FUNAI Catalyst 48 User Manual

The Catalyst™ 48 Universal Remote Control,developed by Universal Electronics, Inc. for Funai, is the complete solution for all of your remote control requirements.It is designed to operate from four to eight devices with the emphasis on features and functions of your dedicated component(s).
The Catalyst 48 requires two (2) fresh AA alkaline batteries (not included) and some easy programming to control your devices.For best results, please read and perform all instructions listed here.Also, keep these instructions for future reference.
Use the Key Charts to learn how the Catalyst 48 functions.
Key Charts
The LED (red light) blinks to show that the remote control is working and is sending signals.
SETUP for all
Use programming sequences.
PWR once to
turn on or off the selected home enter­tainment component.
TV, SAT, CD,AMP,or TNR once to select a
home entertainment component to control.
Use the keypad ( to directly select channels (for example, 09 or 31).
MUTE once to
Press turn sound off or on.
ENTER once after
Press entering channel numbers on some TV models.
VOL + (or VOL-)
Use to raise (or lower) the sound volume.
Use CH + (or CH -) to select the next higher (or lower) channel.
Press LAST once to recall the last channel and to page back one screen in the main menu.
SLEEP to activate
Press your TV’s sleep timer. Or if none is available, press
SLEEP to activate
the Catalyst 48’s sleep timer for automatic shut-off of your TV. Each key press (up to four) add 15 minutes to the sleep timer.
INPUT once to
Press switch the input of the chosen component.
GUIDE to display
Use the program guide.
EXIT to exit out of
Use the selected compo­nent’s menu or guide.
Use the cursor keys to move the cursor in the program guide and menu screens.
SELECT to choose
Use options from your selected component’s menu or guide.
INFO to display
Use current channel and program information.
MENU to access
Press the menu of your chosen component.
0 ~ 9)
Use the transport keys to control your VCR,or CD or DVD player.
Use these keys for specific features on your dedicated components.
1. On the back of the Catalyst 48,push the tab and lift off the battery cover.
2. Obtain two (2) fully-charged AA alkaline batteries. Match the + and – marks on the batteries to the + and – marks in the battery case, then insert the new batteries.
3. Press the battery cover back into place.The tab should click when the cover is locked.
4. Test the unit by pressing any mode key (e.g., etc.). If the batteries are inserted cor­rectly, the LED will blink once.
NOTE:When batteries need replacement, the Catalyst 48 will blink twice with every key press.Simply replace them and the remote control will be restored to its full functionality, including favorite settings.
PWR and
The Catalyst 48 can control up to eight different components. Perform the fol­lowing instructions for each component you want controlled:
NOTE: For TV/VCR Combo control, see the next section.
1. Turn on a component (e.g.,VCR) and, if applicable, insert media, (e.g., cassette or disc).
NOTE: Please read steps 2-4 completely before proceeding. We recommend highlighting or writing down the codes and device you wish to program before moving onto step 2.
2. On the Catalyst 48,press a component key once (i.e.,
CD, AMP,or TNR). Press and hold SETUP until the LED blinks twice,
then release
3. Use the back side) to locate the the type of component and brand name and then enter the first four-digit code for your component. If performed correctly, the LED will blink twice.
NOTE: If the LED did not blink twice, then repeat steps 2 through 3 and try entering the same code again.
Manufacturer’s Codes (on the
4. Aim the Catalyst 48 at the component and press off. If it does not respond, repeat steps 2-3, trying each code for your brand until you find one that works.If it still does not work,try searching for the code (see
NOTE: If the device does not have a PWR key, press PLAY.
5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for each component you want the Catalyst 48 to control.
PWR once. It should turn
Searching For Your Code).
Perform the following instructions to control a TV/VCR Combo:
1. Turn on the TV/VCR Combo and insert a video cassette.
NOTE: Please read steps 2-4 completely before proceeding. We recommend highlighting or writing down the code for the brand you wish to program before moving onto step 2.
2. On the Catalyst 48,press VCR.Press and hold
SETUP until the LED blinks
twice, then release
3. Use the
4. Aim the Catalyst 48 at the component
5. If you’ve located a setup code that
Setup Codes For TV/VCR
(on the back side) to locate the brand name and then enter the first four-digit code for your compo­nent.If performed correctly, the LED will blink twice.
