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DPX-NT/MD+ Service Manual (Rev. 3 - 2010)
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Revision History
DPX-NT/MD+ Service Manual (Rev. 3 - 2010)
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3Mar 2010 Jennifer Pakter 1. Updated English Only Disclaimer (added
languages since last revision).
2. Added detailed test work instructions to
Section 5.6.
3. Removed test grid and referenced
LUSE0002 in its place.
2Dec 2010 Jennifer Pakter 4. Updated English Only Disclaimer (added
languages since last revision).
5. Updated Sections 1.0 and Chapter 5 to
comply with MD.
6. Added NT/MD+ revision information to
Section 2.0
7. Added OMD information to Section 2.4.1
8. Removed system labels
9. Updated Appendix
1Jun 2009 Jennifer Pakter 1. Updated contact information on cover due
to facility moves
2. Added English Only disclaimer in multiple
3. Updated labels
4. Added appendix that lists associated
service documentation.
Previous revisions were under part number
LU8392 last revision C approved on CO L6631
in Oracle Engineering. Revision History was
not recorded in document until Rev. 1.
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DPX-NT/MD+ Service Manual (Rev. 3 - 2010)
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This document contains confidential or proprietary information of GE Healthcare.
DPX-NT/MD+ Service Manual (Rev. 3 - 2010)
Page 5 of 141
Neither the document nor the information is to be reproduced, distributed, used
or disclosed, either in whole or in part, except as specifically authorized by GE
GE Healthcare makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, and
shall not be held liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or
consequential damages in connection with the furnishings or use of this manual.
Read through this manual thoroughly before attempting to service any
components. Unauthorized service may void system warranties or service
contracts. Consult the GE Healthcare Customer Support Department prior to
attempting any servicing.
This service manual is available in English only.
xIf a customer's service provider requires a language other than english, it is the
customer's responsibility to provide translation services.
xDo not attempt to service the equipment unless this service manual has been
consulted and is understood.
xFailure to heed this warning may result in injury to the service provider, operator
or patient from electric shock, mechanical or other hazards.
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DPX-NT/MD+ Service Manual (Rev. 3 - 2010)
Ovaj servisni priruþnik dostupan je na engleskom jeziku.
xAko davatelj usluge klijenta treba neki drugi jezik, klijent je dužan osigurati
xNe pokušavajte servisirati opremu ako niste u potpunosti proþitali i razumjeli ovaj
servisni priruþnik.
xZanemarite li ovo upozorenje, može doüi do ozljede davatelja usluge, operatera
ili pacijenta uslijed strujnog udara, mehaniþkih ili drugih rizika.
Tento provozní návod existuje pouze v anglickém jazyce.
xV pĜípadČ, že externí služba zákazníkĤm potĜebuje návod v jiném jazyce, je
zajištČní pĜekladu do odpovídajícího jazyka úkolem zákazníka.
xNesnažte se o údržbu tohoto zaĜízení, aniž byste si pĜeþetli tento provozní návod
a pochopili jeho obsah.
xV pĜípadČ nedodržování této výstrahy mĤže dojít k poranČní pracovníka
prodejního servisu, obslužného personálu nebo pacientĤ vlivem elektrického
proudu, respektive vlivem mechanických þi jiných rizik.
Denne servicemanual findes kun på engelsk.
xHvis en kundes tekniker har brug for et andet sprog end engelsk, er det kundens
ansvar at sørge for oversættelse.
xForsøg ikke at servicere udstyret uden at læse og forstå denne servicemanual.
xManglende overholdelse af denne advarsel kan medføre skade på grund af
elektrisk stød, mekanisk eller anden fare for teknikeren, operatøren eller
Deze onderhoudshandleiding is enkel in het Engels verkrijgbaar.
xAls het onderhoudspersoneel een andere taal vereist, dan is de klant
verantwoordelijk voor de vertaling ervan.
xProbeer de apparatuur niet te onderhouden alvorens deze
onderhoudshandleiding werd geraadpleegd en begrepen is.
xIndien deze waarschuwing niet wordt opgevolgd, zou het onderhoudspersoneel,
de operator of een patiënt gewond kunnen raken als gevolg van een elektrische
schok, mechanische of andere gevaren.
