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190-01499-02GTX 3X5 Transponder TSO Installation Manual
Rev. 4Page A
RevisionRevision DateSubject
212/14/15Reorganized manual.
32/11/16Rewrote for clarity. Refer to current revision description.
Added information for vertical remote mount and other minor edits.Refer
to current revision description.
190-01499-02GTX 3X5 Transponder TSO Installation Manual
Rev. 4Page B
4.9Added “Vertical Remote Mount Unit Installation and Removal” section.
Appendix B
Appendix D
Added backplate and updated weights in table 1-3.
Added vertical remote mount characteristics to table 1-4.
Added “GTX 3X5 Vertical Remote Mount” as figure B-5.
Added “GTX 3X5 Vertical Remote Mount Dimensions and CG” as figure B-6.
Updated figure D-3.
Updated note 1 of figure D-10.
Renamed figure D-16 to “Altitude Source Interconnect.”
Added note 6 to figure D-16.
Updated figure D-17.
190-01499-02GTX 3X5 Transponder TSO Installation Manual
Rev. 4Page C
This document may contain information which is subject to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR)
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A warning means injury or death is possible if the instructions are not
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A note gives more information.
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accordance with California's Proposition 65. If you have any questions or would like
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Perchlorate Material – special handling can apply.
Refer to www.dtsc.ca.gov./hazardouswaste/perchlorate
All screen shots used in this document are current at the time of publication. Screen shots
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190-01499-02GTX 3X5 Transponder TSO Installation Manual
Rev. 4Page i
Garmin recommends installation of the GTX 3X5 by a Garmin–authorized installer.
Garmin will not be liable for damages that result fr om improper or negligent installation
of the GTX 3X5 to the extent permitted by law. Contact Garmin Aviation Product Support
at (888) 606-5482 for questions.
This manual gives mechanical and electrical information to install the GTX 3X5 into an aircraft. It is not
equivalent to an approved airframe-specific maintenance manual, installation design drawing, or
installation data package. The content of this manual assumes use by competent and qualified avionics
engineering personnel and/or avionics installation specialist using standard maintenance procedures in
accordance with Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulation and other related accepted procedures.
The GTX 3X5 models include Mode S/ES transponders. Mode S/ES models have an optional internal GPS/SBAS receiver. Model names with an R indicate remote
mount units. These units do not include a display or keypad.
Table 1-1 GTX 3X5 Units
External ADS-B controlXXXXX
ARINC 429 data concentratorXXXXXXXXX
ADS-B In with alerting
(UAT and 1090 MHz)
Connext (via Bluetooth) XXXX
TIS trafficXXXXX
ADS-B In and TAS/TCAS traffic
HSDB forwardingXXXX
Pressure sensor module
Flight timersXXXXX
Audio outputXXXXXXXXX
GTX 335
GTX 335 NVGTX 335
w/ GPS
GTX 335R
GTX 335R
GTX 345
GTX 345
GTX 345R
GTX 345R
w/ GPS
Interface to Garmin display
Shows pressure altitude, outside
air temperature, and density
References made to GTX 3X5 apply to all GTX 3X5 models, except when noted.
The term squitter refers to a burst or broadcast of aircraft-tracking data that is periodically transmittedby a
Mode S transponder without radar interrogation. The GTX 3X5 Mode S/ES models transmit
ADS-B Out ES. These transmissions contain additional aircraft information that includes GPS based
location information.
These abbreviations and acronyms are used in this document.
ACAdvisory Circular
ADFAutomatic Direction Finder
ADS-BAutomatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast
ADS-RAutomatic Dependent Surveillance-Rebroadcast
AFMSAircraft Flight Manual Supplement
AIRMETAirmen Meteorological Information
APIAppliance Project Identifier
CDTI Cockpit Display of Traffic Information
ATCRBSAir Traffic Control Radar Beacon System
CFRCode of Federal Regulations
CGCenter of Gravity
CONUSContinental United States
CSAConflict Situational Awareness
DCDirect Current
DMEDistance Measuring Equipment
EQFEnvironmental Qualification Form
ESExtended Squitter
FAAFederal Aviation Administration
FCCFederal Communications Commission
FCUFlight Control Unit
FIS-BFlight Information Services-Broadcast
FMSFlight Manual Supplement
GAEGarmin Altitude Encoder
GNSSGlobal Navigation Satellite System
GPSGlobal Positioning System
GTXGarmin Transponder
HSDBHigh Speed Data Bus
MCPMode Control Panel
METARMeteorological Aviation Report
MFDMultifunction Display
MSRMessage Success Rate
NOTAMNotice to Airmen
NEXRADNext Generation Radar
OATOutside Air Temperature
PEDPortable Electronic Device
PIREPPilot Weather Report
POHPilot Operating Handbook
RAIMReceiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring
RFMSRotorcraft Flight Manual Supplement
SATCOMSatellite Communications
SBASSatellite-Based Augmentation System
SIGMETSignificant Meteorological Information
SILSource Integrity Level
SPISpecial Position Indicator
SUASpecial Use Airspace
TAFTerminal Area Forecast
TASTraffic Advisory System
TCASTraffic Collision Avoidance System
TISTraffic Information Service
TIS-BTraffic Information Service-Broadcast
TSOTechnical Standard Order
UATUniversal Access Transceiver
UHFUltra-High Frequency
USBUniversal Serial Bus
VHFVery High Frequency
VSWRVoltage Standing Wave Ratio
WAASWide Area Augmentation System
The GTX 335 and GTX 345 include ADS-B Out capabilities when installed with an approved internal or
external GPS position source.
