in must be
followed to minhnize the .risk of fire or
° Do not try to light any appliance°
÷ Do not touch any electrical switch_ do
not use. any phone _oinyour°....building.
÷ Clear the room> baddmg or area o_ all
÷ Immediately call your gas supplier from
a neighbors phone° Follow the gas
supplier's instructiOnSo
÷ If you cammt .reach your gas supplier,
call the fire departmemo
must be
per_brmed by a qualified installer, service
agency or the gas supplier°
The Governor of California [s required to publish a [[s't of substances known to the
state of California to cause cancer or reproductive harm and requires business to
warn customers of potential exposures to such substances,
WARNING!: Gas appliances contain or produce substances, which can cause death,
or serious illness and which are known to the State of California to cause cancer,
birth defects, or other reproductive harm, To reduce the risk from substances in
fuel or from fuel combustion, make sure this appliance is ins'tailed, operated, and
maintained according to the manufacturers instructions,

Akema1:ivei!/st_ibIJor_ for (iose (iea_ances
G-ou!@inq instructions
Gas Requh-emen1:s
ieveJMacNne, Fins instaiJallio!/Ci_eckiist
Operating k_structions
Using Your Dryer
©tying Progress Lights
Lid Lock
Care Labels
Drying Spedal _tems
If Your Dryer Beeps for Help
Limited Warranty
) z
) ;)

]hank you i_}r buying a Fisi_er5 Paykei<Jm_Hrl/o_J_'_dryer.
We hope you enjoy using tile <_mt_rllo_JUT''dryer as muci/as we i_aveenjoyed designing it. We've
deveioped ti_i dryer to treat your cioti_es witi_ ti_e utmost care, dryinc/li_em gentiy soli/ey
wiii iook better for ionger_We know you'ii enjoy the benefits of its easy ioading drum, revere
lumbiing and iinl removai sytem
Pieasetake ti_etime 1:oread this UserGuide carefuiiy it wiii heip you 1:ooperale and maintain
your new <Jm#Hrl/o_JT'_dryer
Your saf_ty,and the sai_,tyof others isvery importanL iocated on your dryer and ti_roughout ti%
guide are saf_,tymessagesand in truction ; it isimporlanl lhal you under tand and foiiow them

Dr e, Safet /
,7-,, .....
Symbols wellbe useciin tiffs Guide to highiigi_t wi_en extra (:areis required, Abide by these at
all times to _,nsu!eyOUand you! family a_enot ha_rn_dwhik, operating you! d_yer
it isimportant to alwaysact witi_ (autioh and use commoh sense when operating your dry_'r
[Jseonly as per instrtJctt,d by the riser Guide
This isti_esafi,ty alert symbol Ti_issymbol alertsyou to i_azardsthat can kill
or iiurt you and others
The saf,,-'tyaiert symboi and the word DAN(£R or WARNiN(_wiii precede aii
saf(_tymessagesTi_esewords mean:
You can be killed o_seriously inju_'ed if you don't
immediate!y follow inst_uctionso
You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't
follow instructionso
All saft_tymessageswill identify ti_ehazard,tell you i_ow to reduce the chance of i!_jciry,
and sellyoti wi_asca!_i_appenif siseinssructions arenot followed

n" por an Fiaf y : str clior s
Electric Shock Hazard
Follow the safety precautions outlined in this User Guide°
Failure to do so can result in death or electric shock.
Safety Precautions
F_eadaHinstru :tions car_,fuiiy b_%r_ uinq thi dryer
ii_ ti_i dry_r only for its int_ndod purpos_ a d_scrib_J in ins ij_r (}uid_
]b minimiz_ th__pos ibiJity of _bctric _i_<)ck,unpiuq ti% dryer from ti__ power suppiy or
disconnect ti_edryer at ti_e i_ousei/o!d di tribution panei (by removing ti_erue onswitching off
the circuit breaker) before attempting any user mair_tenance or (lea!ring
instaiiatior/s and service mu_t be per/ormed by a quaiified or iicen ecicontractor} piumber or
gasfitter quaiified or iicen ed by the stale, province, on regior_where this appiiance is being
in taiied
]i_is dryer must be properiy instaiied and iocated in accordance with the instaiiatio!_ instructions
before it is used
]his dryer must be properiy grounded to co!_form witi_ aii governing codes and ordinances
Foiiow detaiis i!/ i!/staiialk)r/ instructions
Do not instaii or store ti_edryer where it wiii be exposed to water onexposed 1:o1:i_eweati_er
Connecl to a properiy protecled, raled and sized power suppiy circuit 1oavoid eiectricai overioad
Do not repair or repiace any part of ti_e appiiance or attempt any servicing, unies _pecificaiJy
recommended in the pubiished uer repair imtructior/s that you under tand and have the skiiis
Io carry out_
Wi_endi (or/!_ecting the dryer, puii by ti_epiqg rati_erti/an the cord orjunctio!/of the cord plug,
I:oavoid damage to the cord or junctk;n of the cord piug_
i_ake sure ti_e cord i iocaled so lhal it wiii not he stepped on, tripped over onotherwise subject
Io slressor damage
Do not tamper witi/ti_e (onlro!s or the iid iocZ
Note: Pre sing ti_e POWEAbulton does NOTdisconnect the dryer from the power suppiy, even
lheugi_ ti_e iighl are out_
Do not operate tiffs dryer if it i damaged, maifunctior/ing, partiaiiy disa sembied or ha missing
or broken parts, including a damaged cord or piug_
]i_is dryer rout be directiy connected Io an approved fixed eiectricai ouliet it cannot he
plugged inlo an exten io!/cord

