Brett Levin
Alain de Leonardis
Hans Wang
Doug Gonya
Gerald (PapaJ) Jones
Jennifer Wells
Wayne McCaul
John McAuley
Allison Lassieur
Jon Payne
John McAuley
Ken Parker
Pete Santom
Greg Sheppard
Matt Williams
Hans Wang
Chris Beatrice
Jeff Fiske
Steve Serafino
Gregor Koomey
Mike Gingerich
Chris Gurski
Thanh Pham
Jason Benham
Dave LeCompte
Jim Solomon
Scott Delekta
Ed Saltzman
Keith Zizza
Heidi Mann
Mike Malone
Adam Carriuolo
Bob Curtis
Peter Crafts
Dennis Rose
Eduardo Flores
Gabriel Nanda
Fran Brill
Ralph Byers
Keith Charles
Thom Christopher
Frank Dolan
Raymond Dutch
Bob Feldman
Sam Freed
Edmund F. Gilbert
Jo Haden
Larry Keith
Willliam Lobley
Robert Tarlow
Karen Woodward
Joseph (Chezni) Cherlin
Michael (Quarantine) Collins
Kevin Crowley
Philip (Wildzword) Daay
Tim (Lord Gek) Jordan
Charles B. Holden
Andrew (Syrneus) Kenney
Glen Lee
Cutter (ORK!) Matlock
Terry A. McKelvey
Doug McGetchin
Brian (Gilgamesh) Ott
Scott (furfoot) Schrank
Micki (Lady of Magic)
Pete (WindWalker) Simonds
Jeremy (Reed) Freyholtz
Impressions Software and the
entire Lords of Magic team
would like to make a special
mention of the incredible
community that has developed in support of
Lords of Magic on the message board. This is an unusual group, both in their dedication to the game but also in
their loyalty to each other as
members of the gaming community. The support of this
group has been a major driving force, helping us to bring
you this Special Edition. We
thank you from the bottom
of our hearts.
Who Are You in the World? . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Insert the Lords of Magic CD into your CDROM drive. If the Autoplay option on your
computer is enabled, a panel will automatically
appear on your screen. Click on the Install button and follow the onscreen instructions. If the
Autoplay feature is not active, click on your
Windows Start button and click Run then type
D:\setup (D being the letter of your CD Drive).
The installation program gives you three install
options: Standard, Full and Special. The
Standard install will install 190 MB and is recommended for P166mhz and up, with 32+ MB
RAM. The Full install will install everything to
your hard drive for maximum performance. This
install will take up 390 MB and is recommended
for P166mhz and up with 32+ MB RAM (you
will still be required to have the CD present to
play the game). The Special Install is recommended for machines with a P150mhz or less and
at least 16 MB RAM. This install requires 135
MB of hard drive space.
Once installed, you can launch Lords Of Magic
by clicking on your Start Button and selecting
Sierra - >Lords Of Magic.
If the Autoplay function is enabled, whenever
you load the CD, you will be given the option to
launch the game. You can also access the directory on your hard drive where you have installed
the game and double click on LOM.exe.
These are black days for Urak. Evil envelops the
land and the people cry out for a savior. Is there
no one who can stop Balkoth's march of death
and destruction?
For a thousand years, peace reigned on the pastoral lands of Urak. Then forces of darkness, led
by the evil sorcerer Balkoth, unleashed a nightmare of war and terrorism that destroyed the
people and laid waste to the land. Now the cities
are defenseless. The people are starving. The
Great Temples of the land, once the centers of
beauty and learning lie crumbling, overrun by
worshippers of Balkoth. The people pray for a
leader who can defeat Balkoth and end this nightmare.
Are you that leader? Do you and your adventurers have the courage to defeat the forces of tyranny and return Urak to its former glory? You have
the magic of the land and the loyalty of your
comrades to aid you in this quest. But it will not
be easy. The bloody road to victory will be strewn
with the bodies of the dead and the dying
Even as you claim small victories, the armies of
Darkness lie in wait. In dungeons, caverns, and
even in the light of day, these forces amass to
oppose you. Horrible battles lie ahead.
Can you save Urak from the fiendish hand of
Balkoth? Can you return to the people of Urak
their beautiful lands? Do you have the courage
and power it takes to lead an army into the darkness - with any hope of survival?
When you first run the game, an introductory
movie plays, followed by a message welcoming
you to Lords of Magic. After this screen you
arrive at the Start Options Panel:
Lords of Magic- Starts a new game from scratch.
Legends Of Urak- Allows you to play the spe-
cial Lords of Magic quests (see page 146). We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the
standard game of Lords of Magic before attempting one of these.
Last Save- This selection loads the last game that
was saved, including, the autosave feature that
automatically saves your game prior to entering a
non-autocalculated combat. If you're continuing
an epic campaign from your last outing in Urak,
just hit this button and you won't have to scroll
through a list of saved games. Likewise if you
were killed in a battle, you can restart at the point
just before the combat took place.
them with other Lords of Magic players.(See page
Custom- Brings up a list of saved custom maps
for single player games on user-created maps.
Exit Game- Exits the Game to the Desktop.
Click on Lords of Magic. This brings up the Lord
Selection Screen. Here you choose the profession, or class of the Lord you will play in Lords of
Magic. You can choose Warrior, Mage or Thief.
Each class has different strengths and weaknesses
that affect gameplay. By choosing one of these
Load Game- Brings up a list of saved games.
Among these are the tutorial files, used later. (See
page 22).
Multiplayer- Brings up the Multiplayer Options
Panel, where you can begin adventuring on-line
and with others.(See page 136).
Map Editor- Opens the World Map Editor.
Here you can make infinite new landscapes of
Urak and add whole new dimensions to Lords of
Magic. You can save these maps and exchange
classes, you are not limiting your entire party to
that particular class. Any party can be comprised
of a combination of these characters, but the
strategy of your Faith will be influenced by the
kind of Lord you choose to play.
At any time during the selection process, you can
click on Back in the lower left corner of the
screen to return to the previous screen.
