GE Energy
Vinyl Wraps
Care Instructions and Warranty
imagination at work

Caring for DuraStation Vinyl Wraps
These instructions are provided for GE by 3M.
In order to be eligible for the 3M™ MCS™ Warranty, the DuraStation Vinyl Wraps must be installed and maintained according to
these instructions. The 3M warranty is provided with this document. In general, care for these wraps as you would any fine
automotive paint finish, including using high quality products designed for car care and the following maintenance procedures
to keep the wraps looking their best.
1. Installation
• The Wrap must be installed by a 3M Preferred Graphics
Installer or a 3M Certified Graphics Installation Company.
2. Cleaning the Wrap
• Clean the Wrap when it appears dirty. Contaminants allowed
to remain on the Wrap for long periods of time will be more
difficult to remove.
• Wipe the Wrap with a clean, soft, wet cloth.
• Clean with a wet, non-abrasive detergent such as 3M™
Car Wash Soap 39000 or Meguiar’s NXT Generation
Wash or Deep Crystal® Car Wash and a soft, clean cloth or
sponge. Wipe off with another clean, soft cloth.
• To reduce water spotting, immediately use a silicone
squeegee to remove water and finish with a clean microfiber
cloth to restore gloss.
Removing Difficult Contaminants
• Soften bug splatter, bird droppings, tree sap and similar
contaminants by soaking them for several minutes with
very hot, soapy water.
• Wipe with a soft, clean wet cloth
• Test one of these products in an inconspicuous area to
ensure no damage to the wrap: Meguiar’s Gold Class™
Bug and Tar Remover or 3M™ Citrus Base Cleaner.
Isopropyl alcohol (IPA) (two parts IPA to one part water)
or denatured alcohol may also help. Do not use rough
scrubbing or abrasive tools, which will scratch the film.
• Wipe off residue thoroughly and immediately.
3. Fuel spills
• If the Wraps is exposed accidentally to fuel spills, wipe off
immediately to avoid degrading the Wrap and its adhesive.
Clean as instructed above.
4. Polish and wax
• The Wraps can be polished or waxed with a high quality car
wax. Before use, test and approve in an inconspicuous area.
Do not use any abrasive polishes or cutting compounds.
5. Protecting the Wrap
• These Wraps (just like paint) are degraded by prolonged
exposure to sun and atmospheric pollutants, particularly on
horizontal surfaces. For the best results, install the EVSE in a
shaded area. When feasible, protect the Wrap from dew or
rain, which may contain acidic pollutants (a common
problem in many large metropolitan areas) and consider
using a cloth cover at night. If the Wrap starts to discolor or
turn brown (which is caused by acidic pollution), immediately
remove the Wrap to avoid staining the underlying paint.
6. Remove the Wrap by the end of the Warranted
Durability Period
• For the easiest and cleanest removal, remove the Wrap
before the end of the 3M warranted durability period.
See www.3Mgraphics.com for 3M product descriptions,
instructions and warranties.