See teenindusjuhend on saadaval ainult inglise keeles
Kui klienditeeninduse osutaja nõuab juhendit inglise keelest erinevas keeles,
vastutab klient tõlketeenuse osutamise eest.
xÄrge üritage seadmeid teenindada enne eelnevalt käesoleva teenindusjuhendiga
tutvumist ja sellest aru saamist.
xKäesoleva hoiatuse eiramine võib põhjustada teenuseosutaja, operaatori või
patsiendi vigastamist elektrilöögi, mehaanilise või muu ohu tagajärjel.
Tämä huolto-ohje on saatavilla vain englanniksi.
xJos asiakkaan huoltohenkilöstö vaatii muuta kuin englanninkielistä materiaalia,
tarvittavan käännöksen hankkiminen on asiakkaan vastuulla.
xÄlä yritä korjata laitteistoa ennen kuin olet varmasti lukenut ja ymmärtänyt tämän
xMikäli tätä varoitusta ei noudateta, seurauksena voi olla huoltohenkilöstön,
laitteiston käyttäjän tai potilaan vahingoittuminen sähköiskun, mekaanisen vian
tai muun vaaratilanteen vuoksi.
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DPX-NT/MD+ Service Manual (Rev. 3 - 2010)
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Ce manuel d’installation et de maintenance est disponible uniquement en anglais.
xSi le technicien d'un client a besoin de ce manuel dans une langue autre que
l'anglais, il incombe au client de le faire traduire.
xNe pas tenter d'intervenir sur les équipements tant que ce manuel d’installation
et de maintenance n'a pas été consulté et compris.
xLe non-respect de cet avertissement peut entraîner chez le technicien,
l'opérateur ou le patient des blessures dues à des dangers électriques,
mécaniques ou autres.
Diese Serviceanleitung existiert nur in englischer Sprache.
xFalls ein fremder Kundendienst eine andere Sprache benötigt, ist es Aufgabe
des Kunden für eine entsprechende Übersetzung zu sorgen.
xVersuchen Sie nicht diese Anlage zu warten, ohne diese Serviceanleitung
gelesen und verstanden zu haben.
xWird diese Warnung nicht beachtet, so kann es zu Verletzungen des
Kundendiensttechnikers, des Bedieners oder des Patienten durch Stromschläge,
mehƗnisku vai citu faktoru izraisƯtu traumu risks apkopes sniedzƝjam,
operatoram vai pacientam.
Šis eksploatavimo vadovas yra tik anglǐ kalba.
x Jei kliento paslaugǐ tiek
ơjas reikalauja vadovo kita kalba – ne anglǐ, suteikti
vertimo paslaugas privalo klientas.
x Nemơginkite atlikti Ƴrangos techninơs priežinjros, jei neperskaitơte ar nesupratote
šio eksploatavimo vadovo.
x Jei nepaisysite šio Ƴspơjimo, galimi paslaugǐ tiekơjo, operatoriaus ar paciento
sužalojimai dơl elektros šoko, mechaniniǐ ar kitǐ pavojǐ.
Denne servicehåndboken finnes bare på engelsk.
x Hvis kundens serviceleverandør har bruk for et annet språk, er det kundens
ansvar å sørge for oversettelse.
x Ikke forsøk å reparere utstyret uten at denne servicehåndboken er lest og
x Manglende hensyn til denne advarselen kan føre til at serviceleverandøren,
operatøren eller pasienten skades på grunn av elektrisk støt, mekaniske eller
andre farer.
Niniejszy podrĊcznik serwisowy dostĊpny jest jedynie w jĊzyku angielskim.
x JeĞli serwisant klienta wymaga jĊzyka innego niĪ angielski, zapewnienie usáugi
táumaczenia jest obowiązkiem klienta.
x Nie próbowaü serwisowaü urządzenia bez zapoznania siĊ z niniejszym
podrĊcznikiem serwisowym i zrozumienia go.
x Niezastosowanie siĊ do tego ostrzeĪenia moĪe doprowadziü do obraĪe
serwisanta, operatora lub pacjenta w wyniku poraĪenia prądem elektrycznym,
zagroĪenia mechanicznego bądĨ innego.
