Networks – Addressing.................................................................................................25
2–10 System Expansion....................................................................................................................................25
2–11 Case Studies............................................................................................................................................25
Case Study One..................................................................................................................................25
Case Two............................................................................................................................................27
Power Management Control System
Table of Contents
Case Three.........................................................................................................................................29
Case Four............................................................................................................................................30
Case Five............................................................................................................................................33
Chapter 3. Network Wiring and Construction.............................................37
3–1 Wiring Requirements................................................................................................................................38
Type of Wire ......................................................................................................................................39
Shield Grounding ...............................................................................................................................39
3–2 Modbus – Commnet Integration...............................................................................................................39
Wiring Concerns ................................................................................................................................39
3–3 Modbus – Ethernet Integration ................................................................................................................41
3–4 Local Configuration of IEDs.......................................................................................................................41
3–5 Applying Power to the System..................................................................................................................41
3–6 Software Loading and Startup..................................................................................................................41
Chapter 4 –Trouble-Shooting........................................................................42
4–1 Communication Network Trouble-Shooting.............................................................................................42
4–2 Host Trouble-Shooting..............................................................................................................................43
4–3 IED Trouble-Shooting................................................................................................................................43
4–4 Equipment Trouble-Shooting ....................................................................................................................43
4–5 Product Service Procedure........................................................................................................................43
4–6 Trouble-Shooting Guide............................................................................................................................44
239 Motor Protection Relay..............................................................................................................................49
269+ Motor Management Relay......................................................................................................................49
565 Feeder Management Relay.......................................................................................................................50
735 Feeder Relay..............................................................................................................................................50
MX200 (Microprocessor Controller).................................................................................................................51
Generator PLC (Series 90-70)...........................................................................................................................51
Electronic Power Meter EPM 7330.................................................................................................................. 51
Electronic Power Meter EPM 3710.................................................................................................................. 52
Electronic Power Meter EPM 3720.................................................................................................................. 53
Electronic Power Meter EPM 7300.................................................................................................................. 53
Electronic Power Meter EPM 7500/7600/7700 ..............................................................................................53
GE Fanuc PLC 90/30..........................................................................................................................................54
GE Fanuc PLC 90/70..........................................................................................................................................54
GE Fanuc PLC Micro 90.....................................................................................................................................54
EPM 5000P/5200P/5300P/5350P.....................................................................................................................54
MicroVersaTrip-C and -D and Spectra MicroVersaTrip Trip Units.................................................................55
Modbus Concentrator.......................................................................................................................................55
Power Management Control System
Table of Contents
Electronic Power Meter (PLEPM)......................................................................................................................55
POWER LEADER Ethernet Gateway .................................................................................................................56
POWER LEADER Junction/Outlet Box..............................................................................................................56
POWER LEADER MDP Overcurrent Relay........................................................................................................56
POWER LEADER Meter.....................................................................................................................................56
POWER LEADER Modbus Monitor....................................................................................................................57
POWER LEADER Repeater................................................................................................................................57
Power Quality Meter (PQM)..............................................................................................................................57
RS-485 Repeater...............................................................................................................................................58
Spectra Electronic Control Module (ECM)........................................................................................................58
SR469 Motor Management Relay....................................................................................................................58
SR489 Generator Management Relay..............................................................................................................59
SR745 Transformer Management Relay..........................................................................................................60
SR750 Feeder Management Relay...................................................................................................................60
SR760 Feeder Management Relay...................................................................................................................61
Motor Manager II (MMII)..................................................................................................................................61
90/30 and 90/70 PLCs.......................................................................................................................................66
Micro 90 PLC .....................................................................................................................................................66
Connect Tech RS-485 card................................................................................................................................67
Ethernet Gateway .............................................................................................................................................67
Appendix A. IED Descriptions Appendix B. Reference Documents Appendix C. Special Wir i ng Considerations
Power Management Control System
List of Figures and Tables
Figure 1. Modbus-only network...................................................................................................................................................................3
Figure 2. Commercial Ethernet and Modbus network.................................................................................................................................3
Figure 3. Modbus and commnet network....................................................................................................................................................4
Figure 4. Ethernet, Modbus, and commnet network...................................................................................................................................4
Figure 5. Ethernet-based host services Ethernet, Modbus, and commnet networks................................................................................4
Figure 6. Example of remote operation using modems...............................................................................................................................6
Figure 7. Network illustrating Modbus Rules 1 and 2. .............................................................................................................................15
Figure 8. Network illustrating Modbus Rule 3. .........................................................................................................................................15
Figure 9. Network illustrating Modbus Rules 4 and 5. .............................................................................................................................16
Figure 10. Network illustrating Modbus Rule 6. .......................................................................................................................................17
Figure 11. Network illustrating Modbus Rule 7. .......................................................................................................................................17
Figure 12. Network illustrating Modbus Rule 8. .......................................................................................................................................17
Figure 13. Network illustrating Modbus Rule 9. .......................................................................................................................................17
Figure 14. Valid Modbus Monitor network architectures.........................................................................................................................18
Figure 15. Network illustrating commnet Rule 1.......................................................................................................................................19
Figure 16. Network illustrating commnet Rule 2.......................................................................................................................................19
Figure 17. Network illustrating commnet Rule 3.......................................................................................................................................19
Figure 18. Network illustrating commnet Rule 4.......................................................................................................................................19
Figure 19. Network illustrating commnet Rule 6.......................................................................................................................................20
Figure 20. Network illustrating commnet Rule 6.......................................................................................................................................20
Figure 21. Sample network with IED addresses........................................................................................................................................23
Figure 22. Floor layout for Case One..........................................................................................................................................................26
Figure 23. Redesigned layout for Case One. .............................................................................................................................................26
Figure 24. Floor layout for Case Two.........................................................................................................................................................28
Figure 25. Floor layout for Case Three.......................................................................................................................................................29
Figure 26. Floor layout for Case Four.........................................................................................................................................................31
Figure 27. Floor layout for Case Five..........................................................................................................................................................33
Figure 28. Commnet shield grounding wired correctly. ............................................................................................................................40
Figure 29. Incorrect wiring. Looping on one Modbus Concentrator commnet port.................................................................................40
Figure 30. Incorrect wiring. Looping to two Modbus Concentrator commnet ports................................................................................40
Figure 31. Incorrect wiring. Looping on segment connected to Junction Box. ........................................................................................40
Figure 32. Incorrect wiring. Looping on segment connected to POWER LEADER Repeater. ..................................................................40
Table 1. IEDs supported by PMCS................................................................................................................................................................8
Table 2. Host PC configuration rules..........................................................................................................................................................10
Table 3. Ethernet configuration rules. .......................................................................................................................................................12
Table 4. Commnet IED configuration rules................................................................................................................................................14
Table 5. Modbus address range appropriate usage.................................................................................................................................22
Table 6. Modbus-to-commnet address mapping.......................................................................................................................................22
Table 7. IED-addressing scheme for Figure 21..........................................................................................................................................24
Table 8. IED Addresses for Case One........................................................................................................................................................26
Table 9. IED Addresses for Case Two........................................................................................................................................................28
Table 10. IED Addresses for Case Three...................................................................................................................................................30
Table 11. IED Addresses for Case Four......................................................................................................................................................32
Table 12. IED Addresses for Case Five......................................................................................................................................................34
Table 13. Wiring requirements..................................................................................................................................................................38
Power Management Control System
List of Figures and Tables
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Power Management Control System