Once you have chosen a class, you will be asked
to select the Faith that you will play. This is
another important decision since each Faith also
has its own strengths and weaknesses. The kind
of game you will play depends largely on this
choice. See the sections entitled Quick Start or
Selecting Your Lord for more information.
See page 45 for more information on Classes.
If you choose to play an Easy game, you start
with extra resources, while all of the other Faiths,
including Balkoth begin with less. When you
conquer a dungeon, you will receive more spoils
than normal. When other Faiths swear fealty to
you, you receive a larger percentage of their
standing army - units and resources - than on the
other difficulty levels. You may also find extra
scrolls throughout the world.
Faith Selection Screen
This level is designed for players who are familiar
with the game and provides a good challenge for
a long time. In a Medium level game, you and the
other Faiths begin with fewer resources and experience than in Easy mode. In addition, Balkoth is
not at as much of a disadvantage as he is in an
Easy game. Dungeon spoils are even, and a normal amount of parties swear fealty to you when
another Faiths Great Temple is liberated.
14 15
This is, understandably, the most difficult level to
play. You and the other Faiths start with fewer
resources while Balkoth gains an extra
Champion. You'll find fewer dungeon spoils for
the same work, and there aren't as many scrolls in
the world. When an other Faith swear fealty to
you, you receive only a small percentage of its
standing army. This level is not for the shy or
inexperienced. Good luck.
So you're chomping at the bit, ready to get out
there and slay a few enemies? Then pick up
your battleaxe and start hacking.
Many avid gamers want to get right to it - they
don't want to waste any precious game time
going through tutorials and manuals. Take heart,
we wrote this section just for you! Here you'll
find what you need to know to start adventuring
in Urak as fast as possible. If you need to know
more, we've added page numbers and references
directing you to more detailed information. If
you want to learn even more about playing the
game, then go to the tutorials on page 22.
In Urak, you can be the adventurer you always
wanted to be. Start the game, after the introductory story is finished, select Lords of Magic and
read the descriptions of the Warrior, Mage and
Thief that appear on the screen. Select the class
that is closest to the character you wish to portray. Next, choose a Faith based on the descriptions and start conditions given on the screen.
You can always go back a step in the selection
process by clicking on the Back button in the
lower left corner of the screen. Finally, select the
difficulty level and begin.
See page 47 for more information on Faiths
See page 45 for more information on Champions.
16 17
After loading, you will see your Lord and his or
her party in the wilderness of the land.
Somewhere close by will be the Capital of your
Faith. Surrounding this is a small cluster of
buildings: A Barracks, a Mage Tower with a Spell
Library and a Thieves Guild. You will use all of
these buildings to hire and train units of your
Faith to help you in your adventures.
Somewhere in the area is a large unique ornamental structure. This is your Great Temple, a key
facility that you will need to liberate from the
scourge of evil.
See page 74 for more information on city management.
See page 71 for more information on Great
See page 59 for more information on Movement
and Interface.
See page 87 for more information on Caves,
Dungeons and Towers.
Take your leader into your Capital and visit the
Tavern, Temple, Magistrate, and Marketplace.
Clicking directly on the buildings will allow you
to conduct business with them. It is here that
you will be able to manage your resources over
Exit the Capital and go to the Thieves Guild to
hire Mercenary Missile (ranged attack) units.
Now you are ready to attempt to conquer that
structure closest to you.
See page 75 for more information on Resource
To explore the darkened regions around your
Capital, move your Lord by left-clicking twice on
a destination - once to set the location and again
to execute the move. When you move, you'll see
more land and structures revealed as the shroud is
lifted. Move your cursor over these structures
and a highlight may appear, indicating that they
are objects that can be interacted with. If you
leave the cursor over a structure for a few seconds
you will see a description pop-up appear.
Keep in mind that these buildings, caves, statues,
and other mysterious objects represent potential
hiding places for your enemies.
Combat in Lords of Magic is similar to other
real-time strategy games. Select units and move
them into combat. However, Lords of Magic
allows you to pause the action by pressing the
space bar. In this way you can stop to take a
more tactical look around and issue orders to
units while the game is paused.
There are three ways to select units: by clicking
on them directly, by clicking on the unit icons at
the bottom of the screen, or by cycling through
them with the + and - keys. Once the unit is
highlighted, you can issue orders in one of two
ways: By clicking on the physical destination or
target, or by using the buttons above the icons
and then clicking on the destinations or targets.
Champions take orders as individuals, but
Military Units (Infantry, Cavalry and Missile
Troops) all take orders in squads of three. You
can, if you wish, select individual Military Units
by holding down CTRL and clicking on the unit
on the map.
Once combat ends, the Combat Results panel
will appear. This shows unit losses and the spoils
that the victor receives.
In order to become a recognized Lord, you must
have a Stronghold built in your honor. This is
necessary to gain the resources required to wage
a successful campaign against Balkoth. In order
to have this Stronghold built for you, you must
gain enough strength, by conquering dungeons
and hiring Mercenaries, to remove the evil from
your Great Temple.
See Chapter 4 for more information on Combat.
At any time during the game while on the
Overland Map, you can change the game options.
Click on the disk icon on the left side of the
Interface Panel or hit the ESC key to bring up the
Options Panel. The Options Panel gives you control over the following options.
New Game:Quits the current game and brings
you back to the Startup Screen to begin another
Last Save:Loads the last saved game or the last
point before you entered a non auto-calculated
Save Game:Saves the game in progress and
allows it to be loaded later.
Load Game:Allows you to load a game from a
list of previously saved games.
Sound:Clicking on this button brings up another panel from which you can adjust the volumes
for different game sounds.
Music:This allows you to change the volume of
the music that is played in the background.
Sound FX:The volume of all of the sounds made
by characters, such as walking, spells and combat
noises, can be controlled from here.
Speech:This alters the volume of the verbal
replies that characters give when you select them
and give them orders.
Ambience: This allows you to change the volume
of the background noises that make up the
atmosphere of the game such as wind blowing,
birds chirping and waves crashing.
Building Speech On/Off: Clicking this button
selects whether or not you want to hear the statements made whenever you enter a Capital or
Military buildings, such as the Barracks, Mage
Towers, Thieves Guilds.
