Fairchild Semiconductor MM74HC4538SJ, MM74HC4538MX, MM74HC4538SJX, MM74HC4538N, MM74HC4538M Datasheet

© 2000 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation DS005217 www.fairchildsemi.com
February 1984 Revised August 2000
MM74HC4538 Dual Retriggerable Monostable Multivibrator
MM74HC4538 Dual Retriggerable Monostable Multivibrator
General Description
The MM74HC4538 high speed monostable multivibrator (one shots) is implemented in advanced silicon-gate CMOS technology. They feature speeds comparable to low power Schottky TTL circuitry whil e retaining the l ow power and high noise immunity characteristic of CMOS circuits.
Each multivibrator fea tures b oth a n egative , A, a nd a po si­tive, B, transition trigg ered input, either of which can be used as an inhibit input. Also includ ed is a clear input that when taken low rese ts the one shot . The M M74HC 4538 is retriggerable. Th at is, it may be triggered repeatedly w hile their outputs are generating a pulse and the pulse will be extended.
Pulse width stability over a wide range of temperature and supply is achieved using linear CMOS techniques. The out­put pulse equatio n is s imply: PW
= 0.7(R)(C) where PW is
in seconds, R is in ohms, and C is in fa rads. This de vice is pin compatible with the CD4528, and the CD4538 one shots. All inputs are prote cted from damage due to stat ic discharge by diodes to V
and ground.
Schmitt trigger on A and B inputs
Wide power supply range: 2–6V
Typical trigger propagation delay: 32 ns
Fanout of 10 LS-TTL loads
Low input current: 1
µA max
Ordering Code:
Devices also availab le in Tape and Reel. Specify by appending th e s uffix let t er “X” to the ordering code.
Connection Diagram Truth Table
H = HIGH Level L = LOW Level
↑ = Transition from LOW-to-HIGH ↓ = Transition from HIGH -t o-LOW
= One HIGH Level Pulse
= One LOW Level Pu ls e
X = Irrelevant
Order Number Package Number Package Description
MM74HC4538M M16A 16-Lead Small Outline Integrated Circuit (SOIC), JEDEC MS-012, 0.150 Narrow MM74HC4538SJ M16D 16-Lead Small Outline Package (SOP), EIAJ TYPE II, 5.3mm Wide MM74HC4538N N16E 16-Lead Plastic D ual-In-Line Package (PDIP), JEDEC MS-001, 0.300 Wide
Inputs Outputs
Clear A B Q Q
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Block Diagrams
Note: Pin 1 and Pin 15 must be hard-wired to GND.
Logic Diagram
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Timing Diagram
Circuit Operation
The MM74HC4538 op erates as follow s (refer to lo gic dia­gram). In the quiescent state, th e external timing capacitor, C
, is charged to VCC. When a trigger occurs, the Q output
goes HIGH and C
discharges quickly to the lowe r refer-
ence voltage (V
Lower = 1/3 VCC). CX then charges,
through R
, back up to the upper refere nce voltage (V
Upper = 2/3 VCC), at which point the one-shot has timed out and the Q output goes LOW. The following, more de tailed description of the ci r cuit o pe r-
ation refers to both the logic diagram and the timing dia­gram.
In the quiescent state, before an inp ut trigger appe ars, the output latch is HIGH and the reset latch is HIGH (#1 in logic diagram).
Thus the Q output (pin 6 or 10) of the mono stable multivi ­brator is LOW (#2, timing diagram).
The output of the trigge r-control circuit is LOW (#3), and transistors M1, M2, and M3 are turned off. The external timing capacitor, C
, is charged to VCC (#4), and the upper
reference circuit has a LO W output (#5). Transistor M4 i s turned ON and transmission gate T1 is turned OFF. Thus the lower reference circuit has V
at the noninverting input and a resulting LOW output (#6). In addition, the output of the trigger-con trol reset circuit is
The MM74HC4538 is tr iggere d by e ithe r a r ising -edge sig­nal at input A (#7) or a falling-edge signal at input B (#8), with the unused tr igger input and the Reset input held a t the voltage levels sho wn in the Truth Table. Either trigger signal will cause the output of the trigger-control circuit to go HIGH (#9).
The trigger-control circ uit going HIGH simultaneously ini­tiates three events. Fir st, the output l atch goes LOW, thus taking the Q output of the HC4538 to a H IGH State (#10) . Second, transistor M3 is tur ned on , whi ch allows the exter­nal timing capacitor, C
, to rapidly discharge toward
ground (#11). (Note that the voltag e across C
appears at
the input of the upper refer ence circuit comp arator.) Third, transistor M4 is turned off and transmission gate T1 is turned ON, thus allowing the voltage across C
to also
appear at the input of the lowe r reference circuit compara­tor.
When C
discharges to the referen ce voltage of the low er
reference circuit (#12), the outputs of both reference cir­cuits will be HIGH (#13). The trigger-control reset circuit goes HIGH, resetting the trigger-control circuit flip-flop to a LOW State (#14). This turns transistor M3 OFF again, allowing C
to begin to charge back up toward VCC, with a
time constant t
= R
(#15). In addition, tran sistor M4 is
turned ON and transmission gate T1 is turned OFF. Thus a high voltage level is applied to the input of the lower refer­ence circuit comparator, causing its output to go LOW (#16). The monos table multivi brator may b e retriggere d at any time after the trigger-control circuit goes LOW.
When C
charges up to the reference vo ltag e of the up per
reference circuit (#17) , the output of the upper reference circuit goes LOW (#1 8). This causes the output latch to
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