Garmin GPS 10 Deluxe, Que Application Manual

Garmin Que
GPS navigation software Windows® Mobile for the Pocket PC
application guide
© Copyright 2005 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries
Garmin International, Inc.
1200 East 151st Street,
Olathe, Kansas 66062, U.S.A.
Tel. 913/397.8200 or 800/800.1020
Fax 913/397.8282
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Garmin reserves the right to change or improve its products and to make changes in the content without obligation to notify any person or organization of such changes or improvements. Visit the Garmin web site ( for current updates and supplemental information concerning the use and operation of this and other Garmin products.
Garmin (Europe) Ltd.
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Garmin Corporation
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Tel. 886/2.2642.9199 Fax 886/2.2642.9099
Garmin® and MapSource® are registered trademarks and Que™ is a trademark of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries and may not be used without the express permission of Garmin.
October 2005 Part Number: 190-00505-00 Rev. C


Minimum Pocket PC requirements for Garmin Que

About the Manuals

Garmin Que™ is designed to use Garmin GPS technology as an application with a Pocket PC to provide you with navigational guidance. Garmin Que comes with three instructions.

Setup Guide

The Setup Guide gives you software installation instructions, and other important details. Before reading the other manuals, read the Setup Guide which is included with the Installation CD.

Quick Start Guide

The Quick Start Guide tells you how to get started navigating with a convenient reference for basic features. You can carry this with you as a quick reminder of how features operate and how to access them.

Application Guide

This Application Guide describes, in detail, how to use the Garmin Que™ application for navigation. Part of the installation CD, this document is in portable document file (pdf) form, it can be printed from as PC as a paper copy which may be of benefit when you take your device outside to navigate. (Available only on the Installation CD.)
Bluetooth® wireless technology enabled Pocket PC 2002 or Windows Mobile for the Pocket PC 2003 original and Second Edition operating system, 16 MB program memory.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Garmin Que has been tested and found to operate in a satisfactory manner when installed in Pocket PC’s that meet the minimum operational requirements stated on the product package and on page i of this guide. However, Garmin has no responsibility for the quality or the reliability of performance of those products.
A significant issue is the variance in maximum speaker volume for Pocket PCs of different manufacturers. You may find the speaker volume of your Pocket PC to be compromised by road noise and its location in your vehicle when receiving turn-by-turn voice direction prompts while navigating with Garmin Que. It is therefore recommended that you activate the “Attention Tone” feature to prepare you to listen in advance for each voice prompt. Instructions for activating the “Attention Tone” are found on Page 25 of this Guide. Other remedies may be third party devices that can amplify the speaker volume when connected to the auxiliary speaker port of your Pocket PC. Consult your Pocket PC retailer for information concerning these devices.
Editor’s Note:
The above manuals and guides were created using the Garmin Que operating software installed on a Pocket PC equipped with popular features and operating with Microsoft platform. If your make and model Pocket PC meets the minimum requirements stated below, it should operate in a manner similar to that described in these manuals and guides, but may not include some features discussed in the applications guide. Many Pocket PC features described in this guide are not essential to operation of Garmin Que and are used primarily as convenient alternate methods of operation.
It is also important that you understand the operation of your Pocket PC prior to using Garmin Que. The operation of the Garmin Que application requires understanding of standard procedures used for the Pocket PC that are not discussed in detail in the Garmin Que Application Guide. If you purchased your Pocket PC at the same time as the Garmin GPS receiver and are not yet familiar with its operation, it is strongly recommended that you learn how to operate the Pocket PC first
Touch-screen responsiveness for some Garmin Que operating features, such as slider controls, may vary from Pocket PC to Pocket PC.
iGarmin Que Applications Guide