Welcome to PMCS!

Hello and welcome to POWER LEADER Power Management Control System (PMCS). You are about to begin using your computer in an exciting new way: as a tool to help you increase productivity and reduce downtime and energy costs through power management.

What is Power Management?

Inside every switchgear lineup, switchboard, panelboard, and motor control center flows a vast amount of information that can save and even make you money. The data is in the form of power (volts, amperes, and their time-dependent waveforms) that passes through the equipment every second of every hour of every day. With the proper IEDs, you can selectively access this wealth of information and use it to b ecome more efficie nt and more productive. Your power distribution equipment can go beyond its fun dame ntal pr otection rol e to be come a p rof it­generating asset. This is what power management systems are all about.

Benefits of Power Management

A power management system provides the tools to control energy costs, minimize downtime and outages, and optimize operation to increase productivity. With such a system in place, you can benefit from:
Less downtime – Identify and correct problems before
they lead to loss of power and/or costly damage to loads such as production equipment and computers.
Reduced energy costs – Find ways to conserve power,
correct billing errors, reduce peak usage surcharges, and leverage interruptible rates.
Improved predictive maintenance – Identify simple
maintenance tasks so you can make scheduled corrections before they become problems.
Faster corrective maintenance – Quickly pinpoint the
root causes of problems using tools such as time­tagged alarms, sequence of events logs, and triggered waveform capture conditions.
Increased safety – Provide a centralized source of
information, reducing the need for physical contact with equipment and shop-floor or sub-station presence.
Higher productivity – Free up maintenance and repair
personnel to perform other needed duties.
Improved power quality – Identify sources of “dirty”
power, otherwise invisible, and take corrective action
to save wear, tear, and possible damage to critical production equipment and other loads.
It should come as no surprise that approximately half of all switchgear is now shipped with power management features. What began as an option is fast becoming an absolute necessity for efficient facility management and increased profitability.

What is PMCS?

