These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment, nor to provide
every possible contingency to be met during installation, operation, and maintenance. If further
information is desired or if particular problems arise that are not covered sufficiently for the
purchaser’s purpose, the matter should be referred to GE Industrial Systems, Salem, Virginia,
This document contains proprietary information of General Electric Company, USA and is
furnished to its customer solely to assist that customer in the installation, testing, operation,
and/or maintenance of the equipment described. This document shall not be reproduced in whole
or in part nor shall its contents be disclosed to any third party without the written approval of GE
Industrial Systems.
ARCNET is a registered trademark of Datapoint Corporation.
Ethernet is a trademark of Xerox Corporation.
IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation.
Pentium is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation.
PC is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
Series 90 is a trademark of GE Fanuc Automation North America, Inc.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Windows NT is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Safety Symbol Legend
Indicates a procedure, condition, or statement that, if
not strictly observed, could result in personal injury or
Indicates a procedure, condition, or statement that, if
not strictly observed, could result in damage to or
destruction of equipment.
Indicates a procedure, condition, or statement that
should be strictly followed in order to optimize these
Note Indicates an essential or important procedure, condition, or statement.
To prevent personal injury or equipment damage
caused by equipment malfunction, only adequately
trained personnel should modify any programmable
The example and setup screens in this manual do not
reflect the actual application configurations. Be sure to
follow the correct setup procedures for your application.
Global Data and Directed Control Data...............................................................4-36
Downloading and Uploading..............................................................................4-37
Glossary of Terms
ContentsGEH-6412 Toolbox for AV-300i Version 2 Drive
Chapter 1 Overview
This manual describes the Control System Toolbox, which is personal computer
(PC)-based software used to configure and maintain the AV-300i™ Version 2 drive.
The toolbox is a Windows
higher PC.
Primary functions of the toolbox include:
-based application, which runs on a Pentium® 166 or
The toolbox software configures
various control equipment.
Therefore, each product package
can consist of the toolbox,
product files for the drive, and
Trend Recorder. To order the
toolbox software and specific
product support files, refer to the
Product Catalog, GEP-9145.
Before Beginning
Windows-based screen
borders may vary in
• Configuration wizards
• Live data block flow diagrams
• Online Help files
• Input/Output (I/O) configuration and monitoring
• Signal management and signal trending
• Generate reports
This manual describes the features of the toolbox and presents step-by-step
procedures for using the software applications provided. It presumes that the user
has already installed Windows. This manual also assumes that the user possesses at
least a medium-level knowledge of Windows. Hardware requirements and
instructions for installing the products are provided in Chapter 2.
How To Use This Manual
This manual provides information on installing the toolbox and other products used
to configure control equipment. It also describes other features provided in the
toolbox software package. This manual is organized as follows:
Chapter 1 Overview. This chapter defines functions of the toolbox, contents of this
manual, and the conventions used.
Chapter 2 Installation. This chapter describes the PC and installation requirements
for the AV-300i Version 2 drives.
GEH-6412 Toolbox for AV-300i Version 2 DriveChapter 1 Overview
Chapter 3 Using the Toolbox. This chapter provides basic startup procedures and
features for using the toolbox to configure a product.
Chapter 4 Configuring an AV-300i Version 2 Drive. This chapter describes how
to use the toolbox to configure a drive.
Glossary. The Glossary provides definitions of configuration terms and toolbox
Refer to the Table of Contents for the organization of these chapters.
The following conventional terms, text formats, and symbols are used throughout
this documentation for the toolbox.
Arial BoldIndicates the menu, actual command or option that is chosen
ItalicIndicates a word used as a word or a letter used as a letter. For
ØIndicates a procedure.
wIndicates a procedure with only one step.
The following list presents some basic guidelines for working with menus:
When a menu is displayed, press the up/down arrow keys to highlight a command
name. Then press Enter to choose the menu command. The menu can also be
selected by clicking with a cursor-positioning device (CPD), such as a mouse.
Indicates that the word is being defined.
from a menu, a button, or title of a dialog box.
example, the display should now read SDB has stopped. Italic
also indicates new terms, margin notes, and the titles of figures,
chapters, and other books in the toolbox package.