rnpor, Safe 7 : str clior s
Fire Hazard
Only dry fabdcs that have been washed with water°
Do not use heat to dry articles containing foam rubber or
similarly textured rubber4ike materials° Dry on the Air Dry cycle°
A clothes dryer produces combustible lint and must be
exhausted outdoors, Take care to prevent the accumu[a'tion of
lint around the exhaust opening and in the surrounding area°
Do not use fabric softeners or products to e[imina'te static
unless recommended by the manufacturer of the fabric softener
Failure 'to follow these instructions can result in death or
persona[ injury,
To Reduce the Risk of Fire in aTumb[e Dryer the Following Should
be Observed:
Do not place items in atumbie dryer ti_at i_avepreviousiy been cieaned in,wasi_ed in,soaked
in, or spot cieaned witi_ fiammabie iiquicis or soiids Ti_eyare a fire or expiosion i_azard Hiqifiy
flammable substances commoniy used in domestic environments include acetone, denatured
akoi_u!, r/aso!ine, kerosene,some b_andsof spot removers and dry ciear_ing solvents,turpentine,
waxes,wax remuvers, vegetable oii, fisi_oil, massage oii, and cooking oii
o Do not ieave i_ut oii afq<ted items in _,pile or stack Ti% con prevent i_eatfrom escaping and
can create a fire haz_:;r&Oil afflicted i_emsc_,nignite spontaneousiy, especially when exposed to
heat sources such asa tumble dryer Ti_eitems become warm causin,_]ic,noxidation reaction in
the oiJ Ti_isoxidation (_eates heat if the heat cannot escape the i_emscan become hot enougi_
to catch fire
Do not qse i_eatto dry items containinrl rqbber, foam rubber} plastic or similar materials, (suci_as
padded bras, bati_ mats, furls, bibs, baby pants, pias_i( baqs, pillows etc), as ti_esernateriaB rni(ii_t
melt or burn Some rubber materials when i_eated(:an under certain cir( umstances produce ih-e
by sponlaneous (:ombu tioh Dry oniy on ti_eAIR DRYcycie
iiniess specific:aiiyrecornrnended by ti/eir manufacturer, do not ue fabric softener or similar
products in a tumble dryer
Do not tore or use ga oii!/e or oti/er fiamrnabie gasesand iiquids near this or any other appiiance
Keep ti_earea around and undemeati/your dryer free from the accumuBtior_ of cornbu tibie
maledais such as lint, paper, rags,ci_emicais etc
Do nut store ahy items that may bum or meit (such a paper maleriais, piastics or pia tic
cohlainers etc) next 1othe dryer
F-mptyfile iinl bucket before the iinl reachesthe lop of the Iran parenl sectio!/(usuaiiy once