PMCS is the latest Power Management Control software from GE Industrial Systems’ robust line of POWER LEADER power management products. PMCS seamlessly integrates with the comprehensive family of POWER LEADER IEDs as well as with many new Modbus RTU and Ethernet IEDs and systems.
The Power Management Control System supplies the power-system information you need to optimize usage and minimize power cost and downtime.
Its state-of-the-art graphical interface is easy to use, with the ability to view systems from both the physical and electrical perspectives. Additional features include:
• Viewing metering information at remote locations.
• Historical trending of any metered data.
• Tracking the status of protective and metering IEDs.
• Alarm and event management.
• Report generation.
• Waveform capture and analysis.
• Remote control of IEDs.
• Remote configuration of IEDs.
Interaction with Cost Allocation software to provide
facility energy and demand data.
The Power Management Control System accomplishes these tasks through a networ k of attached IEDs th at serve to protect equipment and collect and transmit data.
These IEDs include trip units, metering IEDs, protective relaying IEDs, and others. They communicate on either the POWER LEADER communication network (commnet), Modbus RTU commu nications p rotocols, OR Ethernet to transmit data to the PMCS software.
You can operate PMCS software from either a PC running directly on the Modbus platfor m or from a PC connected to an Ethernet network, which is linked to the Modbus network via the POWER LEADER Ethernet Gateway. (Some devices, such as the EPM 7700, communicate directly over an Ethernet network and do not require an Ethernet Gateway.)
Power Management Control System

How Does PMCS Work?

The PMCS software runs on a PC (called the host). The host is linked to the power management IEDs through a network (RS-485), and speaks to them using the Modbus RTU communications protocol piece of software called the PMCS Network and IED Configurator. The Network and IED Configurator is a Dynamic Data Exchange Server (we’ll refer to it as the PMCS DDE Server or simply the Server). It responds to requests for data from other software packages called clients. When the PMCS DDE Server receives a request for data from a client, it sends a message out to the appropriate IED requesting the data. Each piece of data is called a tag. The PMCS DDE Server polls the appropriate tags (or blocks of tags) f rom eac h IED an d pa sses the data back to the client which requested it. The Server then begins to monitor that tag; if it cha nge s, th e Ser ve r n otifies the client that had previousl y req uested th e data; th us, n ot only is the cur rent request an swered, but th e client is also kept informed of l a ter changes.
Some power management IEDs are relatively simple and keep track of only a few power characteristics or events; they require only a few tags at the DDE Server. More sophisticated IEDs keep track of many more pieces of information, requiring a greater portion of the DDE Server’s resources.
The limit on the number of IEDs that can be managed by the PMCS varies from network to network and is a function of the kind and sophistication of the IEDs that the DDE Server is tracking. Obviously, the more sophisticated the IEDs and the greater the demands they place on the DDE Server, the fewer IEDs that may be ma naged.
. The heart of PMCS is a

Using This Guide

This manual is a simp le an d d irec t guide to des ignin g a nd connecting a power management system based on GE’s Power Management Control System. Please read the entire manual before attempting to put it into practice.
Chapter 1 provides a basic overview of the PMCS: typical systems and intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) supported. It is imperative that you have a thorough understanding of what the PMCS is and its various components before you read the rest of this book.
Chapter 2 discusses the rules and requirements for designing the netw ork on paper: how far apart IEDs may be located, address ing the IEDs, limits on the number of IEDs. Chapter 2 also provides several case studies as examples of how to design a PMCS network that will fit your needs. After studying this chapter and the case studies, you should understand how to lay out networks based on PMCS.
Chapter 3 explains the details of actual network construction: types of wire required, ter mination resistors, how to wire IEDs together. Actual connection details are given in the user manuals of each individual IED, which you should refer to directly.
Chapter 4 offers information on operations and trouble­shooting. The infor mation pr ovid ed h ere w ill he lp you ge t your system up and running and keep it that way!
Several Appendices offer more detailed descriptions of PMCS-compatible IEDs and a list of reference publications.
The host is networ ked to the power management IED s in one of two fashions. The host may be base d directly on the RS-485 platform and communicate with the RS-485 networks via interface cards. Alternatively, the host may reside on an Ethernet network, talking directly to Ethernet-capable IEDs such as the EPM 7700, and to Modbus-native devices via a separate Modbus-to-Ethernet converter which supports the RS-485 networks. This is described in greater detail later in the manual.
EPM 7700 devices are the exception; instead of using Modbus, they
communicate directly over E t hernet.
Power Management Control System

Chapter 1 – Introduction

Chapter 1 – Introduction

1–1 Typical Systems

The PMCS software is capable of operating on either of two platforms:
1. PMCS running on a Modbus-based host PC, or
2. PMCS running on an Ethernet-based host PC.
Determine where the PMCS will be based using the following flowchart:
Should I base my host PC on Modbus or Ethernet?
Is there an existing
Ethernet or
plans for a
future Ethernet?
Base PMCS on Modbus.
Figure 2 shows a Modbus and Et he rne t network. Figure 3 shows a Modbus/commnet network. Figure 4 shows an Ethernet/Modbus/commnet network,
demonstrating the integration of all three protocols. Figure 5 shows an example of an Ethernet-based host
servicing native Ethernet devices, Modbus devices via the Ethernet Gateway, and Commnet devices via the Modbus Concentrator device.
NOTE: Some types of IEDs must be wired on dedicated private serial network segments, one IED per serial Modbus line. Figure 2a illustrates this configuration. The IEDs that require dedicated Modbus segments are the EPM 9650Q, EPM 3720, ML PQM, and EPM 7330.
Base PMCS on Ether net.
After you determine the appropriate base (Ethernet or Modbus) for the PMCS software, the general network architecture will fall into one of the forms illustrated in Figures 1 through 4. These figures offer samples of various network architecture configurations possible with PMCS.
Protocols Utilized
Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5
üü ü
üü ü ü
As the above table shows, Modbus RTU is required in all instances, whether it is being used as a stand-alone network, supporting commnet IEDs, or serving as a slave to an Ethernet-based host.
Figure 1. Modbus-only network.
EPM 3720
M u ltilin
M ult ilin
Figure 2. Commercial Ethernet and Modbus network.
Figure 1 presents the Power Management Control System operating on a Modbus-only network.
Power Management Control System
Chapter 1 – Introduction
Figure 2a. Substation Ethernet and Modbus network.
Figure 5. Ethernet-based host services Ethernet, Modbus,
and commnet networks.
Figure 3. Modbus and commnet network.
Mu lt ilin
Comm net device s
Ethernet Gateway
Figure 4. Ethernet, Modbus, and commnet network.

