Automated 7380
temperature calibration
Technical Data
Why spend more time than necessary to calibrate
PRTs, thermistors, and thermocouples? With a
7380 automated temperature calibration system
from Fluke Calibration, you can perform consistent,
repeatable calibrations quickly and efficiently.
When the calibration is complete, you simply print
out the report. It’s that easy.
Each system comes complete with everything
you need to automate the calibration of PRTs,
thermistors and thermocouples, including a bath for
calibrations down to –80°C, a reference thermometer probe (PRT), and a readout that can measure
up to four temperature sensors. An automation
package is included to minimize labor costs and
maximize return on investment.
An automated calibration system keeps electronic records of the calibration. The test procedure
is executed the same way every time. Your auditor
will love this. Managers have to find ways to produce better results with fewer resources and with
an automated calibration system that is just what
they will get. Less time is spent with each calibration and so productivity goes through the roof with
Better value than when purchased separately
Application note simplfies uncertainty analysis
Significant reduction in labor costs
Manual calibration systems
can take four hours or more.
Automated calibration
systems can reduce the time
to as little as 15 minutes.
consistent results. In addition to freeing up time,
it becomes possible to put the most experienced
technicians on more challenging tasks because
less training is required to run an automated procedure. Finally, our application note, Calculating
uncertainties in an automated temperature calibration system, simplifies the process of producing an
uncertainty analysis.
7380 compact calibration bath
This bath features stability and uniformity better
than ±0.008ºC and metrology-level performance
in a lab-friendly size.
Fluke Calibration has been making the world’s
best-performing temperature baths for more than
two decades. With our proven heating/cooling
designs and hybrid analog-digital controller, Fluke
Calibration baths apply the most effective technologies that are commercially available.
For ultra-cold temperatures, the 7380 reaches
–80°C quickly and maintains a two-sigma stability of ±0.006°C when it gets there. The 7380 is a
true metrology bath, not a chiller or circulator. With
uniformity and stability performance so high, comparison calibration of temperature devices can be
performed with impressively low uncertainty.
5615 reference PRT
This secondary reference platinum resistance
thermometer (PRT) offers affordable wide-range
accuracy, excellent stability and a reference-grade
platinum sensing element. It features an Inconel™
600 sheath that is 305 mm (12 in) long and 6.35
mm (0.250 in) in diameter. It has short-term accuracy of ±0.013°C at 0.01°C.
The element is constructed of reference-grade
platinum wire (99.999 % pure) for excellent stability. The wire is wound in a coil and placed in
a mandrel, where it is uniformly supported in a
manner that virtually eliminates hysteresis. These
Inconel™-sheathed probes have a fully supported
sensing element, making them more durable than
1529 Chub-E4 thermometer readout
This readout features four channels, three major
sensor types, lab-quality accuracy, battery power,
the ability to read many different sensor types,
and much, much more.
The Chub-E4 has four inputs for reading four
different sensors simultaneously. All four channels
in the 7380-USR are configured for reading resistance based temperature sensors such as PRTs and
thermistors. The 7380-USRT comes with two of the
channels dedicated to thermocouple measurement.
With the 1529, reading thermocouples, PRTs, and
thermistors accurately from the same device is
no problem.
The memory and communications capabilities
of the Chub-E4 make it perfect for lab calibration
work, but it’s also great for on-site measurements,
and remote data logging (store up to 8,000 measurements including date and time stamps).
2 Fluke Calibration, Automated 7380 temperature calibration systems