Warnings and Precautions

CAUTION: Use Garmin Que™ at your own risk. To reduce
electronic NAVigation AID (NAVAID), any NAVAID can be misused or misinterpreted and, therefore, become unsafe.
the risk of unsafe operation, carefully review and understand all aspects of this Application Guide—and thoroughly practice operation using the simulator mode prior to actual use. When in actual use, carefully compare indications from Garmin Que
all available navigation sources, including the information from other NAVAIDs, visual sightings, charts, etc. For safety, always resolve any discrepancies before continuing navigation.
WARNING: This product, its packaging, and its components contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause
cancer, birth defects, or reproductive harm. This Notice is being provided in accordance with California’s Proposition 65. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please refer to our web site at
Important! Because Garmin Que can be used for vehicular
navigation, important safety considerations must be observed. Please read and observe the instructions on this page.
CAUTION: The electronic chart is an aid to navigation and is designed to facilitate the use of authorized government charts, not replace them. Only official government charts and notices to mariners contain all information needed for safe navigation – and, as always, the user is responsible for their prudent use.
One of the goals of Garmin is to provide customers with the most complete and accurate cartography that is available to us at a reasonable cost. We use a combination of governmental and private data sources, which we identify as required in product literature and copyright messages displayed to the consumer. Virtually all data sources contain inaccurate or incomplete data to some degree. This is particularly true outside the United States, where complete and accurate digital data is either not available or prohibitively expensive.
WARNING: The Global Positioning System (GPS) is operated by the United States government, which is solely responsible for its accuracy and maintenance. The system is subject to changes which could affect the accuracy and performance of all GPS equipment. Although Garmin Que™ is a precision
ii Garmin Que Applications Guide
Do Not Mount Where Driver’s Field of Vision is Blocked
Do Not Mount in Front of Airbag Panels
Do Not Place Unsecured on the Vehicle Dash
Do Not Mount in Front of an Airbag Field of Deployment
WARNING: For use in vehicles, it is the sole responsibility of the owner/operator of a vehicle equipped with a PDA with Garmin Que™ installed, to place and secure the device so that it will not interfere with the vehicle operating controls and safety devices, obstruct the driver’s view of driving conditions, or cause damage or personal injury in the event of an accident.
Do not mount the PDA over airbag panels or in the field of airbag deployment. Airbags expand with a rapid force that can propel objects in their path towards the vehicle driver or passengers causing possible injury. Refer to airbag safety precautions contained in the vehicle owner’s manual.
Do not mount the PDA in a place where the driver or passengers are likely to impact it in a collision. The mounting hardware provided by Garmin is not warranted against collision damage or the consequences thereof.
WARNING: When used in vehicles, it is the sole responsibility of the driver of the vehicle to operate the vehicle in a safe manner, maintain full surveillance of all driving conditions at all times, and not become distracted by the PDA to the exclusion of safe driving practices. It is unsafe to operate the controls of the PDA while you are driving. Failure by the driver of a vehicle equipped with a PDA with Garmin Que installed to pay full attention to operation of the vehicle and road conditions while the vehicle is in motion could result in an accident with property damage and personal injury.
iiiGarmin Que Applications Guide
Introduction ...........................................................................i
About the Manuals ................................................................ i
Setup Guide ........................................................................... i
Quick Start Guide .................................................................. i
Application Guide .................................................................. i
Minimum Pocket PC requirements for Garmin Que ........... i
Warnings and Precautions .......................................................ii
Getting Started .......................................................................... 1
Starting Up the Garmin Que ............................................... 1
Viewing the Map Page .................................................... 1
Initializing the GPS Receiver .......................................... 1
Using the Map Page ............................................................. 2
Setting Up the Map Page Data Fields ............................ 4
Setting the display of the Mapping Data Fields ........... 4
Setting the display of the Routing Data Fields ............ 5
Using the Main Menu ........................................................ 6
Map Setup ........................................................................ 7
Detail, Orientation, Color and Auto Zoom Settings ........ 7
Detailed Maps .................................................................. 7
Delete Maps ..................................................................... 7
GPS Settings .................................................................... 8
Road Detail Settings ........................................................ 8
Map Point Settings .......................................................... 8
Area Settings ................................................................... 8
City Settings .................................................................... 9
Marine Settings ................................................................ 9
Topographic Settings ...................................................... 9
System Setup ................................................................. 10
General Settings ............................................................. 10
Routing Settings ............................................................ 10
Guidance Settings .......................................................... 10
Avoidance Settings ........................................................ 11
Units Settings ................................................................. 11
Buttons Settings ............................................................. 11
Language Settings ......................................................... 12
Interface Settings ........................................................... 12
GPS 10 Properties .......................................................... 12
The Find Feature ............................................................ 13
Searching for Cities ....................................................... 14
Searching for an Address ............................................... 15
Searching for an Intersection ......................................... 16
Searching for a Point of Interest .................................... 17
Searching for a Waypoint .............................................. 18
Creating Waypoints ....................................................... 19
Editing Waypoints ......................................................... 20
GPS Info Page ................................................................. 21
Establishing an initial location ...................................... 21
Routes ............................................................................ 22
Creating a Route ............................................................ 22
Route Navigation ........................................................... 24
Customizing Route Navigation ..................................... 25
Road and Area Avoidance .............................................. 26
Set Home Point .............................................................. 27
Edit Vias ........................................................................ 27
Detours .......................................................................... 28
Recalculate .................................................................... 28
Voice Guidance .............................................................. 28
The Track Log Utility ...................................................... 29
The Sun and Moon Tables ............................................. 30
The Hunt and Fish Tables ............................................... 30
The Measure Distance Utility ....................................... 31
The Trip Computer ......................................................... 32
Hardware Mapping ..................................................................
33 Using the Arrow Button to access Garmin Que features 33 Using the Jog Button to change map scale or scroll lists 33
Mapping Que feature access to device hard buttons ...............................34
Helpful Hints: ........................................................... 34
Mapping Data .......................................................................... 35
Transferring Other Detailed Maps from MapSource
... 35
Transferring Waypoints & Saved Tracks to MapSource® 36
Additional Information ......................................................37
Specifications ...................................................................... 37
Troubleshooting Guide ....................................................... 38
Additional MapSource Data Sets ...................................... 39
Software License Agreement ............................................ 40
Index ...................................................................................42
iv Garmin Que Applications Guide