1–2 Master-Slave Organization

The PMCS in either a Modbus-host or an Ethernet-host configuration is a master-slave network. The host is considered to be the ma ster, with the a ttached n etwor ks of IEDs serving as its slaves.
This relationship means that the communications are always initiated a t the host; an IED wil l not speak without being asked to. The master requests information, the slave replies.
The PMCS DDE Server receives a request from a client application for some data, perhaps a relay waveform capture. The Server routes the request to the correct IED, the IED replies to the Server, and the Server passes the information back to the client that originally requested it.
For further details, refer to the PMCS Network and Device Configurator DDE Server User’s Guide, GEH-6510.
Power Management Control System
Chapter 1 – Introduction

1–3 Required Hardware

Several pieces of hardware are required to build a network based on PMCS. They are the host computer and the network interf ace card, each of whic h is described b elow. Once the host computer is op era ting a nd its inte rf ace car d is installed, it is time to attach the power management IEDs to the network. These IEDs are described in Section 1–8.

Host Computer

The heart of the PMCS is software running on a host PC. Regardless of whether the host PC is based on an Ethernet or Modbus network, its functions include the following:
• Communication management
• Primary user interface
• Data collection, storage, and retrieval
• Event reporting with time and date stamp
• Energy calculations and trending
•Network IED status
• Alarming and repo rting
The minimum requirements for the host PC are presented in GEH-6514, Read This Book Fir s t .
The communications interface is the connection between the host PC and the network of IEDs. Your host will require either an Ethernet communications card, an RS­485 communications card, or an RS-232/RS-485 converter. An Ethernet-based host PC requires an Ethernet network card. A Modbus-based host PC requires an RS-485 interface card or an RS-232/RS-485 converter. These are described below.

RS-485 Interface Card or RS-232/RS-485 Converter

The RS-485 interface card provides the interface between the host PC and the Modbus network and ter minates the network at the host computer. This standard RS-485 interface card provides eight RS-485 ports. PMCS supports up to 256 RS-485 communication ports. See Sections 2–1, 2–4, and 2–7 for more details on using multiple RS-485 networks with PMCS.

Ethernet Network Card

The Ethernet network card provides the interface between the host PC and the Ethernet network. With the host communicating over Ethernet, another interface is required to communicate with RS-485 networks, where most power management IEDs reside. (Some recent power management IEDs, such as the EPM 7700, have built-in Ethernet capability. Install these devices using standard Ethernet networking procedures.)
This interface between Ethernet and RS-485 is provided by the Ethernet Gateway. See Section 1–4 for more information on Ethernet, and Section 1–1, Figures 2 and 4, for examples of how the Ethernet Gateway is used to integrate RS-485 networks into the Ethernet network.

1–4 Compatibility & Interconnection with Existing Ethernet Networks

PMCS and the Ethernet Gateway require TCP/IP to be installed on the host computer. The drivers for the TCP/IP protocol are included with Windows 2000 SP2, which is required to run PMCS, so any customer running PMCS should have these drivers available.
Consult your LAN personnel or system integrator for information on integrating PMCS with an existing Ethernet-based netwo rk .

1–5 Operation During Power Outage

PMCS will not lose any data in the event of a power outage; however, communica tions will be interrupted u ntil power is restored.
Should control power to a Modbus Concentrator be lost, PMCS will be unable to c ommunicate with any commnet IEDs downstream from the Concentrator until power is restored. No data will be lost, but communications will be interrupted.
The same is true of the Ethernet Gateway; as the linchpin connecting the host to the network of IEDs, if a Gateway loses control power, the host will be unable to communicate with an y IEDs attached to th e Gateway until power is restored.
For more modest needs, a single RS-485 network can be provided by an RS-232/RS-485 converter, a self-contained IED that converts signals between RS-232 and RS-485. This IED plugs into the RS-232 port on the back of the host PC and is less expensive than an RS-485 i nterface card.
You can avoid this situation by providing uninter ruptable power supplies (UPS) to the host computer and by providing secure control power to the IEDs, either with UPS systems or battery backups (different IEDs have different requirements). Refer to individual user guides for information on control-power re q u irements.
Power Management Control System
Chapter 1 – Introduction

1–6 Time & Date Stamping

PMCS stamps each event with a time and date code for precise reference. The time and date are set by the DDE Server and passed across the network to each IED, so that all IEDs are synchronized.
Additionally, some PMCS IEDs support IRIG time synchronization. If IRIG is used in a PMCS system, it is recommended that the host PC be IRIG time synched as well to maintain synchronization between the IEDs and the PMCS DDE Server.

