Garmin GMA 35, GMA 35c Installation Manual

1. DESCRIPTION: Installation Documentation
2. DISTRIBUTION: This document is intended for electronic distribution.
F 9/2/15 Added the GMA 35c 132290
G 10/2/15 Included FCC commetnts 133098 H 3/22/16 Added European Union and Brazil statements 139773
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GMA 35 Installation Manual
Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries
c/o Garmin International, Inc.
1200 E. 151st Street
Olathe, Kansas 66062 U.S.A.
Sheet of
1 1
GMA 35/35c
Installation Manual
190-00858-11 March, 2016 Revision H
© 2016
Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries
All Rights Reserved
Except as expressly provided herein, no part of this manual may be reproduced, copied, transmitted, dis­seminated, downloaded or stored in any storage medium, for any purpose without the express prior written consent of Garmin. Garmin hereby grants permission to download a single copy of this manual and of any revision to this manual onto a hard drive or other electronic storage medium to be viewed and to print one copy of this manual or of any revision hereto, provided that such electronic or printed copy of this man ual or revision must contain the complete text of this copyright notice and provided further that any unauthor­ized commercial distribution of this manual or any revision hereto is strictly prohibited.
©2015 The Bluetooth
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Garmin International, Inc.
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Telephone: 913-397-8200
Aircraft On Ground (AOG) Hotline: (913) 397-0836
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A 1/20/11 Production Release
B 5/10/11 Added new mechanical drawing
C 12/27/11 Added ETSO-2C35d and ETSO-C139
D 2/27/12 Corrected copilot headset pinout
E 3/9/15 Added software part numbers
F 9/2/15 Added the GMA 35c
G 10/2/15 Included FCC comments
H 3/22/16 Added European Union and Brazil statements
Page A GMA 35/35c Installation Manual Revision H 190-00858-11
ii TOC Added Declaration of Conformity
1-5 1.4.1
4-5 4.4 Corrected I/O designation
C-1 C Added breaker current rating guidance
C-3 C Added breaker note
Description of Change
Clarified TSO table and added boot block part numbers
Corrected pin names
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This document may contain information which is subject to the Export Administration Regulations (“EAR”) issued by the United States Department of Commerce (15 CFR, Chapter VII Subchapter C) and which may not be exported, released or disclosed to foreign nationals inside or outside the United States without first obtaining an export license. The preceding statement is required to be included on any and all reproductions in whole or in part of this manual.
Declaration of Conformity
Hereby, Garmin declares that this product is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. To view the full Declaration of Conformity, go to
Anatel Warning
Este equipamento opera em caráter secundário, isto é, não tem direito a proteção contra interferência prejudicial, mesmo de estações do mesmo tipo, e não pode causar interferência a sistemas operando em caráter primário.
Limited Warranty
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This product, its packaging, and its components contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or reproductive harm. This Notice is being provided in accordance with California's Proposition 65. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please refer to our web site at
Throughout this document references made to the GMA 35 shall equally apply to the GMA 35c except where specifically noted.
1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION ...........................................................................1-1
1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Equipment Description.................................................................................................... 1-1
1.3 Technical Specifications.................................................................................................. 1-2
1.4 Certification.....................................................................................................................1-5
1.5 Reference Documents...................................................................................................... 1-6
1.6 Operating Instructions .....................................................................................................1-7
2 INSTALLATION OVERVIEW......................................................................2-1
2.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Installation Materials....................................................................................................... 2-1
2.3 Installation Considerations.............................................................................................. 2-2
2.4 Cabling & Wiring...........................................................................................................2-4
2.5 Cooling Air......................................................................................................................2-4
2.6 Mounting Requirements.................................................................................................. 2-5
2.7 Installation Approval Considerations for Pressurized Aircraft .......................................2-6
2.8 Electrical Noise................................................................................................................ 2-6
3 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE...................................................................3-1
3.1 Unpacking Unit................................................................................................................ 3-1
3.2 Antenna Installation......................................................................................................... 3-1
3.3 Antenna Cable Connectors.............................................................................................. 3-1
3.4 Electrical Connections..................................................................................................... 3-1
3.5 Backshell Assembly ........................................................................................................ 3-2
3.6 GMA 35 Unit Installation................................................................................................ 3-3
3.7 Post Installation Configuration & Checkout ................................................................... 3-4
3.8 Continued Airworthiness................................................................................................. 3-6
4 SYSTEM INTERCONNECTS........................................................................4-1
4.1 Pin List............................................................................................................................. 4-1
4.2 Power...............................................................................................................................4-5
4.3 Serial Data .......................................................................................................................4-5
4.4 Lighting ........................................................................................................................... 4-5
4.5 Audio Inputs and Outputs................................................................................................ 4-6
4.6 Music Inputs .................................................................................................................. 4-10
4.7 Mic Keys........................................................................................................................ 4-10
4.8 Marker Beacon ..............................................................................................................4-11
4.9 Miscellaneous Configurable I/O.................................................................................... 4-12
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FROM A GARMIN GMA 340...........................................................................A-1
A.1 Mechanical Considerations............................................................................................ A-1
A.2 Electrical Considerations............................................................................................... A-1
Appendix B OUTLINE AND INSTALLATION DRAWINGS .....................B-1
Appendix C INTERCONNECT DRAWINGS ................................................C-1
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The following table identifies hardware modification (Mod) Levels for the GMA 35. Mod Levels are listed with the associated service bulletin number, service bulletin date, and the purpose of the modification. The table is current at the time of publication of this manual (see date on front cover) and is subject to change without notice. Authorized Garmin Sales and Service Centers are encouraged to access the most up-to-date bulletin and advisory information on the Garmin Dealer Resource web site at using their Garmin-provided user name and password.
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1.1 Introduction