NOTE: If the LED did not blink twice, then repeat steps 2 through 3 and try entering the same code again.
and press off. If it does not respond, repeat steps 2-3, trying each code for your brand until you find one that works.If it still does not work,try searching for the code (see
NOTE: If the device does not have a PWR key, press PLAY.
works,but it has a separate TV code, you’ll also need to program it into the Catalyst 48 to access volume control as follows:
a. Press
blink twice.
b. Enter the TV code for your
TV/VCR Combo. If correct, the LED will blink twice.
If there is no separate TV code listed, you will need to perform the follow­ing steps to access volume control:
a. Press and hold
LED blinks twice, then release SETUP.
b. Ent er
blink twice.
c. Press
blink twice.
PWR once. It should turn
Searching For Your Code).
TV once. The LED will
SETUP until the
9 - 9 - 3 . The LED will
VCR once. The LED will
If your device does not respond to the Catalyst 48 after trying all codes listed for your brand, or if your brand is not listed at all,try searching for your code. For example, to search for a code for your TV:
1. On the Catalyst 48,press
2. Press and hold blinks twice, then release
9 - 9 - 1. The LED will
3. Enter blink twice.
4. Aim the remote control at the the TV and slowly alternate between pressing PWR and TV. Stop when the TV turns off.
NOTE: In the search mode,the Catalyst 48 will send IR codes from its library to the selected device, starting with the most popular code first.
5. Press SETUP once to lock in the code.
6. To search for the codes of your other components, repeat steps 1 through 5, but substitute the appropriate key (i.e., AUX, CBL,VCR, SAT,CD, AMP,or TNR) for the (Auxiliary,VCR, Cable, Satellite,CD, Amplifier, or Tuner) component you are searching for.
TV once.
SETUP until the LED
If you have set up the Catalyst 48 using the
Searching For Your Code procedure,
you may need to find out which four­digit code is operating your equipment:
For example,to find out which code is operating your TV:
1. On the Catalyst 48,press
2. Press and hold blinks twice, then release
9 - 9 - 0. The LED will
3. Enter blink twice.
4. To view the code for the first digit,
1 once.Wait 3 seconds, count
press the LED blinks (e.g., 3 blinks = 3) and write down the number.
NOTE: If a code digit is “0”,the LED will not blink.
5. Repeat step 4 three more times for remaining digits.Use ond digit, for the fourth digit.
6. To check for the codes of your other components, repeat steps 1 through 5, but substitute the appropriate key (i.e., AUX, CBL,VCR, SAT, CD, AMP,or TNR) component you are checking. As before, write down each four­digit code.
3 for the third digit, and 4
TV once.
SETUP until the LED
2 for the sec-
The Catalyst 48 can be set up to control a second TV or VCR, or any combination of eight home entertainment components.
For example, to have the Catalyst 48 con­trol a TV, a Cable Converter,and two VCRs,you will need to re-assign the unused
AUX key to operate the second
VCR as follows:
1. On the Catalyst 48,press and hold
SETUP until the LED blinks twice, then release
2. Enter blink twice.
3. Press
4. The grammed for your second VCR. See Programming Component Control.
To re-assign other device keys, repeat steps 1 through 4 by substituting the key sequence from the below chart for the most popular components:
To Re-Assign Key Sequence Perform
TV as 2nd VCR key: SETUP - 9 - 9
as 2nd CBL key: SETUP - 9 - 9
as 2nd AUX key: SETUP - 9 - 9
as 2nd TNR key: SETUP - 9 - 9
as 2nd AMP key: SETUP - 9 - 9
as 2nd CD key: SETUP - 9 - 9
as 2nd SAT key: SETUP - 9 - 9
back to TV: SETUP - 9 - 9
as 2nd TV key: SETUP - 9 - 9
as 2nd CBL key: SETUP - 9 - 9
as 2nd AUX key: SETUP - 9 - 9
as 2nd TNR key: SETUP - 9 - 9
as 2nd AMP key: SETUP - 9 - 9
as 2nd CD key: SETUP - 9 - 9
as 2nd SAT key: SETUP - 9 - 9
back to VCR: SETUP - 9 - 9
9 - 9 - 2.The LED will
VCR once, then press AUX once.