1.4.2ADS-B In
The GTX 345 includes receivers for both the UAT and the 1090 MHz frequency bands for all ADS-B In
data reception capabilities. The GTX 345 receives ADS-B transmissions from other ADS-B Out equipped
aircraft, ADS-R, and TIS-B information from ground stations. Traffic information received from ADS-B,
ADS-R, and TIS-B transmissions supplies compatible ADS-B In data to CDTIs to show the pilot.
1.4.3Installation Approval for ADS-B Systems
The conditions and tests necessary for TSO approval of the GTX 3X5 are minimum performance
standards. It is the responsibility of the installer to determine if the aircraft installation conditions are
within the TSO standards. TSO units must have separate approval to install in an aircraft. The GTX 3X5
can be installed only in compliance with 14 CFR Part 43 or the applicable airworthiness requirements.
All GTX 3X5 unit functions are design-approved under the TSO. Changes or modifications to any unit that
are not approved can void the compliance to necessary regulations and authorization for continued
equipment usage.
It is the installer’s responsibility to make sure the ADS-B Out system installation is compliant with
14 CFR 91.227 and to make sure compatibility between the GTX 3X5 and the ADS-B Out equipment.
Refer to Garmin ADS-B Out Compatible Equipment, for compatible equipment that is applicable for
14 CFR 91.227-compliant installations in accordance with AC 20-165A. FIS-B information is for pilotplanning and pilot near-term decisions. The information shown are areas of inclement weather that are out
of visual range or are not easily seen.
1.5FIS-B Capabilities
The GTX 345 receives FIS-B information from UAT ground stations in the United States. A direct line-ofsight between the ground station and aircraft is necessary to receive FIS-B data. The data is not available at
ground level in some locations. The GTX 345 supplies the data to compatible displays. Depending on the
CDTI it can show:
The GTX 335 supplies information about nearby traffic through the FAA provided radar based TIS.
Advisory traffic information is shown on a compatible Garmin display. Garmin units capable to show TIS
traffic include:
GTX 3X5 units require an input voltage of between 9 VDC and 33 VDC. The maximum input power and
current is based upon maximum reply rates. Input power and current does not include the switched power
Table 1-10 Power Specifications
Power input8 W typical, 15 W maximum
GTX 335
GTX 335, GPS
GTX 345
GTX 345, GPS
GTX 3X5, GPS [1]
Input current, typical0.57 A0.29 A
Input current, maximum0.86 A0.43 A
Power input10 W typical, 17 W maximum
Input current, typical0.72 A0.36 A
Input current, maximum1.22 A0.61 A
Power input10 W typical, 18 W maximum
Input current, typical0.72 A0.36 A
Input current, maximum1.30 A0.65 A
Power input12 W typical, 20 W maximum
Input current, typical1.07 A0.54 A
Input current, maximum1.43 A0.72 A
KEEP ALIVE input current, typical65 uA20 uA
KEEP ALIVE input current, maximum85 uA40 uA
[1] KEEP ALIVE input only applies to units that have an internal GPS.
The GTX 3X5 meets compliance with the TSO(s) when interfaced with equipment and installed in
accordance with the requirements and limitations as outlined in this manual.
FIS-B information, including weather information, NOTAMs, and TFR areas, are intended to assist in
long- and near-term planning decision making. The system lacks sufficient resolution and updating
capability necessary for aerial maneuvering associated with immediate decisions.
The Appliance Project Identifier (API) for the GTX 3X5 is GMN-01216. The API is used for project
identification with the FAA. Refer to applicable hardware and software part numbers to identify appliance
Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System / Mode Select
(ATCRBS/Mode S) Airborne Equipment
Airborne Navigation Sensors Using the Global
Positioning System Augmented by the Satellite Based
Augmentation System
Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) Automatic
Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B)
Equipment Operating on Frequency of 978 MHz
Aircraft Flight Information Services – Broadcast (FIS-B)
Data Link System and Equipment
Extended Squitter Automatic Dependent Surveillance –
Broadcast (ADS-B) and Traffic Information Service –
Broadcast (TIS-B) Equipment Operating on the Radio
Frequency of 1090 Megahertz (MHz)
1. Garmin is granted a deviation from the TSO for marking the TSO number, Type/Class and
Date of Manufacture, Deviation and Software Part Number on the exterior of the unit.
