GE Industrial Solutions HE300GEN251 User Manual

User Manual for the
Serial Bus
Interface Option Card for
GE AV-300i
Adjustable Speed Drive
23 September 1999
This manual explains how to use the Horner AP G’s Genius Serial Bus Interfac e Opti on Car d for GE Drives AV-300i Adjustabl e S peed Dr ives.
Copyright (C) 1999 Horner A PG, LLC., 640 North Sherman Drive I ndianapolis, Indiana 46201. All right s reserved. No part of this publi cation may be reproduced, transmitted, transcri bed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language, in any form by any means, el ectronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual or otherwise, without the prior agreement and written permission of Horner A PG, LLC.
All software described i n this document or media is also copyrighted materi al subject to the terms and conditions of the Hor ner S oft ware Li c ense Agreement.
Information in this document is subject to change without notic e and does not represent a com mitm ent on the part of Horner APG, LLC.
Series 90-30 and VersaPro are t r ademarks of GE Fanuc Automation. AV-300i Drive is a trademark of GE Motors & Industrial Systems. IGE Control System Toolbox is a trademark of GE Motors & Industrial Sy stem s.
For user manual updates, contact Horner APG, Technical Support Division, at (317) 916- 42 74 or visi t our web sit e at www. h ea pg.c om .
Horner APG, LLC. ("HE-APG") warrants to the original purchaser that the Genius Serial Bus Interface Option Card for GE Drives AV-300i  Adjustable Speed Drives manufactured by HE-APG is free f rom defects in material and workmanship under normal use and servic e. The obligation of HE-APG under this warranty shall be limited to the repair or exchange of any part or parts which may prove def ective under normal use and servi ce within two (2) years from the date of manufacture or eighteen (18) mont hs from the date of install ation by the origi nal purc haser whichev er occur s first, such def ect t o be di scl osed to t he satisfaction of HE-APG after examination by HE-APG of the allegedly defective part or parts. THIS WARRANTY IS EXPRESSLY IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR USE AND OF ALL OTHER OBLIGATIONS OR LIABILITIES AND HE-APG NEITHER ASSUMES, NOR AUTHORIZES ANY OTHER PERSON TO ASSUME FOR HE, ANY OTHER LIABILITY IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE OF THIS Genius Serial Bus Interface Option Card for GE Drives AV-300i Adjustable Speed. THIS WARRANTY SHA LL NOT APPLY TO T HIS Genius Serial B us Interface Option Card for G E Drives AV­300i Adjustable Speed Drives OR ANY PART THEREOF WHICH HAS BEEN SUBJECT TO ACCIDENT, NEGLIGENCE, ALTERATION, ABUSE, OR MISUSE. HE-APG MAKES NO W ARRANTY WHATSOEVER IN RESPECT TO ACCESSORIES OR PARTS NOT SUPPLIED BY HE. THE TERM "ORIGINAL PURCHASER", AS USED IN THIS WARRANTY, SHALL BE DEEMED TO MEAN THAT PERSON FOR WHOM THE Genius Serial Bus Interface Option Card for GE Drives AV-300i Adjustable Speed Drives IS ORIGINALLY INSTALLED. THIS WARRANTY SHALL APPLY ONLY WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES.
In no event, whether as a result of br eac h of contract, warranty, tort (including negligence) or ot her wise, shall HE-APG or its suppliers be liable of any special, consequenti al, incidental or penal damages including, but not limi ted to, loss of profit or revenues, loss of use of the produc ts or any associated equipment, dam age to associat ed equipment, cost of capit al, cost of substitute product s, facilities, services or replacem ent power, down time costs, or claims of original purchaser's customers for such damages.
To obtain warranty service, return the product to your distributor with a description of the problem, proof of purchase, post paid, insured and in a suitable package.
Any example programs and program segments in this manual or provided on accompanying diskettes are included solely for illustrative purposes. Due to the m any variables and requirements associated wit h any particular installation, Horner APG cannot assume r espon si bility or liability for actual use based on the examples and diagrams. It is the sol e r esponsibility of the system designer utilizing Genius Serial Bus Interface Option Card for GE Drives AV-300i Adjustable Speed to appropri ately design the end system, to appropriat ely integrate the Genius Serial Bus Interf ac e Opti on Car d for GE Drives AV-300i Adjustable Speed Drives and to make safety provisions for the end equipment as is usual and customary in industrial applications as defined in any codes or standard s whi c h apply.
Note: The programming examples shown in this manual are for illustrative
purposes only. Proper machine operation is the sole responsibility of the system integrator.
