GE Industrial Solutions HE300GEN150 User Manual

User Manual for the
Option Card for
GE Adjustable Frequency Drives
(AF-300 G11 / P11 Series Drives)
First Edit ion
13 April 2000
This manual expl ains how to use the Horner AP G HE300GEN150 option card. Copyright (C ) 2000 Horner APG, LLC., 640 Nort h Sherman Drive I ndianapoli s, Indiana 46201. All ri ghts
reserved. No part of this publ ication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcri bed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language, in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual or otherwise, without the prior agreement and written permission of Horner A PG, LLC.
All software described i n this document or media is also copyrighted mat erial subjec t to the terms and conditions of t he Hor ner S oft ware Li c ense Agreement.
Informati on in this document is subject to change without notice and does not repr esent a commitm ent on the part of Horner APG, LLC.
Genius, Series 90-30, and Logicmaster are trademarks of GE Fanuc Automation North Ameri c a, I nc. AF-300 G11 and AF-300 P 11 are tr adem ar k s of General Electric.
For user manual updates, contact Horner APG, Technical Support Division, at (317) 916- 42 74 or visi t our web sit e at www. h ea pg. c om .
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Horner APG, LLC.("HE-APG") warrants to the origi nal purchaser that HE300GEN150 manufactured by HE-APG is free from defec ts in material and workmanship under normal use and servi ce. The obligation of HE-APG under this warranty shall be limit ed to the repair or exc hange of any part or parts whic h may prove defective under normal use and service within two (2) years from the date of manufacture or eighteen (18) m onths from the date of install ation by the original pur chaser whichever occurs fir st, such defect to be disclosed to the satisfaction of HE-APG after examination by HE-APG of the allegedly defective part or parts. THIS WARRANTY IS EXPRESSLY IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR USE AND OF ALL OTHER OBLIGATIONS OR LIABILITIES AND HE-APG NEITHER ASSUMES, NOR AUTHORIZES ANY OTHER PERSON TO ASSUME FOR HE-APG, ANY OTHER LIABILITY IN CONNECTION WIT H THE S ALE OF T HIS HE300GE N150. THIS W ARRANTY SHA LL NOT APPLY TO THIS HE300GEN150 OR ANY PART THEREOF WHICH HAS BEEN SUBJECT TO ACCIDENT, NEGLIGENCE, ALTERATION, ABUSE, OR MISUSE. HE-APG MAKES NO WARRANTY WHATSOEVER IN RESPECT TO ACCESSORIES OR PARTS NOT SUPPLIED BY HE-APG. THE TERM "ORIGINAL PURCHASER", AS USED IN THIS WARRANTY, SHALL BE DEEMED TO MEAN THAT PERSON FOR WHOM THE HE300GEN150 IS ORIGINALLY INSTALLED. THIS WARRANTY SHALL APPLY ONLY WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES.
In no event, whether as a result of br eac h of contract, warranty, tort (including negligence) or otherwise, shall HE-APG or its suppliers be liable of any special, consequential, incident al or penal dam ages including, but not limited to, loss of profit or rev enues, loss of use of the products or any associated equipment, dam age to associated equipment, cost of c apital, cost of substitute pr oduc ts, facilities, services or replac em ent power, down time costs, or claims of original purchaser's custom er s for such damages.
To obtain warranty service, return the product to your distributor with a description of the problem, proof of purch ase, post paid, insured and in a suitable package.
Any example programs and program segments in this manual or provided on accompanying diskett es are included sol ely for illustrative purposes. Due to t he m any variables and requirements associated wi th any particular installation, Horner APG cannot assume responsibility or li ability for actual use based on the examples and diagram s. It is the sol e r esponsibility of the system desi gner utilizing HE300GEN150 to appropriately design the end system, to appropriately integrate the HE300G E N150 and to make safety provisions for the end equipment as is usual and custom ar y in industrial applications as defined in any codes or standards which apply.
Note: The programming examples shown in this manual are for illustrative
purposes only. Proper machine operation is the sole responsibility of the system integrator.