Starting Up the Garmin Que

If you followed the Setup instructions provided with the product, then both the Garmin GPS receiver has been activated and the Garmin Que application software has been successfully installed in the Pocket PC. To start operation, turn on your device and tap Start to display the Start Menu, then tap Programs to display the Programs List with the Garmin Que icon. Tap the Garmin Que icon to display an introduction page and then the Map Page and you’re on your way to navigating.
Helpful Hint: To shorten the process of restoring the Garmin Que application to visible status, open Settings and the Menus application on the Personal page. From the Menus page place a check next to Garmin Que to place it on the Start List.
It is important to remember that the GPS receiver will continue to operate when the application is not in use. This can contribute to depletion of reserve battery power. To prevent accidental battery drain, it is recommended the you turn the GPS receiver off when the Garmin Que application is not in use.
The methods for closing the Que application are to tap “Exit” from the Map Page Main Menu, or from any application, tap Start, then Settings, and finally Memory and tab to a list of Running Programs. Tap “Garmin Que” and then the Stop button.
Tap to open the Application
A message window at the top of this page keeps you informed of the status of the GPS receiver. When the GPS receiver is not in communication the Map Page will display a “No GPS Connected” message.
While the GPS receiver is first turned on, the Map Page will then display a “Waiting for GPS” message until the application connects with the receiver. Once connected an “Acquiring Satellites” message appears until GPS Location is achieved.
To return to the Map Page from any other Que feature page or option, tap OK.

Initializing the GPS Receiver

The GPS receiver must be initialized (given an opportunity to determine its location) before you can begin using it for navigation. Before it can receive signals from GPS satellites overhead, you must turn the receiver on and position it parallel with the horizon for best satellite reception. In order to receive satellite signals, you must be outdoors and have a clear view of the sky. Satellite signals cannot pass through solid materials (except glass) or dense overhead tree cover. When the receiver initializes for the first time it may take as long as 15 minutes. This time can be shortened by using the GPS Info Page to select the general area in which you are currently located (see page 21). Anytime you have traveled more than 600 miles with the GPS receiver turned off, the receiver must again find its location by re-initializing.
If for any reason, you have difficulty initializing your receiver, refer to the Troubleshooting Guide on page 38. The solution could be as simple as moving slightly to avoid buildings or
objects that are blocking or deflecting satellite signals.

