The detection range increases as the vehicles travel slower.
4. In a location where it will not be disturbed.
Driveway Monitor
User's Manual
Inst al li ng Ba tt er ies i n Sen so r
1. Remove four screws on back of sensor and carefully remove cover.
2. Install 2 "C" Alkaline batteries noting polarity.
3. Replace cover and screws.
Sens or P lac em en t - C hoo si ng th e Ri ght L oca ti on
Decreasing the velocity from 20mph to Wmph increases the
detection range by 3ft for both cases above.
For best results, use the following guidelines to place your sensor.
Use the figure provided as a guide. Placing the sensor as Indicated
will ensure W0% detection accuracy for all types of vehicles.
Place the sensor...
1. At most 3ft from the driveway.
The sensor will not trigger if the car lane on the driveway is outside
the range of detection. The sensor will trigger W0% of the time as
long as the vehicle passes through the INSIDE of the detection range.
2. At least 25ft (about 10 paces) from the street.
Placing the sensor too close to the street may lead to false
triggering as vehicles drive by.
Keep the sensor away from snow plows, lawn mowers and other
equipment Magnetic fields penetrate snow so there is no need
to plow around the sensor unit during winter months.
Inst al li ng th e Sen so r
The sensor is packaged with a stake and length-extending
attachment For best results, use both the stake and
attachment to keep the sensor as high off the ground
as possible. Doing so will ensure that vehicles with
a high profile are detected (e.g. SUVsj.
Make sure the mounting location ground is hard enough
to support the sensor and that the area is not susceptible
to rain water collection. Assemble the unit as shown on
the figure on the right and drive the stake into the ground.
Make sure the stake goes into the ground by a total of at
o o o
GE is a trademark of the
The sensor uses a special magnetic coil that detects small changes
in the magnetic held that occur as a result of large metal objects
(e.g. vehicle}. The sensor range of detection varies by vehicle size
and speed The larger and slower the vehicle, the wider the detec
tion range. See the following graph fora detailed detection profile.
SUV or van traveling
at 20 miles per hour
at 20 mill
ïr trave ling /
ÏS per hour
3. At most 200ft from the indoor alert unit.
Walls and other obstructions (e.g. metalj degrade wireless signals.
Place the sensor and Indoor alert unit as close to each other as possible.
maximum detection
range (radius): 18
least 6 inches.
The sensor installation is complete. Now, every time
a vehicle drives into its detection radius, it will send
a signal to the indoor alert unit
Indo or A ler t Uni t Pl ac eme nt - Ch oos in g the R ig ht Lo ca tio n
IMPO RT ANT ! Make sure there is an electrical outlet near
your selected location.
As previously mentioned, walls and other obstructions
(e.g. metal} degrade wireless signals. Place the alert unit
as close as possible to the sensor. Place the alert unit
on a window sill that faces the driveway or on flat keyhole]
General Electric Company
and is used under license to
Jasco Products Company LLC,
311 N.W. 122nd Street,
Oklahoma City, OK 73114.
Questions? Call 1-800-654-8483
Or visit us at www.jascoproducts.com
9ft 12ft
detection range
15ft 18ft
surface close to the window. slot
For wall mounting, use a screw with a head
diameter that fits in the keyhole slot on the back
of the unit. Insert the screw directly into the wall,
leaving about1/4" exposed. Place the alert unit

keyhole slot over the screw and slide the unit into position
Check the outdoor sensor battery status often. If the low battery
CAUT IO N: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the
as shown in the figure on the right.
indicator on the indoor alert unit turns on, make sure to replace the
batteries on the sensor as quickly as possible.
Powe ri ng th e In doo r Al ert U nit
1. Plug AC adapter jack into indoor alert unit.
2. Plug AC adapter into standard outlet.
3. Power indicator (RED) will turn on and unit will beep.
Make sure the sensor and indoor alert unit are as close to each other
as possible. The wireless range may be affected by heavy obstructions
or interference.