Reset Help: When you first start playing Lords
of Magic you receive Help Text when certain
events occurs. You have the option to disable
each of these panels after you view them for the
first time. If, at some later date, you want to re enable them again, pressing this button will reset
all of the Help Text Panels.
Center Move On/Off: Toggle this button to
choose whether or not you want to have the
game screen constantly center on the currently
moving party. With this option turned on, the
screen will automatically center on any units that
are moving within any line of sight your parties
have. This is useful for tracking enemy movement that may otherwise go unnoticed. Turned
off, the screen will remain where you have left it
and not track any movement. This is a good
option to have on if you one have one party and
want to keep an eye on it. Leave this option
turned off if you have multiple parties and you
want to scroll around the map looking at them.
The last options that you can adjust are the
Game Speed and Combat Speed. Modifying the
Game Speed will change the speed in which
everything happens on the Overland Map while
changing the Combat Speed affects the speed at
which combat takes place. Clicking the Default
button will reset both speeds to their default values.
Finally, you have the options to either Quit or
Resume the game with your new options.
22 23
At the main start screen, choose the LOAD
option. Click on the saved game called
MERC.SAV so that it appears in the box at the
top; now click on the word LOAD on the lower
left side of the pop-up. Follow the instructions as
described in the Tutorial below. If for some reason you encounter difficulty playing the tutorial
and you wish to restart the tutorial, click on the
gray diskette at the left side of the main interface
to access the OPTIONS MENU, click on the
LOAD button, and reload the saved game.
When the game begins, you do not have any followers (people willing to work for you) to train
as new units in your army. However, you do need
to increase your forces, so hiring Mercenaries
becomes your only option. Mercenaries are very
expensive to maintain, so you'll need to keep a
watchful eye on your treasury when you have
mercenaries in your ranks.
To hire a mercenary, first left-click on your party
to select it and then left-click twice on the
Barracks to move the party into the Barracks. If
you do not know which structure is the Barracks,
you can hold the cursor over buildings, and you
will see mouse help text appear above each structure. Find the structure marked "Archon
Barracks" and left-click twice to enter the building. You will be greeted by a voice welcoming you
to the Barracks. An adventurers' viewpoint of the
Military building that stands before your Lord
appears on a panel, with a description of the
building (note: it is always a good idea to carefully read the descriptions of any buildings or units
that you encounter as they give hints to what this
building is suited for and the strengths and weaknesses of the units found within). After reading
the description of the building, click on the
Footmen button to see a description of these disciplined foot soldiers.
You now have two options: Train and Hire Merc.
The resources that appear above the Train button
are the costs associated with training a follower,
whereas the resources above the Mercenary
(Hire) button pertain to a "pay as you play"
method used by the mercenaries. Notice that
training a Footman unit requires that you have at
least one follower (the little man raising his arm).
If the resource display at the bottom of your
screen on the lower right shows that you have no
followers available, the only way to acquire any
units is to hire a mercenary. Click on the Hire
Merc. button and you will see and hear that the
mercenary has been hired. Exit the barracks
screen. You now have a new unit to command,
and as you can see from your resource display in
the lower right, this mercenary is very costly,
requiring four gold and one ale for every day that
they are in your service.
Strategy note: Mercenaries are a temporary solution at best. It is vital that you do not pay them
to sit around idle. Hire them and go and kill
something! For more information on mercenaries and how to dismiss them, see pages 58-59.
This concludes the tutorial on hiring
Mercenaries. At this point you should go on to
the next tutorial.
24 25
At the main start screen, choose the LOAD
option. Click on the saved game called TEMPLE.SAV so that it appears in the box at the top;
now click on the word LOAD on the lower left
side of the pop-up. Follow the instructions as
described in the Tutorial below. If for some reason you encounter difficulty playing the tutorial
and you wish to restart the tutorial, click on the
gray diskette at the left side of the main interface
to access the OPTIONS MENU, click on the
LOAD button, and reload the saved game.
Taking a Great Temple is the single most important step that you can make in Lords of Magic,
short of slaying Balkoth. Freeing the Great
Temple provides you with a five-fold reward:
· When you defeat the creatures that infest your
Great Temple, your people build a Stronghold for
your Lord to use as his or her base of operations.
· You will receive an immediate reward of 10 followers in your Stronghold upon freeing the Great
· The Great Temple remains as the focal point to
attract future followers to join your cause. After
visiting the Great Temple, new followers will
journey to your Stronghold every week (seven
· Mere possession of the Great Temple spreads
your name and increases your fame.
· The Great Temple will eventually allow you to
summon the most powerful creatures in Urak.
Select the party that is outside the Great Temple
by left-clicking on it. Left-click on the massive
statue adjacent to the party. enter the Great
Temple and prepare for battle. The battle has
been pre-arranged so that there should be little
challenge. Do not expect it to be this easy in the
actual game!
The Order Great Temple
Assuming you win the battle at the Great Temple,
a message appears describing the epic event.
Scroll the map to your Capital and you now see
the proud presence of a Stronghold waving a banner above the rooftops. Click the End Turn button. Notice that you were on your sixth turn, so
the next turn will be your seventh. At the end of
the week (seventh turn), another message
appears, informing you of the number of followers who have gathered in the Stronghold to join
you. Click on the Capital and you can now assign
these followers to do various jobs for you. Assign
followers to the Marketplace to work as merchants to earn gold, to the Tavern to brew ale, to
the Temple to enchant magic crystals, or to the
Magistrate to spread the word of your cause and
raise your fame (see page 82 for more informa-
tion on city and resource management).
At the main start screen, choose the LOAD
option. Click on the saved game called
MAGIC.SAV so that it appears in the box at the
top; now click on the word LOAD on the lower
left side of the pop-up. Follow the instructions as
described in the Tutorial below. If for some reason you encounter difficulty playing the tutorial
and you wish to restart the tutorial, click on the
gray diskette at the left side of the main interface
to access the OPTIONS MENU, click on the
LOAD button, and reload the saved game.