Viewing the Map Page

The Map Page is the base for accessing all of the Que navigation features.
1Garmin Que Applications Guide

Using the Map Page

The Map Page is the primary navigation feature of the Que application. From this page you can observe a triangular arrow that indicates your current location and direction of travel. As you move, this “Position Arrow” moves with you, turning when you turn and stopping when you
The Map Page displays a detailed map of the area surrounding your current location. It allows you pan the map with the stylus as well as view your progress when navigating. When in the “Track Up” mode
(oriented in the direction of travel), a north reference arrow appears at the top left corner to orient the map. When you activate the
Track Log feature, your path of
To use the Map Page:
1. Tap Start to open the Main Menu and then tap Programs.
2. Select Garmin Que to display the Map Page.
When first accessing the Map Page it will take a few moments for the GPS receiver to locate satellites overhead before it determines your location. While this takes place, an “Acquiring Satellites” message will display at the top of the page.
When your location has been determined, a “3D GPS Location” message replaces the original message. After you begin moving, it changes to display the next street ahead and you can also determine your direction of travel, speed and current location by observing the data fields below the message.
movement is indicated by a dotted line.
At the base of the page is the Map Tool Bar with the Main Menu, and icons for Waypoint Marker, Position Arrow, Details, Map/Data Fields option, Find Menu, Route, Zoom Map Scale and Pan Map. Tap and hold to display their function.
Map Orientation
GPS Status, Direction
or Next Street and
Data Fields
Current Location
To change the at the lower left side of the map displays the map scale control panel. A scale bar is displayed with Zoom In and Out Arrows at the top and bottom. Tapping the Up Arrow moves to scales which show less map detail but more map area and the Down Arrow moves to scales which increase the detail but show less map area. Tapping a desired scale changes the map to that scale and closes the panel.
map scale in increments, tapping the map scale
Tapping the Map/Data Fields icon allows you to view the Map Page in three modes, Full Map, Large Map with small Data Fields,
Map Scale
Position Arrow
Map Tool Bar
Use the Map Page to:
• Determine your current location.
• View your progress while moving.
• Locate and navigate to nearby map items.
• Follow a route line when navigating.
With Data Fields Displayed
• Access other navigation features using the Main Menu.
• Mark your current location or a map point as a waypoint.
Map Tool Bar
Main Menu
Map/Data Fields
Map Scale Control Panel
At “Full Page” Mode
Position Arrow
Mark Waypoint
Zoom Scale
Pan Map
2 Garmin Que Applications Guide
The Map Page also displays detailed geographic information such as highways and roads, lakes and rivers, cities, waypoints and residential streets, depending on the detail of map data being used. Detailed maps can be loaded from map data CD’s using MapSource as explained on page 35 of this guide.
There are two map orientation options: North Up and Track Up. North Up orients the map like a paper map, while Track Up orients the map in the direction of travel and can be set to display only below a desired map scale. As you travel to the edge of the display, the map moves (redraws) to constantly show your current location.
When the “Pan Map with Stylus” mode is selected, dragging the stylus across the screen causes the map to pan with the movement of the stylus. This allows you view portions of the map surrounding your current location helping you to locate nearby cities, lakes or other geographical features. When this feature is not active, the “Zoom Scale” feature is in place which allows you to drag the stylus across a desired portion of the map, creating a rectangular box to zoom in on details.
Tapping the Details icon on the tool bar displays the Details Page with either an address description or latitude and longitude coordinates for your current location or a map point defined by the Map Pointer.
Tapping the stylus on the map places the Map Pointer on any selected location on the map. If that location is supported by detailed mapping data, a description (name or address) will display (briefly). Any location on the map, marked by the Pointer, can be saved as a waypoint by tapping the Waypoint Marker Flag or the Information Page icon in the map tool bar. (More on waypoints on page 19.) To remove the Map Pointer, tap the Position Arrow icon on the tool bar or on the map and re-center the Position Arrow. When the Arrow is centered on the page, the icon is highlighted.
The map color can be set to automatically compensate for the difference in day readability of the map. Switching from day to night mode reduces the amount of night glare produced by the screen when mounted on a vehicle dash. See Map Setup preferences on page
When you zoom in from 500 feet on down and the Position Arrow isn’t matched to a road on the map, an Accuracy Circle appears around the Position Arrow. The circle represents the area in which you are located. The diameter of the circle will vary in size depending on the number and geometry of overhead satellites. When zoomed in with the Track Log recording, you may also see many small track lines criss crossing in and out of the circle as the GPS receiver adjusts its location.
and night lighting conditions to improve
Map Pointer and Item
New Waypoint Page
Information Page with
Lat/Lon Coordinates
Map Color - Day Mode
Accuracy Circle and Track
Map Color - Night Mode
3Garmin Que Applications Guide