2. Garmin is granted a deviation from the TSO to use RTCA DO-160G instead of earlier
versions of RTCA/DO-160 as the standard for Environmental Conditions and Test
Procedures for Airborne Equipment.
1. Garmin is granted a deviation from the TSO for marking the TSO number, Type/Class and
Date of Manufacture, Deviation and Software Part Number on the exterior of the unit.
2. Garmin is granted a deviation from TSO-C145d section 7.a that requires “…provide one copy
or on-line access to the data in paragraphs…5.f through 5.h of this TSO.”
3. Garmin is granted a deviation from RTCA/DO-229D Change 1 section to use GPS
antennas that meet Garmin Minimum Performance Specifications (Document No. 00400287-00).
1. Garmin is granted a deviation from the TSO for marking the TSO number, Type/Class and
Date of Manufacture, Deviation and Software Part Number on the exterior of the unit.
1. Garmin is granted a deviation from the TSO for marking the TSO number, Type/Class and
Date of Manufacture, Deviation and Software Part Number on the exterior of the unit.
2. Garmin is granted a deviation from RTCA DO-267A section to use Product File
Identifier in addition to APDU Number when reconstructing a Product File from linked APDUs
as specified by Aerodrome and Airspace FIS-B Product Definitions, v4.00, dated May 2009.
1. Garmin is granted a deviation from the TSO for marking the TSO number, Type/Class and
Date of Manufacture, Deviation and Software Part Number on the exterior of the unit.
2. Garmin is granted a deviation from the TSO-C166b not to process ADS-R as required by
RTCA/DO-260B section 2.2.18.
3. Garmin is granted a deviation from RTCA/DO-260B section 2.1.10 to meet the transponder
function requirements of RTCA/DO-181E instead of RTCA/DO-181D.
1. Garmin is granted a deviation from the TSO for marking the TSO number, Type/Class and
Date of Manufacture, Deviation and Software Part Number on the exterior of the unit.
The following are declared non-TSO functions, these non-TSO functions as defined in this manual have
been evaluated with the TSO functions. The design data for these non-TSO functions has been accepted by
the FAA when these non-TSO functions are installed in accordance with the guidance and limitations
provided in this manual.
The GTX 3X5 includes the following non-TSO functions.
•TIS-A (GTX 335)
•Wireless data conversion (Bluetooth interface) (GTX 345)
[1] Developed to DO-178B level B equivalent process.
1.14.3 Transmitter Grant of Equipment Authorization
Table 1-16 Equipment Authorization
GTX 335
GTX 335R
GTX 345
GTX 345R
1.15License Requirements
The UHF transmitter in this equipment is guaranteed to meet Federal Communications
Commission acceptance over the operating temperature range. Modifications not
expressly approved by Garmin could invalidate the license and make it unlawful to
operate the equipment.
For non-US installations consult the local spectrum management agency for
The Telecommunications Act of 1996, effective February 8, 1996, provides the FCC discretion to
eliminate radio station license requirements for aircraft and ships. The GTX 3X5 installation must obey
current transmitter licensing requirements. In the US, to find out the specific details on whether a particular
installation is exempt from licensing, visit the FCC website http://wireless.fcc.gov/aviation.
If an aircraft license is necessary, apply for a license on FCC Form 404, Application for Aircraft Radio Station License. The FCC also has a fax-on-demand service to supply forms by fax. The GTX 3X5 owner
accepts all responsibility for obtaining the proper licensing before using the transponder.
These documents are additional sources of information to install the GTX 3X5. The technician should read
all related reference materials along with this manual before unit installation. The documents in table 1-17
are found at Garmin’s Dealer Resource Center
Table 1-17 Garmin Reference Documents
14 CFR 91.227 ADS-B Out Compatible Equipment190-01533-00
Antenna Minimum Performance Specification for Garmin’s GPS/WAAS
Receiver System
G1000 System Installation Manual190-00303-00
GTX 3X5 Pilot’s Guide190-01499-00
GTX 3X5 Series Transponder G1000 Pilot’s Guide190-01499-01
GTX 3X5 Environmental Qualification Form005-00752-02
Table 1-18 Additional Reference Documents
Aerospace Systems Electrical Bonding and Grounding for Electromagnetic
Compatibility and Safety
Application for Aircraft Radio Station LicenseFCC Form 404FAA Advisory Circular, Acceptable Methods, Techniques, and Practices –
Aircraft Inspection and Repair
FAA Advisory Circular, Acceptable Methods, Techniques, and Practices –
The GTX 3X5 meets the minimum performance and quality control standards that are necessary by the
TSOs in section 1.14. Installation of the GTX 3X5 requires separate approval.
2.1HSDB Packet Forwarding
The GTX 345 HSDB interface is not approved for forwarding data whose failure condition for loss or
malfunction is classified as hazardous or catastrophic.
2.2ARINC 429 Data Concentrator Function
ARINC 429 data from the GTX 3X5 must not be used for any function whose associated failure is
classified as hazardous or catastrophic.