The task of learning more powerful spells is handled by assigning Mages to research in the spell
Library. To assign a Mage to begin research on a
spell, select the party near the Mage Tower and
place the mouse cursor over the Library. If you
are not sure about which building this may be,
just leave the cursor over a building for a moment
and help text will appear above the structure
describing it to you. Once you find the Library,
left-click to enter. You will immediately be taken
to the Library interior where you will see your
Mage, sitting at a desk, hard at work.
Now you must choose which spell you wish to
research. There are four books on the shelf to
choose from, combat attack, combat defense,
overland spells, and general knowledge. Click on
the first book on the left (with the sword on the
spine) to open it, and you will see the first combat attack spell that your Mage can learn for you
(in fact you already know this spell). Left-click
on the right page to turn to the next spell, which
you do not know. The left page tells you how
many days (turns) it will take to complete
research on this spell. Exit the Library by clicking
on the doorway to the left of the screen and end
your turn. At the start of the next turn, enter the
Library again by left-clicking on the Enter
Building button above your Mage. You will now
see an open book on the bookstand that represents the spell being researched. Left-click on the
book and you will now see the report on the left
page giving you the current status of the spell
being researched. This page also tells you the
names and experience levels of the Mages currently researching in the library. Over time you
will notice that the runes on the bottom of the
right page become readable, signifying your
progress in the practical application of this spell.
At the main start screen, choose the LOAD
option. Click on the saved game called COMBAT.SAV so that it appears in the box at the top;
now click on the word LOAD on the lower left
side of the pop-up. Follow the instructions as
described in the Tutorial below. If for some reason you encounter difficulty playing the tutorial
case, however, choose "Enter".
Now you are inside the Large Estate. Combat is
currently paused so take a moment to look
around. Using your mouse cursor, scroll to the
upper left portion of the screen - there you will
see your enemy. Rest your mouse cursor on one
of the enemy creatures; notice that the selected
enemy is now outlined in brown, and mouse help
appears giving the name and experience level
(approximate strength in the case of creatures) of
your vile enemy. The interface panel on the lower
left of your screen now provides more detailed
statistics on the abilities of any foe you highlight.
Just above the enemy are descending stairs. These
stairs indicate that this Large Estate contains
another level below the current battle level, with
more wretched inhabitants to oppose you. If you
wish to explore deeper into the next level, you
must ensure that you remain healthy enough to
continue your adventure.
You will also notice two colored flags planted in
the ground and waving above your Mage. To find
your Mage's location (or that of any other unit)
on the battle map, right-click on the Mage's icon
in the lower panel and you will automatically center on him. Hold the mouse cursor over the flags;
mouse help will appear indicating that this is a
"Flee Area". If you ever find yourself facing a
superior enemy and want to leave combat before
all your troops are exterminated, press the "Flee
From Combat" button (the picture of the person
running with upraised hands) located on the
lower right side of the interface panel. Giving this
order will cause all your troops to disengage from
and you wish to restart the tutorial, click on the
gray diskette at the left side of the main interface
to access the OPTIONS MENU, click on the
LOAD button, and reload the saved game.
Success or failure in combat is one of the most
important factors in any adventurer's journey
through Urak. This tutorial is designed to give
you a basic overview on the capabilities of the
various troops you will lead into battle. In this
tutorial, you command three champions: a Life
Mage, a Life Warrior, and a Life Thief as well as a
unit of Life Infantry and a unit of Life Missile
Troops. Note that the Champions are graphically
represented by only one figure at all times, while
Military units (Infantry, Cavalry & Missile
Troops) are represented by three figures in combat.
Directly above your party on the overland map is
a structure with a blue roof and a gray banner
waving over it. Rest the mouse cursor over it;
mouse help will appear indicating that this structure is called a "Large Estate". Double-click on
the Large Estate; a pop-up panel will appear that
describes the difficulty level (i.e. difficulty - level
1 is the easiest, level 11 is the most difficult) and
gives a brief description of who or what awaits to
battle your party within. There are also three buttons at the bottom of this pop-up: "Enter",
"Autocalc" and "Retreat". Enter will take your
party into battle, Autocalc lets the computer
determine the winner, and Retreat allows you
return to the overland map unscathed (although
what brave adventurer would ever contemplate
running away with his tail between legs?). In this
combat and make their way to the flee point.
Troops who make it to the flee point will return
to overland map. Directly below the "Flee" button is the "Surrender" button. Giving an order to
surrender will kill all of your non-Champion
troops and make your Champions prisoners-ofwar. The other two buttons are the "Pause
Combat" button (the red/green light next to the
"Flee" button) and "Autocalc" (the button with
the computer on it).
Now right click on your Warrior (the guy riding
the green lizard). Notice that a new set of action
buttons appears above the unit icon panel. These
buttons give specific orders to the Warrior that
only he can carry out. These buttons are (from
left to right): Attack, Defend, Go Berserk and
Rally. Notice that each button has mouse- help
associated with it. Clicking on the Attack button
and then clicking on a particular enemy unit will
make the Warrior advance to that unit and attack
it. Click on the Defend button, and then click on
a location on the map or on a particular friendly
unit. Choosing to defend a location will cause the
Warrior to move to the specified area and wait for
the enemy to approach. If you choose to defend
a particular unit, the Warrior will move near to
the unit he has been ordered to protect, and
defend him if he comes under attack. If you order
the Warrior to defend himself, he will parry;
applying one half of his attack value to his
defense, and subsequently entirely forfeiting the
opportunity to attack. This is useful for infantry,
to stall the enemy's approach and hold him at bay,
while Mages or Missile Troops attack from afar.
Clicking on the Go Berserk button will cause
your Warrior's defense to drop to zero, but will
increase his attack by one half of his original
defense. This button is only really useful if you
either completely outclass your enemy or if your
enemy is so powerful that you have no other
alternative. Clicking on the Rally button will
cause your Warrior to issue a mighty war-cry and
will inspire your military units to fight at plus one
to attack and defense. (Military units are:
Infantry, Cavalry, and Missile Troops.)
