yoar the
information in this manual must be
followed to minimize the risk of fire or
or to
damage, personal injury or death°
not store or use gasoline or other
f_ammable vapors and in the
vicinity of this or any other appliance°
* Do not try to light any appliance°
* Do not touch any electrical switch; do
not use any phone in your building°
* Clear the room, building or area of all
* Immediately call your gas supplier from
a s the gas
* If you cannot reach your gas supplier,
call the fire department°
and service must be
performed by a qualified installer, service
agency or the gas supplier.
Espa ol 57 - 110
The Governor of California is required to punish a list of substances known to the
state of California to cause cancer or reproductive harm and requires business to
warn customers of potential exposures to such substances,
Gas appliances contain or produce substances, which can cause death, or serious
illness and which are known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects,
or other reproductive harm, To reduce the risk from substances in fuel or from
fuel combustion, make sure this appliance is installed, operated, and maintained
according to 'the manufacturers instructions_

0 Nt 0 Nt S
Important Safety Instructions
_nstaHa'tion h"_structions
instaiJerResponsibilities, iocatio!_ i-_equirements
[)imen ions
Mobile Home fnstaiBtion
Aiternative fnstaiBtio!_ for CioseClearances
(}roundinci instructions
i evei Machine, Finai in _aiiation Checkiist
Operating Instructions
Fabric "Type
Heavy,Mixed, Casuai, Dry andWear
light, Air Dry
How D_77
Autosensinq, [)rynes i_we[s
Display Screen
AI_ About the Options Button
Progress Screen
....["he Options
Wri!/kie Free,]]me Dry
F-ridof Cycie Bee_s i-_eminrier, Cycielips, ]roubieshooting
AiJergy,ibweis, Shirts, [ingede
FreshenUp,Warm Up,Dry Ciean
Blankets,leans, Comiorter
Using Your Dryer
Sortinq ioadino
i int Bucket
Powor faiiur(_
Care LabeB
_fyour h'rtuidv¢_ _'_Dryer Beeps for Help
....["rou b_e Shooting
44 ¸

We Elopeyou enjoy usi!/ci tEie/y_iuitiy#_T''dryer as muci_ as we i_aveenjoyed desiqni!/ci it. We've
deveioped ti_i dryer to treat your ciothes witi_ ti_e utmot care, dryinq ti_em gentiy so ti_ey
wiii iook better for ionger We know you'ii enjoy the benefits of its eay ioading drum, reverse
tumbiingandiintremovai ytem
Pieasetake the time to read ti% UserGuide carefuiiy it wiii heip you to operate and maintain
your new ly_ll_iliI/_'_''dryer
Y:)ursafety,and ti_e saiety of oti_ers is very importanL [ocated on your dryer and ti_rougi_out ti%
guide are aiety mes'_agesand in tructio!_ ; it isimportant that you understand and foiiow them

D" ,_r
Hy Safety
Symbols wellbe used in this Guide to i_ighiight when extra care is required Abide by ti_ese at
all times to ensure you and your family are not harmed while operating your dryer
it is imporlant to aiways act with caulion and usecommon sensewhen operating your dryer
Ueoniya per in tructed by the U er Guide
This isthe saf(_tyalert symboi This symbol aierts you to i_azardsthat can kiii
or i_urtyou and others
The safc_tyalert syn/boJand the word [])ANGERor WARNINGwill precede all
safetyn/essages Thesewords n/ea!i:
Youcanbe killed or seriouslyinjured if you don't
immediatelz follow instructions°
Youcanbe killed or seriousl 7 injured if you don't
follow instr'uctions°
Ali safotymessageswiii identify the hazard,ten you how to reduce the chance of injury,
and ten you wi_at can happen if the instructions are not fY)iiowed_