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DPX-NT/MD+ Service Manual (Rev. 3 - 2010)
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Este manual de assistência técnica encontra-se disponível unicamente em inglês.
x Se outro serviço de assistência técnica solicitar a tradução deste manual, caberá
ao cliente fornecer os serviços de tradução.
x Não tente reparar o equipamento sem ter consultado e compreendido este
manual de assistência técnica.
x A não observância deste aviso pode ocasionar ferimentos no técnico, operador
ou paciente decorrentes de choques elétricos, mecânicos ou outros.
Este manual de assistência técnica só se encontra disponível em inglês.
x Se qualquer outro serviço de assistência técnica solicitar este manual noutro
idioma, é da responsabilidade do cliente fornecer os serviços de tradução.
x Não tente reparar o equipamento sem ter consultado e compreendido este
manual de assistência técnica.
x O não cumprimento deste aviso pode colocar em perigo a segurança do técnico,
do operador ou do paciente devido a choques eléctricos, mecânicos ou outros.
Acest manual de service este disponibil doar în limba engleză.
x Dacă un furnizor de servicii pentru clienĠi necesită o altă limbă decât cea
engleză, este de datoria clientului să furnizeze o traducere.
x Nu încercaĠi să reparaĠi echipamentul decât ulterior consultării úi înĠelegerii
acestui manual de service.
x Ignorarea acestui avertisment ar putea duce la rănirea depanatorului,
operatorului sau pacientului în urma pericolelor de electrocutare, mecanice sau
Ovo servisno uputstvo je dostupno samo na engleskom jeziku.
x Ako klijentov serviser zahteva neki drugi jezik, klijent je dužan da obezbedi
prevodilaþke usluge.
x Ne pokušavajte da opravite ureÿaj ako niste proþitali i razumeli ovo servisno
x Zanemarivanje ovog upozorenja može dovesti do povreÿivanja servisera,
rukovaoca ili pacijenta usled strujnog udara ili mehaniþkih i drugih opasnosti.
Tento návod na obsluhu je k dispozícii len v angliþtine.x Ak zákazníkov poskytovateĐ služieb vyžaduje iný jazyk ako angliþtinu,
poskytnutie prekladateĐských služieb je zodpovednosĢou zákazníka.
x Nepokúšajte sa o obsluhu zariadenia, kým si nepreþítate návod na obluhu a
neporozumiete mu.
x Zanedbanie tohto upozornenia môže spôsobiĢ zranenie poskytovateĐa služieb,
obsluhujúcej osoby alebo pacienta elektrickým prúdom, mechanické alebo iné
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DPX-NT/MD+ Service Manual (Rev. 3 - 2010)
Este manual de servicio sólo existe en inglés.
x Si el encargado de mantenimiento de un cliente necesita un idioma que no sea
el inglés, el cliente deberá encargarse de la traducción del manual.
x No se deberá dar servicio técnico al equipo, sin haber consultado y comprendido
este manual de servicio.
x La no observancia del presente aviso puede dar lugar a que el proveedor de
servicios, el operador o el paciente sufran lesiones provocadas por causas
eléctricas, mecánicas o de otra naturaleza.
Den här servicehandboken finns bara tillgänglig på engelska. .
x Om en kunds servicetekniker har behov av ett annat språk än engelska,
ansvarar kunden för att tillhandahålla översättningstjänster.
x Försök inte utföra service på utrustningen om du inte har läst och förstår den här
x Om du inte tar hänsyn till den här varningen kan det resultera i skador på
serviceteknikern, operatören eller patienten till följd av elektriska stötar,
mekaniska faror eller andra faror.
Ta servisni priroþnik je na voljo samo v angleškem jeziku.
xýe ponudnik storitve stranke potrebuje priroþnik v drugem jeziku, mora stranka zagotoviti
xNe poskušajte servisirati opreme, þe tega priroþnika niste v celoti prebrali in razumeli.
xýe tega opozorila ne upoštevate, se lahko zaradi elektriþnega udara, mehanskih ali
drugih nevarnosti poškoduje ponudnik storitev, operater ali bolnik.