The next Champion to right-click on is the Thief,
which causes a new set of action buttons to
appear above the unit icon panel. These buttons
are (from left to right): Subdue, Aimed Attack,
Stealth, and Detect Thief. Again, each button has
mouse-help associated with it. Subdue is used to
capture Champions of another faith. Click on the
Subdue button and then click on the enemy
Champion you want to capture. If your Thief
successfully subdues an enemy, he will become
your prisoner of war. See page 133 for further
information on POW options. Please note: subdue can only be used on Champions belonging to
another "player faith"; it cannot be used on wandering monster or renegade champions that live
in, or come from caves and dungeons, such as the
ones in this battle, and it can never be used on
non-champion units. Giving the order for an
Aimed Attack allows your Thief to cause greater
damage with her missile attacks, at the expense of
slowing down her rate of fire. Clicking on the
Stealth button turns your Thief invisible to all
enemy units, until detected. Detection is based
on the sneaking thief's level and distance from the
detecting parties. When a sneaking thief either
gets very close to her enemies, or when that
enemy is of higher level than she, the chance for
detection rises dramatically. The last action button: Detect Thief, allows your Thief to try to
detect any enemy Thieves that are in stealth
mode, and trying to sneak up on you. Though
again the ability of your thief to detect an enemy
thief in stealth mode depends on the relative levels of the thieves, this method of detection offers
your party the best chance at detecting enemy
The final Champion to right-click on is the Mage.
Notice that two yellow spell buttons now appear
above the unit icon window. The left button rep-
resents combat attack spells, and the right combat defense spells. Move your cursor over these
buttons and notice that mouse help appears
describing the spell effects and the mana cost to
cast these spells. In the unit statistics area in the
left portion of the interface panel, the middle statistic box on the bottom row tells how much
mana your mage currently has. At the moment,
she has 17 mana at her disposal. As she casts
spells, the amount mana remaining decreases. See
page 110 for further information on mana and
spell casting. Now place your cursor over the
"Spirit Arrow" spell (the yellow button on left
with an arrow on it) and right click. Notice that a
pop-up box appears with a button for Spirit
Arrow and another button for a spell called
"Bless". As you learn new spells through research
in the Mage Library they will appear in this popup box area. A red outline appears around Spirit
Arrow because it had been selected spell. Leftclick on the button for "Bless" to select it - "Bless"
will now appear above the unit icon where the
Spirit Arrow button used to be. Right-click on
the button for "Bless" and observe that a red outline is now surrounding the button for "Bless".
Left-click on the button for "Spirit Arrow" to reselect it and notice that it again appears above the
unit icon panel. Left-click on the button for
"Spirit Arrow" once more; your cursor will now
turn into a white star to indicate that a spell has
beenreadied for casting. Scroll over to your
enemy and rest your cursor on one of the blue
"Sprites" creatures. The star cursor will begin to
animate and a red outline will appear around the
creature you have targeted. Left-click on the
creature to cast "Spirit Arrow" on this foul
enemy. Now unpause the game by hitting the
space bar and watch as your Mage casts "Spirit
Arrow" on your opponent. After the spell has hit
the targeted creature, notice that his health (represented by the gray bar above the creature) has
been reduced. Hit the space bar again to pause
the game and select another target on which to
cast "Spirit Arrow". If you want the game to continue in real-time but just want to slow things
down a bit, use the "," and "." keys to speed things
up or down until you find a speed suitable to you.
Notice that after you attack the creatures they
begin to move toward you. While the game is still
paused, issue orders to set up the positions of
your troops. It's best to place your Infantry units
in front of your Missile Troops to protect them
and allow them to fire without being attacked.
You can give your units orders by either selecting
them in the unit icon panel or left-clicking and
dragging a box around their figures on the map.
You can even select individual members of a
Military Unit by combining a left-click with the
<CNTL> key. You can give your units orders to
move (and attack) when the game is paused;
however, they will not execute these orders until
the game is unpaused. Move your troops so that
the Elven Staffmen are in front of the Elven
Archers and Thief Champion to protect them.
Continue to have your Mage cast "Spirit Arrow"
on the enemy creatures. Use the Rally button and
then move your Warrior up to attack any stray
enemies that might attempt to sneak through
your defenses.
Once you have dispatched your enemy, you
receive a pop-up informing you of the combat
results: who was killed, what spoils you received,
and any units that have increased in experience
level. In multi-level encounters, such as this, you
receive a panel informing you that you may now
manipulate artifacts and cast spells. This means
that if you had any potions or healing spells you
could now use them (see page 116 for details on
using potions). In this case you have neither, so
click on the "Close" button located on the lower
right side of the panel. You now have the option
to return to the overland map (by clicking on the
globe located on the lower right side of the
screen) or proceeding down to the next level of
the dungeon to clear out the evil inhabitants
located within. You also have the option of splitting up your party and sending any severely damaged unit back to the surface. This is done by first
sending your stronger units down to do battle
with creatures located below, and then clicking
on the flee button for the remaining troops to
leave . In this case, however, send all your units
down below by selecting them and giving them
an order to move to the descending staircase.
Once all the units have made it to the staircase,
you will be transported to the next level of the
dungeon with a whole new group of enemies that
oppose you. Using the knowledge you gained
from your previous battle, you should be able to
turn these creatures into dragon appetizers in no
time. You may notice that as you continue to
order your Mage to cast spells on the enemy that
the spell buttons gray and out and she can no
longer cast spells. This is because she has run out
of mana. Mana can be replenished either by using
a potion (see page 116 for details on using mana
potions) or by ending your turn (your Mage will
have full mana on the next day). Once victory is
yours, you receive another combat results report,
and your party returns to the overland map.
right-click in an open portion of the overland
map to deselect it. Now place your cursor on the
Barracks and left-click to select the empty building. A pop-up options panel will appear; notice
that next to the "Experience Conferred to
Recruits" and "Next Turn" the numbers both indicate that zero experience will be conferred to any
units produced because no Champion is present
to instruct them. Click on the button labeled
"Elven Staffmen" in the middle of the upper row.