Im ioo rta nt af_I')JIns r c io ns
Electric Shock Naza_d
Follow the safety pr÷cautions outlined in this User Guide°
Failure to do so can result in death or electric shock°
Safety Precautions
= i-_ad aii in tructio!_s car_fuiiV b_%r_ usino;ti_i dryden
ue this dryer o!Av for its intended purpose asdescribed in ti% UserGuide
Tominimize the posqbilit7 of electric i_ock, u!_piug finisdryer from the power supply or
disconnect the dryer at ti_e housei_oid distribution panel (by removing the rue or witching
off ti_ecircuit breaker) beFareattemptk_g any usermai!_tenance or cieaning.
instaiiatk;ns must be performed by a qualified or licensed contractor, plumber or gasfitter
qualified or licensed by ti_e state, province, or region where ti% appliance is being installed
]his dryer rout be properiv in taiied and iocated in accordance with the in taiiation in truction
before it is used
]i% dryer must be properi7 grounded to co!_form with aii governing codes a!_dordinances
Foiiow detaiis in instaiiation instructions
[)o not in taii or store ti_e dryer wi_ere it wiii be exposed to water or exposed to ti_e weather
Co!_nectto a pr_periv protected, rated and sizecipower uppi7 circuit to avoid eiectrical oveAoad
[)o not repair or replace any part of ti_eappliance or attempt any ervidng, uniess specificaii7
recommended in tile pubiished uer repair in tructio!_ ti/at you understand and have the kiiis
to carry out.
When disconnecting tile dryer, puii by ti_e piuci rather titan tile cord or junctio!_ of tile cord piug,
to avoicidamage to ti_ecord or junction of tile cord plug.
Make sure the cord is iocated o ti_at it wiii not be tepped o!_,tripped over or oti_erwise ubject
to tress or damage
[)o not tamper witt_ ti_econtro!s or ti_e iid iocZ
Note: Pres in(t ti_e POWERbutton does NOT disconnect the dryer from ti_e power uppiv, even
thougi_ ti_eikihts are out.
[)o not operate ti% dryer if it isdamaged, maifu!_ctioning, partiaiiv disa sembied or ha missing
or broken parts, including a damaged cord or piug.
]i% dryer must be ciirecti7 connected to an approved fixed eiectricai outiet it cannot be
piugged into an exten io!_cord

,it:)o,,rta:;t Safet7 st r ct io s
Fire Hazard
Only dry fabrics that have been washed with water,
Do not use heat to dry articles containing foam rubber or
similarly textured rubbeP[[ke ma'tedals. Dry on the Air Dry cycle.
Aclothes dryer produces combustibb lint and must be
exhausted outdoors_ Take care to prevent the accumulation of
lint around the exhaust opening and in the surrounding area,
Do not use fabric softeners or products to eliminate static
unless recommended by the manufacturer of the fabric softener
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death or
persona_ injury,
To Reduce the Risk of Fire in aTumble Dryer the Following Should
be Observed:
Do not place items in a turnbie cJryerthat have previ,.:xJsiybeen cieaneci in, washecJin, suakeci
in, or pot cJeahedwith fiarnmabie iiquids or oiids Ti_eyare a fire or expiosio!/i_azard Hkihiy
flammable ubstances comrn(miy used in domestic environments include acetone, denatured
akohoi, riasoJine,kerosene, ome brands of spot remuver and dry cleahir_g solvents, turpentine,
waxes, wax remuvers, vegetable oii, fisi_ oii, massageoii, ahd cooking oii
Do not ieave i_ot oii affix<teditems in a piie or stack TNs can prevent i_eatfrom escaping and
can create a fire hazard. Oiiaffected item can igrfite spontaneob !y,especiaiiy wi_en exposed to
heat sources suci_ asatumbie dryer ]i_e items become warm causinri an oxidation reaction in
the oii Tibiaoxidation creates heat if ti_e heat cannot escape ti_e item can become hot enougi_
to catch fire
Do not use i_eatto dry items containing rubbe< foam r_Jbber,plastic or simiiar materiai, (uch a
padded bras,bati_ mats, furl, bib, baby pant, pia tic bags,piiiows etc),a these matedai might
meit or bum Some rubber rnatedai wi_en i_eated can under certain circum tances produce fire
by spontaneuus combustiuh Dry orfiy on ti_eAIR DRYcycie
Urfiess pecificaiiy recomrnended by their ma!mfacturer, do not ue fabric oftener or imiiar
products in a tumble dryer
Do not tore or use gasoii!/e or oti_er fiammabie gasesand iiq_iids nearti_is or any oliver appiiance
Keepthe areaaround and underneath your dryer free from tile accumuiatioh of combu tibie
matedais uci_ as iint, paper, rags,ci_emkais etc
Do not store any items ti_at may bum or meit (such a papermatedais, pia tics or pia tic
cohtainers etc) next to the dryer
i:mpty the iint bucket before the iint reaches the top of the tran parent ection (u uaiiy once
a week)