1–7 Remote System Operation

PMCS also offers the ability to use modems to reach across wide areas to re mote facilities or substation s. For instance , you could use PMCS at a central location to collect power management data from IEDs in a factory, warehouse, or substation in another state or control the lights, air conditioning, or protective relays in your facility from across the country.
An example of this scenario is shown in Figure 5.
RS-485 wiring
Radio Frequency transmission, Fiber optic conn e ct io n, Leased line or phone line connection
RS-485 wiring
RS-232 wiring
RS-232 wiring
Figure 6. Example of remote operation using modems.
56kbps phone modems, radio frequency (RF) modems, and fiber optic modems (FOM) may be used with PMCS.
While it is possible to use dial-up lines to connect to distant RS-485 networks, the vagaries of the phone system and the excessive long-distance charges preclude using this as a twenty-four-hour-a-day connection. Leased lines dedicated to this purpose provide a viable alternative to a constant long-distanc e telephone connect ion.
For further information on using modems for long-range operation of PMCS, contact your GE sales representative.
Power Management Control System

1–8 Supported IEDs

PMCS supports a wide variety of GE and third-party power management IEDs. These IEDs are listed in Table 1, along with their function, communications
Chapter 1 – Introduction
protocol, and maximum communications speed for Modbus-based IEDs (Commnet IEDs must communicate through the Modbus Concentrator).
IED Name
IED Name
IED NameIED Name 239 Motor Protection Relay Protection/Control Modbus RTU (19.2 Kbaud) 269 Plus Motor Management Relay Protection/Control Modbus RTU (2400 baud) 565 Feeder Management Relay Protection/Control Modbus RTU (9600 baud) 735 Feeder Relay Protection/Control Modbus RTU (19.2 Kbaud) GE-Zenith Generator PLC (Series 90-70) Metering/Control Modbus RTU (19.2 Kbaud) GE-Zenith MX200 (Microprocessor Controller) Protection/Control Modbus RTU (19.2 Kbaud) EPM 7330 Metering Modbus RTU (19.2 Kbaud) EPM 3710 Meter Metering Modbus RTU (19.2 Kbaud) EPM 3720 Meter Metering Modbus RTU (19.2 Kbaud) EPM 7300 Meter Metering Modbus RTU (19.2 Kbaud) EPM 7700 Meter Metering/Control Modbus RTU (19.2 Kbaud)
EPM 5000P Meter Metering Modbus RTU (9600 baud) EPM 5200P Meter Metering Modbus RTU (9600 baud) EPM 5300P Meter Metering Modbus RTU (9600 baud) EPM 5350P Meter Metering Modbus TCP (Ethernet 10BaseT, RJ-45)
EPM 9450Q Meter Metering/Control Modbus RTU (38.4 Kbaud)
EPM 9650Q Meter Metering/Control Modbus RTU (38.4 Kbaud)
GE Fanuc PLC 90/30 Protection/Control Modbus RTU (19.2 Kbaud) GE Fanuc PLC 90/70 Protection/Control Modbus RTU (19.2 Kbaud) GE Fanuc PLC Micro 90 Protection/Control Modbus RTU (19.2 Kbaud) Universal Relay Protection/Control Modbus RTU (19.2 Kbaud) MicroVersaTrip-C and -D Trip Units Metering/Protection commnet (requires Modbus Concentrator) Modbus Concentrator Communications Modbus RTU (19.2 Kbaud) POWER LEADER Electronic Power Meter Metering Modbus (19.2 Kbaud) or commnet
POWER LEADER Junction Box Communications commnet (requires Modbus Concentrator) POWER LEADER Repeater Communication commnet (requires Modbus Concentrator) Power Quality Meter (PQM) Metering Modbus RTU (19. 2 Kbaud on 1 or 2 ports)
Function Communications Protocol (Modbus Speed)
Note: Native Ethernet device.
Modbus TCP (Ethernet 10BaseT, RJ-45)
Modbus TCP (Ethernet 10BaseT, RJ-45)
(commnet requires Modbus Concentrator)
Power Management Control System
Chapter 1 – Introduction
IED Name
IED Name
IED NameIED Name RS-485 Repeater Communications Modbus RTU (19.2 Kbaud) 369 Motor Management Relay Metering/Control Modbus RTU (19.2 Kbaud) EPM 7500 Electronic Power Meter Protection/Control Modbus RTU (19.2 Kbaud) EPM 7600 Electronic Power Meter Protection/Control Modbus RTU (19.2 Kbaud) Motor Manager II (MMII) Protection/Control Modbus RTU (19.2 Kbaud) EPM7430D/EPM7450D (Futura) Protection/Control Modbus RTU ( 9600 baud) Spectra Electronic Control Module Protection commnet (requires Modbus Concentrator) Spectra MVT for GEK Frame MCCB Metering/Protection commnet (requires Modbus Concentrator) SR469 Motor Management Relay Protection/Control Modbus RTU (19.2 Kbaud on 1 or 2 ports) SR489 Generator Management Relay Protection/Control Modbus RTU (19.2 Kbaud on 1 or 2 ports) SR745 Transformer Management Relay Protection/Control Modbus RTU (19.2 Kbaud on 1 or 2 ports) SR750 Feeder Management Relay Protection/Control Modbus RTU (19.2 Kbaud on 1 or 2 ports) SR760 Feeder Management Relay Protection/Control Modbus RTU (19.2 Kbaud on 1 or 2 ports) POWER LEADER MDP Overcurrent Relay Protection Modbus (19.2 Kbaud) or commnet
POWER LEADER Modbus Monitor Monitoring Modbus RTU (19.2 Kbaud on 1 or 2 ports) POWER LEADER Meter Metering commnet (requires Modbus Concentrator)
Table 1. IEDs supported by PMCS.
Function Communications Protocol (Modbus Speed)
(commnet requires Modbus Concentrator)
2 The POWER LEADER Ethernet Gateway is not listed in Ta bl e 1. Th e Eth ern et Ga tewa y i s a n a l tern a te h o s t f o r th e RS-485 networks u sed when th e
PMCS resides on the Ethernet level.
Power Management Control System