Another panel will appear that gives a brief
description of the Elven Staffmen as well as their
statistics (attack, defense, movement, etc.) and
their cost. Observe that their current experience(shown by the temperature bar underneath
the word "Level") indicates that if you produced
the unit now, it would appear with only Level 1
experience, and hence would be quite weak and
vulnerable in combat. Hit the "Cancel" button
and exit the Barracks. Now select your party by
left-clicking on it and order it to move into the
Barracks. You will now see that because you have
brought the appropriate Champion (a Warrior)
into the Barracks, he will confer 46 points of
experience onto any units produced in the next
turn. A new line also appeared: "Max With This
Champion", indicating that a unit produced while
using this Champion as Steward will receive a
maximum of 465 experience points if the
Champion remains as Steward for the longest
possible time.
Select the "Elven Staffmen" button again.
Observe that the temperature bar underneath the
word "Level" now contains two colors: green to
indicate the experience level that a unit will pos-
Notice that a gray banner no longer flies over the
large estate - all its evil denizens have been exterminated. If you had failed to defeat the creatures
within, a gray banner would continue to wave
above the estate.
At the main start screen, choose the LOAD
option. Click on the saved game called EXPERIENCE.SAV so that it appears in the box at the
top; now click on the word LOAD on the lower
left side of the pop-up. Follow the instructions as
described in the Tutorial below. If for some reason you encounter difficulty playing the tutorial
and you wish to restart the tutorial, click on the
gray diskette at the left side of the main interface
to access the OPTIONS MENU, click on the
LOAD button, and reload the saved game.
Having your Champions confer some of their
experience to new units can be the easiest (not to
mention safest) way to acquire units with a higher experience level, without ever taking them into
battle. This tutorial will show you how to assign
Champions as stewards to your military buildings, to greatly enhance the strength of the
forces that your buildings produce for you to lead
into battle.
Find your Elven Barracks - it is to the left of your
party. You can find your various building by resting the cursor over them to receive mouse help..
Do not enter the Barracks with your party; if
your party is currently selected (i.e. it appears in
the unit icon panel at the bottom of the screen),
Staffmen have reached their maximum level of
experience (as indicated by a Level temperature
bar that is all yellow), click on the "Train Unit"
button and observe that the newly created unit
will posses Level 3 experience.
sess next turn, and blue for the maximum amount
of experience the unit will receive. Notice that a
blue "+1" appears below the number 2 on the
level temperature bar. This means that the maximum amount of experience the unit will possess
will advance him beyond experience Level 2. Hit
the Exit button to exit the Barracks and then
click on the end turn gem in the lower right corner to end your turn. At the beginning of your
next turn, go back into your Barracks and select
"Elven Staffmen" once again. The temperature bar
will now contain three colors: yellow to indicate
the current experience the Staffmen will possess
if produced on this turn, green to show how
much experience they will posses if produced the
following turn, and blue to show their maximum
experience. Keep on ending turn until no more
blue remains in the temperature bar, and the bar
is entirely yellow (10 turns). Notice that the
experience the unit will possess if produced on
this turn will put him just below experience Level
3. In addition to the experience of the Champion
who is residing as Steward, the upgrade level of
the Barracks (or Thieves Guild, or Mage Tower)
can affect the amount of experience conferred
upon new units produced as well. The top of the
first pop-up panel when you enter the Barracks
indicates that this structure is currently at
upgrade level 1. Click on the button labeled
"Upgrade" on the upper right of this panel. Now
click on the button for "Elven Staffmen" and
observe that the amount of experience the
Staffmen can possess will place them above experience Level 3. Remember that a military building cannot be upgraded higher than the level of
its corresponding Stronghold. Once the Elven
o you think you've got what it takes to
defeat Balkoth? Let me tell you some-
you. All of them are dead. I won't relate the manner of their deaths, but let us say that what little
remained of the bodies wouldn't feed a hungry
thing, my friend. Many have come before
- Balathustrius
again, the people will sing your praise and build
you a Stronghold in your Capital, attracting
Followers who will work for you.
The resources necessary for maintaining your
parties and continuing your campaigns, are Gold,
Crystals, and Ale. These can be obtained by clearing local structures. While clearing out a cave or
dungeon will yield some instant resources, a
steady flow can be found by conquering and
maintaining control of a Gold Mine, Crystal
Mine, Brewery or Statue.
Much of your success in Urak hinges on your
reputation, or Fame. How famous you become
depends on your actions and your conquests during the course of the game. As your Fame grows,
numerous Followers from across Urak volunteer
to help in your campaign. These Followers appear
in your Stronghold and await your orders.
Followers can be assigned to the vital tasks of
brewing ale, running your Marketplace, spreading
the word of your campaign, and harvesting magic
crystals. Additionally, you can invest resources
into training Followers to create powerful units
in any of the Military buildings on the outskirts
of the Capital. Mercenaries, too, can be hired , at
a cost.
Live long enough, and your soldiers and
Champions become more experienced and much
more powerful in combat. Once your Lord has
gained a few levels of experience, you are ready to
venture out beyond the relative safety of your
own region and visit your neighbors.
When the game begins, it's just you and a few
loyal adventurers in a big, unexplored world.
To defeat Balkoth and restore Urak you will need
to build a force great enough to vanquish him.
There are many steps that you must take in order
to accomplish this goal.
First you need a base of operations where you can
build and train your forces. To do this, you will
need to prove yourself a worthy Lord to the good
people of the Faith you have chosen to lead. Your
people may support you and pray you are successful, but this does not mean that they will
work for you or lay down their lives for you. In
order for your people to support you in action,
not just in words, you must clear the poison that
Golgoth has summoned within your Great
Temple. When the Great Temple is free once
your campaigns will be run. An Order Mage
game is very different than a Water Thief game.
These two choices, Lord Type and Faith
Selection, are the most important decisions in the
A Warrior's life is one of loneliness and glory,
days spent in the thick of battle, nights alone
on the cold ground with a thin blanket and distant memories of home. The world of a Mage,
thick with the dust of spell books and heavy
with the perfume of potions, hints of mystery
and foreboding. The romance of a thief's life is
more myth than truth, for Thieves are sought
by all and trusted by none.
- Balathustrius
There are three Lord Types that you may choose
from: Warrior, Mage, and Thief.
