GE Healthcare
Proven performance.
LOGIQ® P5 ultrasound system

Timeless results
Clinicians around the world have
made LOGIQ P5 one of the most widely
accepted GE ultrasound systems.
Building upon this solid platform, we
continue to extend the performance
and clinical capabilities of the LOGIQ P5.

The affordable, full-featured LOGIQ P5 delivers exceptional
performance across many care areas – meeting the
demands of specialties such as general imaging, women’s
healthcare and urology. And the LOGIQ P5 features many
breakthrough technologies migrated from our advanced
ultrasound platforms.
Leading capabilities
With a balanced combination of technology and performance,
the LOGIQ P5 delivers exceptional image quality to meet
your clinical needs. Many advanced applications from our
high-end ultrasound systems – such as Speckle Reduction
Imaging (SRI), CrossXBeam™ imaging, Auto Optimization
(AO) and Phase Inversion Harmonics – bring you enhanced
image quality.
Enhanced 4D performance
The LOGIQ P5 gives you affordable access to high-quality
4D imaging. A new, advanced SRI algorithm and streamlined
workflow deliver easier and faster 4D studies that result in
improved image quality.
Advanced transducer technology
Single-crystal probes offer ultra-wide
bandwidth and high sensitivity for
better cardiac imaging
A great fit for many specialties
The LOGIQ P5 fits in well across a broad range of clinical
applications and specialty areas. Specialized transducers,
high-resolution image quality and convenient workflow tools
make it well suited for urology. Its 4D workflow, exceptional
image quality and tailored report packages are ideal for OB/GYN.
Exceptional ultrasound that’s easily portable
Lightweight and easy to maneuver, the highly mobile LOGIQ P5
can be moved effortlessly from patient to patient, or room
to room.