AUX key is now ready to be pro-
- 2 - VCR - TV
- 2 - CBL - TV
- 2 - AUX - TV
- 2 - TNR - TV
- 2 - AMP - TV
- 2 - CD - TV
- 2 - SAT - TV
- 2 - TV - TV
- 2 - TV - VCR
- 2 - CBL - VCR
- 2 - AUX - VCR
- 2 - TNR - VCR
- 2 - AMP - VCR
- 2 - CD - VCR
- 2 - SAT - VCR
- 2 - VCR - VCR
as 2nd TV key: SETUP - 9 - 9
as 2nd VCR key: SETUP - 9 - 9
as 2nd CBL key: SETUP - 9 - 9
as 2nd TNR key: SETUP - 9 - 9
as 2nd AMP key: SETUP - 9 - 9
as 2nd CD key: SETUP - 9 - 9
as 2nd SAT key: SETUP - 9 - 9
back to AUX: SETUP - 9 - 9
When a re-assignment is done, the LED will blink twice to confirm your choice. At that time,you will need to program the Catalyst 48 to control the new component (see
Programming Component Control).
- 2 - TV- AUX
- 2 - VCR - AUX
- 2 - CBL - AUX
- 2 - TNR - AUX
- 2 - AMP - AUX
- 2 - CD - AUX
- 2 - SAT - AUX
- 2 - AUX - AUX
The Catalyst 48 is set to control volume of a component through your TV while in the TV,VCR,Cable,or Satellite mode. However,in an Audio mode (i.e., AMP,or CD), you have separate control of your audio component’s volume.
If your TV is not remote controllable, or if you want volume to be controlled by a different component,you can change the Volume Lock setting to control a volume through a non-associated mode (e.g., through the cable in the TV mode).
To change Volume Lock to the another mode:
1. On the Catalyst 48,press and hold
SETUP until the LED blinks twice, then release
2. Enter mode key once (except will blink twice.
3. Now, whenever you press VOL –,or MUTE,volume will be con- trolled by your mode choice.
9 - 9 - 3 and then press any
To change Volume Lock back to the TV mode:
1. On the Catalyst 48,press and hold SETUP until the LED blinks twice, then release
2. Enter The LED will blink twice.
3. Now, whenever you press VOL –,or MUTE on the Catalyst 48, volume will be controlled by your TV.
9 - 9 - 3 and then press TV.
TV). The LED
VOL +,
VOL +,
PROBLEM: LED does not blink when
SOLUTION: Replace the batteries with
PROBLEM: LED blinks when you
SOLUTION: Make sure the Catalyst 48
PROBLEM: Catalyst 48 does not con-
SOLUTION: Try all listed codes for the
PROBLEM: TV/VCR combo does not
SOLUTION: Use the VCR codes for
PROBLEM: No volume on a 2nd TV.
SOLUTION: Follow instructions in
SOLUTION: Due to RCA design (1983-
PROBLEM: Changing channels does
SOLUTION: If original remote control
PROBLEM: Tried “Search Method”
SOLUTION: Try the “Search Method”
you press a key.
two (2) new AA alkaline batteries.
press a key, but home entertainment component does not respond.
is aimed at your home entertainment component and is not farther than 15 feet away.
trol home entertainment components or commands are not working properly.
component brands being set up.Make sure they can be operated with an infrared remote control.
respond properly.
your brand.Some combo units may require both a TV code and a VCR code for full operation.
Changing Volume Lock.
CH+ , CH-,and LAST do not work for your RCA TV.
1987), only the original remote control will oper­ate these functions.
not work properly.
required pressing ENTER to change channels, press ENTER on the Catalyst 48 after entering the channel number.
and still could not find a working code.
again after clearing out the device key as follows: Press and hold until the red light blinks twice, then release. Next enter and release the device key to be cleared twice.
9 - 9 - 2.Then press
Continued on back...
