Printing a Mounting Template
It is not recommended that you print a mounting template on your own. Use the template that came in the product box.
If you do print the template, you must follow these instructions for printing a mounting template precisely. To print large templates,
you need large enough paper and printer. Failure to have the correct sized paper and printer, or a failure to follow these instructions,
may result in an incorrectly sized template and therefore an incorrect cutout (too large or too small) on the mounting surface of your
Select File > Print.
Select None for Page Scaling ➊.
Ensure the check mark is next to Auto-Rotate and Center ➋.
Drag the arrow ➌ to the right, to view page 2 in the window below.
Verify that the paper size is larger than the template ➍.
In this example, the paper is not larger than the template.
If the paper size is not large enough, select Properties ➎ and select a Page Size that is larger than the template.
Garmin is not responsible for any damages or expenses resulting from a miscut mounting surface arising from a failure to follow
these instructions.

128.4 mm
(5 1/16 in.)
GPSMAP ® 7x3 Flush Mount Template
To avoid damaging the glass display
and voiding the warranty, do not use
the device as a template when drilling
the mounting holes.
An d’éviter d’endommager l’écran en
verre et d’annuler la garantie, n’utilisez
pas l’appareil comme gabarit pour
percer les trous de montage.
Per evitare danni allo schermo in vetro
e invalidare la garanzia, non utilizzare
il dispositivo come dima per praticare i
fori di montaggio.
Verwenden Sie das Gerät beim
Bohren der Montagelöcher nicht als
Schablone, um Schäden am Glasdisplay und ein Erlöschen der Garantie zu
Para evitar dañar la pantalla de cristal
y anular la garantía, no utilices el
dispositivo como plantilla al perforar
los oricios de montaje.
Para evitar danos ao vidro e anular
a garantia, não use o dispositivo
como modelo ao perfurar os furos de
148.4 mm
(5 13/16 in.)
118.8 mm
(4 11/16 in.)
Brug ikke enheden som skabelon, når
du borer monteringshullerne, da dette
kan beskadige glasskærmen og gøre
garantien ugyldig.
Ikke bruk enheten som en mal når du
borer monteringshullene for å unngå
skade på glasskjermen og ugyldiggjøre
För att undvika att skada glasdisplayen
och göra garantin ogiltig ska du inte
använda enheten som en mall när du
borrar monteringshålen.
(7 1/8 in.)
6.5 mm
3.5 mm
(9/64 in.)
3 mm
(1/8 in.) __
2.3 mm
(3/32 in.)
(1/4 in.)
190-02761-04_0B September 2020 Printed in Taiwan