PREFACE............................................................................................................................................... 3
LIMITED WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY......................................................................... 4
ABOUT PROGRAMMING EXAMPLES ................................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................7
1.1 Product Description ................................................................................................................... 7
1.2 Functional Overview.................................................................................................................. 7
1.3 Before Getting Started - Order of Configuration and Set up ........................................................ 8
1.4 Required References and Resourc es........................................................................................ 9
CHAPTER 2: DRIVE OVERVIEW .........................................................................................................11
2.1 General....................................................................................................................................11
2.2 Two Versions of SBI Cards Available / Using an Additional Option (DGF Car d) ........................11
2.3 High and Low Priority Communication Channels ......................................................................11
2.4 DGF P a rameters......................................................................................................................12
CHAPTER 3: GEN250/251 COMMUNI CATIO NS (SBI CA RD) ..............................................................13
3.1 GEN250/251 Operation............................................................................................................13
3.2 Automatic Data Transfer ..........................................................................................................13
3.3 GEN250/251 to/fr om GBC Communication using Global Data..................................................13
3.4 SBI (GEN250/251) Configuration Procedures using GE Toolbox Software................................14
3.4.1 Initial Steps Before Starting Configuration .........................................................................14
3.4.2 SBI (GEN250/251) Configuration Procedures....................................................................15
CHAPTER 4: GENIUS COMMUNICATIONS.........................................................................................29
4.1 Introduction to G enius .............................................................................................................29
4.2 Network Architecture................................................................................................................29
4.3 Genius Communications Services............................................................................................30
4.4 I/O Service...............................................................................................................................30
4.5 Global Data..............................................................................................................................30
CHAPTER 5: PLC CONFIGURATION...................................................................................................31
5.1 General....................................................................................................................................31
5.2 Series 90-70 Confi gur ation.......................................................................................................31
5.3 Series 90-30 Confi gur ation.......................................................................................................33
a. Device Typ e.............................................................................................................................34
b. Input References (Input 1 Ref, Input 2 Ref) ..............................................................................34
c. Input Length (Input 1 Len, I nput 2 Len).......................................................................................34
d. Output References (Output 1 Ref, Output 2 Ref) ......................................................................35
e. Output Length (Output 1 Len, Output 2 Len).............................................................................35
CHAPTER 6: AV-300i DRIVE PARAM ETE RS........................................................................................37
6.1 Drive Parameter Descriptions...................................................................................................37
CHAPTER 7: WIRING DIAGRAMS.......................................................................................................39
7.1 Gen iu s Wiring:.........................................................................................................................39
7.2 RS232/RS485 Pinout:..............................................................................................................40
CHAPTER 8: INSTALLATION OF GEN250/251 OPTION CARD...........................................................41
8.1 General....................................................................................................................................41
8.2 GEN 250 Installation................................................................................................................41
8.2.1 Installation Hardware.........................................................................................................41
8.2.2 Installation Procedures......................................................................................................41
8.2.3 Cover Removal.................................................................................................................41
8.2.4 Housing Remov al..............................................................................................................42
8.2.5 Regulation Car d Rem ov al .................................................................................................43
8.2.6 Mounting the GEN250 Car d ..............................................................................................43
8.2.7 Re-assembly.....................................................................................................................45
8.3 GEN 251 Installation................................................................................................................48
8.3.1 Installation Hardware.........................................................................................................48
8.3.2 Installation Procedures......................................................................................................48
CHAPTER 9: GEN250/251CARD LED INDI CATORS............................................................................51
1.1 Product Descrip tion
The Genius Serial Bus Interface Option Card for GE AV-300i Adjustabl e Speed Drive (HE300GEN250/251) is a Genius Serial Bus Interf ac e (SBI) that resides (GEN250) or is located
to the drive (GEN251). The GEN250/251 allow communication over a Genius Network by providing a communication port between an AV-300i drive and a master device (such as a Genius Bus Controll er ), whic h is l oc ated in a PLC.
1.2 Functional Overview
Figure 1.1 depicts a func tional overview of the major devices used wit h the GEN250/251 in a Genius Network.
1. To allow communications between t he Genius Bus Controller (GBC) in the PLC and the AV-300i drive, specific parameters must be the same for the GEN250/251 as the GBC. Parameter information is configured and loaded into the GEN250/251 via a PC. This is accomplished using the GE Control System Toolbox Softw are Con figu rat io n Tool .
within the drive
6. SBI (GEN251) -
Provides a comm port between the drive and Genius Network.
Is the drive. Must be used when the DGF Card is installed.