I Q.ir:'_,I::;_or an Saf_7 n _:,ru(:ion_:,/Warran 7
]i_e dryer must be e×hausted I:othe outside (arefuiiy foiiow the venting detaiis in the
in taiialion f!_itruction_i
Keepthe fEoorarou!_d your dryer ciea!_a!_ddry to reduce the pos'_ibiiity of _iiippinG
if your ciryer i ru!_nin I a!_dyou want to unioad or add cioti_es,pres'_START/PAUSEand wait
unlii the machine i_a'iu!_iocked tile iid [)o not force it open
Do not reach into ti_e appliance if li_edrum i moving.
. Close _iupervi ion is!_eces_aryif ti_is dryer i u_ed by or !_earchildren [)o not allow children 1:o
play inside, around or witi/till dryer or any other appliance
Neverclimb or/, climb into, or _itandor/ti_e dryer top, lid or drum
Under_larrnents that contain metal reinlorcement_ si_ouicinot be placed directly in ti_e dryer
Damage to ti_e dryer can result if ti_e metal reinforcements come
]i_e interior of ti_eappliance and exhau t duct houid be cleaned periodically by qualified
service per_io!/nek
i-_eforethe app%nce is removed from service or discarded remove the lid and the drum door 1:o
the drying compartment
Yourdryer ha_been made to ti_e i_i(ii/e t tandarci Y_,ar of development and ricioroiJ_te_iti!/g
en_iureti/at you i_avebougi/t a world cia_ product, in tile lJniii(eJyeve!it ti_a1:a problem should
occur, rel_,rIo the Warran17section al the back of Ibis Guide (ref_,rIo page 5_,_)
if yotJ i_avea probiem witi_ yo_Jrdryer rei_r to our trotJbiesi_ooting sectior/, if your probiem is riot
ref(,re!/ced, piea_ieaiway_ contact your Fi i_er8_PaykeiAuti_orized !:}erviceAccentor our Cu tomer
CareCenter (To!i Free ] 888 f}FNi>Ii<}A(] 888 f}_} 7,'67_'))rather than attempting I:ofix
it your eif

C_othesdryer"installationmustbeperformed by aqualified installe_,
hstall the clothes dryer according to the manufacturer's instructions and _oca_codes°
Do not install a clothes dryer with flexible plastic venting materia[so If flexiNe meta_
(foil type) duct is installed, it must be of a specific type identified by the appliance
manufacturer assuitaNe for use with clothes dryers° Flexible venting materials are known
to collapse, be easily crushed, and trap ]intoThese conditions will obstruct clothes dryer
airflow and increase the risk of fire°
To reduce the risk of severe injury or death, follow aHinstallation instructions°
Read the Important Safety Instructions on pages 6- 8 before you start
installing the dryer.
( i_eck1:omake sure you have aii the 1:ooJsand pa_1:snecessary 1:ocor_ectiy in taii this appii_nce
Tools Required
7¢ nut driw,r <)r_ock(*twren( h
Phiiiips screwdriver
Fiat blade screwdriver
Adjustabie wrenci/8" or 10"(20(m or _5cm) for gas connectiom
Pipejoint compnu!_d (pipe dope or tape) f,orga pipe connection lhal is resistanl Io [ P Propane,
Butane and Naturai Ga (Ga mndeis orfiv)
[ evei
Cauikinq qdn and compoc_nd (for in taiiir_gnew exhau t vent)
Safi,t7 gia sea
Duct tape
Parts Supplied
2 fi_otinserts for front fe_t
A power suppi7 cord i suppiied airead7 connected 1:othe g_ dryer (Ga mndeis orfiv)
Ci_eckto make ure aii part have been suppiied
MobiJe Home installation Kit Part No 395488
N_;turai(,as to [ P Conversion Ki_:PartNo 3f)548f; (()as models only)
o [ pto N_;turalG;s ConversionKitP_;_tNo3f;54f)O(Gasmodelsonly)
Kit EJement 208VPa_tNo 395500 (Electric modeJsonJv)
Parts Needed
(ii/eck with k;cai codes and read eJectricai,!p_ and ventinq requirement_i before purci_asinq pa_ts
if you neeci to purci_asea power suppi7 cord kit or power suppi7 cabie, they must meet the
requiremenls on page ;'4

.......1-0t Ihe InstaIiIier
]h__(om_c1:in dJ%on of th__dryor is your !_sponsii:)iJity
i% sur_ you r_wi d_e fo!iowin I imtru(tion c_,iu........ y .........b_do_you stuartto _n,a, ,,_ dryer ] h_,se
instruction should be bfi: with the, hnrn_,own_,r for future, r_,fer_,n_
It is Your Responsibility to:
= Observe aii qoveminq codes and ordinances
= Che(k code requirements. Sor;qecodes limit or do not perrnis inssaiJationof (ioti_es dryers in
garages,closets, mobiie i_ornesor sieepi!/g quarter (orffact your iocai buiiding in pector:
Adi_ereto these imitaiiation imitru(tiomi
Aiiow for sparing requirements with side by side in taiiatior/s (re/(_rpage 11)
Make sureyou i_aveail items necessaryfor correct in taiJalion
= Properiy instaii ti_edryer
Conta(t a quaiified imitaiier to enure ti_at ti_eeiectdcai and ga in taiialior_ meets aii nalionai
and iocal codes and ordinances (See page _;)
Location F%quiremeNtS
E×plosion Hazard
Keep flammable ma'teda[s and vapors, such as gasoline, away
from the dryer,
Place dryer at [east 18 inches (46 cm) above the floor for a
garage installation.
Failure to do so can result in death, explosion, fire, or burns.
]-he riryer must be instdieri or stored in an area which is not exposeri 1:owater or weal:her
it isextremeJy important that the dryer is instaiied in a weJJventiJate(:iioca1:ionThis dryer mqst
exi_auq ah"outdoor i)o not in taii the dryer in any room or closet which dines not permit 1:he
fr_,__flow of !epiacemen1:air
Ti_e free area of any openin<] for the introriuctior_ of outsirie air si_ail not be iess than twice the
area of the dryer exhau t outiet
Befi:)ieinstalling ti_edryer enSLreti_at ti/ere is sufficient i_eigi/t to fully <}penti_e lid. Aik_w
sufficient room bei_ind ti_e dryer for ti_e exh_wst.Ti_eair intake is _,tti_e re,,_rof ti_eriryer Fnsure
*_-, e,-eis a suffident ah-possaqeon each skie of ti_e dryer for intake oh-
F o F ..... , ..,
I 0