Choose to become a Warrior and your talents lie
on the battlefield. Even the most inexperienced
Warriors have superior combat skills, and all
Warriors have a powerful charisma that can be
used to rally their troops during combat. Many
Warriors ride proud battle-mounts into combat.
Choose to study the mystic arts as a Mage, and
the magical abilities you possess can make you a
powerful, dangerous leader. It is true that novice
Mages starting a campaign are weak, with untried
skills and untested spells fresh from their books.
But as a Mage, you have the opportunity to learn
additional spells as the game progresses, making
you a force to be reckoned with (provided you
can stay alive long enough!).
A word about Bartering: As you encounter the
other Faiths in the game, you will meet some that
agree with your cause and some that support
Balkoth in the hopes of sharing the spoils of a
broken Urak. Depending on the political attitude
of your neighbors, they may seek your help.
People that you encounter who are sympathetic
to your cause can become permanent allies of
yours if you clear out the Great Temple in their
region. When this is done, the people are so
grateful that the Lord of that Faith swears fealty
to you, and his or her people come under your
rule, adding their resources to yours. Any Faith
that swears fealty to you provides you with an
Heir that will continue your campaigns if you
should die. Should you encounter hostile Faiths
whose opinions cannot be turned, you must conquer their Capital by force.
Consolidating the power of the peoples of Urak
in this way will undoubtedly give you the leverage
you need to face Balkoth. His power is unquestionably the strongest in Urak. But with perseverance, cunning, good leadership, and enough
allies fighting alongside you, you may just
become the savior this land so desperately needs.
Before you can lead your army against the darkness, you must choose what kind of Lord you
wish to become. Choosing the type of Lord that
you will play may seem like a simple process.
However, each decision affects the way in which
ble-clicking a unit icon on the status bar) you
notice that Lords, unlike all other units, cost
nothing to maintain.
...winning the battle against Dark. For it is that
when beliefs coalesce into one, Good will triumph and… the shadows will face banishment
forever to the depths of Urak.
- Fragment of a parchment from the
Prophesy of Urak, Volume 24.
As a Lord, you must choose to lead one of the
eight Faiths of Urak before you start your campaign. At the beginning of the game, you will see
the Circle of Life. Here is where you will choose
what Faith to worship. There are eight archways,
one for each Faith. Choose carefully, for this
decision affects everything that comes after it.
Each Faith has its own strengths and weaknesses
that distinguish it on the battlefield, and you
must choose a Faith that complements the campaign you wish to conduct.
Choose the life of a Thief and you choose to live
amongst the shadows. Thieves embrace an existence of cunning, deception and stealth. Good
Thieves can roam the world spying on enemies
without being detected.
In combat, a Thief has the ability to sneak up to
enemy Champions, subdue them and take them
Lords carry a double banner on the Overland
Map, enabling their party to stand out from the
others. As a Lord, you wear your personal colors,
which are different from those of other
Champions and your enemies. Also, if you look
at the Unit Information Panel (accessed by dou-
enemy units, but they make up for this with their
powerful attacks and impressive collection of
strong defensive spells.
I annoyed a Fire Giant once. I don't recommend it.
- Balathustrius
Worshippers of Fire are just akin to the worshippers of Chaos. They tend to be strong, and attack
with startling vehemence. Fire mages love
pyrotechnics, and their impressive array of spells
both look great and can ruin an opponent's day
from quite a distance. Their weaknesses are few
but serious, for Fire worshippers have little
defensive magic, fairly useless armor, and low hit
points. As a result, a typical strategy for Fire worshippers is to torch and run, so expect to see
them attack first.
If you're smart, you'll never board one of the
leaky tubs that pass for ships on Urak. Mark
me, the decision to tempt the creatures of
Water may be the last dry choice you make.
Not to mention that ship food ranks as the
foulest slop ever to curse a dinner table.
- Balathustrius
From the gentle foam that teases the western
coast to the crashing waves beneath the Cliffs of
Amshanan, the Water Faith has complete dominance of the oceans. Their sea monsters can
smash enemy ships and their land-based lizard
Damned Storm Giant mages. It never fails
...they always call the rain when I want to work
in my garden.
- Balathustrius
Air creatures soar above a battle, striking fast and
moving out quickly. Air creatures don't have
much in the way of armor, but their agility gives
them an edge against attack. Air Mages have an
exceptional library of offensive spells at their disposal, and these spellslingers can usually be found
at the rear of an army, throwing lightning bolts
from long distances (and keeping themselves well
out of the fray). Mages of the Air Faith are legendary for their ability to control the weather.
I've always liked the Dwarves. They're slow
and stubborn, but honorable and good allies in
a clinch.
- Balathustrius
Earth followers move like the slow-growing
glimmer vines of Urak - you can't really see them
move, then all of a sudden they've covered your
garden. But don't mistake their lack of speed for
lack of brains. Earth creatures have a battle savvy
that comes with an intimate knowledge of the
terrain, and their superior armor and unmatched
endurance make them difficult to kill. Earth creatures can usually be out-maneuvered by faster
I've never been terribly impressed with the worshippers of Order. They're highly disciplined in
a way too serious for my taste.
- Balathustrius
To believe in Order is to believe in balance. Order
worshippers embrace the view that everything in
the universe has its place and every event happens
for a reason. On the battlefield, the soldiers of
Order are renowned for their balance of defense,
attack, movement, and hit points. Soldiers the
world over envy the troops of Order, for their
Mages are experts at spells that increase the fighting abilities of Warriors and that protect the lesser troops from whatever harm is flung their way.
The Elves confuse me. On one hand, they're
worshippers of the eternal web of life on Urak.
On the other hand, when crossed they can be
frighteningly lethal opponents.
- Balathustrius
Elves are agile and quick, with an unmatched
long-range attack that enables them to inflict
serious amounts of damage from a distance. Life
Mages employ powerful healing spells that revive
wounded troops on the battlefield. Legends,
from long ago, speak of Life Mages resurrecting
their fallen comrades.