Chapter 2 – Network Design

This section describes how to design a Power Management Control System network on paper so that actual construction and configuration of the network will proceed smoothly.
You need two things f or this exercis e: a complete list of the IEDs to be networked and a diagram or map of where the IEDs will be located, preferably with realistic distances noted so that wiring runs may be kept within the appropriate limits.
Using the list of IED s to be networked , refer to Table 1 and note which communications pr otocols are re quired (commnet or Modbus). For Modbus IEDs, note the communications speed at which each IED operates. For IEDs supporting both p rotocols, you will n eed to decide which protocol will be used. Generally, it is preferable to use Modbus rather than commnet unless the Modbus network is at or near capacity for physical IEDs.
Chapter 2 – Network Design
When the list of IEDs and the floor plan are in hand, proceed to Section 2–1 for network desi gn rules.
Power Management Control System
Chapter 2 – Network Design

2–1 Modbus Rules

The most basic network configuration for PMCS assumes that the software is running on a host PC supporting one or more RS-485 networks on the Modbus protocol. (See Figure 1 for an example of this configuration.)
Host PC is based on:
Modbus 1. The host PC can support
Follow these rules for the host… And these rules for the attached Modbus network(s)…
Each Modbus network supports up to 31 physical Modbus IEDs
1. up to 256 independent Modbus networks. The actual number is determined by the communication cards installed in the host PC (see below).
The Modbus networks are
2. connected to the host PC via an eight-port RS-485 communications card. An option for more limited systems is an RS­232/RS-485 converter, which permits a single RS­485 network.
3. The host PC must be located at one end of the Modbus network(s).
and up to 247 Modbus addresses. This is possible because commnet IEDs attached to Modbus Concentrators occupy Modbus addresses but do not create an electrical drain on the RS­485 network and thus are not counted as physical Modbus IEDs.
Each Modbus network must be properly terminated at each end
2. of the network. See Section 2–4.
Maximum cable length of e a ch Modbus network is 4000 feet. (S e e
notes on using repeaters to increase this range, Section 2–4. Also, see the note regarding substation installation in Chapter 3.)
All Modbus IEDs attached to a si ngle RS-485 network must
4. communicate at the same baud rate. (See Table 1 for Modbus IEDs’ communication speeds.)
RS-485 cable shields must be properly g ro u nde d . Fo r maximum
5. protection against surge and EMI damage, each IED on the network should have an iso l at e d ground connectio n. S e e Section 2–4, Modbus rule 4, for an example of proper RS- 485 wiring and grounding. Also, see the note regarding substation installation in Chapter 3.
Table 2 explains the configuration rules for PMCS networks based on the Modbu s platform. Commnet IEDs may be integrated through the Modbus Concentr ator ( see Table 4 for commnet wiring rules).
Table 2. Host PC configuration rules.
The following RS-485 interf ace card is recommended for pro viding the RS-485 c onnection at th e host PC. If any o ther serial card i s used, PMCS requires that the communications driver be compatible with the MS Windows seri al communications proto col. Please refer to Section 3–1 fo r information on the special termination requirements of the RS-485 card.
Manufacturer Description Quantity/8 ports Part, Order Number
Connect Tech, Inc. Intellicon-Flex8 RS-485 card 1 I4808064XXNC
The following RS-232/RS-485 converter is recommended for providing a single RS-485 connection at the host PC.
Manufacturer Description Part, Order Number
Multilin RS-485/RS-232 Converter F485120
When using the above R S - 232/R S - 485 converter, remember that the con verter h a s D IP s wi tc h es inside that determine its ba u d rate. Switch group 3 should be set according to the baud rate at which the converter is to be used. Refer to the converter’s documentation for further information.
Intellicon/DFLEX SLIM 4 SIMMS 8 Port, DB9 I/O Box 1 IOB08DB9