]he_eainwi_ich_i_edryerisiocc_,_,edrnus_be ................,_
ke_)ttie,-_,r c_,nd free from cornDustii:>Jern_,_ei'iais, ][i
gasoiine and oti/er flarnrnabie vapors and iiqui__,s
A dryer _>roducesc:,:>mr,_,_s_iDleAn_so _i_e_,,'ea I I I I ...._%_S
]his dryer can only be ven_edfror_ _he_ea_and
must be exhaus_:ed_:o_:heou_:__oors _ ....... >
I_i S'_si_,:,, j
"_ s'l" i ,:)<:)
]"2) ]"2) ]"2) _i_i\d2"(,)) _ri _"76) I
I I1 [

L)il'T___I_'Ts io I"_!i
Lid Clearance
Checkthat there is enoclgk/ciea_ance iOrtile iid to iuiiy open
/ ) :if) { II;
Exhaust Outlet Location
llY'{"( 2 } Ii',"( 3 )

..... _._...._,,
_i Ii///./"/._lO/'IF>
Mobile Home Installation
]i_e i!_st.iiation of the dryer in _;mobiie i_<_mem_/t corfform to ti_eManufi;ctured Home
Construction and Safi,ty Standard Title 24 CFR,Part3280 {formeriy the Federal Standard for
Mobiie Home (on truction and Safi,ty,Tide ;'4 HIj[} (Part h80),1975} for the United Stales or
Standard (AN/CSA Zh4OMH fi)r Canada
Wi_enir/staiiing a dryer in a mobiie home, provisions fi)r anchoring the dryer to the fi_or must
be made
A MobiJe i4ome a!_chodn i instaiiation kit isavaiiabie witi_ instructions (see Accessories
page f)) [ocate it/an area that i_a_adequate outside make up air (aminimum of 7;' square
inches of unob tructed opening is required)
MobiJe i_ome instaiJations must be exhausted to ti_e outdoors witi_ ti_e exhaust duct
termination se(ureiy fastened Io the mobiie home structure, uing maledais lhal wiii not
]i_e exi/auct duct rout not terminale beneath the mobiie home Seethe section on exhau ting
for more in/ormalior_
le dtT_ t it
/)tt! _
I I b :r /(::It, :_(: t(> i
__p-__..--..-.-._ .-._ .........................