]i_evryer must be e×hausted to tile outside. Carefuilv foilow tile venting details in tile
in taiiation instructions
Keep the floor around your dryer ciean and dry to reduce the possibility of dipping
if your dryer is r_/!_ninciand you want to unload or add cioti_e, press STAAT/PAUSEand wait
until ti_e maci_ine has unlocked ti_e iid [)o not force it open
E)onot reaci_into ti_e app%nce if ti_edrum is moving.
Close upervision is necessaryif this dryer i used by or near ci_ildre!/ [)o not ailow children to
play W/side,around or with ti% dryer or any oti_er appliance.
Never ciimb o!/, ciimb into, or stand or/ti_e dryer top, iid or drum
Undergarments that contain metal reinforcements si_ouid nor be placed directly in ti_e dryer
[)amage to ti_e dryer can result if ti_e metal reinforcements come loose during drying.
]he inteqor of ti_e appiiance and e×i/au t duct i/ouid be cieaned peqodicaily by quaiified
ervice personnel
i-_eforethe appiiance isremoved from ervice or discarded remove the iid and the drum door to
the drying compartment
Y)urdryer ha been made toti_e i_ighet tandards Year ofdeveiopme!/t and rigorou teti!/g
ensure ti/at you havebo(/gi/t a worid ciass product, W/ti_e uniikeiy event ti/at a probiem i_ouid
occur, reactto ti_eWarranty section at the back of ti% Guide (reii_rto page 54)
if you i_avea probiem witi_ your dryer ref_,rto our troubieshooting section, if your probiem
is not re/_renced, pieae aiways contact your Fisi_er8_l>aykelAuti_orized Service Agent or our
Customer Care Center (Toil Free] 888 f) FNPUSA(] 888 f)_()7 87)_))rather than attempting to fix

n,staIiIia ior,"_Tr,"_Ts ruc ior,"_Ts
Read the Important Safety Instructions on pages 6- 8 before you start
installing the dryer°
Cr_Cr<tO make sureyou haveaii ti_etoois and parts necessary to correctiy instdi this appii_nce

.......lOtIhe InstaIiIier
]he correct n _aa. nofthedryeri yourresponsibiEity
i-_esure you read ti_e foiiowin(t instructions carefuiiy before you start to _n,a, ,,_ rirver ]hese
in truction i_ouiri i::)e_f, witi/tile home owner for fd,,],e reference
It is Your Responsibility to:
Observe aii qoverninq codes and ordinances
Check code requirement. Some code iimit or do not permit in taliation of cioti_es dryers in
gararie, ciosets, mobiie i_orne or ieepi!/g quarters Contact your iocai buii@ng in pector
Adi_ereto these instaiiation instructions
Allow for spacing requireme!/ts witi/sicie by side in taiBtions (reitr page 11)
Make sure you have all items necessary for correct in taiBtio!_
Properly install the dryer
Contact a qualified installer to enure ti_at ti_eelectrical and ga in taiBtion meets all national
and local codes and ordinances (See page _})
Location Requirern
_r "° C
Explosion Hazard
Keep flammable materials and vapors, such as gasoline, away
Place dryer at least 18 inches (46 cm} above the floor for a
garage installation°
Failure to do so can result in death, explosion, fire, or burns.
]he riryer must be instaiieri or storeri in an area which is not exposeri to water or weather
it is extremeiy important that the dryer is instaiied in a weii ventiiated iocation_This dryer must
exi_austair outdoor_ Do not in tail ti_e riryer in any room or closet which does not permit the
free flow of repiacement air
]i_e free area of any opening fi-)rtile introriucdon of outside air shaii not :)e lessallan * : e
area of therirverj exi_autod,e,_'*__
Befi}re instaiiinri ti_e dryer ensure that there is sufficient i_eight to fuiiy open ti_e iid, Aiiow
ufficient room behind the dryer for ti_eexhau_¢Ti_eair intake isat ti_e rearof ti_edryer insure
ti_at ti_ere is a sufficient air passage on eaci_side of ti_edryer for intake air
[ 0
_w_c the

Lid Clearance
<h_<k that thrumis__r_oughci_aranc_ for th__iid to fuii_¢op_r_
Exhaust Outlet Location
1 1i ,,:i
2' <'<(7(}(})
z/ > ; )1[I[[I
i<)<)!I !II:

Exl ,/a,<
Fir÷ Hazard
The dryer must be vented to the outdoors°
Use rigid or thick wail flexible metal exhaust duct°
Do not use a p[astk: exhaust duct°
Do not use a metal foil exhaust duct°
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death or fire°
]i_e dryer must be exhausted to ti_e outdoors Tiffs will prevent ti_ebuiid up of iint and moisture
in the room in which it is iocated and reduce ti_e risk of fire
]his appiiance must aiways be vented to ti_e outdoors
Exi_austducting products can be purchased from your iecai Appiiance store or Hardware store
Plasticor metal foil flexible duct can kink, sag, be punctured, reduce airfiew, extend drying times
and affect dryer operation
A minimum of 4 inch (100mm) dfick waii fiexibie metai ONrigid gaivanised metai duct must be
ued tJing ducts iarger ti/an 4 inches (I OOmm)diameter may resuit in mere iint accumuiating_
UsW_gstraight rigid metal ducting will rnW/imizeiint accumulation Ti/ick wail flexible metal
ducting may be usecibut care must be exerciseci to avoici _i_arpbend whici_ may squasi_the
duct and caue bk>ckages [)e net ue pBtic ducting or ti/in wail flexible metal ducting
Use duct tape to securejeints [)o not use screwsas they collect iint_
Keep ducting as si_ortand straigi_t as possibie [}o not exceed ti_e maximum exi_austduct
iengti_ tared Bier in ti_ese in taiiation in truction
[)o not exhaust ti_e dryer into any oti_er duct, ci_imney or gas vent, a wail, a ceiiinci or any
concealed pace in a building Do net exhaust ti_e dryer under a i_eue or mobile home or a
porch, or into a window well or oti_er area ti_at will accumuBte iint_
]he exhaust duct si_ouid end with an exi_aust i_ood witi_ a
wing out damper to prevent back drafts and entry of wiid lift,
Never tse exi/aust i/ood with a macinetic damper The hood
houid i_aveat ieast i2 i!/ci_e (505rnrn) ciearance between the
bottom of tile i_oodand ti_e grotnd or other obstruction Ti_e
hood opening si_ouid point down Never i!/staii ascreen over
ti_eexhaust outiet

I ....
Exlnausti g
{i_oosea routetbatwiJJ ..... _ *' _e * *_ ....p <,w e ,be straigi_testc_,ndmost c_,c, Da,,_od,_ oors Plan ti_e
instdbtio!_ to use ti_e fewess < _.......... ndmoe, of eJbowsand turns
Wi_en uing elbows riqd _(, or making * r_(,aCt/ ,I,_)S(ti_ickwaiJfiexibb metal _ *_,x_j, aiiow asmuci_
room as possibie With thick waiJfiexibfo m_t_i duct i::_ndduct gradtJaiiy to avoid kinking and
avoid gO° ttJms
Maximurr gtlh o¢Exl TaustDuct
She maximumiengti_ "*'e sys,*em , ,
]he type,,of drJets(rigid or tb/irk.... walled fiexibJe me_at_'
]he number of eJtows or bends used
Reitrtothe _, ,4 ,
iencytid you can use_Do not use .4 ,<de, runs longer ti/an specified in tile exhaust duct iengti/
charts (refer to nex,*....Daqe)
Exi/aust duct systems longer ti/an spedfieci wiN:
Accumulate lint creating a potential fire hazard
Si_ortentile ii5, of the dryer
i%duce performance, resuiting in longer drying times and an increa ed energy uage
Determine the number of eibowsibends you wiff need
in the co[titan iistinq ti_e type of metal duct you are usino; (riqid or ti_ick waii fiexibie metaJ),find
the maximum iencythof metal duct oh ti/e ameiinea tile number of elbow/bend toi:)eued
(reiY,rto next page)
ex_ a,J _QtJc_ i#f!cCh t r* t , ..... Ct':' o'h,_ c_a, _a _r_a__ syour hood 1,,_,ofor ti_e maximum duct
ot ,h __xi/austduct deoends upon:

Maxir__urY_Lo,er_gtli-_of Exhaust Duct

V_!/dnci systems come in ma!_7 varid_ties S_q_ct tk_ _tTpe
A clos__clearance inst_ii_tio!/is _.....S_/OWF_
<}tit/ :>l
:>7i !1 ' f 7dJ'S
,'}tit/ ,'}t/
aII,';>'/i ;q>tii 77f
its<_ll;_l:i> S
The ma×imt/m iencTthusi!/c7a 2"× t_"(5_m × I 5cm/r_ctangui_r dud with two _qbowsand a
J !,_'(d_cm)__xi_atJsthood is 8ft (24m)
i-tt>f_rto tP__\/__nting svst_m kit mantJfacttJr_rs instructio!d

n,s aHIia ior," T
Partsand Nteraturt_art_packaged inside the ciryt_rdrum
E×¢ess Weight Mazard
Use two or more people to move and install the dryer°
Failure to do so can result [n back or other [njuryo
,_Y remove ti_e packaging at the customer's premises
]his will er/ ure ti_eappliance arrive i!/ pristine c,::_!_diti,::_!_and reduces the risk of damage when
tran porting to the cutorner' home
Make sure dryer is in a suitable location for ;_ _ u _....
(£onsiderinsta,Ningthe dryer before ti_ew_si_ing maci_ine in a skie by skie installation, this will
aifow better access to eiectricai and exi_austconnections
Remove Packaging
,1 _8 auo_/
4 /% _ovede(:at:)
)71 tng toffde
pt)d/ t d(>tct tt
de,':al:c )i
t_i,'>l/tl ,b<:>to _fl :,_s
(>l t/( (dr)i
5 %_<)vet ekase}a(ket
y tlti i_tie p_<c u:t
backa_d walk_dd le
)lo( /(t 0_'{
tlnlok: t _t) i) I_:,_so/
:£_), I II()V (/}
l:)Tc/ 71
6 I%r_ov< l:lecl_lr }acket
andt/e a}<,f<)_ tie
i/t<oll<< orb/c<e /
l:le d /

:,, for Gas arid Elieclric _i,_:_J.,_Grour_di,i,_g :_srt_c io:_s ' )r _e_c
E_ectrical Shock Hazard
Make sure appliance is wired or plugged into a grounded
Do not use an adaptor,
Do not use an extension cord,
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, fire,
or electrical shock_
E_ectrica_ Shock Hazard
Check with a quabfied e[ectr[dan or serv[ceperson ffyou are
in doubt as to whether the appliance is properly grounded°
Do not modify the p[u 9 if it wi[[ not fit the outlet,
Have the proper out[e't installed by a qualified e[ec'tdcian,
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, fire, or
electrical shock,
Grounding for a Cord-Connected Appliance
]his ap_iia!_ce m J_itbe <;remdeG in the event of rr_aifunction or breakdow!_, ciroundir_ciwiii
reduce ti_e riskof eiectdc si_ockby provk:iing a path of ieast resistance for eiectdc currenL
When ti_isappii_nce isequipped with a corci i_aving an equipment<troundir/c i conductor and a
groundi!/(t plug ti_e plug must be ......., pEug:_ec_into an appropriate outiet first isproperly instaiied
and cirou!_ded i!/ accordance with aii iocai r -_s _ _ _/ ....ab ence with the..ooze.a,]c_orr?r_ar_ces,or in t_e ,-
ii ..... [ 40 ql , r[:/
Na,,ona, Fiectdcai
remove the clroundinci pronci from this piuci
Referto pages 2_ 28 for wiring detaiJsfor eiectdc dryers
Co( AN_/Nr, A 70,or tile Car_adiar_F-iectricaiCode, CSAC2ZI Do not cut or
Improper connection of the equipment-grounding
conductor can result in a risk of electric shock, Check with
a qualified e[ec'trician o[' service representative if you are in
doubt as to whether the appliance is properly grounded,