This manual is intended to provide mechanical and electrical information for use in the planning and design of an installation of the GMA 35 into an aircraft. This manual is not a substitute for an approved airframe-specific maintenance manual, installation design drawing, or complete installation data package. Attempting to install equipment by reference to this manual alone and without first planning or designing an installation specific to your aircraft may compromise your safety and is not recommended. The content of this manual assumes use by competen t and qua lif ied avionics engineering personnel and/or avionics installation specialists using standard aviation maintenance practices in accordance with Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations and other relevant accepted practices. This manual is not intended for use by individuals who do not possess the competencies and abilities set forth above.
Garmin recommends installation of the GMA 35 by a Garmin-authorized installer. To the extent allowable by law , Garmin wi ll not be liable for damages r esulting from improper or negligent installation of the GMA 35. For questions, please contact Garmin Aviation Product Support at 1-888-606-5482.
In accordance with Title 47; Part § 15.203 of the FCC regulations, the GMA 35c must be professionally installed in accordance with this Installation Manual. The GMA 35c is designed only to be used within an aircraft and integrated into the avionics system. The installer is responsible for ensuring that the proper Bluetooth antenna is installed so that the limits in this part are not exceeded. Installation of the GMA 35c may only be completed by Garmin authorized dealers under the agreement that only dealer installed units may be sold.

1.2 Equipment Description

The Garmin GMA 35 is a remote-mount audio processor and marker beacon system that collects, processes, and distributes audio signals between avionics, crew, and passengers. The GMA 35 provides the same functions as an audio panel and can be configured to support a wide range of aircraft. The GMA 35 uses RS-232 to communicate with the control unit.
The GMA 35 is a high-fidelity digital audio product with improved circuitry that make audio signals less prone to noise (e.g. whining sound of an alternator or blip sound from a radar). At the GMA’s core is a digital signal processor (DSP) that cleans up audio using advanced filtering techniques and provides VOX control for mic inputs. On the outputs, the GMA 35 features high-quality digital-to-analog converters and headset amplifier circuits that are used to minimize noise and distortion.
The GMA 35 provides a speaker output that may be used as a cockpit speaker or for a PA system to address passengers. The GMA 35 also includes a digital recording and playback feature. The GMA 35 allows ICS volume adjustments for pilot, copilot, and passenger. Depending on the installation there are additional volume adjustment for all inputs (MKR, AUX, MUSIC, and TEL sources).
The GMA 35c includes Bluetooth stream audio and make phone calls. The GMA 35c also connect wirelessly to the VIRB XE, eliminating the need to install a headset audio cable.
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technology, used to wirelessly connect smartphones and tablets to
1.2.1 Interface Summary
Behind-the-panel mounting for panel space savings
Configurable without removal from installation
Voice Command and voice feedback
Supports both DSP intercom auto-squelch and manual intercom squelch modes
DSP audio processing for low noise, high fidelity, highly configurable and upgradable operation
Six/Seven position intercom (pilot, copilot, four/five passengers)*
Remote toggling of passenger isolation supported (passengers can change their ICS ISO state)
User selectable MUSIC/TEL input distribution to ICS positions independent of isolation modes
Clearance recorder with playback
Individual processi ng of muting thresho lds for inputs to reduce noise from wiring
Marker beacon receiver with SmartMute audio muting
COM swap/cycle input
PA mode for keyed addressing to speaker and headsets
Power-off fail safe connection for Pilot PTT, Pilot mic, and Pilot’s Headset-Left to COM 1
Bluetooth audio streaming (GMA 35c only)
Bluetooth telephone integration (GMA 35c only) *Depends on configuration settings