Ver" Tt ir Tg
Fire Hazard
The dryer must be vented to the outdoors°
Use rigid or thick wall flexible metal exhaust duct only,
Do not use a p[as'dc exhaust duct°
Do not use a me'ta[ foil exhaust duct°
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death or fire°
]he dryer exhaust must be vented to ti_eoutcioors Ti_iswill prevent ti_e build up of lint and
mois1:u_ein the _oo!n in which ii is located and reduce the _iskof ih-e
Exhaustducting products can be purchased from your local Appliance store or Hardware store
Never use plastic or metal foil flexible duct. Ti_isducti!/g can kink, sag, be punctured, reduce
airflow, extend drying limes and affect dryer operalion
A minimum of 4 inch (l O0ram) thick waii fiexibie metai or rigid gaivanised metai duct must be
u_ed. Uqnq duct iarqer titan 4 ir_ci_e (] O0ram) dbmeter may resuit in more lint accumubtirx}/.
in Canada,the exhau t duct rout be40_' inches (lO__ram) in diameter
rising strak_i_trkiid metal ducting will minimize lint accumuBtion Tifick wail flexible metal
ductinr i may be u_ed but care rout be exercised 1:oavoid si/arp bend which may squasi_the
duct and caue blockages
rise duct tape to securejoints Do not use screws or any other fastening device which will
extend inlo the duct, a they will collect iinl.
Keepducdng as si_ortarx:istraigi_t as possibie [)o not exceed ti_e maximum exhaust duct
ienqtivi stated iater in ti_esein taiiation instrqclion ]he 1otai iength of fiexibie metai duct used
si_ouidbe no io!/ger than f_45inches (_4 m)
Do not vent ti_e dryer into any oti_er cJ_Jct,ci_imney or gas vent becauseaccumulated lint and
oti_er material i a potential fire i_azard [)o not venl the dryer into any ceiiinri, attic, crawl space,
under floor space, wail cavity, window well or any other concealed cavity that will accumuBte
Fit an exi_aust hood witi_ a swing out damper to ti_e outside
end of ti_eexi/aust duct to prevent back drafts and entry of wiid
iff(_.Never use exi/aust i_ood with a magnetic damper. Ti_ei_ood
shouid i_aveat iea_t 12 i!/ci_e (}05 ram) ciearance between ti_e
bottom of tile i_ood and tile ground or oti_er ob truction Ti_e
hood opening si_ouid point down Never i!/staiJa screen over
14 ti_e exi_au_toutlet
2 ( ()',, ,)

Staticpressureinti_eexhauctductingdoenotexceedI inchofwatero:::>[umn(PSOPa),ori not
Ailductini chouidbeinpettedandcieanedatieaqonceayeartoremoveaccumulatediinl

Ve t g
Ci_oosea rou1:e1:hatwill provide, :he straightest and most dh-_,ctpa1:hout:doors Pian 1:h_,
ins1:aii%on1:ouse1:h_,f_,w_,s1:numb_,rof _,ii:)owsand 1:u_!_s
VVi_er_usinq eibows (ri_lid duct) or makinci turns (ti_ick waii fiexibie m_a_ Ed'lJ_-_;,_ aiiow as muci/
room a_ possibie With 1:hick waii fiexiDie metai duct b_,nd duct _lraduaiiv I:oavoid kinkin_l and
avoid f_O° 1:um
Maxirr urr L_nT,gtlh of Exhaust Duct
]h_, maximum i_nqti/of 1:h_, .... ,_,xnads,duct sys_t_mdt_)t_nds uld)or_:
]-hl, 1:vpeof ducts (!igid or 1:hickwaii_,d fiexibi_, m_,tai)
]i_e number of elbows or bend ued
i:tef_r to ti!o" ......... _ r _- ,y!.... _1 ma×imum du(1e×_ads, dd(_ _e.],:_,_chart 1:hal:malci]e your i]ood _'ne for *Le
let/cities you can uce. E)o not use duct run longer 1:hanspecified in 1:he exhau t duct length
re er
charts (, f ..... o next page)
Exhaustduct systems longer than specified will:
Accumuiale lint creating a potenliai fire hazard
Si_orte!/tile iff__of the dryer
i:teduce performance, resuiting in io!/ger drying times and an increa ed energy usage
Determine tile number of eibowsibends you wiii need
in ti_ecolumn listing ti_e type of metal duct 7ou are using (rigid or thick wail fie×ibie metai), find
the maximumiengti/ofmetaidu(tonti/esameiineasti/enumberofeibowibend 1:obeued
(re/_,rto ne×t page)

Maximum Ler" gtli- ,of Exlhaus£Duc£
Maximum iengti_ ors ...... _÷_
Number of 90+ TiNt::kVVaiiFbxibie Metal
0 04ft 19.5m 8ft 2.4m
2 ,. _t 1:_4m 8ft 24m
_m I 0.din 8ft 2.4m
4 27ft 8.2m 8ft 24 m
xx: !___y_!_i_ii]i_j}_s_q_i_ ii=_ii _ii//_i_?i/iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii _
Maximum ier/_}thof 4"diameter rnetS duct. }
N, rn_e off)O ,. . c<Wa rexbeMeta ,,
eibows!bends : (tuib' t,xtendt÷d)
b[igld . i t
0 sSft _7.._m 8i_ _.4m
._ .,• , _ _ 8 _
29ft 88m 8ft 2.dm
2i ft 64m 8ft 2._m ]
_:,'ex_astsytems_ot(overedbyt_eex_a_td_ct e_ t_ _a_ts{ _ha m_i-bie _n_ii_ k-_ps
............................................ g .................... k .................. , , i
plenums, and power a_si t L-_,m),c_'iiot_rCi_torqer Care Center: :!:}