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<![endif]>OPAL ICE MAKER

SAFETY INFORMATION. . . . . 3 PARTS INCLUDED. . . . . . . . .5 GETTING STARTED. . . . . . . .6 CARE AND CLEANING. . . . . . 7 DISPLAY SETTINGS. . . . . . . 10

MAKING ICE.. . . . . . . . . . . 11 DRAINING. . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 WATER FILTER. . . . . . . . . . 11




Write the model and serial numbers here: Model #_________________

Serial #__________________

Find these numbers on a label on the back of the unit.





GE is a trademark of the General Electric Company. Manufactured under trademark license.

49-1000418 Rev. 6 02-21 GEA


Whether you grew up with GE Appliances, or this is your first, we’re happy to have you in the family.

We take pride in the craftsmanship, innovation and design that goes into every GE Appliances product, and we think you will too. Among other things, registration of your appliance ensures that we can deliver important product information and warranty details when you need them.

The Good Ice™


49-1000418 Rev. 6



WARNING To reduce the risk of fire, explosion, electric shock, exposure to UV radiation, or injury when using your Opal, follow these basic safety precautions.

Do not, under any circumstances, alter or remove the third

(ground) prong from the power cord. For personal safety, this product must be properly grounded.

Do not exceed power outlet ratings. It is recommended that the ice maker is connected to its own circuit. Use only a 115 V, 60 Hz standard electrical supply that is properly grounded in accordance with the National Electric Code and local codes and ordinances.

Due to potential safety hazards under certain conditions, we strongly advise against the use of an extension cord. However, if you must use an extension cord, it is absolutely necessary that it is a UL-listed, 3-wire ground type appliance extension cord having a grounding type plug and that the electrical rating of the cord be 15

Amperes (minimum) and 120 Volts.

This product must be properly installed and located in accordance with the installation instructions before it is used. Product is for indoor household use only. Do not use outdoors.

Do not store or use flammable vapors or liquids near this product.

Do not allow children to climb, stand, or hang on the ice maker. They could seriously injure themselves.

Do not look directly at UV lamp when it is operating. The light emitted by the lamp will cause serious eye damage and burn unprotected skin.

In order to avoid exposure to UV radiation, disconnect power to the ice maker before removing the external


Do not use with water that is micro-biologically unsafe or of unknown quality.

Place power cord in such a way it cannot be pulled on by children or cause a tripping hazard.

Place power cord in such a way that it is not in contact with hot surfaces.

Do not operate if any component, including the cord or plug, is damaged.

Unplug the product before cleaning by hand and when not in use.

Do not immerse any part of the product in water.

Do not plug or unplug product with wet hands.

Do not attempt to disassemble, repair, modify, or replace any part of your product.

Use this product only for its intended purpose as described in this user manual.

Do not use any accessories not recommended by the manufacturer.

When handling, installing, and operating the appliance, care should be taken to avoid damage to the refrigerant tubing.

Servicing shall be performed by factory authorized service personnel and component parts shall be replaced with manufacturer authorized replacement components.



To reduce the risk of injury when using your Opal, follow these basic safety









■ Do not remove any safety, warning, or product information

■ Lifting Hazard: It is recommended to have two people


labels from your ice maker.

move and install the ice maker in order to prevent injury.






This appliance contains isobutane refrigerant, also known as R600a, a natural gas with high environmental compatibility. Howber, it is also combustible. Adhere to the warnings below to reduce the risk of injury or property damage.

1.When handling, installing, and operating the appliance, care should be taken to avoid damage to the refrigerant tubing.

2.Service shall only be performed by authorized service personnel. Use only manufacturer-authorized service parts.

3.Dispose of refrigerator in accordance with Federal and Local Regulations. The flammable refrigerant and insulation material used in this product require special

disposal procedures. Contact your local authorities for the environmentally safe disposal of your refrigerator.

4.Keep ventilation openings in the appliance enclosures or in the built-in structure clear of obstruction.

5.To remove frost, scrape with a plastic or wood spatula or scraper. Do not use an ice pick or a metal or sharp-edged instrument as it may punture the freezer liner and then the flammable refrigerant tubing behind it.

6.Do not use electrical appliances inside the food storage compartment of the appliance.

7.Do not use any electrical device to defrost your appliance


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AVERTISSEMENT Pour réduire le risque d'incendie, d'explosion, de choc électrique, d’exposition aux rayons UV ou de blessure lors de l’utilisation de votre

Opal, observez les consignes de sécurité élémentaires suivantes.

En cas, vous ne devez modifier ni retirer la troisième broche (terre) du cordon électrique. Pour votre sécurité, ce produit doit être correctement mis à la terre.

