GE Healthcare LOGIQ e B-Steer Brochure

GE Healthcare
Moving the needle forward, once again.
To know where you’re going, you need accurate vision. LOGIQ* e gives you our “always on” feature to help provide more accurate vision in three key areas—needle, anatomy and motion—even in Color and Power Doppler. This enhanced ultrasound guidance enables you to have better consistency, reduced complications and improved patient care.
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e B-Steer + Needle Recognition.
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B-Steer + Needle Recognition Accuracy redefined.
Needle-guided procedures require precision. LOGIQ e provides this “always on” feature that accurately reveals the structure of a needle within anatomy, without distortion of the needle. You can see the needle advance in real time, with no image processing delays.
Our Needle Recognition harnesses pattern-recognition technology, which is seamlessly integrated with our proprietary B-Steer + and CrossXBeam features to further enhance definition of needle and anatomy.
Set B-Steer + Needle Recognition on as a preset, and it’s always on. There’s no need to turn it on or off, unless you want to. Seamlessly use the feature, and maintain focus on the procedure and patient. You have two “easy on” options.
Always on: Save as an automatic preset, so it is always on. No need to toggle between menus or make ultrasound adjustments during your procedures.
Touch of one button: Or, you also have the flexibility to keep it off and use it at your discretion. Simply activate this feature with the touch of one button.
More accurate needle: Reduce ambiguity and reflect actual needle
width and placement. No needle “blooming” or distortion. Easily view the needle at various angles and depths for shallow and deep approaches with a variety of needles.
More accurate anatomy: Precisely visualize your target and
surrounding anatomy – all with defined edges and detail. Activate B-Steer + Needle Recognition in Color or Power Doppler to help you identify or avoid vasculature.
More accurate motion: See exactly where your needle and tip is in
relationship to your target, vessels or other anatomy within your region of interest. Responsive digital processing keeps your needle approach and anatomy accurately displayed in real time.
GE Healthcare 9900 Innovation Drive Wauwatosa, WI 53226 U.S.A. 888 526 5144
Breast Mass Injection using 12L-RS transducer
TAP Block procedure using 12L-RS transducer
©2011 General Electric Company – All right s reser ved.
General Electric Company reser ves the right to make changes in specifications and features shown herein, or discontinue the product described at any time without notice or obligation. Contact your GE Representative for the most current information.
*GE, GE Monogram, LOGIQ and CrossXBeam are trademarks of General Electric Company.
Knee Injection using 12L-RS transducer
Shoulder Injection using 12L-RS transducer