PROBLEM: Remote control does not
SOLUTION: For power on, these prod-
turn on Sony or Sharp TV/VCR Combo.
ucts require programming TV codes. For Sony, use TV code 0000 and VCR code 0032. For Sharp,use TV code 0093 and VCR code 0048.
Setup Codes for Audio Amplifiers:
GE 0078 Harman/Kardon 0892 JVC 0331 Marantz 0892 Optimus 0395 Philips 0892 Polk Audio 0892 Realistic 0395 Sony 0689 Soundesign 0078 Victor 0331 Wards 0078 Yamaha 0354
Setup Codes for Audio Receivers or Tuners :
ADC 0531 Aiwa 0121,1405, 1089 Capetronic 0531 Carver 1089, 1189 Denon 1160, 1104 Harman/Kardon 0110 JBL 0110 JVC 0074 Kenwood 1027, 0186, 1313,1569, 1570 MCS 0039 Magnavox 1089, 0531, 1189 Marantz 1189, 1089, 0039 Onkyo 0135 Optimus 1023, 0186, 0531,0670 Panasonic 0039,1518 Philips 1089, 1189, 1269 Pioneer 0150, 0531, 0630, 1023 Proscan 1254 Quasar 0039 RCA 1254, 0531, 1023 Sansui 1089 Sharp 0186 Sony 1158, 1058, 1258 Soundesign 0670 Sunfire 1313 Technics 0039, 1308, 1518, 1309 Thorens 1189 Victor 0074 Yamaha 0176, 0186, 1176
Setup Codes for Cable Coverters:
ABC 0003, 0017 Americast 0899 Bell South 0899 General Instrument GoldStar 0144 Hamlin 0009, 0273 Jerrold 0003, 0276, 0476,0810 Memorex 0000 Motorola 1106 Pace 0237 Panasonic 0107,0000 Paragon 0000
0276, 0476, 0810
Philips 0305, 0317 Pioneer 0144, 0533, 0877 Pulsar 0000 Quasar 0000 Regal 0273, 0279 Runco 0000 Samsung 0144 Scientific Atlanta 0017, 0477, 0877 Starcom 0003 Toshiba 0000 Zenith 0000, 0525, 0899
Setup Codes for CD Players:
Aiwa 0157 Burmester 0420 Cal. Audio Labs 0029 Carver 0157, 0179 DKK 0000 Denon 0003, 0873 Emerson 0305 Fisher 0179 Garrard 0420 Genexxa 0032, 0305 Harman/Kardon 0157, 0173 Hitachi 0032 JVC 0072 Kenwood 0028, 0190, 0826,0037, 0626, 0681 Krell 0157 LXI 0305 Linn 0157 MCS 0029 MTC 0420 Magnavox 0157, 0305 Marantz 0157, 0626, 0029 Mission 0157 NSM 0157 Onkyo 0101, 0868 Optimus 0032, 0468, 0420,0179, 0305, 1063,
Panasonic 0029 Parasound 0420 Philips 0157, 0626 Pioneer 0032, 0468, 0305, 1062,1063 Polk Audio 0157 Proton 0157 QED 0157 Quasar 0029 RCA 0053, 0032, 1062,0468, 0305, 0179 Realistic 0179, 0420 Rotel 0157, 0420 SAE 0157 Sansui 0157, 0305 Sanyo 0179 Scott 0305 Sears 0305 Sharp 0037, 0861 Sherwood 1067 Sonic Frontiers 0157 Sony 0000, 0490 Soundesign 0145 Tascam 0420 Teac 0420 Technics 0029 Victor 0072 Wards 0053, 0157 Yamaha 0036, 0888
0000, 0037, 0145
Setup Codes for DVD Players:
Apex 0672 Denon 0490 Emerson 0675, 0821 Fisher 0670
FUNAI 0675, 1334
GE 0522 Gradiente 0651 Hitachi 0573, 0664 Hiteker 0672 JVC 0623, 0558 Kenwood 0682, 0534 Konka 0719, 0711,0720, 0721 Magnavox 0675, 0821, 0503,0675 Marantz 0539