. A PC is use d to download the conf iguration into each AV-300i drive on the Genius Network. The c onfigur ation is downloaded into the drives via the connector on the GEN250/251.
AV-300i Drive
DGF Card
2. A Series 90-30 PLC Series 90-70 PLC
or is used.
AV-300i Drive
5. SBI (GEN250) -
Provides a comm port between the drive and Genius Network.
Is the drive.
3. Genius Bus Controller
as the Genius Network.
4. Genius Network
Has up to 32 devices.
for the
7. DGF Card
Option provides extra functionality.
Figure 1.1 – Overview of GEN250/ 251 in a Genius Network
2. – 4. A PLC is the main controlling elem ent of the G enius Network and contains the Genius Bus Controller (GBC) module, which functions as the master for the Genius Network. Communications over
the Genius Network are coordi nated via the master device. The GBC serves as an int erface between the PLC and the Genius Network. The Genius Network contains up to 32 devices.
5. – 6. The GEN250/251 allow communications over a Genius Network by providing a communication port between an AV-300i drive and a master device such as a Genius Bus Controller (GBC), which is located in a PLC.
The GEN250/251 serve as Serial Bus Interfaces (SBI) and are GENA based. Thus, the GEN250/251 are slave only Genius comm unic ations devices and can not control other dev ices on the Genius bus. They also can not look at other devic e data. Communication is accomplished using t he standar d Genius format by sending Broad cast (Glo bal) Data to the GBC and listening to Directed Contro l Data GBC. The GEN250/251all ow up to 32 words of B r oadc ast Data and up to 16 words of Directed Data to be configured per drive.
The GEN250 and the GEN251 have identical functions but differ physically. The GEN250 is placed
reason for the external m ounting capability is that some applications require the instal lation of an additional option card (DGF Option Card) in the AV-300i drive where a GEN250 is typic ally insert ed. Thus, the GEN251 can be used as an interface in such cases, because it is external to the AV-300i. (The
DGF Option Card is discussed in Ch apter Two.)
within the AV-300i drive. The GEN251 is
mounted outside of the AV-300i drive. The
1.3 Before Getting Started - Order of Configuration and Setup
This manual covers several procedures involving various devices that must be configur ed and setup. Although not requi r ed, the following order is suggested to setup and configure the GEN250/251 and other related Genius devices in an orderly and efficient manner.
1. Analyze the specifi c ations and requirements of the applic ation. Note: Refer to Section 1.2 for a functional overview of a Genius Network containing the
GEN250/251 modul es i n this user manual (Horne r Ge nius Serial Bus Interface Option Card for GE AV-300i Adjustable Speed Drive user manual [MAN0308]). It is also recommended to read Chapter 4 which cover s el em ents applicable to Genius Communicati ons.
2. Become familiar with the parameters listed in the GE Indust rial Con t rol Systems AV-300i
Adjusta ble S pe e d Dr ives Instruction Manual a. Determine whic h par am eters must be used to meet the requirements and specif ic ations of the
applicati on.
Required parameters must be determined before starting conf igur ation procedures for the
starting any configuration procedures.
SBI (GEN250/251).
Note: There is a chapter in GE’s manual that provides Parameter Lists and includes tables that list the paramet er s i n informati on about t he par am eters, which is needed for configurat ion.
alphabetical order
numeric order
. Each table provides different
b. Determine which of t he r equir ed par am eters need to be high priority or low priority when
communicati ng with AV-300i Drive. High priority parameters can be accessed much more quickly than low priority par am eters. There is a limit of six high priority paramet er s. (See Ch apter 2 for information
covering high and l ow pri ori ty parameters in this user manual (Horner Genius Serial Bus Interface Option Card for GE AV-300i Adjustable Speed Drive [MAN0308]. Also recommended is Chapter 6, which provides addit ional information about drive parameters.)
3. Install the SBI Car d (GE N250/251) into the AV-300i Drive. (See Chapter 8 for procedures.)
4. Wire the Genius Network and t he S BI Car d (GE N250/251). (See Chapter 7 for wiring
5. Configure t he SBI (GEN250/ 251) usi ng GE Control System Toolbox Soft ware. Upon c om pleting
the configuration, information is provi ded that is usef ul to know for configuring the Geni us Bus Controller (GBC) and for writing the Ladder pr ogr am . (See Chapter 3 for GEN250/251 configurat ion
Note: It is highly recommended that the user refer to t he GE Control Toolbox Help File at this time to obtain highly useful information regardi ng the G enius Network Conf iguration. Select Help, click on Contents, click Index tab, and type Genius Configuration.