Setting Up the Map Page Data Fields

The Garmin Que software allows you to customize the display
To set the background for the Data Fields:
1. Tap and Hold anywhere on a data field to display
of Map Page Data Fields. You can customize the background and text colors from black to white or create a transparent background to increase the amount of map area displayed along
2. With the Background Tab active, select from Black,
with overlaying mapping and routing data. You can customize the way in which data fields are displayed by selecting the number of fields, the size and add descriptive labels.
3. If you don’t want to change the information or

Setting the display of the Mapping Data Fields

When you are using the Map Page and not navigating a Route, the Data Fields can be setup to display only data useful for navigation using the Map Page.
To determine the arrangement of the Data Fields:
1. Tap and Hold anywhere on a data field to display
Customizing Map Data Fields
2. Tap the
3. Tap the field next to each row number to display
Black Background
4. Tap the “
the “Customize” window, then tap the window to display the tabbed Setup Menu.
Transparent, or White to change the background of the data fields. Tap and drag the slider to your selection. Stopping at the center or the slider selects the Transparent background.
arrangement of the data fields for mapping or routing, tap Done to close the Setup Menu.
the “Customize” window, then tap the window to display the tabbed Setup Menu.
Mapping Tab to display the Setup Menu.
the list of setup options. The number refers to the number of fields in the row and “Large”, “Medium”, and “Small” refer to the text size.
Show Label” box if you want each data field to have a descriptive label above the data. This is a good selection if choosing to display several fields that use similar units of measurement (i.e., Speed and Maximum Speed). Repeat for each row of data.
Data Field Color Adjust
Transparent Background
White Background
4 Garmin Que Applications Guide
Data Field Row Options Mapping Data Field Setup
To determine what data to display in each Data Field:
4. Repeat this process for each data field you want to
1. With the Data Fields Options Menu displayed and the Mapping tab selected, tap and hold the stylus on the data field you want to change.
2. Tap the desired subject from the Data Field
5. Tap Done to close.
Options list to select it or to display a subtopic list for that subject. “Position”, “Time” and “Trip Computer” display subtopic lists when tapped.
3. Tap the desired option to change the data field and close the list.
4. Repeat this process for each data field you want to change.
5. Tap Done to close.

Setting the display of the Routing Data Fields

When you are navigating a Route, the Data Fields can be setup to display useful information for route navigation. When actively navigating a route, the mapping data fields will change to display routing data fields. If the same subject has been chosen for both mapping and routing it will be displayed in both modes but not necessarily in the same field location.
change. If you want data that is displayed on the Map Page to display while you are navigating a route, you must select it for the Routing Data Fields.
Mapping Data Field Options
To determine the arrangement of the Data Fields:
1. Tap and Hold anywhere on a data field to display the “Customize” window, then tap the window to display the tabbed Setup Menu.
2. Tap the Routing Tab to display the Setup Menu.
3. Follow steps 3 through 5 of the instructions for setting up Mapping Data Fields as explained on the previous page.
To determine what data to display in each Data Field:
1. With the Data Fields Options Menu displayed and the Routing tab selected, tap and hold the stylus on the data field you want to change to display list of data options.
2. Tap the desired subject from the Data Field Options list to select it or display a subtopic list for that subject. Data subjects with sub-topic lists can be identified by the small black arrow point to its right.
3. Tap the desired option to change the data field and close the list.
Routing Data Field Setup
Routing Data Field Options
5Garmin Que Applications Guide