Indicates a directory, filename, or block name. Lowercase letters
can be used when typing names in a dialog box or at the
command prompt, unless otherwise indicated for a specific
application or utility.
Represents examples of screen text or words and characters that
are typed in a text box or at the command prompt.
Indicates a list of related information, not procedural steps.
When a command ends in an ellipsis (…), the application displays a dialog box that
asks the user to supply more information.
If a command turns a feature on and off, a checkmark (ü) is displayed by the
command name when the feature is on.
When a command ends with an arrow (
command names.
If a command name is grayed out, it indicates that the command does not apply to
the current situation or there is another selection or action before choosing the
Chapter 1 Overview GEH-6412 Toolbox for AV-300i Version 2 Drive
), the menu cascades to display more
Related Publications
GE provides system instruction manuals that include publications for the different
components of each product. If additional manuals are needed or for questions about
the publications, contact the nearest GE sales office or authorized GE sales
representative. Also, refer to the following publications for more information about
AVDV Series equipment:
• GEH-6641, AV-300i Version 2 User's Manual
• GEI-100275, 6KCV300CTI Instruction Book
• GEI-100360, AV-300i Adjustable Speed Drives
• GEI-100429, AV-300i Version 2 Hardware Manual and Quick Startup Guide
GEH-6412 Toolbox for AV-300i Version 2 DriveChapter 1 Overview
Chapter 1 Overview GEH-6412 Toolbox for AV-300i Version 2 Drive
Chapter 2 Installation
This chapter describes the PC and installation requirements for the products in
Control System Solutions. The contents of this CD depend on the products that are
ordered. Some orders are issued a License Key. Available products display in the
Product Selection dialog box (see the section, Product Selection).
The minimum PC requirements are determined by the selected product combination
and the topology configuration of the PC(s). The minimum requirements to use the
Control System Solutions products are as follows:
•100 MHz processor (Pentium 166 or higher recommended)
A cursor-positioning device is
highly recommended.
GEH-6412 Toolbox for AV-300i Version 2 DriveChapter 2 Installation
• Microsoft
• VGA display (640 x 480 x 16 color or gray scale)
• 16 MB RAM in Windows 95 (32 MB recommended) or 24 MB RAM in
Windows NT (32 MB recommended)
• Serial port for direct connection to a drive
• Printer (with appropriate Windows driver installed)
Windows® 95 or Windows NT® 4.0
Installing Control System Solutions
For assistance, contact:
GE Industrial Systems
Product Service Engineering
1501 Roanoke Blvd.
Salem, VA 24153-6492 USA
+ 1 800 533 5885
(USA, Canada, Mexico)
+ 1 540 378 3280
Fax: + 1 540 387 8606 (All)
(replace + with the
international access code)
Install the desired products
from CD, following the
directions on the screen.
Then, install each product
Control System Solutions installs various products for control systems as selected in
the setup program. It is recommended that you exit all Windows programs before
beginning. A dialog box may prompt you for a License Key, which can be found on
the actual CD. Also, you must agree to the standard Software License Agreement for
these products.
A default destination directory is set for all products selected. This directory can be
modified, but only during the first installation. Setup installs the required
components and checks available disk space before copying files. You can also
choose to cancel setup and exit at any time before you initiate the selected products.
ØØØØ To install from a CD
1. Place the Control System Solutions CD in the disk drive.
2. The Setup program executes automatically.
3. Follow the Setup instructions from the screen.
Registration License Agreement
The Software License Agreement dialog box displays during installation. The license
must be read and agreed to before installation can continue.
Please read the entire
agreement (scroll bar
must be at the bottom of
the dialog box).
to accept the
Chapter 2 InstallationGEH-6412 Toolbox for AV-300i Version 2 Drive
Destination Directory
The Choose Destination Directory dialog box displays during the initial installation.
All future installs and upgrades default to the first directory selected.
The destination directory for
each product is set to the
default directory
Files\GE Control System
different directory to load the
Click to advance
through the setup.
. If desired select a
Setup automatically continues to load. The GE Control System Solutions product
selection dialog box displays to allow you to select desired products.