1.3 Tech nical Specifications

It is the responsibility of the installing agency to obtain the latest revision of the GMA 35 Environmental Qualification Form. This form is available directly from Garmin under the following part number:
GMA 35 Environmental Qualification Form, Garmin part number 005-00567-01
To obtain a copy of this form, see the dealer/OEM portion of the Garmin web site (
1.3.1 Physical Characteristics Table 1-1. GMA 35 Physical Characteristics
Characteristic Specification
Rack Height 1.48 inches (37.6 mm)
Rack Width 6.29 inches (159.8 mm)
-00 Weight (Unit Only)
-20 Weight (Unit Only) 1.3 lb (0.6 kg)
-40 Weight (Unit Only) 1.3 lb (0.6 kg)
-00 Weight (Installed with rack and connectors)
-20 Weight (Installed with rack and connectors)
-40 Weight (Installed with rack, connectors, and antenna)
1.4 lb (0.6 kg)
2.2 lb (1.0 kg)
2.1 lb (1.0 kg)
2.2 lb (1.0 kg)
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1.3.2 Electrical Characteristics
Table 1-2. GMA 35 Electrical Characteristics
Characteristic Specification
Environmental Compliance RTCA DO-160E and EUROCAE ED-14E Environmental Conditions
Software Compliance RTCA DO-178B Level C and D
Temperature Range
-45°C to +55°C (normal operation)
-55°C to +70°C (short term)
Altitude 55,000 Feet
Transceiver inputs: 3 Receiver inputs: 5
Audio Panel Functions
Alert (unswitched) inputs: 5 Input impedance: 600 Input isolation: 60 dB minimum Maximum input signal: 5 Vrms
Positions: 6 or 7 (pilot, copilot, 4 or 5 passengers)*
ICS volume controls: 3 (pilot, copilot, passenger)
Intercom Functions
VOX processing: individual processing for each mic input
ICS auto-squelch/VOX: independent DSP determined thresholds for
each mic
Stereo HiFi music inputs: 2
Telephone interfaces: 1
Entertainment Functions
Music and TEL sources individually distributable independent of ICS modes to allow any combination of source to ICS position distribution.
Combined with independent ICS mode selection, any ICS position can have private TEL conversations or conference conversations of any combination.
Bluetooth (GMA 35c only) A2DP, HFP
Output amplifiers: 3 stereo (pilot, copilot, passengers)
Power, Load, and Distortion: 65 mW into 150 Ohms with <10%
Headphone Outputs
Typical Operating Distortion: <1% THD+N
THD+N @ 10% output <3% THD+N
3dB Frequency Response Bandwidth: 20 Hz to 20 kHz for Music
350 Hz to 6.5 kHz for Other Audio (MICs, Radios, Alerts)
Frequency: Crystal controlled at 75 MHz
Sensitivity: LO 1000 ìV hard; HI 200 ìV hard
Selectivity: 6 dB @ ±10 kHz min, 40 dB @ ±200 kHz max.
Marker Beacon Receiver
Input impedance: 50
External lamp drive: 125 mA max each output
Other outputs: Middle MKR sense
Special functions: SmartMute
*Depends on configuration settings.
marker audio muting
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Table 1-3. GMA 35 Speaker Output (1 output, pilot selectable)
Aircraft Voltage Speaker Impedance Output Power
14V 8 Ohms Not recommended
14V 4 Ohms 3 W
28V 8 Ohms 7 W
28V 4 Ohms 10 W
Distortion: <10% THD+N full power, <3% THD+N @ 10% power 3dB Frequency Response Bandwidth: 350 Hz to 6.5 kHz
1.3.3 Power Requirements
Table 1-4. GMA 35 Power Requirements
Characteristic Specification
14 Vdc or 28 Vdc. See the Environmental Qualification Form for
Power Input Voltage
Power Consumption
details on surge ratings and minimum/maximum
operating voltages.
0.8 A @ 14 V (typical)
1.5 A @ 14 V (maximum)
0.4 A @ 28 V (typical)
1.0 A @ 28 V (maximum)
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1.4 Certification