6. Configure t he Genius Bus Controller (GBC) using Logicm aster 90. Using summary screen
information from the GEN250/251 configuration, determine the Global Data length and the Directed Control Data lengt h as well as baud rat e and network id information. (See Chapter 5.)
7. Write the Ladder program and r efer to the summary information in the GE N250/251 configuration.
1.4 Required References and Resou rces
This manual is to be used in conj unction with the in GE Industrial Control Systems AV-300i Adjustable Speed Drives Inst ructio n Manu al, the GE Control System Toolbox software con f ig uration help file,
and the GE Fanuc Genius I/O System and Communications User Manual. NOTE: It is highly recommended t hat t he user refer to the GE Control Toolbox Help File at this tim e to
obtain highly useful information regardi ng the Geni us Network Conf iguration. Select Help, click on Contents, click Index tab, and type Genius Configuration.
2.1 General
It is important to have a basic understanding of how the AV-300i Drive interacts with the Genius Serial Bus Interface (SBI ) such as the GEN250/ 251.
2.2 Two Versions of SBI Cards Availab le / Using an Additional Option (DGF Card)
There are two versions of the SBI c ar d - the GEN251.
Note that there instances when the user needs to use both an SBI card as well as a separate opti on called a DGF card. Only one option c ar d (either the GEN250 internal SBI card or the DGF card) can be installed within the drive. If the applic ation requires must be mounted the drive. If the applicati on does not r equire a DGF card, either the GEN250 SBI card or the GEN251 SBI card can be used.
The SBI provides a communi c ations path between itself and the drive. The SBI can ac c ess any predefined parameter within t he AV-300i drive. Reference the AV-300i instruction manual f or a description of each of the available drive paramet er s.
2.3 High and Low Priority Communication Channels
The SBI provides two communic ations channels to and from the drive, high priority and low priority. A maximum of 16 directed control word parameters and 32 global data word parameters are allowed. Of these, up to 6 can be assigned to the high pri or ity channel. The balance must be assigned to the to the low priority channel . All parameters assigned to the high prior ity channel are exchanged with the drive every 2 milliseconds. The drive can also pack/unpack up to 16 high priority bit parameters into/fr om a single high priori ty word parameter. If this feature is used, 5 high priority word parameter s and 16 hi gh priority bit param eters can be processed. Due to the relatively small number of parameters available in the high priorit y channel, these parameters should be reserved for the most critical parameters.
To access each low priori ty par am eter, the SBI must poll the drive one paramet er at a time. Thi s process is very time consuming. A minimum of 100 milli seconds is required to access each drive parameter. The SBI can also pack/unpack up to 16 low prior ity bit parameters into/f r om a single low priority word parameter.
to the drive. In this case, the GEN251 SBI c ar d must be mount ed
mounted GEN250 and the
an SBI card and a DGF card, the DGF card
2.4 DGF Parameters
The DGF provides an additional group of low priority parameters independent of the drive's parameters. The only way to directly ac c ess the DGF param eters is via the low priority communic ations channel.
CH. 3: GEN250/251 COMM. 23 SEP 1999 PAGE 13
3.1 GEN250/251 Operati on
Automatic Data Transfer is a type of Genius communication that c an be used between the G enius Bus
Controll er (GBC) and the SBI.
The automatic data t r ansfer type of communication uses broadcast (global) data to transfer inf ormation from the GEN250/251to the GBC, and directed control data to transfer information from the GBC to the SBI. With this data type, the GBC is always communicating with the SBI.
3.2 Automatic Data Transfer
To communicate with G enius using Automatic Data Transfer, all of t he requi r ed par am eter information previously discussed in the Drive Overview section (the global data to transfer information from the SBI, and Directed Cont r ol Data t o transfer data from the GBC to the SBI) must be configured and l oaded into the SBI.
The GEN250/251 configuration is accomplished using the GE ToolBox software configur ation tool. The configurati on por tion consists of the Genius bus configur ation parameters and two memory maps, t he global data memory map, and the directed control data memory map. The memory maps associat e parameter names (or parameter numbers) and other paramet er information with corresponding G enius data words. The GE ToolBox confi gur ation tool uses “pick lists” for choosing par ameters. The pick lists change depending on which ac c ess method is chosen. This eliminates the need to manually determine all of the information described in the Drive Overvi ew secti on.
The global data mem ory map contains a parameter name (or parameter number) and other parameter informati on for eac h global data word from the drive to the GBC. The directed cont r ol data memory map contains a param eter nam e ( or parameter number) and other parameter information for each directed control word from the GBC to t he drive. Once the memory maps are created using GE ToolBox, they are downloaded into the GEN250/251 non-volatil e memory .
