Jumping right into a race is quick and easy:
Jumping right into a race is quick and easy:
1. Start
1. Start
2. Select Quick Race from the Main Menu.
2. Select Quick Race from the Main Menu.
3. Choose your vehicle from the Select Vehicle screen.
3. Choose your vehicle from the Select Vehicle screen.
4. Click Go Drive to begin the race!
4. Click Go Drive to begin the race!
For details on other racing options, including cars, camera views, and
For details on other racing options, including cars, camera views, and
customizing controls, see online Help. Before you start a race, you can
customizing controls, see online Help. Before you start a race, you can
display Help by clicking the “?” button on any screen.
display Help by clicking the “?” button on any screen.
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0800 Part No. X05-76334
0800 Part No. X05-76334
Midtown Madness 2
Midtown Madness 2
by double-clicking the shortcut on your desktop.
by double-clicking the shortcut on your desktop.

Welcome to Midtown Madness 2, the sensible cure for the crabby
Welcome to Midtown Madness 2, the sensible cure for the crabby
commuter, and look what’s new for Version 2:
commuter, and look what’s new for Version 2:
Two new highly detailed & interactive cities, London and San
Two new highly detailed & interactive cities, London and San
Francisco, modeled for maximum maneuvers and metal
Francisco, modeled for maximum maneuvers and metal
munching whether you’re tearing through Trafalgar Square or
munching whether you’re tearing through Trafalgar Square or
levitating along Lombard Street.
levitating along Lombard Street.
10 new campy urban roadsters, ranging from a double-decker
10 new campy urban roadsters, ranging from a double-decker
bus to the Audi TT to the zippy New Beetle Dune, with more
bus to the Audi TT to the zippy New Beetle Dune, with more
detailed damage modeling and breakaway parts, and improved
detailed damage modeling and breakaway parts, and improved
physics and handling performance.
physics and handling performance.
With the all-new Crash Course mode, you can jump in the
With the all-new Crash Course mode, you can jump in the
driver’s seat as an aspiring Hollywood stunt driver or as an
driver’s seat as an aspiring Hollywood stunt driver or as an
apprentice London cabbie. Whichever course you choose, you’ll
apprentice London cabbie. Whichever course you choose, you’ll
build useful Madness driving skills while unlocking cool paint
build useful Madness driving skills while unlocking cool paint
jobs, vehicles, and challenging exam races.
jobs, vehicles, and challenging exam races.
You’ll hear expanded gameplay commentary from an eclectic
You’ll hear expanded gameplay commentary from an eclectic
mix of London and San Francisco personalities.
mix of London and San Francisco personalities.
Plus all the classic race types from the original Midtown Madness
Plus all the classic race types from the original Midtown Madness
have been revved up and retooled for righteous roadway action.
have been revved up and retooled for righteous roadway action.
Cruise, Checkpoint, Blitz, and Circuit races: they’re all back, and
Cruise, Checkpoint, Blitz, and Circuit races: they’re all back, and
they’re better than ever!
they’re better than ever!

As you accelerate and slide through the City By the Bay, don’t forget to enroll in
the Golden Gate Stunt Driving School, where you can develop all the skills you
need to own the road, whether you’re grinding gears in Golden Gate Park or
soaring over SOMA. Just click the Crash Course button on the main game screen!
Whenever you race, use the city map to get an edge on your opponents. To pause
the game and display a full-screen map, press the Q key. To dismiss the map and
return to the game, press the Q key again.
You can also use the TAB key (or joystick button 4) to toggle between different map
views while you are driving. You can choose to display either a half-screen or smaller
map (which appears in the lower right corner of your screen), or no map at all.
You can also zoom your map views in and out using the E key. And, if you want
As you accelerate and slide through the City By the Bay, don’t forget to enroll in
the Golden Gate Stunt Driving School, where you can develop all the skills you
need to own the road, whether you’re grinding gears in Golden Gate Park or
soaring over SOMA. Just click the Crash Course button on the main game screen!
Whenever you race, use the city map to get an edge on your opponents. To pause
the game and display a full-screen map, press the Q key. To dismiss the map and
return to the game, press the Q key again.
You can also use the TAB key (or joystick button 4) to toggle between different map
views while you are driving. You can choose to display either a half-screen or smaller
the map to rotate to match the direction in which you’re driving, press the F key.
map (which appears in the lower right corner of your screen), or no map at all.
You can also zoom your map views in and out using the E key. And, if you want
the map to rotate to match the direction in which you’re driving, press the F key.