Mitsubishi 0521 Onkyo 0503 Optimus 0571 Oritron 0651 Panasonic 0490,0677, 0632 Philips 0539, 0503 Pioneer 0571, 0525, 0632 Proscan 0522 RCA 0522, 0571 Samsung 0573 Sharp 0630 Sony 0533 Superscan 0821 Sylvania 0675, 0821 Symphonic 0675 Technics 0490 Theta Digital 0571 Toshiba 0503 Yamaha 0490, 0545 Zenith 0591, 0503
Setup Codes for DVD Player/ VCR Combos:
Sylvania 0593 Symphonic 0675
Setup Codes for Home Automation:
GE 0240 One For All 0167 Radio Shack 0240 Security System 0167 Universal X10 0167 X10 0167
Setup Codes for Satellite Receivers:
AlphaStar 0772 Chaparral 0216 Echostar 0775, 1005 Expressvu 0775 GE 0566 General Instrument HTS 0775 Hitachi 0819 Hughes Net.Sys. 0749, 1142,1749 JVC 0775 Magnavox 0722, 0724 Memorex 0724 Mitsubishi 0749 Next Level 0869 Panasonic 0247,0701 Philips 1076, 1142, 0722,0724, 0749 Proscan 0392 RCA 0566, 0392, 0143,0855 Radio Shack 0869 Samsung 1109 Sony 0639 Star Choice 0869 Toshiba 0749, 0790 Uniden 0724, 0722 Zenith 0856
Setup Codes for TVs:
AOC 0019, 0030 Admiral 0093, 0463 Aiko 0092 Aiwa 0701 Akai 0030 Alaron 0179 America Action 0180 Anam 0180 Audiovox 0092, 0180, 0451, 0623 Baysonic 0180 Belcor 0019 Bell & Howell 0016, 0154 Bradford 0180 Brockwood 0019 Broksonic 0236, 0463 CXC 0180
Candle 0030, 0056 Carnivale 0030 Carver 0054 Celebrity 0000 Cineral 0451, 0092 Citizen 0056, 0030, 0060,0092 Concerto 0056 Contec 0180 Craig 0180 Crosley 0054 Crown 0180 Curtis Mathes 0060, 0030,0016, 0047, 0051,0054,
Daewoo 0092,0623, 0019, 0624, 0451 Daytron 0019 Denon 0145 Dumont 0017, 0019 Durabrand 0171 Electroband 0000 Emerson 0171, 0236, 0180, 0178, 0179,0463,
Envision 0030 Fisher 0154 Fujitsu 0179, 0683
FUNAI 0171, 1271, 0180,0179
Futuretech 0180 GE 0047, 1347, 0051, 0178, 0451, 1147,
Gibralter 0017,0019, 0030 GoldStar 0178, 0019,0030, 0056 Gradiente 0056,0053 Grunpy 0179, 0180 Hallmark 0178 Harley Davidson 0179 Harman/Kardon 0054 Harvard 0180 Hitachi 0145, 0056, 0016 Infinity 0054 Inteq 0017 JBL 0054 JCB 0000 JVC 0053 KEC 0180 KTV 0180, 0030 Kenwood 0030, 0019 Konka 0707, 0632,0628, 0638, 0703 LG 0056 LXI 0154, 0047, 0054, 0156,0178 Logik 0016 Luxman 0056 MGA 0150, 0019, 0030, 0178 MTC 0060, 0030, 0019, 0056 Magnavox 0054, 0030, 0179,1254 Majestic 0016 Marantz 0054, 0030 Matsushita 0250 Megatron 0145,0178 Memorex 0179, 0463,0178, 0016, 0056, 0150,
Midland 0017, 0047, 0051 Mitsubishi 0150, 0178, 0019, 0093 Motorola 0093 Multitech 0180 NAD 0156, 0166, 0178 NEC 0030, 0019, 0056 NTC 0092 Nikko 0178, 0030, 0092 Onwa 0180 Optimus 0250, 0166, 0154 Optonica 0093 Orion 0463, 0179, 0236 Panasonic 0051,0250 Penney 0047, 1347, 0060, 0030,0178, 0051,
Philco 0145, 0019,0030, 0054, 0463 Philips 0054 Pilot 0019, 0030 Pioneer 0166, 0679 Portland 0019, 0092 Princeton 0717 Prism 0051 Proscan 0047 Proton 0178 Pulsar 0017, 0019 Quasar 0051, 0250