Unfortunately for the Elves, their melee skills
pale in comparison to their ranged prowess. Their
greatest weaknesses lie in their lack of closerange fighting skills and their distaste for wearing
armor. It's rare to see Life troops in hand-to-hand
men are fast and tough enough to make quick
work of the enemy. Water Mages begin as
extremely weak characters, but theirs is a profession that grows in strength as the game progresses. Over time, Water Mages gain the knowledge
and experience to learn extremely powerful
spells. They are the only Faith with the ability to
change water into land. In times of peace they use
the healing powers of water to restore hit points
to wounded creatures.
I've got no patience with Barbarians and their
ilk. They're big, they smell of stale ale and
horse droppings, and you never know which
side they'll end up fighting for during the battle.
- Balathustrius
Barbarians make great soldiers because they have
simple needs: warm food, enough ale to addle
their brains, and a dry place to sleep. They're
good in battle situations; they have relatively high
hit points and can perform devastating melee
attacks. They don't wear much armor though,
and they're not too good with projectile weapons.
Chaos Mages have some awe-inspiring spells at
their fingertips. It is rumored that they have the
power to transform themselves and their enemies
into other creatures. With this power comes turmoil, however, because magic of this type is highly unstable, and therefore unpredictable.
combat, and only foolish Leaders order Life
troops to the front lines of battle.
No sane Urakian speaks aloud of the
Golgothan troops. The followers of Death lurk
in the scorched forests and dank caves of
Urak, and inhabit the nightmares of all that battle to simply live...
- Balathustrius
In order to play as Balkoth, you must first defeat
him in single play. The Death Faith is always available in Multiplayer games. The following information is still relevant to gameplay.
It is known that members of the Dark Faith wield
stunning powers, given to them by the fetid
princes of the nether regions. Death worshippers
are well armored and fast, possessing a superior
power in battle that destroys most of their enemies. Death troops tend to be equally skilled at
range and melee attacks. Their Mages overwhelm
their opponents with some of the most devastating spells known on Urak. These dark elves use
sorcery to raise the dead, replenishing their
troops as the battle rages around them. This
unspeakable act is a nightmare to see and an eternal terror for the pitiful souls who have the misfortune to be so reanimated. Death creatures
seem to drain the courage from their enemies;
they display such offensive might that it turns
opponents' hearts to jelly and keeps them from
One should take care to be adequately prepared
when meeting Death on the battlefield.
chose my three best soldiers - Gil Sarve,
Kildonan and Sarith - to explore the crumbling tower before us. They went gladly, as I
knew they would, filled with honor at being picked
by my hand. As their shadows disappeared in the
yawing mouth that was once the door, I wondered
if I should ever see them again. As their commander, I had to order someone to go inside. As their
comrade, my heart filled with worry for their safety.
But I can never let the troops see me hesitate.
- From the war journal of Arius,
first Champion of Order forces
only the most powerful Champion (or, barring a
Champion, the most powerful unit) is displayed
in each party.
Capitals, Great Temples, Mage Towers, Thieves
Guilds, Barracks, Mines, Breweries, Statues, and
Crystal Mines will always fly the colors of the
Faiths that own them. Caves, Huts, Dungeons
and other mysterious places that have not been
explored have grey banners, indicating that they
are occupied by an unaffiliated or renegade party.
Once cleared out, they will have no flag, unless
occupied by an party, in which case they will display that party's banner..
My troops are a rowdy crew, for Order worshippers. They sometimes drink too much and
are overly fond of the dice. But when it's time
for battle, they face the enemy in deadly
- From the war journal of Arius, first
Champion of Order forces
The portrait next to the magnifying glasses shows
the Leader of the currently selected party. To the
right of the portrait are windows that show
everyone in the party and bars indicating their
current health appear above their heads. A single
party can consist of up to 3 Champions and 9
Units. Parties on the Overland Map always carry
the faith-specific colored banners (i.e. Yellow for
Life, Blue for Water, Brown for Chaos, etc).
Lords carry a double banner. Parties are displayed
on the Interface Panel within Unit Windows
located at the center.
The tools necessary to command your forces are
located in the Interface Panel at the bottom of
the screen. There are three zoom levels for viewing the scrolling map of Urak. Three magnifying
glasses located on the left of the Interface Panel
control the zoom levels. The largest one provides
the closest or "detailed view", the middle one
gives a "regional view", and the small magnifying
glass changes the view to a maximum zoom or
"World View." At the closest view - the biggest
glass - all troop types are displayed on the
scrolling map. At the medium and World View,
Champions always occupy the first slot in each
Unit Window, and there can only be one
Champion per Unit Window. If there is no
Champion, this slot will be left open. Three
Units may occupy the remaining area of the Unit
Window. Up to three Unit Windows will be displayed depending on the size of the party.
Experience levels are indicated by hash marks
beneath each unit icon. Any equipped artifacts
appear under the corresponding Champion (see
Artifacts on page 116). The current number of
living military unit members (normally three) is
indicated underneath that military unit. If you
want more information on a specific party member, double click directly on his or her icon. The
resulting popup tells everything you need to
know about that unit, including upkeep costs,
attack strength, his or her defensive skills, hit
points, movement, Mana supply, Experience, and
values on Strength, Dexterity, and Wisdom.
You will also see a Dismiss button here. It is represented by a unit with its back turned and a large
X. This allows you to send expensive mercenary
troops on their way, thus saving you some money.
Selecting which parties to move, deciding when
to move them, and choosing the places to explore
are the first steps in your adventure. To move a
party across the Overland world map, you must
first select it. Place the cursor over the party. A
faith-specific colored outline (i.e. Yellow for Life,
Blue for Water, etc) appears around the units in
the party.
Hold the cursor over the party and pop-up text
appears. If the party contains a Champion, a
name followed by the Faith will appear. If there is
no Champion, only the party's Faith will be displayed.
Left-click on one of your own parties and it
appears in the Unit Window(s) below. You are
now ready to move this party.
Click once on the map where you want the party
to move to. A series of Green Movement Beads
appears with a green X at the end. This tells you
the route the party will take to get to its destination. If the X and some of the beads are Grey, this
means that the destination is further than the
party can travel in one turn.
A pop-up tells how many turns away the destination is.
Click again on the X, confirming the movement
order, and the units will begin moving.
Movement that requires more than one turn
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