Bu servis kılavuzunun sadece ingilizcesi mevcuttur.
x E÷er müúteri teknisyeni bu kılavuzu ingilizce dıúında bir baúka lisandan talep
ederse, bunu tercüme ettirmek müúteriye düúer.
x Servis kılavuzunu okuyup anlamadan ekipmanlara müdahale etmeyiniz.
x Bu uyarıya uyulmaması, elektrik, mekanik veya di÷er tehlikelerden dolayı
teknisyen, operatör veya hastanın yaralanmasına yol açabilir.
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DPX-NT/MD+ Service Manual (Rev. 3 - 2010)
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Using This Manual
A person who will be performing service work on the DPX-NT / MD+ should use this
manual in the following manner:
Read the Safety and Overview Chapters to familiarize yourself with the scanner
as a whole and with the genera lfunction of the circuit boards.
Chapter 3 should be understood completely as it explains the Diagnostics
Software (built in – requires a password for access).
The Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 contain common procedures and troubleshooting
information and can be read as needed, but are good sources of information.
When a problem arises, Chapter 4 should be referenced. Check the table of
contents for Chapter 4 to see if the problem being experienced is described. If
so, refer to the appropriate page. If not, try to generalize the problem (e.g. the
Detector is repeatedly running into the front of the scanner and reversing and
then running back into the front of the scanner. This is a mechanical problem in
general, specifically with Transverse Mechanics, check that subsection of
Chapter 4 for the subsystem experiencing the fault.
This manual commonly references other Sections and pages of the manual as
needed, so often procedures in the Chapter 5 and the Appendix are referred to
as ways to solve problems described in Chapter 4.
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DPX-NT/MD+ Service Manual (Rev. 3 - 2010)
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Table of Contents
DPX-NT/MD+ Service Manual (Rev. 3 - 2010)
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Chapter 1: Safety 15
1.0 General Safety 17
1.1 Symbols and labels found on the DPX-NT / MD+ 18
1.2 Emergency Stop Button 22
1.3 Laser Exposure 23
1.4 Shutter Indicator 24
1.5 Cautions, Warnings, and Notes 24
1.6 Safety Concerns 25
1.7 Scatter Radiation 26
1.8 Controlling Computer and Accessories 29
1.9 Peripheral configurations29
Chapter 2: System Overview33
2.0 DPX-NT / MD+ System 37
2.1 Electronics 38
2.2 DPX-NT / MD+ Block Diagrams 40
2.3 DPX-NT / MD+ Fusing 43
2.4 Combined Single Board Controller cSBC 43
2.5 X-ray Source61
2.6 Display Panel 62
2.7 High Voltage Power Supplies 63
2.8 D-MAX Board (DPX-NT (A) ONLY) 63
2.9 XORB Board (DPX-NT (A) ONLY) 63
2.10 Detector Sub System 64
2.11 X-Ray Collimator Subsystem 64
2.12 DPX-NT / MD+ Specifications 65
2.13 Secondary Calibration / Daily QA 76
Chapter 3: Service Software 81
3.0 Diagnostic Software 83
3.1 The Tools Menu 84
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3.2 Tools / Diagnostics Menu 85
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DPX-NT/MD+ Service Manual (Rev. 3 - 2010)
3.3 Diagnostic Scan Modes 88
3.4 Error Log 88
3.5 Service Options93
Chapter 4: Troubleshooting 95
4.0 Diagnostic Failure Codes 97
4.1 Transverse Motion failure 97
4.2 Longitudinal Motion failure 100
4.3 Failure of the DC Power Supply 104
4.4 Emergency Stop Button 104
4.5 Tube Head Thermostat 105
4.6 Communication Error 105
4.7 Other Diagnostic Failure Codes 105
4.8 Failing Quality Assurance Test 106
4.9 Reference Counts 109
4.10 Arcing 112
4.11 Imaging Problems 114
4.12 Failing Alignment Test Results 116
4.13 Indicator Failures 118
4.14 Communications Failures 120
4.15 Viewing Quality Assurance Trends 120
4.16 MAX Board Troubleshooting 121
4.17 OMI/OMD Board Troubleshooting 122
4.18 SBC Troubleshooting 122
4.19 XORB Troubleshooting 123
Chapter 5: Service Procedures 125
5.0 Reloading LUNAR Software 127
5.1 Peaking the Detector 127
5.2 Tube Head Replacement 128
5.3 Lower Cable Bundle Replacement 129
5.4 Upper Cable Bundle Replacement 132
