Fluke 435 I, 435 II, 437, 437 II Service Guide

Common power
Unbalanced load: kVA
= kVA1 + kVA2 + kVA
quality factors
affecting transformers
Application Note
Commercial buildings commonly have a 208/120 V transformer in a delta-wye configuration to feed receptacles. Single-phase, non-linear loads connected to the receptacles produce triplen harmonics, which add up in the neutral. When this neutral cur­rent reaches the transformer, it is reflected into the delta primary winding where it causes over­heating and transformer failures.
Another transformer problem results from core loss and copper loss. Transformers are normally rated for a 60 Hz phase current load only. Higher frequency har­monic currents cause increased core loss due to eddy currents and hysteresis, resulting in more heating than would occur at the same 60 Hz current.
Transformers supplying non­linear loads should be checked periodically to verify operation
within acceptable limits. Trans­formers are also critical to the integrity of the grounding system.
1. Transformer loading (kVA)
Start by measuring kVA and determine wether the transformer load is balanced.
Connect voltage probes on
Phase 1 and Neutral and clamp current probe on same phase. Repeat for Phase 2 and
3. Use a single phase power
quality analyzer to read kVA of each phase and sum all three for total transformer kVA. Or, connect all four current
clamps and all five test leads for the three phase power quality analyzer to read kVA for each phase and the total.
Compare actual load kVA to
nameplate kVA rating to deter­mine % loading.
When using a single phase analyzer on a balanced load, a single measurement is suffic
ient. Transformers loaded at less than 50 % are generally safe from overheating. However, as loads increase, measurements should be made periodically. At some point the transformer may require derating.
Figure 2. Harmonic spectrum.
2. Harmonic spectrum
The harmonic spectrum of the secondary (load) current will give us an idea of the harmonic orders and amplitudes present:
In a transformer feeding sin
gle-phase loads, the principal
n is the
ill add arith-
ye transformer
harmonic of c
. The 3rd w
3rd metically in the neutral and
irculate in the delta primar
c of a delta-w The good news is that the delta-w rest of the system from the 3rd (though not the 5th, 7th or
ye tends to isolate the
other non-triplen harmonics).
e 1
. Measuring transformer load (unbalanc
From the Fluke Digital Library @ www.fluke.com/library
ed) using a single phase power quality analy
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Table 1: Measurements at the distribution transformer
. kVA Transformer loading. If loading exceeds 50 %, check for harmonics
2. Harmonic spectrum 3rd harmonic (single-phase loads)
3. THD Harmonic loading within limits:
-factor Heating effect on transformer from harmonic loads
4. K
5. Ground currents
In a transformer feeding three-
phase loads which include drives or UPS systems with 6­pulse converters, the 5th and 7th harmonic will tend to pre­dominate. Excessive 5th is of particular concern because it is negative sequence. It will tend to produce counter-torque and overheating in polyphase motors. Harmonic amplitudes normally
decrease as the frequency goes up. If one frequency is significantly higher in ampli­tude than lower frequencies, we can suspect a resonant
Look for
and possible need for derating.
Harmonic orders/amplitudes present:
5th, 7th (primarily three-phase loads)
e of higher order harmonics
Effectiveness of harmonic trap filters
Voltage %THD < 5 % Current %T
HD < 5-20 % (Table 2)
Objectionable ground currents are not quantified but are prohibited by the N
eutral-ground bond in place
N ESG (Electrical Safety Ground) connector to ground electrode (typically building steel) in place
condition at that frequency. If such a condition is detected, be sure to take readings at capacitor banks to see if the caps are experiencing overcur­rent/overvoltage conditions. Before-and-after harmonic
spectrum measurement is extremely valuable to deter­mine if harmonic mitigation techniques, like trap filters, which are tuned to specific frequencies, are sized properly and are working as expected. Different harmonic frequencies
affect equipment in different ways (see below).
Harmonic Sequences
Name F 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
180 240 300 360 420 480 540
Frequenc Sequence +—0+—0+—0
Rule: If waveforms are symmetrical, even harmonics disappear.
Sequence Rotation Effects (from skin effect, eddy currents, etc.)
Positive Forward Heating of conductors, circuit breakers, etc. N Zero None Heating, + add in neutral of 3-phase, 4-wire system
Harmonics are classified as follows:
1. Order or number: Multiple of fundamental, hence, 3rd is three times the fundamental, or
3. Sequence:
ects of Harmonic Sequences
0 Hz
1 Odd or even order: Odd harmonics are generated during normal operation of nonlinear loads. Even harmonics only appear when there is dc in the system. In power circuits, this only tends to occur when a solid state component(s), such as a diode or SCR, fails in a
onverter c
Positive sequence. Main effect is overheating.
Negative sequence. Create counter-torque in motors, i.e., will tend to make motors go
backwards, thus causing motor overheating. Mainly 5th harmonic.
Zero sequenc
e. Add in neutral of 3-phase, 4-w
Heating as above + motor problems
ire system
. Mainly 3rd harmonic.
3. Total Harmonic Distortion
Check for THD of both voltage and current:
For voltage, THD should not
exceed 5 % For current, THD should not
exceed 5-20 % (see Odd Harmonics table)
IEEE 519 sets limits for har-
monics at the PCC (Point of Common Coupling) between the utility and customer (EN50160 is the European standard). IEEE 519 is based on THD measurements taken at the PCC. Technically, the PCC is the primary of the utility supply transformer (although there are cases where the PCC is at the secondary if the secondary feeds a number of customers). In practice, these measurements are often made at the secondary of the customer’s main transformer, since that is the point most easily accessible to all parties (and also since that is generally a Low Voltage measurement).
Some PQ practitioners have
broadened the concept of PCC to include points inside the facility, such as on the feeder system, where harmonic currents being generated from one set of loads could affect another set of loads by causing significant voltage distortion. The emphasis is on improving in-plant PQ, rather than on simply not affecting util­ity PQ.
3a. Voltage THD
THD has a long history in the industry. The underlying concept is that harmonic currents gener­ated by loads will cause voltage distortion (E=IZ) as they travel through the system impedance. This voltage distortion then becomes the carrier of harmonics system-wide: if, for example, the distorted voltage serves a linear load like a motor, it will then cre­ate harmonic currents in that linear load. By setting maximum limits for voltage distortion, we set limits for the system-wide impact of harmonics.
2 Fluke Corporation Common power quality factors affecting transformers
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