Using the Main Menu

The Map Page Main Menu is the starting point for accessing all of the Garmin Que application features. Using the Main Menu you can access Que Help, Map Display Setup, make System Settings, use the Find feature, monitor GPS status from the Satellite Page, manage a Route, record a Track Log, and observe the Trip Computer.
Here is a brief description of each of the
Main Menu topics: About Garmin Que - This page contains the application
software version, Unit ID, and Garmin copyright notices.
Help - This help file provides information about the Garmin Que application operation.
Main Menu
Map Setup - The feature allows you to customize the way the maps display on your device. There are factory default settings that make your application functional, so you won’t need to perform a setup initially. For a detailed descripion about map setup see page 7.
System Setup - This feature allows you to select and adjust system operating features to meet your personal requirements. Factory default settings currently operate the application. For instructions on using System Setup, see page 10.
GPS Properties - This page displays when the system is connected to a GPS 10 wireless receiver. It provides access to controls for WAAS, Auto-Off, Auto-On and battery power level status.
Find - This feature provides you with lists by category of locations contained inthe detailed map and basemap data stored
Garmin Que
in your device and on the Flash and SD cards. For instructions on using the Find Feature, see page 13.
GPS Info - This page provides current status information about the GPS receiver and satellites overhead. For more information about this page, see page 21.
Route - This feature is used to manage and modify a route after a destination has been selected. See page 25 for detailed instructions.
Map Setup
Utilities - This topic is divided into four sub-topics: Track Log, Sun and Moon, Hunt and Fish, and Measure Distance. For detailed instructions for recording and saving tracks, see page
System Setup
29. For information about using the Sun and Moon and Hunt and Fish Tables, see page 30. Details about measuring distance are contained on page 31.
Trip Computer - The Trip Computer displays current information about your travel status. For detailed information about the Trip Computer, see page 32.
GPS Info
GPS 10
Track Log
Sun & Moon
Hunt & Fish
Measure Distance
Trip Computer
6 Garmin Que Applications Guide