5.5 Tube Head Control Cable Replacement 134
5.6 Tests to Perform after Service 137
Appendix: Associated Service Documentation 141
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DPX-NT/MD+ Service Manual (Rev. 3 - 2010)
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This chapter highlights safety devices and features a Service
Engineer should know before servicing a DPX-NT / MD+
Chapter Contents:
1.0 General Safety
1.1 Symbols and labels found on the DPX-NT / MD+
1.1.1 Symbols
1.1.2 Labels
1.2 Emergency Stop Button
1.3 Laser Exposure
1.4 Shutter Indicator
1.5 Cautions, Warnings, and Notes
1.5.1 Caution Statements
1.5.2 Warning Statements
1.5.3 Note Statements
1.6 Safety Concerns
1.7 Scatter Radiation
1.8 Controlling Computer and Accessories
1.8.1 Electrical Safety
1.9 Peripheral configurations
1.9.1 Standard room configuration
1.9.2 Small room configuration
Figure 1-1. The DPX-NT / MD+ Display Panel
Figure 1-2. Laser Warning Label (All systems except Canada)
Figure 1-3. Laser Warning Label (Canadian Systems only)
Figure 1-4. Laser Warning Symbol (on display panel)
Figure 1-5. Source (x-rays) off - Shutter closed (green)
Figure 1-6. Source (x-rays) on - Shutter open (yellow)
Figure 1-7. Potential Pinch Points on the DPX-NT / MD+
Figure 1-8. DPX-NT Iso-Dose Diagram
Figure 1-9. DPX-MD+ Iso-Dose Diagram
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DPX-NT/MD+ Service Manual (Rev. 3 - 2010)
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1.0 General Safety
DPX-NT/MD+ Service Manual (Rev. 3 - 2010)
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x DO NOT attempt to service the DPX-NT / MD+ without first reading
this manual.
x DO NOT attempt any repairs without prior instructions from
authorized LUNAR personnel.
x In order to maintain electrical safety and electromagnetic
compatibility, the Lunar DPX-NT / MD+ is only to be connected to a
computer, printer, and peripherals that meet IEC requirements for
safety, such as IEC 950/ EN 60950 - “Safety of information
technology equipment, including electrical business equipment” and
IEC 601-1-2 - “Medical electrical equipment”, Part 1: General
requirements for safety, 2. Collateral Standard: Electromagnetic
compatibility - Requirements and tests.
x Ionizing Radiation: Exposure: When power is applied, this
equipment may generate ionizing radiation. Take precautions that no
part of the body passes through the x-ray beam when the equipment
is energized. Avoid scatter radiation during warm-up and testing by
maintaining a safe distance from the x-ray beam. See the Safety and
Specification manual for equipment appropriate distance and other
precautions regarding ionizing radiation. All operators must be
properly trained regarding ionizing radiation and take adequate steps
to protect against injury.
x Electric Shock: This equipment contains high voltages. When the
tabletop/panels/ shrouds are removed, visually confirm that power
cord is unplugged and remains unplugged until power is required to
complete the procedure. When servicing while energized, take
precautions to prevent electric shock.
x Moving Parts and Pinch Points: Avoid moving parts and pinch
points (e.g. belt/pulley, arm/back rail, green wheels/rail).
x Sharp Edges: Take precautions to prevent injury from contact with
component edges (e.g. OMI/OMD wheel, arm slot cover).
x Hot Surfaces: Keep hands clear or allow components to cool before
servicing. (e.g. stepper motors, hard drives, power supplies and
x Heavy Lifting: Obtain help lifting or moving any object weighing over
EHS limits. Ask for assistance when maneuvering awkward objects
(e.g. tabletop).
x Laser Radiation: Do not stare into the laser beam at any time. The
reflection from the tabletop or shutter/collimator assembly is sufficient
to determine if the laser is on.
x Follow appropriate Lockout/Tagout procedures as described in
MyLearning training course GEMS-EHS-LOTOAth.
x Wear appropriate PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) while
servicing the equipment, e.g. eye protection and steel-toe/compositetoe shoes.