ElieclricaH ..... or Eliectic Modells Or liy
£_÷ctHc Shock Hazard
Use a new ULapproved 3O-ampere power cord or direct wire
Use a ULapproved strain reJiefo
DBconnect power before making e[ec'trica[ connections.
Connect neutral wire (white or center wire) to center terminal
On aJ[four wire installations remove the grounding [ink and
connect the ground wire to the green ground connecting screw,
Connect remaining 2 supply wires to remaining 2 terminals°
Securdy tighten aJ[ dectrica[ connections.
Failure to do so can result in death, fire, or electrical shock.
]he wiring diagram is k::>catedin the controi console_
]i_e dryer must be piugged into or connected to an individuai ixanch circuit, do not use an
(_xter_sk:) N cerd
] hf__)ow__rsura_)bmust be220i 240\/or 208'\{ (30HzapDmw<-iaitemafinq cure,nt ebctrica, i
ervice_ Ti_eeiectricai service re<suirementscan be found on ti_edata iabei ti_at is iocated on the /
Di_h bacL A 30 ampere rue or circuit breaker is required o!/each of tile iines i/i:
ira Dower cord is ued, the cord rout be Diuqqed into a 30 ampere rece_)lade 1i
]he Dower cord is NOT provided wid/US eiectric modei dryers
]i_is dryer is upplied witi_ ti_e cabinet grounded thrnugi/the neutrai on ti_e terminal bk>ck, i
if the dryer is tn ke installed in (I) a new branci_ circuit instaiBtk_r/, (2)a mobile i_orne,(9 a
recreatk:maiveificle, (4) a!/area where localcode do !lot permit grounding through ti_e neutral
cnnductnr, the appliance gmu!/dk/g link mu_ be removed and a 4wire power cord/cable or a ]_
eparate grounding wire rout be ued
Do not reuse a _)owersu_)r_)ivcordicabie frnrn an oid dryer The raowercordicabie eiectric uD_)iv ]
wiring rout be retained at the dryer cabinet with a uit_bie Ui listed train relief
208V Requirements
_r\/ic__r_Dms_r_tatiw_(co Acc_ssori_sDag__9 for kit Dart rmmb_r)
z' D ]

for Fliectri( Models Onli /
= Oni7 a U[ listed power suppiy cord kit a suitable iengti_/or the instaliatk)n and rated i 20/240 V
rain, 30 A and marked witi_ usefor clothes dryers si_aiJDe used
= ]his si_aiJi_avering terminals to connect to ti_e dryer
= ]he UDrated train relief included with it shall be uitabie for a I _iU'(]8 5ram) hole
Connecting by Direct Wire
Power suppiy cabie musl m<,Ici_power suppJv (4wire or 3wire) and be:
= FiexiDfie_,rmoured or non me_aiiic sheati_edcopper cable (wi_i_ground wire) All current carrying
wires must Dein uiated
= ]0 gauge AWGso!icicopper wire (do not ue aiuminium wire)
Suitabie length for ti_e in taiJation
= AUi approved trainreiiefmutbeued
Grounding for a Direct Wired Appliance
]his _,ppli_-_,ncemust be connected _oa grounded met_fi perm+_nentwiring system, or an
equipment groundinc i conductor must be run witi_ the circuit conductors and connected to the
equipment grounding terminai on the appiiance

3-Wi'e "e°
For use where Rocancodes permit grounding through the Neutranwire.
Useapproved 3 wire Power S_ppiy Cordor a 3 wire Cabie for i)ire<t Wiring as described on page 24
Remove ti_e terminal block cover piate
insert the power cord wiri3 a ULlisted sraW}reiief li_rougi_ the i_o!eprovided in ti_e cabW}etnear
the terminai bio(k_ Do not tigi_ten strain reiief screw untii wiring connection are compiete
No't÷; a strain reiief must be ued
3 [ oosen or remove ti3ecenter terminai biock screw Cor/nect ti3e neulral wire (center) of the p_3wer
uppiy cord Io ti3ecenter terminai screw of li3elermir/ai bio(k_ ]ighler/screw
4 Connect ti_e oti_er wires to the upper and lower terminal block crew marked with the
ietter i lighten crew
5 Refit terminal biock cover by inserting *ie * . .
cov_wwiti] securing screw_
6 ]igi_ten strain relief screws.
,,_ ,wotab firtonti_erearDaneiofthedrver Secure