N'excédez pas les valeurs nominales de la prise électrique. Nous recommandons que la machine à glaçons soit branchée

àson propre circuit. Utilisez uniquement une alimentation électrique standard de 115 V, 60 Hz, correctement mise à la terre conformément au code national de l'électricité et aux codes et règlements locaux en vigueur.

En raison de risques potentiels pour la sécurité dans certaines conditions, nous vous mettons fortement en garde contre l'utilisation d'un cordon prolongateur. Si toutefois vous devez utilizer un cordon prolongateur, celui-ci doit présenter les caractéristiques suivantes : type pour électroménagers à trois broches avec mise à la terre, fiche avec mise à la terre,

homologation UL, valeurs nominales de 15 ampères (minimum) et 120 volts.

Ce produit doit être installé correctement et placé conformément aux instructions d'installation avant son utilisation. Ce produit est destiné à un usage domestique à l'intérieur seulement. Ne l'utilisez pas à l'extérieur.

Ne rangez ni n'utilisez des vapeurs ou des liquides inflammables

àproximité de ce produit.

Ne permettez pas aux enfants de grimper sur la machine à glaçons, ni de s'y tenir ou s'y agripper. Ils pourraient se blesser gravement.

Ne regardez pas la lampe UV directement lorsqu'elle est allumée. La lumière émise par la lampe peut causer des lésions sévères aux yeux ou brûler la peau non protégée.

Afin de prévenir l'exposition aux radiations UV, débranchez l'alimentation électrique à la machine à glaçons avant de retirer les couvercles extérieurs.

N'utilisez pas d'eau impropre à la consommation ou de qualité douteuse sur le plan microbiologique.

Placez le cordon électrique de façon qu'il ne soit pas tiré par les enfants et qu'il ne pose pas un risque de trébuchement.

Placez le cordon électrique de façon qu'il ne touche pas aux surfaces chaudes.

Ne faites pas fonctionner l'appareil si un de ses composants, cordon et fiche inclus, est endommagé.

Débranchez le produit avant de le nettoyer à la main ou lorsqu'il n'est pas utilisé.

N'immergez aucune pièce de ce produit dans l'eau.

Ne branchez ni ne débranchez le produit avec les mains mouillées.

Ne tentez pas de démonter, réparer, modifier ou remplacer une pièce quelconque de ce produit.

Utilisez ce produit uniquement aux fins auxquelles il est destiné qui sont décrites dans ce manuel d'utilisation.

N'utilisez aucun accessoire qui n'est pas recommandé par le fabricant.

Lors de la manipulation, de l'installation et de l'utilisation de l'appareil, veillez à ne pas endommager le tube de réfrigérant.

L'entretien doit être effectué par du personnel de service autorisé par l'usine et les composants doivent être remplacés par des pièces de rechange autorisées par le fabricant.l.



Pour réduire le risque de blessure lors de l’utilisation de votre Opal, observez





les consignes de sécurité élémentaires suivantes

■ Ne retirez aucune étiquette apposée sur la machine à glaçons qui

■ Risque associé à une charge lourde : Nous recommandons que


présente des renseignements sur la sécurité, les avertissements

deux personnes déplacent et installent la machine à glaçons afin


ou le produit.


de prévenir les blessures.






Cet électroménager contient le réfrigérant isobutane, aussi connu comme R600a, un gaz naturel à compatibilité élevée avec l’environnement. Il s’agit cependant d’un combustible. Observez les consignes de sécurité ci-dessous afin de

réduire le risque de blessure ou de dommage à la propriété.

1.Lors de la manipulation, de l’installation et de l’utilisation de cet appareil, prenez soin de ne pas endommager les tubes de circulation du fluide frigorigène.

2.L’entretien ou la réparation doivent être effectués par un personnel de service autorisé. Utilisez seulement des pièces de rechange autorisées par le fabricant.

3.Mettez le réfrigérateur au rebut conformément aux réglementations fédérales et locales. Le fluide frigorigène inflammable et le matériel isolant utilisés nécessitent des procédures de mise au rebut spéciales. Communiquez avec les autorités locales compétentes pour la mise au rebut de votre réfrigérateur sans danger pour


4.N’obstruez pas les évents dans l’enceinte prévue pour l’appareil.

5.Pour retirer le givre, grattez à l’aide d’un grattoir ou d’une spatule en plastique ou en bois. N’utilisez pas un pic à glace ni un instrument métallique ou aux arêtes coupantes car il y a risque de percer la doublure du congélateur et la tubulure du réfrigérant inflammable derrière elle.

6.N’utilisez pas d’appareils électriques dans le compartiment réfrigérateur de cet appareil.

7.N’utilisez aucun appareil électrique pour dégivrer votre congélateur.



49-1000418 Rev. 6

Parts Included

Opal Ice Maker

Ice Scoop

OPAL Nugget Ice Maker

Quickstart Guide

IMPORTANT: Read and understand all safety instructions detailed in Owner's Manual before using the Opal.