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1.1 Symbols and labels found on the DPX-NT /
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DPX-NT/MD+ Service Manual (Rev. 3 - 2010)
1.1.1 Symbols
x The following symbols are found on the DPX-NT / MD+, in the
Operators manual, and in the Service Manual.
Attention: contains important safety information such as the
location of a pinch point.
Emergency Stop Button: shows the location of the emergency
stop button.
Power On: shows the location of the Power On indicator.
Laser On: shows the location of the Laser On indicator.
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Shutter Open:
DPX-NT/MD+ Service Manual (Rev. 3 - 2010)
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shows the location of the Shutter Open indicator.
X-ray On:
Type B Equipment:
shows the location of the X-Ray On indicator.
shows that the scanner has Type B
protection against electrical shock.
Protective Earth:
shows the location of a protective earth
Functional Earth:
shows the location of a functional earth
1.1.2 Labels
• The following labels are found on the DPX-NT / MD+ Scanner.
Laser Caution Label:
Shows that the scanner uses
a Class II laser.
Laser Caution Label:
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Canada only
Tube Head Assembly Label (All
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DPX-NT/MD+ Service Manual (Rev. 3 - 2010)
DPX-MD+ and DPX-NT System
Number 72000 and higher): This
label gives tube head assembly and xray source characteristics information.
It is located on the tube head
assembly and the foot panel of the
Tube Head Assembly Label (DPXNT System Number 71999 and
lower): This label gives tube head
assembly and x-ray source
characteristics information. It is
located on the tube head assembly
and the foot panel of the scanner.
A definition of each symbol on this label follows:
High Voltage Power Supply: This
label gives high voltage power supply
(x-ray generator) information. It is
located on the high voltage power
supply(s), and foot panel of the
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X-ray Controller: This label shows x-ray controller
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compliance. It is located on the foot panel of the scanner.
Collimator Assembly: This label gives collimator assembly
information. It is located on the collimator and foot panel of
the scanner.
Warning Label and Radiation Symbol: The Warning label
shows that the system uses ionizing radiation. It is found only
on systems delivered in the United States. Always obey
instructions for safe operation.
Radiation Label: This label shows that the system uses ionizing
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Grounding Reliability Label:
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DPX-NT/MD+ Service Manual (Rev. 3 - 2010)
This label states that
grounding reliability can only be maintained when using a
“Hospital Grade” or “Hospital Only” receptacle. It is only found
on systems delivered in the United States.
Note:When replacing a certified component (x-ray controller, x-ray
tube head, collimator or high voltage power supply(s)) also
install the duplicate certified component label (supplied with
the repalcement certified component) on the foot end panel of
the scanner. The label for the new part should be palced
directly over the laber for the part it is replacing.
Refer to DXSE3001 DPX-NT / MD+ Label Replacement
Procedure (Chapter 5Appendix I - this manual) for specific
1.2Emergency Stop Button
• The Emergency Stop Button is located on the front of the scan arm of the
DPX-NT / MD+ scanner (see Figure 1-1). When pressed, power is
removed from the X-ray tube head, the laser, and the shutter is closed.
Power is also removed from the scan arm motors, allowing the operator/
patient to push the scan arm out of the way.
Figure 1-1. The DPX-NT / MD+ Display Panel
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1.3Laser Exposure
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• The DPX-NT / MD+ is equipped with a Class II Laser device. This laser is
used for patient positioning. A Class II rating indicates a low power visible
laser that is not normally hazardous to eyesight but has the potential to
be hazardous if viewed directly for an extended period of time. Because
of this potential hazard, DO NOT stare directly into the beam while the
laser is in operation, and DO NOT allow the beam to shine directly into
the patients' eyes. No specific eye protection is required with a Class II
• A amber laser-on indicator, located on the front of the scan arm, is lit
when the laser is on. The program activates the laser during positioning
for an image acquisition. The program then turns off the laser when you
begin the scan. The emergency stop button will turn off the laser.