Product Selection
Tip ÄÄÄÄ From the Product Selection dialog box, click on a product (highlight) to
display its description and required disk space. The total required space for all
checked items and the space available displays at the bottom of the dialog box.
Click to the left of each
product you want to install.
A check mark displays
beside the product name.
Selecting a product name in
the left column checks all the
application for that group.
Click again to uncheck all.
The number beside each
product indicates the amount
of space required for the
selected product.
A description of each product
displays when it is selected.
Click to advance in the setup
GEH-6412 Toolbox for AV-300i Version 2 DriveChapter 2 Installation
Uninstall Products
Although it is not necessary,
it is highly recommended that
you uninstall the earlier
version when upgrading to
the new release.
Note Before upgrading to Release 6, product components should be uninstalled
and then installed again using the Release 6 CD or network installation.
ØØØØ To uninstall product(s)
1. Click Windows
2. From the Control Panel dialog box, double-click on Add/RemovePrograms. The Add/Remove Program Properties dialog box displays.
3. Click on the tab Install/Uninstall. A list of all installed programs displays.
4. From the list box, click on the program to uninstall.
5. Click
The following screen displays to show when uninstall is complete and the status of
all items deleted.
Control Panel.
button, select Settings, and then
Chapter 2 InstallationGEH-6412 Toolbox for AV-300i Version 2 Drive
Chapter 3 Using the Toolbox
Settings options should be
determined before starting a
This chapter provides basic instructions for using the toolbox. It defines the toolbox
menu commands, including the Options menu, which has a Settings dialog tab for
each product. Methods of communication and toolbox connections are also
Section Page
Upgrading from Previous Releases ...................................................................... 3-2
Maintaining Multiple Releases of Toolbox.................................................... 3-2
Starting the Toolbox............................................................................................ 3-3
Work Area ................................................................................................... 3-3
AVDV Series Drive.....................................................................................3-11
Connecting the Toolbox .....................................................................................3-12
GEH-6412 Toolbox for AV-300i Version 2 DriveChapter 3 Using the Toolbox
Upgrading from Previous Releases
Note To upgrade to Version 6 of the toolbox, it is recommended that you first
uninstall any previous version of toolbox.
Maintaining Multiple Releases of Toolbox
To maintain different releases of the toolbox on a single system, consider the
• Multiple versions of Release 5 or higher cannot be installed on one system.
The installation directory for Release 5 or higher of the toolbox is chosen only
once, the first time that the Control System Solutions products are installed. The
default directory is C:\Program Files\GE Control System Solutions.
•There is only one set of toolbox options settings for a given user on a given
computer. There are several toolbox options settings that may need to be unique
to a particular release of toolbox. For example, Release 4 of the toolbox would
probably need a different directory setting for standard library .tre files than that
of Release 5 or 6. In order to use multiple releases, it is recommended to use
different user accounts for each release.
•Opening a toolbox file from the Windows Explorer is not recommended if
multiple copies of toolbox are installed. When you open a file from the
Windows Explorer, the application that starts up depends on what is registered
for that file type. Releases of toolbox prior to Release 5 register each time they
execute. Release 5 or higher of toolbox, however, registers only at installation.
•Modifying a toolbox file can make the file unusable to older releases of
toolbox. A warning dialog displays when the toolbox opens a file that was
written by a previous release. Do not save the file if it must be used by the
previous release.
Chapter 3 Using the ToolboxGEH-6412 Toolbox for AV-300i Version 2 Drive
Starting the Toolbox
The toolbox is started from the Windows NT or 95 Workstation.
ØØØØ To start the toolbox
To create a device, refer to
Chapter 4.
1. Click Windows
Solutions and Control System Toolbox.
2. Click the toolbox icon. The toolbox Work Area displays. It is blank until a
device is created or opened.
button, Programs, GE Control System
Work Area
If more than one drive is open
in the Work Area, each drive
will have a window with an
Outline View and Summary
Detached Summary View.