Cleaning the Ice Bin and Water Reservoir

Remove the ice bin and wash with warm soapy water, then rinse thoroughly. Use a damp sponge to wipe down the water reservoir. Do not get any soap inside your Opal icemaker.

Rinsing Opal's Internal Components

1.Fill the water reservoir to the upper fill line.

2.Plug in the Opal. Turn the mode switch on the back to Cleaning.

3.The display ring around the button will begin to pulse a yellow color. Touch the button and Opal will begin the automatic rinse cycle.




4. As Opal rinses, a yellow light will spin and you will see and hear water circulating.




Side Tank Accessory

NOTE: Only included with model OPAL01GEPKT.

Ice Bin

49-1000419 Rev. 0 08-19 GEA

Quick Start Guide Drip Tray

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Getting Started

Installation Requirements

CAUTION Lifting Hazard: It is recommended to have two people move and install the ice maker in order to prevent injury.

Product is designed to be installed indoors. Do not use your ice maker outdoors.

Product must be installed upright on a flat, level surface that is able to support the total weight when full of water.

Ensure a minimum of three inches (3") clearance around the side and back walls of the ice maker for proper air circulation.

Install the product in a well-ventilated area with an ambient temperature between 55°F and 90°F.

Do not place the product near heat sources such as ovens or cooktops.

Do not place the product in direct sunlight.

Prepare Opal For Use

1.Carefully remove packing material. Do not use sharp tools that can damage the box contents.

2.Ensure all components are present. If any item is missing, please contact 1.866.907.6718.

3.Place the ice maker upright on a flat, level surface and plug it in.

4.Install drip tray by sliding it under the front edge of

Opal. The tray slots should align with the front feet of Opal.

5.Rinse the ice maker with clean water for five minutes before first use. Start with step 4 of cleaning instructions on page 6. It is not necessary to use bleach for the first rinse.

NOTICE Some types of under-cabinet lamps can be hot enough to cause damage to your Opal top's appearance.




49-1000418 Rev. 6

Care and Cleaning

To keep your nugget ice tasting fresh and your Opal looking great, we recommend cleaning/sanitizing your

Opal at least once per week.

To clean the exterior of the ice maker, unplug the product, then use a soft cloth dampened with soapy water to gently clean the exterior surfaces. Dry with a soft cloth.

The exterior stainless steel surfaces can be cleaned with commercially available stainless steel cleaner. Use only a liquid cleaner free of grit and rub in the direction of the brush lines with a damp, soft sponge. Do not use appliance wax, polish, solvents, or chemicals on the stainless steel. Do not use soap to clean the reservoir. Use a soft cloth moistened with water.

WARNING Chemical Exposure Hazard, when cleaning with bleach, use bleach in a well ventilated area and avoid mixing bleach with other household cleaners.

WARNING Unplug the product before cleaning by hand, and when not in use.

System Cleaning / Sanitizing Procedure

To clean Opal's internal components, complete the following steps:

1.Unplug Opal.

2.Remove water filter (if present), and replace with the reservoir's screened intake cap.

See Figure 1.

3.Drain Opal (see page 8 for detailed instructions).

Figure 1

Cleaning Ice

4.Plug in Opal and slide the rear switch to the "clean" position.

See figure 2.

5.The display ring will light up yellow and pulse.

See figure 3.

NOTE: Do not use soap to clean the water reservoir.

6.Create a solution of five cups of water and one tsp household bleach. Skip to page 8 for further

instructions on how to remove hard mineral deposits.

7.Pour solution into water reservoir.

See figure 4.

Figure 2

Figure 3



Fill Line

Figure 4

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Care and Cleaning

System Cleaning / Sanitizing Procedure (continued)


8. Touch the display button to start the cleaning process, the light will start to spin and you will hear water circulating. After three minutes the water will stop and

the light will begin to pulse again.

Pull up to unhook

9. When the light pulses, drain Opal.

10.Unhook the top of the drain hoses at the back of the unit. See figure 5.

11.Then lay them down to drain into a sink or bucket that is below the level of the ice maker. See figure 6 and 7.

12.Remove the plugs and allow the water to completely drain. See figure 7.

13.Once water stops flowing, re-insert the drain plugs.

14.Add five cups of fresh water to the water reservoir, and touch the button. The light ring is divided into four sections to indicated each stage. Successive quarters of the ring will become brighter with each rinse cycle.

15.Rinse three times with fresh water. Repeat steps 8 through 14 two more times, adding fresh water to the reservoir each time. (You may continue to repeat the rinse cycle, for as many times as you like.

16.Replace drain tubes on back. See figure 8.