2–2 Ethernet Configuration Rules

Power Management Control System
Chapter 2 – Network Design
It is also possible to run the PMCS on a host PC operating on an Ethernet network. If PMCS is running on an Ethernet-based PC, an Ethernet Gateway is required to communicate with the attac hed Modbus networ k(s). (See Figure 2 for an example of this configuration.)
Recently, IEDs with built-in Ethernet support have begun to become available; PMCS is also capable of supporting these devices. Examples of such devices are the EPM 7700 meter and EPM 9450Q / 9650Q meters. These devices reside on the Ethernet network at the same level as the Ethernet Gateway.
Table 3 explains the configuration rules for PMCS networks based on the Ethernet platform. Commnet IEDs may be integrated through the Modbus Concentrator. (See Table 4 for commnet wiring rules.)
EPM 7700 devices require a separate network configuration beyond connecting the devices to the Ethernet LAN. Please refer to the following PMCS technical documentation for complete network configuration rules and guidelines:
GEH-6514, PMCS Read-This-Book -First. Refer to the section titled “Configuring the EPM 7700 De vice Network.”
DEH-40035, GE 7700 Gateway User’s Guide. Refer to the section tit l e d “EPM 7700 Network Config uration.”
EPM9450Q and EPM9650Q devices require separate network configuration beyond connecting the devices to the Ethernet LAN. Refer to the instruction manuals of these devices a nd to the sections titled “Inter nal Network Option.” Also refer to DEH-6510, DDE Server User’s Guide. Refer to the sections describing the use and configuration of the Modbus TCP Server.
Power Management Control System
Chapter 2 – Network Design
Host PC is based on: Follow these rules for the host…
Ethernet 1. Ethernet Gateway(s) must be used to
communicate with non-Ethernet IEDs. Ethernet-capable IEDs may be installed directly on the Ethernet network at t he same level as the Ethernet Gateway(s).
The host PC supports up to 64 Ethernet
2. Gateways.
Each Ethernet Gateway supports up to
four independent Modbus networks. The EPM 9450Q /9650Q devices wi ll support one Modbus network.
The actual number of IEDs supported
4. by the host varies from system t o system, depending on the variety of IEDs used and the number of PMCS data tags required by the IEDs. See GEH-6509, PMCS DDE Interface Guide, for details.
Ethernet networks should conform to
5. the design guidelines described in Section 2-3.

Table 3. Ethernet configuration rules2–3 Ethernet Network Considerations

And these rules for the Modbus networks attached to the Ethernet Gateways…
Each Modbus network supports up to 31 physic al
1. Modbus IEDs and up to 247 Modbus addresses. This is possible because commnet IEDs attached to Modbus Concentrators occupy Modbus addresses but are not seen as physical Modbus IEDs.
Each Modbus network must be properly terminated
at each end of the network. See Section 2–4.
The Ethernet Gateway must be located at one end of
the Modbus network(s).
Maximum cable length of each Modbus network is
4000 feet. (See notes o n using repeaters to increa se this range, Section 2–4. Also, see the note regarding substation installation in Chapter 3.)
All Modbus IEDs attached to a single RS-485
network must communicate at the same baud rate. (See Table 1 for Modbus IEDs’ communication speeds.)
RS-485 cable shields must be properly gro u nd ed . Fo r
maximum protection against surge and EMI damage, each IED on the network should have an isolated grou nd c onnection. See S e c tion 2–4, Modbus rule 4, for an example of proper RS-485 wiring and grounding. Also, see the no te regarding substation installation in Chapter 3.
This section describes some of the specifications which must be considered when designing an Ethernet network to be used with PMCS.
Note: These specifications are guidelines only and should not be used for actual network design. Consult with a qualified LAN engineer for design requirements that meet your specific installation. The complete specifications are listed in IEEE 802.3 Ethernet. In addition, the National Electrical Code (NEC) and all applicable local codes must be followed for installing wiring.
Ethernet supports four physical media: 10Base-2 (thinnet), 10Base-5 (thicknet), 10Base-T (twisted pair), and 10Base-FL (fiber). 10Base-T is most common.
Power Management Control System
Chapter 2 – Network Design
NOTE for EPM 7700 and 9450Q and 9650Q: The EPM 7700 with Xpress card directly uses either of two types of Ethernet physical media that must be specified when ordering the meter, 10Base-T, or 10Base-FL. EPM 9450Q and EPM 9650Q must be ordered with 10 Base-T Ethernet Option. The meters operate in a 10 Mbps system.
10Base-T is specified when twisted pair is used and 10Base­FL is specified where fiber optic cable is used. While media converters are available to allow the use of both twisted pair and fiber optic cable in the same LAN, and can be used to extend the length of the LAN, th ey ar e bey ond the scope of this discussion.
CAUTION: The recommended installation practice is to implement optical fiber for connections between buildings to provide electrical isolation. This eliminates harmful ground loops caused by differences in the ground potenti a l be tween structures.
CAUTION: Data line surge protection is recommended for network components such as hubs, computers, or modems connected to IEDs with copper wire, especially installations where the data communication cable is exposed (i.e., not encased in conduit) or runs parallel to power conductors. PMCS IED s ar e r outinel y in stal led in areas exposed to heavy electromagnetic fields (EMF), which can induce damaging surges in data communication lines. Data line surge protection is not required for fiber optic connections.
A 10Base-T LAN can have a maximum of 1024 devices connected.
Use of repeaters, routers, bridges, gateways, etc. Repeaters may be used to connect LAN segments and do
not determine the boundaries of the LAN. They are used to extend the LAN beyond a single segment. Routers, bridges and gate ways may be used to conn ect the LAN to other LANs or to a WAN.

