Fluke ii900 Sonic Industrial Imager
Leaks in compressed air, gas and vacuum systems hit
both production uptime and the operations bottom line.
While this is a known issue, locating air leaks has been a time-consuming and tedious–until now. With the Fluke ii900 Sonic Industrial
Imager your maintenance team can quickly pinpoint the location
of compressed air and vacuum leaks. With minimal training, your
maintenance technicians can begin checking for air leaks during
their typical maintenance routine–even during peak operation hours.
This industrial imager offers a new way to locate issues using sound.
It is an intuitive, simple to use tool that can isolate the frequency
of leaks or vacuums, even in extremely noisy production environments. A leak location is determined by discerning the direction from
which a sound originates by the time delays that occur as the sound
passes over an array of microphones. A SoundMap™ is displayed in
color over a visual image allowing for easy visual location. With the
full array of microphones, it is easy to scan a large area and even
capture leaks from a distance.
Finally a better way, quick, simple compressed air, gas and vacuum
leak identification.
• Do more with the same air compressors–delay the capital expense
of installing an additional compressor
• Ensure proper air pressure to your pneumatic equipment
• Lower energy costs
• Reduce leak detection time
• Improve reliability in your production line
Blended live SoundMap™ with visual image
Detects 0.005 CFM leak at 100PSI from up to
32.8 feet*
from 2kHz to 52kHz
Up to 164 feet (50 meters)*
7 inch 1280 x 800 LCD with capacitive
• Make leak detection part of your typical maintenance routine
• Train the team in a matter of minutes
• Validate repairs on the spot
SoundSight™ refers to the Fluke technology of converting sound
waves to a v isual image.
*Depending on ambient cond itions

Fluke ii900 Sonic Industrial Imager Definitions
# of microphones 64 dig ital M EMS microphones
Freq uency b and 2 kHz to 52 kHz
Sound pressure sensitivity
Operat ion di stance range 0.5 to > 50 meters (1.6 to > 164 feet)
Field of view 63°± 5°
Minimum f rame rate 12.5 FPS
Built-in digital camera (visible light)
Field of view (FOV) 63°± 5°
Focus Fixed lens
Display 7” LCD wit h back light, under-sunl ight readable
Resolution 1280 x 800 (1,024,0 00 pixels)
Touchscreen Capacitive Extremely precise and qu ick res pondi ng
Acoustic image Yes, SoundMap™ image
Image storage
Storage capacity Inter nal memory with the capacit y for 999 picture files and 20 video files
Image format Blended v isual and SoundMap™.JPG or .PNG
Video format Blended visual and SoundMap™.MP4
Video length 30 seconds
Digital export USB- C for data t ransfer
Acoustic measurements
Measurement range
Auto ma x/mi n dB ga in Auto or ma nual, user selecta ble
Frequency band selection User selecta ble thr ough user-made presets or m anual entry
Ease of u se Intuitive user interface
Trend graphs Freq uency and dB scale
Spot markers dB level readi ng at center point of t he image
Batteries (field-replaceable, rechargeable) Rechargeable Li-ion, Fluke BP291
Battery life 6 hours (product includes spare battery)
Batter y cha rging time 3 hours
Batter y cha rging system External dual-bay charger, EDBC 290
General specifications
Standard palettes 3: Graysc ale, Ironbow and Blue -Red
Operating Temperature 0 °C to 35 °C ( 32 °F to 95 °F)
Storage Temperature -20 °C to 70 °C ( -4 ° F to 158 °F)
Relative humidit y 10 % to 95 % non-condensing
Size ( H x W x L) 186 mm x 322 mm x 68 m m ( )
Weight (battery included) 1.7 kg (3.75 pounds)
Main unit rating IP40 protect ion against particles 1mm or greater and dr ipping water
Sensor head rating IP 51
Warr anty 2 year
Self-diagnostic notification Array-health test to identify when microphone array needs attention
Supported languages
RoHS compliant Yes
General Safety IEC 61010-1
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
Korea (KCC) Class A Eq uipment (Industrial Broadcasting a nd Communication)
USA (FCC) 47 CFR 15 subpart B. T his product i s considered an exempt device per claus e
*Depending on ambient cond itions
Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, Tradit ional C hine se
Detects a 0.005 CFM leak at 100PSI from up to 32.8 feet*
(Detects a 2.5 c m3/sec leak at 7 bar fr om up to 10 meters)
29.7 dB to 120 dB SPL at 2kH z
16 dB to 106.3 dB S PL (± 1 dB) at 19 kH z
21.4 dB to 117 dB SPL (± 1 dB) at 52 kHz
Dutch , Engli sh, Fi nis h, French, Ger man, Itali an, Japanese, Korean , Polis h,
IEC 61326-1: Portable Elect romag netic E nvir onment I EC 61326-2-2
CISP R 11: Group 1, Cla ss A
15.10 3
Micro-Ele ctro-Mec hanical Systems, or MEM S refers
to min iatu riz ed mech anic al and electro-mechanical
The number of Frames Per Second (FPS) indic ates
the number of times the image s on the sc reen is
refreshed each second
Sound Map™ is a v isual map of noise sou rces u sing
an acoustic al ar ray
Sound pressure level (dB SPL) or acoustic pressure
is the lo cal pressu re deviation f rom the a mbient–
decible and sound pressure level
2 Fluke Corporation Fluke ii900 Sonic Industrial Imager