The software configur ation tool is setup in such a manner so that when the user choose s a parameter from the “pickli st” , t hat param eter is set at that global data word or directed data word. When the GEN250/251scans a configuration, it separates the hi gh pr iority words and the low priority words and stores them in two differ ent arrays.
3.3 GEN250/251 to/from GBC Communication using Global Data
After the configur ation is downloaded from the configuration tool to the SBI, the GEN250/251 t hen configures the drive. The drive must be made aware of all of the high priority parameters (both Word and Bit) that need to be passed between itself and the GEN250/251.
High priority par am eters are passed automatically between the drive and the GEN250/251 every 2 milliseconds.
PAGE 14 23 SEP 1999 CH.3: GEN250/251 COMM.
Low priority par am eters are polled by the GEN250/251 as fast as the low pri ori ty c ommunications channel allows. Each dir ected data parameter is individually polled, and then each global data par am eter is individually polled; this sequence is repeated i ndefinitely. The greater the number of low priority parameters that are c onfigured, the longer this polli ng pr oc ess takes. T he time required for the GEN250/251 to poll one low priority drive parameter is greater than 102 milliseconds.
WARNING: If using the Toolbox on-line diagrams, t he low pri or ity parameters between the SBI and the drive may cease to functi on. This is of concern, because the drive m ay stop updating low priority parameters when on-line diagrams are displayed. This incl udes the r epor ting of the Bus Loss
3.4 SBI (GEN250/251) Conf ig uration Procedures using GE Toolbox Softw are
3.4.1 Initial Steps Befor e S tarting Configuration
Note: It is important to consult Section 1.3 prior to configuration. Section 1.3 provides a suggested order for conf igurat ion and setup and contains a detailed li st of resource i nformation.
1. Prior to configuration, analyze the specifications and requirements of the applic ation. Become familiar
with the parameter s li sted in the GE Industrial Control Systems AV-300i Adjustable Speed Drives
Instruction Manual
starting any configuration procedures.
a. Determine which param eters must be used to meet the requirements and specif ic ations of the applicati on.
Required parameters must be determined before starting conf igur ation procedures for the
SBI (GEN250/251).
b. Determine which of the required paramet er s need to be high priority or low priority when communicati ng with AV-300i Drive. High priority parameters can be accessed much more quickly than low priority par am eters. A maxim um of six hi gh pri ori ty Directed Control Data param eters and six high priority Global Data parameters can be configured for each AV-300i.
3. Install the SBI Car d (GE N250/251) into the AV-300i Drive. (See Chapter 8 for procedures.)
4. Wire the Genius Network and t he S BI Car d (GE N250/251). (See Chapter 7 for wiring.)
5. When configuring the AV-300i/HE300GEN250, t her e is terminology that must be
understood. (See Chapter 6.)
CH. 3: GEN250/251 COMM. 23 SEP 1999 PAGE 15
3.4.2 SBI (GEN250/251) Configuration Procedures
In this configuration example, the user followed the steps in Sectio n 3. 4.1 and has predetermined which parameters and prio rities to choose for the two types of data in Genius – Directed Con t rol Data and Global Data.
To configure for Direct ed Control Data, the parameter for Word0 is going to be “Discrete Bit Word,” and the parameter f or Wo rd1 is going to be “Speed ref 1.” The user is going to select the words to be high priority. The user must configure the bits as well. Bit0 is going to be “Enable Drive,” and the parameter f or Bit 1 is goi ng to be “Star t/ S top.” To configure Global Data, the user employ s the similar procedur es al though the desired parameter s and priorities can vary.
1. Install GE Control S yst em Toolbox Sof t ware by following the manufactur er ’s i nstr uc tions.After
openng the GE Toolbox Software, the following screen appears. S elec t File, New.
Figure 3.1
2. The following screen appear s. S elect AVDV Series Driv e and press OK.
PAGE 16 23 SEP 1999 CH.3: GEN250/251 COMM.
Figure 3.2
3. The following screen appears. Select the AV-300I AC drive type and drive fi rmware version.
Note that there can be ot her drive information listed on thi s screen.
Figure 3.3
CH. 3: GEN250/251 COMM. 23 SEP 1999 PAGE 17
4. Type in the User ID such as the user’s ini tials. Press OK.
Figure 3.4
5. Select the desir ed drive. In this configuration exam ple, the 6KAVI43F75 model is selected.
Press OK.
Figure 3.5
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