10Base-FL specifications and rules

Maximum/Minimum length of segments For a 10Base-FL LAN, the maximum length of a segment is
2000 meters (6500 ft). The minimum length of any cable is 2.5 Meters or about 8 ft. This minimum length is of particular concern when a device is located in close proximity to the hub.
Maximum number of segments A 10Base-FL LAN ca n consist of up to 5 s egments using 4
repeaters. However, only three of these segments can have devices connected.
Maximum number of devices A 10Base-FL LAN can have a maximum of 1024 devices
connected. Use of repeaters, routers, bridges, gateways, etc. Repeaters may be used to connect segments and do not
determine the boundaries of the LAN. They are used to extend the LAN beyond a single segment. Routers, bridges and gateways may be used to connect the LAN to other LANs or to a WAN.

10Base-T specifications and rules

10Base-T Ethernet uses CAT 3, 4 or 5 twisted pair cable, depending on the installation.
Maximum/Minimum length of segments For a 10Base-T LAN, the maximum length of a segment is
100 meters (328 ft). The minimum length of any cable is
2.5 Meters or about 8 ft. This minimum length is of particular concern when a device is located in close proximity to the hub.
Maximum number of segments A 10Base-T LAN can consist of up to 5 segments using 4
repeaters. However, only three of these segments can have devices connected.
Maximum number of devices
Power Management Control System
Chapter 2 – Network Design

2–4 Commnet Configuration Rules

POWER LEADER commnet IEDs may be integrated into a PMCS network through a special Modbus IED called the Modbus Concentrator. The rules outlined in Table 4 apply to using commnet IEDs with PMCS, regardl ess of whether the host PC is operating on an Ethernet or Modbus network. (See Figures 3 and 4 for examples of commnet IEDs operating on PMCS.)
Rules regarding: Commnet IED configuration rules:
Modbus Concentrator limitations
Commnet wiring limitations
1. Each Modbus Concentrator supports up to eight commnet segments.
Each commnet segment supports up to four commnet IEDs.
Only one waveform-capturing meter (POWER LEADER Meter) is allowed per
commnet segment.
POWER LEADER Repeaters and Junction/Outlet Boxes do not count toward the
four-IED-per-segment limit.
No connections between commnet segments are permitted. Each segment must
be wired independently (having no contact with other commnet segments) and connected to the Concentrator at one point only (no loops permitted).
1. Maximum cable length o f a commnet segment is 1000 fe e t. Maximum range
between commnet IEDs o n a se g ment is 1000 feet (except for repeaters; see below).
In no case may a commnet IED be wired more than 1000 feet fro m the Modbus
2. Concentrator or a POWER LEADER Repeater.
POWER LEADER Repeaters may be used to extend the range of commnet
segments. A repeater regenerates t he co m m net signal to its origi nal st reng th, allowing it to t ravel up to another 1000 feet.
Long-distance segments may be created by placing multiple repeaters adjacent to
4. one another in a commnet segment. A repeater communicating directly with another repeater may span up to 6000 fe e t .
Maximum allowable cable length of a si ngle commnet segment i s 12,000 fe et,
5. which may be constructed with any allowable combination of repeaters and IEDs.
For ease and economy of wiring, the POWER LEADER Junction/Outlet box may
be used to create nodes of commnet IEDs with a common wiring point to be connected to the Modbus concentrator. The POWER LEADER Junction/Outlet Box allows the interconnection of as many as four shielded, twisted-pair cables to create this common wiring point. For instance, rather than a daisy-chain of wiring in a lineup from one meter or trip unit to the next, up to four IEDs may be wired to the POWER LEADER Junction/Outlet Box, which is then connected to the Modbus Concentrator.
Reference Figure:
Figure 15 Figure 15 No figure
Figure 19 and Figure 20
Figure 28 – Figure 32
Figure 16
Figure 16
Figure 17
Figure 18
No figure provided
Figure 19 and Figure 20
Table 4. Commnet IED configuration rules.
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