Table of Contents
LIMITED WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY..........................................................................4
ABOUT PROGRAMMING EXAMPLES ....................................................................................................4
CHAPTER 1 : INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................... ........7
1.1 Product Descri ption ................................................................................................................... 7
1.2 Genius Network Overview......................................................................................................... 7
1.3 Genius Network Architecture..................................................................................................... 8
1.4 Genius Communications Services............................................................................................. 8
1.4.1 I/O Service......................................................................................................................... 8
1.4.2 Global Data ........................................................................................................................ 8
1.4.3 Datagrams......................................................................................................................... 9
1.5 Required Referenc es and Resourc es........................................................................................ 9
CHAPTER 2 : INSTALLATION..............................................................................................................11
2.1 Installation Procedures for the Option Card ( GEN150)..............................................................11
2.2 Gen iu s Wiring..........................................................................................................................12
CHAPTER 3 : OPTION CARD CONFIGURATION (USING AF-300 KEYPAD).......................................15
3.1 Keypad Functionality................................................................................................................15
3.2 Option Card Configuration Parameters.....................................................................................15
3.2.1 User Defined Parameters..................................................................................................16
3.3 Operation Configuration Parameters........................................................................................18
3.3.1 Description of Parameter H30 ...........................................................................................18
3.3.2 Descripti on of Par am eters o27 and o28.............................................................................18
3.3.3 Network Loss....................................................................................................................19
CHAPTER 4 : GENIUS BUS CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION ..........................................................21
4.1 PLC Configuration....................................................................................................................21
4.2 Series 90-70 Configuration.......................................................................................................21
CHAPTER 5 : AF-300 DRIVE PARAMETERS.......................................................................................25
5.1 Drive Parameter Descriptions...................................................................................................25
5.2 Data Format Specification........................................................................................................32
Data format [6]: Decimal data (Positive, negative): Min. unit 0.01........................................................32
CHAPTER 6 : DATAGRAM ACCESS....................................................................................................39
6.1 General....................................................................................................................................39
6.2 Write to Drive using Datagram..................................................................................................39
6.3 Read from Drive using Datagram .............................................................................................42
6.4 PLC Ladder Code ....................................................................................................................43
APPENDIX A: COMM_REQ COMMAND BLOCK DESCRIPTIONS.......................................................45
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1.1 Product Descrip ti on
The Horner APG option c ar d (HE300G E N150) enables GE Adjustable Frequency Drives (models AF-300 G11 or P11) to reside direc tly on a Genius network. The option card is installed within the AF-300 G11 or P11 (AF-300) and pr ov ides drive control and data access capabilities to a PLC.
For clarification pur poses, the combination of the HE300GEN150 O ption Card and the GE Drive
(AF-300 G11 or P11) is ref er r ed to as “AF-300” throughout the manual.
1.2 Genius Network Overvi ew
Genius is a high-speed, tok en pas si ng network, which is used in many industr ial applications. T he network supports up to 32 devices with baud rates of up to 153.6Kbaud. A wide variety of Genius devices exist, which can reside on the network rangi ng from intelligent I/O block s to more sophisticated communications devices such as personal com puters. In recent years a number of third party devic es have emerged including operator interface units, valve manifolds, and RF tag reader s.
Figure 1.1 – Typical Genius Network
In a typical industrial application (Figur e 1.1), Genius devices are distri buted throughout a fairl y wide area, wired in a daisy chained fashion with a single shiel ded, t wisted pair. The option card (GEN150) allows the AF-300G11/P11 drives to be distributed on the factor y floor on the same twisted pair as the I/O bloc k s and other Genius devic es. The option card provides a new level of PLC integr ation for the drives.
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The physical natur e of t he Genius network can allow for great savi ngs i n wiring, as many discrete wires can be replaced wit h a singl e c ommunications cable. This allows tasks such as start ing, stopping, reversing, and changing speeds to be accomplished over the LAN. In addition, drive parameters and diagnostic dat a previously not availabl e to the PLC are easil y accessible.
1.3 Genius Network Archi t ect ure
The Genius network archi tecture is depicted i n Figure 1.1. Normally, a GE Fanuc programmable controller runs the network through a PLC module called a Geni us Bus Contr oller (GBC). Up to 32 devices are wired i n a daisy chained fashion. Network devi c es support f our communications termi nals, Serial 1, Serial 2, S hield In and Shield Out. The network is terminat ed at each end with an appropriate terminating resistor.
Each device on the net work (up to 32 devices) is assigned a Genius Bus Address ranging from 0 to 31. Bus Controllers are typically assigned a Genius Bus Addres s of 31. In applications with redundant bus controllers, the backup bus controller is address 30. Bus addre ss 0 is normally reserved for the Genius Hand Held Monitor.
Among other tasks, t he bus cont r oller allows Genius I/O (including the drives) on the network to be mapped into PLC memory, monitoring inputs and controlling outputs. Intelligent, data intensive Genius devices also share thei r data with the PLC through communicati ons with the bus controller.