17.When complete, slide the rear switch back to "Ice" mode. See figure 9.

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Replace drain tubes

Figure 8

Cleaning Ice

Figure 9


49-1000418 Rev. 6


Care and Cleaning

Removal of Mineral Deposits

1. Fill the reservoir with white vinegar to the max fill line and run up to three cleaning cycles. Or purchase an Opal Cleaning Kit and follow instructions inside.

2. If using vinegar, leave the vinegar in the unit for 18 hours and set a vinegar-soaked towel on the ice chute overnight to further dissolve any mineral buildup. See figure 10.

3. Clean the sensors with vinegar and wipe clean with water. After draining the vinegar, run three rinse cycles, using fresh water for each rinse. See figures 11, 12, and 13 to reference

location of the sensors. Appearance may vary based on model.

Figure 10


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Figure 11

Figure 12

Figure 13

Cleaning the Bin and Tray

To clean the ice bin, remove the ice bin from the ice maker and clean with a soft cloth dampened with soapy water.

Rinse thoroughly. Dry with a soft cloth. Do not use solvents or chemicals.

The drip tray should be wiped dry. Water left in this area may leave deposits. To clean the drip tray, remove the tray from Opal and use a soft cloth dampened with mild soapy water to gently clean the surface. Dry with a soft cloth. Do not use solvents or chemicals.

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Understanding the display

Opal uses an innovative light ring to let you know what it is doing.



Touch once to turn Opal ON or OFF

Touch and hold for 3 seconds to dim the interior lighting if desired.

Display Ring

Displays status of the Opal ice maker. See below for details.

Mode switch (located on back)

Switch in "Ice" position places Opal in ice making mode. Switch in "Cleaning" position places Opal in cleaning mode.

Display Ring

Cleaning Ice


Falling White: Opal is currently making ice.


Solid white: Ice bin is full. Opal is no longer continuing to make ice.

White and blue


Pulsing yellow: Opal is in cleaning mode, awaiting drain and refill confirmation


Rotating yellow: Opal is rinsing (cleaning mode)



Slowly falling white:

Switching blue: Opal

Opal is defrosting.

Please do not unplug

needs more water

or turn off, this takes



30 minutes.


49-1000418 Rev. 6

Making Ice with Opal

Once Opal has been cleaned/sanitised, move the ice maker to its desired location and complete the following steps.

1.Remove ice bin.

2.Fill reservoir with potable (safe to drink) water up to the "Max Fill" line. Water hardness must be less than 12 grains per gallon. Do not fill reservoir with any liquid except water. Using any liquid except potable water is misuse and will void your warranty.

3.Plug the ice maker into a grounded outlet.

4.Touch the display button to start the ice maker. The display will flash green to indicate the ice maker is ON, then transition to the falling white display.

5.Opal will begin to produce ice in 15-30 minutes. It will continue to make ice until the bin is full, or it runs out of water. To continue making ice, just add more water.

Max fill line

Water Reservoir

Draining Opal

We recommend draining your Opal when:










1. You put it away or anytime it's being relocated

3. You are not using much ice. Continous recirculation

2. You turn it off for more than a few days. (i.e. vacation)

of meltwater may affect taste. For best results, drain

your Opal.


Water Filter










The Opal Water Filter, is available at GEAppliances

NOTE: Remove your water filter (if installed) and

and is the only water filter compatible with Opal. Please

reinstall the screened intake cap prior to cleaning your

follow the installation instructions included with your filter. Opal.

Side View


Front View











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Water Filter

Water filter snaps into place

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Side Tank Accessory

NOTE: The Side Tank Accessory is only included with model number OPAL01GEPKT.

NOTE: There are two drain tubes located on the back of your Opal Nugget Ice Maker indicated as drain tube A and B in the illustration on page 12.

1. Hand Wash Only: Rinse and hand wash Opal Side Tank with warm water and a mild dish soap. Remove Opal Side Tank’s cap and wash the cap and rubber valve with water and a mild dish soap. The Side Tank base can be washed by disconnecting the hose and adding a small amount of soapy water to it. Scrub as needed and rinse thoroughly. The rinse water should drain out the port in the back.

Rinse the cap, rubber valve, tank and the base well to

remove any residual soap (see illustration).

Side Tank

Cap and




2.Unplug Opal Nugget Ice Maker. Unhook Opal’s drain tubes and drain the water from the reservoir.

3.Connect drain tube, labeled B, to the back of Opal Side

Tank’s base.

4.Make sure drain tube (A) is connected to the black hanger and installed on the back of Opal.

5.Make sure drain tube (B) connecting to the Side Tank is resting fat on the countertop.



Unplug this drain tube (B) from the black hanger and connect this tube to the

Side Tank.

Plug drain tube B into the side tank here.


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+ 26 hidden pages