0056, 0093, 0145,0154, 0166, 0451, 1147, 1347
0624, 0623, 0019,0154
0154, 0250
0019, 0056, 0156
RCA 0047, 1347, 1147,0679, 1247, 0019,
RadioShack 0180, 0030,0178, 0154, 0019, 0047,
Realistic 0180, 0154, 0030, 0178, 0019,0056 Runco 0017, 0030 SSS 0019, 0180 Sampo 0030 Samsung 0060, 0019, 0178,0030, 0056 Sansei 0451 Sansui 0463 Sanyo 0154 Scimitsu 0019 Scotch 0178 Scott 0236, 0019, 0178, 0179, 0180 Sears 0171, 0154, 0056, 0156, 0047,0054,
Semivox 0180 Semp 0156 Sharp 0093, 0688 Shogun 0019 Signature 0016 Sony 0000 Soundesign 0178, 0179, 0180 Squareview 0171 Starlite 0180 Supreme 0000 Sylvania 0171, 0054, 0030 Symphonic 0171, 0180 TMK 0056, 0178 TNCi 0017 Tandy 0093 Technics 0051, 0250 Technol Ace 0179 Techwood 0051, 0056 Teknika 0016, 0054, 0179, 0180,0019, 0092,
Telefunken 0056 Toshiba 0156, 0060, 0154, 1256 Vector Research 0030 Victor 0053 Vidikron 0054 Vidtech 0019, 0178 Wards 0054, 0178, 0016, 0019, 0030,0056,
White Westinghouse Yamaha 0019, 0030 Zenith 0017, 0624, 0016,0092, 0463
0051, 0090, 0093,1047, 1447
0178, 0179
0056, 0060, 0150
0179 0624, 0623, 0463
Setup Codes for TV/DVD Player Combos:
Sylvania 0171, 0675
Setup Codes for TV/VCR Combos:
American High 0035 (for TV use 0051) Brocksonic 0002, 0294, Colt 0072 Curtis Mathis 0035 (for TV use 0051) Daewoo 0278 Emerson 0002, 0294, 0479
FUNAI 0000
GE 0035 (for TV use 0051),
Hitachi 0035 (for TV use 0051), 0000 HQ 0000 Lloyd’s 0000 MGA 0240 Magnasonic 0593 Magnavox 0593, 0081 (for TV use 0054),
Magnin 0240 Memorex 0037, 0162 (for TV use 0250) Mitsubishi 0048 (for TV use 0093) Optimus 0593 Orion 0002, 0294, 0479 Panasonic 0035 (for TV use 0051),
Penney 0035 (for TV use 0051), 0240,
Quasar 0035 (for TV use 0051),
0060 (for TV use 0047), 0048 (for TV use 0093), 0240
0035 (for TV use 0051), 0000
0162 (for TV use 0250)
0162 (for TV use 0250)
0162 (for TV use 0250)
RCA 0060 (for TV use 0047),
Sansui 0000, 0479 Sanyo 0240 Sears 0000, 0037 Sharp 0048 (for TV use 0093) Sony 0032 (for TV use 0000) Symphonic 0593, 0000 Zenith 0000
0035 (for TV use 0051), 0048 (for TV use 0093)
Setup Codes for TV/VCR/DVD Player Combos:
Emerson 0821, 1334
FUNAI 1334
Magnavox 0821 Superscan 0821 Sylvania 0821, 1334
Setup Codes for VCRs:
Admiral 0048, 0209 Adventura 0000 Aiko 0278 Aiwa 0000, 0037 America Action 0278 American High 0035 Asha 0240 Audiovox 0037 Beaumark 0240 Bell & Howell 0104 Broksonic 0121, 0184,0002, 0209, 0479 CCE 0072, 0278 Calix 0037 Canon 0035 Carver 0081 Cineral 0278 Citizen 0278, 0037 Colt 0072 Craig 0037, 0072, 0047, 0240 Curtis Mathes 0035, 0060,0162 Cybernex 0240 Daewoo 0278,0045 Denon 0042 Dynatech 0000 Electrohome 0037 Electrophonic 0037 Emerex 0032 Emerson 1593, 0184, 0002, 0209, 0278,0121,