4-Wi " °
Useapproved 4,_wirePower SuppDyCord or a4-wire CaMe for Direct Wiring as described on page 25,
1 Remove the Iermi!/ai block cover piate
2 inert ti_e power suppiy cabie witi_ a U[ iisted strain reiief ti/rouclh tile i_o!eprovided i!/the cabinet
near the terminai biock Do not tighten strain reiief crew untii wiring co!}nection are compiete
Note: a strain relief must be ued.
s Remove center terminai biock screw_
4 Remove appiiance ground iink by removi!/g ti_e ground connector screw (green screw)
'o ;li1:_ :fi:);)l (; //>a(l<(> 1
/sI;:_l;d; )/ tie (o/ (/I k )_-f t:<:
_ (:,ve li_<
5 Cor_nectqroHnd wire (green) of tile power suppiy cord to tile ground conducsor green screw
Tigi_ten screw
6 Connect ti_e neutrai wire (wi_ite) of the power suppiy cord to the center terminai crew of ti_e
terminai biock Tkihten screw.
7 Connect ti_e redwire and black wire to the upper and iower terminai biock crew marked with the
betteri Tklhten screws.
s Refit terminai biock cover by inserting _ie _ .,,_ ,wo tab first on ti_e rear panei of the dryer and ecure
cover with securing screw_
9 ]ighten Strain Relief screws

Gas Qas Mod llsOrTliy)
The instaiJation must conform with iocai Codes,or in the absence of i ocai Codes, to the National
FuN GasCode ANSi Z223. iiNFPA 54 or the Canadian Natural Gasand Pmpan__installation Code,
CSABi4g i
£×plosion Hazard
Installations must be prformed by aqualified or licensed
contractor, plumber, or gasfitter qualified or licensed by
the state, province, or region where this appliance is being
Use a new AGA or CSA approved gas supply line.
Ins'tall a shut-off valve in an accessible place°
Only use a yas shut-off valve approved for use within the state,
province, or region where this appliance is being installed°
Securely tighten all gas connections°
If connectlny to LP Gas, have a qualified person make sure
gas pressure does not exceed 13' (33 cm) water column.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death,
explosion, or fire.
Gas type
Your dryer must i_aveth__correct bt/mer for the type of gas in your i]om(h Burner in/ormation is
k)cated on the ratinri plate iocated on the rear of the con oie if ti% information doe not agree
with ti_etype of gas available in your home, co!€act your local Fisherf_ Paykeiuppiier or ervice
Natural Gas
]his dryer is uppiiedreadyforuewithNaturaiGa
it isdesklin certified i:)7tJl intemationai for i P(Propane or Butane) Gaseswiti_ ti_e appropriate
LP Gas Conversion
if the dryer is to be opera,ted on i P (Liquid Prop_meor i_uta,ne) Gas,ti_e dryer mus be converted
it do so, useonly ti_e approved i isi_er8_PaykeJconversion kit listed in Accessories or/page g
[)o not usewid_ a dif,brent gas wisi_out consuising the serving gas supplier
Ti_edryer must be co!_verted for saf_and proper performance by quaiified service or instaiiador_
Conversion kits/or Naturai and [P Gas are avaiiabie from your locai Fisi_er8_PaykeiDeaier (see
Accessories page % if other conversions are required, check with your iocai gas utiJity for specific
informatior_ cor_ceming c(;nversion requirements

( aso Dryer (ias Mod l,. Or li7
ijs(_ COfT_pOU!_d Of ¢ " d,t,ea _tape <_ppropdateto the ..... *v e.i. :- to Phta ,. P.... /a, _._ i::)eued (Natural or. Ga),
on the maie thread of aii non fitted co!_nection
Never use an open, fi_me to *e,s,_-for gas leaks
i-his dryer will operate sadsfactoriiy up to altitudes of dSOOft(200Ore)above sea level at ti_e
BTUi'ati!/g indicated o!/the model/edai pk_,_*e.........Bume_ input, adju tments maY.be required,if
operating above finis eievation
....... t@ ....The dryer must be disconnected from the g_s supply system during any pressure, s Fng.
' I
Gas Ignition
, H t q _]i_isdryerha an automatic ignition yt_mtoignit_ _the burner ] here is no p,o, ham burning
in this dryer
Connecting to the Gas Supply
1 ]he qas suppiy line si_vuid De ,,>inci_
2 An individual manual shutoff valve must be installed on ti_ega supply line witi_i!/_)ft (i Sin) of
the dryer, in accordance witi_ ti_e National Fuel Ga Code ANSi Z£)_ IiNFi>A $4 for the United
Statesor in accordance with the i_149I Naturai Gasand Propane instaiiation Code for Canada
s An is'_i!/ci_ NPTpiu<]ged tappi!/,:-irout be installed to allow tile gas inlet pres'¢ureto be ci_ecked
it must Deaccessible tot ti_etest gauge connectio!_ and immediately upstream of the ga
connection to the dryer