• There is a caution label (Figure 1.2) on the scan arm near the Display
Figure 1-2. Laser Warning Label (All systems except Canada)
Figure 1-3. Laser Warning Label (Canadian Systems only)
Figure 1-4. Laser Warning Symbol (on display panel)
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Note:DO NOT STARE INTO THE BEAM while the laser is
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1.4Shutter Indicator
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DPX-NT/MD+ Service Manual (Rev. 3 - 2010)
• This symbol is used to indicate an open-shutter condition in accordance
with the safety standards established by the International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).
Figure 1-5. Source (x-rays) off - Shutter closed (green)
Figure 1-6. Source (x-rays) on - Shutter open (yellow)
• This symbol appears near the yellow X-ray shutter-open indicator light.
The X-ray shutter-open indicator light is located on the Display Panel on
the scan arm near the front.
Note:When the x-ray on / shutter open symbol appears in literature
associated with the DPX-NT / MD+ scanner, it will be used to
indicate that the procedure being described results in an openshutter condition. During these times personnel should
exercise caution to avoid excessive exposure to the X-rays.
1.5Cautions, Warnings, and Notes
• This manual contains warning and caution statements wherever
appropriate for your safety. The warnings and cautions used throughout
the manual are based on the safety standards established by the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). In addition, the manual
uses notes to attract the reader's attention to important information.
1.5.1 Caution Statements
A caution statement reflects a condition
that, if not avoided, could cause
equipment or property damage.
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1.5.2 Warning Statements
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1.5.3 Note Statements
Note:This symbol turns the reader's attention to important
information which may otherwise be overlooked.
1.6Safety Concerns
A warning statement reflects a potentially
hazardous condition that, if not avoided, could
result in serious injury.
Because the DPX-NT / MD+ Densitometer
contains moving parts, there are places on the
scanner where there is a danger of pinching.
Operators should be aware of these pinch
points to avoid injury to the patient or
themselves. Labels applied at the LUNAR factory indicate the
location of the pinch points. The pinch points and their labels
are shown in the figure 1-7.
Figure 1-7. Potential Pinch Points on the DPX-NT / MD+
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DO NOT touch live components on the DC power supply - when
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DPX-NT/MD+ Service Manual (Rev. 3 - 2010)
the cover is off of the supply some components (such as the
heat sinks) are at line voltage and present a shock hazard
1.7Scatter Radiation
• There is some scatter radiation from the DPX-NT / MD+ when it is
running. Figure 1-8 shows the radiation dosages while the scanner is
running at 1.50 mA at certain distances.
• These dosages are relatively insignificant as the allowed yearly dosage
for a person working with radiation emitting equipment is 5000 mRem.
Radiation however should be avoided when possible.
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Figure 1-8. DPX-NT Iso-Dose Diagram
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Figure 1-9. DPX-MD+ Iso-Dose Diagram
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1.8Controlling Computer and Accessories
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1.8.1 Electrical Safety
• IEC and UL/CSA certification
Note:Not all scanners produced are built to IEC / UL / CSA
standards - IEC / UL / CSA compliant scanners bear the
appropriate mark on the foot end panel when the scanner was
produced and shipped in its compliant form
To maintain electrical safety, all computer equipment and accessories
connected to the scanner must meet IEC standards for safety, such as IEC
950, “Safety of information technology equipment, including electrical
business equipment,” and IEC 801-5, “EMC Surge Immunity Requirements.”
The computer and all accessories must have “CE” labels.
accessories connected to the scanner must have saftey agency approvals fo
UL/CSA and comply with these standards.
To maintain electrical safety, all computer equipment and
See Operators manual for host computer / peripheral
1.9Peripheral configurations
The correct connection of the computer and all
peripherals is necessary to maintain electrical safety.
The signal cable of the scanner is intended only for
connection to an approved computer. Call LUNAR
Support or your LUNAR distributor before adding
1.9.1 Standard room configuration
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