The conditions and tests required for TSO/ETSO approval of this article are minimum performance standards. It is the responsibility of those installing this article either on or within a specific type or class of aircraft to determine that the aircraft installation conditions are within the TSO/ETSO standards. TSO/ETSO articles must have separate approval for installation in an aircraft. The article may be installed only if performed under 14 CFR part 43 or the applicable airworthiness requirements.
1.4.1 TSO/ETSO Compliance
Table 1-5. GMA 35 (011-02299-00) TSO/ETSO Compliance
LRU Boot
Block Part
and all
Function TSO/ETSO Category
Airborne Radio Marker Receiving Equipment
Aircraft Audio Systems and Equipment
TSO-C35d A
Class Ib
Applicable LRU
SW Part Number
006-B0772-0(_) 006-B0772-5(_)
006-B0773-0(_) 006-B0773-5(_)
Table 1-6 GMA 35 (011-02299-20) and GMA 35c (011-02299-40) TSO/ETSO Compliance
LRU Boot
Block Part
and all
Function TSO/ETSO Category
Airborne Radio Marker Receiving Equipment
Aircraft Audio Systems and Equipment
Applicable LRU
SW Part Number
TSO-C35d A
006-B2103-0(_) 006-B2104-0(_)
TSO-C139 Class Ib
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1.4.2 TSO/ETSO Deviations
Table 1-7. GMA 35 (011-02299-00) TSO/ETSO Deviations
TSO/ETSO Deviation
TSO-C35d 1. Garmin was granted a deviation from TSO-C35d to use FAR §21.607(d)
instead of FAR §37.7 as the general rules governing holders of the TSO
2. Garmin was granted a deviation from TSO-C35d to use RTCA DO-160E
instead of RTCA DO-138 as the standard for Environmental Conditions and
Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment.
ETSO-2C35d 1. Garmin was granted a deviation from ETSO-2C35d which calls out
EUROCAE 1/WG7 Section 3.16.
TSO-C139 1. Garmin was granted a deviation from TSO-C139 paragraph 7a.
2. Garmin was granted a deviation from TSO-C139 paragraph 7b.
Table 1-8 GMA 35c (011-02299-20 and -40) TSO/ETSO Deviations
TSO/ETSO Deviation
TSO-C35d 1. Garmin was granted a deviation from TSO-C35d to use FAR §21.607(d)
instead of FAR §37.7 as the general rules governing holders of the TSO
2. Garmin was granted a deviation from TSO-C35d to use RTCA DO-160E
instead of RTCA DO-138 as the standard for Environmental Conditions and
Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment.
TSO-C139 1. Garmin was granted a deviation from TSO-C139 paragraph 7a.
2. Garmin was granted a deviation from TSO-C139 paragraph 7b.
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1.4.3 Non-TSO Functions
These function were tested to RTCA/DO-160E environmental qualifications and were demonstrated only when the GMA 35 is installed as a component of a Garmin Integrated Flight Deck.
Table 1-9. GMA 35 Non-TSO Functions
Applicable LRU
Functions Design Assurance
Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) RTCA/DO-178B Level D
Software Part
006-B0772-0(_) 006-B0772-5(_) 006-B0773-0(_) 006-B0773-5(_) 006-B2103-0(_) 006-B2104-0(_)
Wireless Data Conversion RTCA/DO-178B Level E
006-B2103-0(_) 006-B2104-0(_)
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1.4.4 Transmitter Grant of Equipment Authorization
FCC ID: IPH- 0163700 IC: 1792A-0163700 IC M/N: GMN-00831
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference which may cause undesired operation.
This device does not contain any user-serviceable parts. Repairs should only be made by an authorized Garmin service center. Unauthorized repairs or modifications could result in permanent damage to the equipment, and void your warranty and your authority to operate this device under Part 15 regulations.
Industry Canada Statement
This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
Cet appareil est conforme aux normes RSS sans licence d’Industrie Canada. Son fonctionnement est soumis aux conditions suivantes: (1) cet appareil ne doit pas causer d’interférences et (2) doit accepter toute interférence,y compris les interférences pouvant entraîner un fonctionnement indésirable de l’appareil.
Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only operate using an antenna of a type and maximum (or lesser) gain approved for the transmitter by Industry Canada. To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that necessary for successful communication.
Conformément à la réglementation d'Industrie Canada, le présent émetteur radio peut fonctionner avec une antenne d'un type et d'un gain maximal (ou inférieur) approuvé pour l'émetteur par Industrie Canada. Dans le but de réduire les risques de brouillage radioélectrique à l'intention des autres utilisateurs, il faut choisir le type d'antenne et son gain de sorte que la puissance isotrope rayonnée équivalente (p.i.r.e.) ne dépasse pas l'intensité nécessaire à l'établissement d'une communication satisfaisante.
This radio transmitter (IC: 1792A-0163700) has been approved by Industry Canada to operate with the antenna types listed below with the maximum permissible gain and required antenna impedance for each antenna type indicated. Antenna types not included in this list, having a gain greater than the maximum gain indicated for that type, are strictly prohibited for use with this device.
Le présent émetteur radio (IC: 1792A-0163700) a été approuvé par Indu strie Canada pour fonctionner avec les types d'antenne énumérés ci-dessous et ayant un gain admissible maximal et l'impédance requise pour chaque type d'antenne. Les types d'antenne non inclus dans cette liste, ou dont le gain est supérieur au gain maximal indiqué, sont strictement interdits pour l'exploitation de l'émetteur.
Antenna Type: 2.4 GHz Rubber Duck Stub Antenna - Rigid 90° RP-SMA Plug Antenna Gain: 0 dBi
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RF Exposure Compliance Statement
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator and your body. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
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