1.4 Genius Communicat io ns Services
The option card allows the drive to reside directly on the Genius LAN providing drive control and dat a access capabil ities to the PLC. There are three types of communications that can occur on the Genius LAN. These are I/O Servic es, Global Data, and Datagrams. The option card supports all three of these communications types.
1.4.1 I/O Service
I/O Service is the m anner in whic h data is transferred to and from Genius I/O Bl oc k s. Out puts are selectively written to each I/O block from the CPU bus controller during each scan. The outputs written by the CPU bus controller to the AF-300 drives include start /stop, fwd/rev, frequency (speed), fault reset, and other outputs. M any I/O bl oc k s al so broadcast inputs to the bus every bus scan. The AF-300 does not support thi s means of c ommunication as it broadcasts it s inputs (f eedback) as Global Data.
1.4.2 Global Data
Global data is data br oadc ast over the network at large, with no particular destination. Eac h Genius device has the capacity to broadcast up to 128 bytes of global dat a. Intelligent devices, which resi de on the LAN (bus controllers, OIUs, etc.), can read this data off the network. These devices are intelligent and are able to interpret the data, which differs from Genius device to Genius device. The option c ar d utilizes global data to broadcast drive feedbac k data over Genius. Drive feedback data consi sts of parameters such as speed reference, torque, current, faults, and function settings.
The option card allows the system designer to select whic h data is broadcast by the drive as global dat a. This is import ant f or two reasons. First, the data, which is desired to be monitored on a regular basis varies from applic ation to applicati on. Second, the amount of global data broadcast by the drive is directly proportional to response time. The abili ty to control the amount and content of global data output is a vital feat ur e of the option c ar d.
In general, the pr oc edur e for configuring the drives Gl obal output data is a process of mapping the gl obal output data words to drive parameters. There are two different means in which this mapping of global data output words to drive parameters can be accomplished. These include mapping from the key pad and from the driv e configur ation utility. The keypad conf iguration method is described i n Chapter 2.
1.4.3 Datagrams
Datagrams are messages sent over the Genius LAN from one device to another . Datagrams are typically performed in PLC applications through a communications request or COMREQ. Typically, CO MREQs are used for occasi onal data access. For instance, COMREQs are not typically used to monitor speed reference on a conti nuous basis, but it might be used to change a drive par am eter once per shift or once per week. Datagram s (t hr ough COMREQs) c ould also be used to upload or download all drive parameters over the net work. In PLC applications, a bus controller is required to perform datagr am s or COMREQs.
1.5 Required Referen ces and Resou rces
This manual is to be used in conjunction with the GE FUJI Electri c instruc tion manuals for the AF-300 G11 and P11 series driv es. The manual num ber s for the driv es are as follows:
AF-300G11: Manual # GEI-100363 AF-300P11: Manual # GEI-100364
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2.1 Installatio n Procedures for the Option Card (GEN150)
The option card is designed to be m ounted to the AF-300 drive in the same locati on as the k ey pad. The same mounting instructions found in the GE FUJI AF-300 Drive Instr uc tion Manual(s) for mounting the keypad to the drive are also used for mounting the option car d to t he drive. The keypad is, then, mounted to the option card. ( Reference numbers for the drive instruc tion manuals are found in Section 1. 5 in this manual.)
The following ar e the necessary steps for installi ng the opti on c ar d:
1. Power down the drive.
2. Remove the keypad f r om the top cov er.
3. Mount the option c ar d in the sam e loc ation where the keypad was removed. (Sec uri ng the two screws, one in the upper left and the other in the lower right).
4. Mount the keypad to t he option card. (Securing the two screws, one in t he upper left and the other in the lower right).
5. Connect the remov able terminal strip with the Genius field wiring to the option card.
6. Power up the drive as needed.
Figure 2.1 shows an example of how the option card is installed i n an under 40 Horsepo wer drive.
Figure 2.1 - Example Installatio n in an Under 40 Horsep ow er Drive
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2.2 Genius Wiring
Up to 32 devices are wired in a daisy-c hained fashion in a Genius network. ( S ee Figure 1.1 for an overview of Genius network. ) The network is terminated at eac h end with an appr opr iate terminating resistor (Figure 2.2). The value of the resistor is chosen to match the characteristic im pedanc e of the cable. Refer to GE G enius I/O and System Communications Us er Manual (GE-90486) for help in selecting an appr opr iate cable type for the application.