Map Setup

Detail, Orientation, Color and Auto Zoom Set­tings
Tap the Map Settings from the Main Menu.
Detail, Orientation and Color
To set the degree of map detail:
Tap the Map Detail Field to display the list of options.
2. Select from Least to Most to set the detail and close the list.
To select the map orientation:
1. Tap the Orientation field to display the options.
2. Select top (like paper maps). Select Track Up to orient the map in the direction of travel and choose the map scale limit for displaying Track Up. Any scale above that limit reverts back to North Up.
To set the Color Mode:
Tap the option desired to place black dot next to
it. “Auto” changes automatically, according to the time of day.
To activate Auto Zoom:
Tap Auto Zoom to activate this feature which
automatically scales the map to display both your current location and the next turn in a route during active navigation.
North Up to orient the map with North at the
from “Day” to “Night” mode
Detailed Maps
Delete Maps
Detailed Maps
To view the list of detailed map data and select maps for display:
1. Tap the Detailed Maps tab from the Map Setup Pages.
2. Tap the desired detailed map to add or remove a check from the activation box. Detailed information for that map will not display if unchecked.
Information at the top of the page is the description
of the map set you loaded to Garmin Que using MapSource. To learn how to name map sets, refer to the MapSource User’s Manual. The information at the bottom of the selected map.
3. Tap and hold to enable groups of maps.
the page indicates details of
Delete Maps
To delete detailed and basemaps from storage locations:
1. Tap the Delete tab from the Map Setup Pages.
2. Tap the map you want to delete from the list to select it.
3. Tap the that follows.
Delete button and follow the Yes/No prompt
7Garmin Que Applications Guide
GPS Settings
To set the Maximum Zoom level for Course Line, Bearing Line, Track Log, Saved Tracks, Lat/Lon Grid and Grid Labels:
1. For Maximum Zoom select from “OFF”, “AUTO”, or an increment from a scale of 120 feet to 800 miles.
2. Repeat for each listed map feature.
Road Detail Settings
To set the Text Size for Track Logs, Railroads and Street Labels:
1. Tap the Road tab from the Map Setup Pages.
2. Select from “Off”, “Small”, “Medium” and “Large” options for display of each listed map feature.
To set the Maximum Zoom:
1. For Maximum Zoom select from “OFF”, “AUTO”, or from an incremental scale of 120 feet to 800 miles.
2. Repeat for each listed map feature.
Map Point Settings
To set the Text Size for Waypoints, Interstate Exits, and Points of Interest:
1. Tap the Point tab from the Map Setup Pages.
2. Select the text size for each type of map item.
To set the Maximum Zoom level:
1. For Maximum Zoom select from “OFF”, “AUTO”, or from an incremental scale of 120 feet to 800 miles.
2. Repeat for each listed map feature.
Area Settings
To set the Text Size for Waypoints, Interstate Exits, and Points of Interest:
1. Tap the Area tab from the Map Setup Pages.
2. Select the text size for each type of map item.
To set the Maximum Zoom level:
1. For Maximum Zoom select from “OFF”, “AUTO”, or an increment from a scale of 120 feet to 800 miles.
Map GPS Settings
Map Road Settings
2. Repeat for each listed map feature.
Map Point Settings
8 Garmin Que Applications Guide
City Settings
To set the Text Size for Large, Medium and Small Cities, plus Small Towns:
1. Tap the City tab from the Map Setup Pages.
2. Select the text size for each type of map item.
To set the Maximum Zoom level:
1. For Maximum Zoom select from “OFF”, “AUTO”, or an increment from a scale of 120 feet to 800 miles.
2. Repeat for each listed map feature. It may be helpful to use a differ-ent text size for the three types of cities to help determine their size when observing the map.
Marine Settings
To set the Text Size for Navaids, Spot Soundings, and Tide Stations:
1. Tap the Marine tab from the Map Setup Pages.
2. Select the text size for each type of map item.
City Settings
To set the Maximum Zoom level:
For Maximum Zoom select from “OFF”, “AUTO”, or
an increment from a scale of 120 feet to 800 miles.
Topographic Settings
To set the Text Size for Major, Intermediate and Minor Contours:
1. Tap the Topo tab from the Map Setup Pages.
2. Select the text size for each type of map item.
To set the Maximum Zoom level:
For Maximum Zoom select from “OFF”, “AUTO”, or
an increment from a scale of 120 feet to 800 miles.
Marine Settings
Area Feature Settings
Topo Settings
9Garmin Que Applications Guide

System Setup

Although your Garmin Que software will function perfectly well using the factory default settings, you will want to customize its operation to meet your personal requirements. The System Setup consists of a series of seven tabbed pages with operating options for the system features
General Settings
To set the GPS receiver Operating Mode:
1. Tap System Setup from the Main Menu to display the first page.
2. Choose from two operating
To set Voice Prompts:
1. To receive voice messages about upcoming turns in
a route and updates on the status of the GPS signal reception select “Guidance and GPS Status”.
2. To receive direction voice prompts only, select
“Guidance Only”.
3. To receive guidance only when desired by pressing a
hard button mapped to the “Speak Next Instruction” option from the Buttons setup, select “Manual Speak Only”. See page 34 for instructions on mapping hard buttons.
modes “Enabled” and
General Settings Page
To Activate/Deactivate the Attention Tone:
1. To hear a tone prior to when a message is
displayed on the device screen or a voice prompt, tap Attention Tone to place a check mark in the adjacent box.
To synchronize the time and date with the GPS Receiver:
1. Tap “Synchronize system clock” to place a check
mark in the adjacent box. When checked, this will sync the device clock to GPS time each time the Garmin Que is turned on.
Routing Settings
To set Routing preferences:
Refer to page 25 for detailed instructions.

Guidance Settings

To set route Guidance preferences
Refer to page 25 for detailed instructions.
Routing Settings Page
Guidance Settings Page
10 Garmin Que Applications Guide
+ 36 hidden pages