Each time the outdoor sensor detects a vehicle, the indoor alert
unit will beep and the visitor indicator (GREEN) will turn on. Press
the RESET button to return the unit to standby mode. The visitor
indicator will remain off until the sensor detects a new vehicle.
Use the knob on the side of the indoor alert unit to adjust the
To clean the Driveway Monitor, use a soft cloth slightly dampened with
water, then wipe dry. Do not use chemical agents as this may damage
and discolor the Driveway Monitor.
RFTransmission Frequency
volume to the desired setting.
RFTransmission Range.......................................... 400 ft*
The low battery indicator (RED) will turn on when the sensor
Compact vehicle detection range
batteries need to be replaced. Refer to the Inst al li ng Ba tt eri es
(100% accuracy at 20 mph)
in S en so r for detailed instructions on howto replace the batteries.
SUV or Van detection range
Fals e Al ert s
False alert may be caused by vehicles driving by on the street
Make sure the sensor is installed at least25ft from the street
The sensor may trigger a false alert on extremely windy days,
(100% accuracy at 20 mph)
Main Unit
* Range is affected by many factors, including but not limited to:
12V DC/120V AC Power Supply (included)
party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to
operate the equipment.
NOTE : This equipment has been tested and found to comply
with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15
of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
The equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency
energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur
in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful
433 MHz
interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more
of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
12 ft
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver
• Connect the equipment into an outlet in a circuit different from
2 C Alkaline batteries
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help
that to which the receiver is connected
Limitations of Alarm Products
This product should be tested weekly to make sure it is working properly. The
product, if used properly, may reduce the risk of burglary, robbery, fire, or other
adverse events. However, JASCO is not an insurer, this product is neither
insurance nor a guarantee that such an event will be prevented, and users
should protect themselves with proper insurance. JASCO makes no
representation that this product cannot be compromised or circumvented, that
it will provide an adequate warning, or that it will prevent any personal injuries,
property damage, or other losses. Like any alarm product, including expensive
commercial systems, it may be bypassed, it is subject to compromise, and it
may fail to warn for a variety of reasons, including, but not limited to: improper
installation or positioning; improper maintenance; tampering; dead or
improperly installed batteries; sensing limitations; component failures; smoke
may not reach detectors; for wireless systems, the functional range may be
adversely affected by certain environmental conditions, radio frequency
interference and obstructions between the transmitters and receivers; for
systems using telephone lines, the lines may be out of service or disrupted; for
infrared products, intrusions may be outside of a products designed range
and certain environmental conditions may impact performance and audible
alarm signals may be outside of hearing range, muted by doors, walls, and
floors, unheard by deep sleepers or the hearing-impaired, or overwhelmed by
other sounds.
90 DAY LIMITED WARRANTY: Jasco Products Company warrants this product
to be free from manufacturing defects for a period of ninety days from the
original date of consumer purchase. This warranty is limited to the repair or
replacement of this product only and does not extend to consequential or
since the internal sensing coil will vibrate within a static magnetic
field. If the coil is stationary, a changing magnetic field triggers it
If the magnetic field is static, the coil triggers if it itself vibrates.
Fail ur e to Al er t
The sensorwill not trigger if it is placed too far from the driveway.
The detection radius needs to extend over the driveway.
Some compact vehicles are made of fiberglass (not metal). The
less metal in the vehicle, the harder it is for the sensor to trigger.
walls and aluminum siding, obstacles between the sensor and
main unit, interference from remote controls, door chimes, and
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject
to the following two conditions:
1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and;
2. This device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.
Batteries may leak harmful liquids or ignitable
materials or explode causing injury and product
• Do not mix old and new or other battery types
• Replace all batteries at the same time
• Replace fully discharged batteries immediately
incidental damage to other products that may be used with this unit. This
warranty is in lieu of all other warranties express or implied. Some states do
not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or permit the
exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above
limitations may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific rights, and
you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. If unit should
prove defective within the warranty period, return prepaid with dated proof of
purchase to:
Jasco Products Company
311 N.W. 122nd
Oklahoma City, OK. 73114
45108 1/3/05