If the characteristic impedance of the cable is unknown, 120-ohm terminating resistors need to be
Figure 2.2 – Typical Ge nius Wirin g Te c h niques
Network devi c es support f our c ommunications terminal s, S erial 1, Serial 2, Shield In and Shield Out. (Figure 2.3. )
Figure 2.3 – Genius Connector
The LED designators and connector pin out are shown in Figur e 2.3. In additi on to the normal Genius connections showing in Figure 2.2, Frame Ground must be at tached to the “FG” terminal, Terminal 5.
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Table 2.1 -– Genius LEDs
LED Description
GENA OK Illuminated unless there is a fault with the GENA
COMM OK The COMM OK indicator illuminates when the GENA
board is communicating with the Genuis Bus Controller (GBC) properly. If the COMM OK LED is not illuminated after configuration, check the follow ing:
Make sure the cable is wired correctly between the GBC and the option card.
Check the GBC configuration (LM90 Configuration package). The Global data length, and the Directed control data length must match the input length and the output length respectively.
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3.1 Keypad Function ali t y
The keypad functions and operations are covered i n the drive manufacturer document ation. This document is concer ned only with describing the key pad functions that are used to configure the option card and effect the option card operation.
3.2 Option Card Configuration Parameters
The following table lists and describes the parameter settings used to confi gure the Option Card parameters. As described prev iously, Genius devices have the capacity to broadcast 128 byt es (64 words) of global data and receive 128 bytes (64 words) of directed data. The Option Card is limited to 24 bytes (12 words) of global data and 20 bytes (10 words) of direct ed data. The parameter values can be changed using the instr uc tions found in the drive manufac turers documentati on.
Table 3.1 – Parameter Settings
o30 Bus Address 0- 31 ( 1- 30 o31 Baud Rate
0 = 153.6K EXT
1 = 153.6K STD
2 = 76.8K
3 = 38.4K
255 = Reset parameters to
default o32 Global Data Lengt h 0 - 12 7 o33 Directed Dat a Length 0 - 10 4 o34 User Defined Broadcast Data 1 1-254
o35 User Defined Broadcast Data 2 1-254 o36 User Defined Broadcast Data 3 1-254 o37 User Defined Broadcast Data 4 1-254 o38 User Defined Broadcast Data 5 1-254 o39 User Defined Broadcast Data 6 1-254 o40 User Defined Broadcast Data 7 1-254 o41 User Defined Broadcast Data 8 1-254 o42 User Defined Broadcast Data 9 1-254 o43 User Defined Broadcast Data 10 1-254
Description Valid Input
0;255* 0;255* 0;255* 0;255* 0;255* 0;255* 0;255* 0;255* 0;255* 0;255*
Default Value (o 31 = 255)
1 1 = 153.6K standard
M14 Operating State M06 Actual Frequency M11 Output Current M10 Motor Output M16 Fault Memory 0 M07 Actual Torque M01 Frequency Comm and 255 255 255
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Table 3.1 – Parameter Settings
o44 User Defined Broadcast Data 11 1-254 o45 User Defined Broadcast Data 12 1-254 o46 User Defined Cont r ol Data 1 1-254 o47 User Defined Cont r ol Data 2 1-254 o48 User Defined Cont r ol Data 3 1-254 o49 User Defined Cont r ol Data 4 1-254 o50 User Defined Cont r ol Data 5 1-254 o51 User Defined Cont r ol Data 6 1-254 o52 User Defined Cont r ol Data 7 1-254 o53 User Defined Cont r ol Data 8 1-254 o54 User Defined Cont r ol Data 9 1-254 o55 User Defined Cont r ol Data 10 1-254
Note: If the Option Car d detects and invalid parameter value then the parameter number containing the invalid value appear s at o31 ( B us address). It is recommended that parameter o31 be checked after the configuration is completed to make sure that all parameter values are valid.
Description Valid Input
0;255* 0;255* 0;255* 0;255* 0;255* 0;255* 0;255* 0;255* 0;255* 0;255* 0;255* 0;255*
Default Value (o 31 = 255)
255 255 S06 Operation Comm and S01 Frequency Cmd S07 Universal Do S12 Universal Ao 255 255 255 255 255 255
* 0 and 255 are used to notate unused configuration parameter.
3.2.1 User Defined Parameters
The object of the user defined configuration param eters is to create a selectable data m ap for the G enius data. There are 254 available parameters and only 12 broadcast and 10 control data words available on the Genius network. The sel ec table map allows the user to confi gur e what parameters and how many are to be used.
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