Fisher 0047, 0104 Fuji 0033, 0035
FUNAI 1593, 0000
GE 0035, 0060, 0048, 0240 Garrard 0000 Go Video 0432 GoldStar 0037, 0038 Gradiente 0000 HI-Q 0047 Harley Davidson 0000 Harman/Kardon 0038, 0081 Harwood 0072 Hitachi 0042, 0000 Hughes Net.Sys. 0042 JVC 0067 KEC 0037, 0278 KLH 0072 Kenwood 0067, 0038 Kodak 0035, 0037 LXI 0037 Lloyd’s 0000 Logik 0072 MEI 0035 MGA 0043, 0240 MGN Technology 0240 MTC 0000, 0240 Magnasonic 0593, 0278 Magnavox 0593, 0035, 0081,0563, 0000, 0039,
Magnin 0240 Marantz 0081, 0035 Marta 0037 Matsushita 0035, 0162
0479, 0000, 0037,0043
Memorex 0104, 0047,0479, 0000, 0037, 0048,
Minolta 0042 Mitsubishi 0043, 0048, 0067 Motorola 0035, 0048 Multitech 0000, 0072 NEC 0038, 0067, 0104 Nikko 0037 Noblex 0240 Olympus 0035 Optimus 0593, 0162, 1062,1162, 0048, 1262,
Orion 0479, 0002, 0184,0209 Panasonic 0035,0162, 1162, 1262, 1362, 0616,
Penney 0035, 0240, 0037, 0042,0038 Pentax 0042 Philco 0035, 0209,0479 Philips 0081, 0035, 0618,1081, 1181 Pilot 0037 Pioneer 0067 Polk Audio 0081 Profitronic 0240 Proscan 0060 Protec 0072 Pulsar 0039 Quasar 0035, 0162, 1162 RCA 0060, 0149, 0042,0035, 0048, 0240 RadioShack 0000, 1037 Radix 0037 Randex 0037 Realistic 0000, 0104, 0047, 0048, 0037,0035 ReplayTV 0614, 0616 Runco 0039 STS 0042 Samsung 0045, 0240 Sanky 0039, 0048 Sansui 0479, 0000,0067, 0209 Sanyo 0047, 0104, 0240 Scott 0184, 0121, 0043, 0045 Sears 0037, 0042, 0000, 0035, 0047,0104 Semp 0045 Sharp 0048 Shintom 0072 Shogun 0240 Singer 0072 Sony 0033, 0032, 0000,0035, 0636, 1032 Sylvania 0593, 1593, 0035,0081, 0000, 0043 Symphonic 1593, 0593, 0000 TMK 0240 Teac 0000 Technics 0035, 0162 Teknika 0000, 0035, 0037 Thomas 0000 Tivo 0618, 0636 Toshiba 0045, 0043 Totevision 0037, 0240 Unitech 0240 Vector 0045 Vector Research 0038 Video Concepts 0045 Videosonic 0240 Wards 0035, 0060, 0000, 0047, 0240,0042,
White Westinghouse XR-1000 0072, 0000,0035 Yamaha 0038 Zenith 0039, 0000, 0033,0209, 0479
0035, 0240, 1037,0039, 0162, 0209, 1162, 1262
0037, 1048, 0104,0432
0048, 0072, 0081,0149 0072, 0278, 0209
Setup Codes for Video Accessories:
Panasonic 1120 Pioneer 1010 Sensory Science 1126 Sharp 1010 Sylvania 1563
The Catalyst 48 does not have any user-serviceable parts. Opening the case,except for the battery cover, may cause permanent damage to your Catalyst 48.
©2004 by Universal Electronics, Inc.No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted,tran­scribed, stored in any retrieval system,or translated to any language,in any form or by any means, elec­tronic, mechanical,mag netic,optical, manual, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Universal Electronics, Inc.
M4800A 09/04