GEH-6412 Toolbox for AV-300i Version 2 DriveChapter 3 Using the Toolbox
to display the
A drive’s runtime action is configured using the toolbox. From the File menu, begin
a New configuration or Open a previously saved configuration file. The toolbox
Work Area is the main screen and contains the following:
Outline View (left side) displays the configuration in a hierarchy, with the drive
name as the first item and other configuration items listed in levels below it.
Summary View (right side) displays information for the item highlighted in the
Outline View. For example, in a drive configuration, the item Block diagram
displays block diagrams, which can be configured within this view.
Detached Summary View is a separate window from the Work Area window and
displays a copy of the diagram. This window can be sized, configured, and edited.
Title bar
Menu bar
Outline View
When you click
on an item with
a Note icon, the
note displays in
the Summary
Note The following screen represents a basic toolbox Work Area format. Menu
commands, toolbar, and Outline View items will vary with the product installed.
Click to display the Detached Summary View.
Summary View display details of the item
selected in the Outline View. For example,
the parameter T current Lim+ displays.
For Help, Press F1
Status bar displays toolbox
information on the right
and drive information on
the left side.
Find the cause of an error by
double-clicking on the error.
to edit the
Bookmark items display the
Communication status
Drive status
Fault indication
Diagram scan rate
Log View displays status messages for toolbox activities, such as file imports,
validations, builds, or errors.
Status Bar can be toggled on and off from the View menu. When online, the left
side displays a description of various toolbox commands or notes entered by the
user. The right side displays the drive status of the current drive.
Notes can be created for most items in the drive. Select an item, then from the Edit,
select Modify. Enter a note for the item and click OK. The Note icon
beside the item in the Outline View.
Bookmark enables you to mark major items in the Outline View and then return to
them easily using the Bookmark commands in the Edit menu. The Toggle Bookmark
command turns the icon on and off. The Goto Next Bookmark command jumps to
the next item marked with the
Chapter 3 Using the ToolboxGEH-6412 Toolbox for AV-300i Version 2 Drive
Accessing Online Help
To obtain Help for the dialog
box on the screen, press
Specific Help is available for each dialog box. Press the F1 function key when the
dialog box displays. Help can also be accessed using the following methods:
To obtain Help on . . .Do this . . .
Menu commandsHighlight the command and press F1
Dialog boxesPress F1 when the dialog box displays on the screen
Block informationClick on the desired block with the right mouse button
Help contentsClick the Help menu and select Contents
HelpClick the Help menu and select Using Help
Specific word(s)Click the Help menu, select Contents, and click the tab
Privileges and Passwords
To change the password,
refer to the section,
Change Password or Default
Password Directory.
The privilege/password system assigns different levels of access to the devices.
Then, passwords can be established for the different privilege levels, so that each
user can access a device at the level necessary for the job that person is assigned.
Privilege Levels
and choose Item Help
Find, then enter the word(s) to search
To avoid this dialog box, from
the Options menu, select
Settings, and then click the
tab General. At the bottom of
the dialog box in the text box
User Identification, enter
your user ID.
ØØØØ To set a privilege level
MFrom the Options menu, select Privilege.
Enter a three-character ID,
such as your initials.
Click OK.
Privilege Level Functions
A password can be assigned to each of the toolbox privilege levels defined in the
following table. (Each successive level allows all the functions of the previous level.)
GEH-6412 Toolbox for AV-300i Version 2 DriveChapter 3 Using the Toolbox
Privilege Levels
0: Read OnlyView code
Use the Finder
Monitor live data
Trend (including saving trend definitions in .TRN
files and saving collected data)
Change View attributes under Option menu,
Print blockware code and reports
Change the password for level 0
1: Change drive Advanced
2: Full drive Advanced
3: Drive Block Area and Menu
4: Full Drive AccessChange GE parameters
All functions allowed in Level 0, including change
password levels in Levels 0 and 1
Change the value of variables
All functions allowed in Level 0 and Level 1
Make code changes
Put in database and Get from database
Validate, build, save, backup, and pack signals
Change the password for Levels 0, 1, and 2
Change the location of the password file
Alter block area and change application menu
View parameters that are not on a menu
Download firmware
Chapter 3 Using the ToolboxGEH-6412 Toolbox for AV-300i Version 2 Drive
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