© 2000 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation DS006310 www.fairchildsemi.com
October 1986
Revised March 2000
DM74AS374 Octal D-Type Edge-Tr iggered Flip-Flops with 3-STATE Outputs
Octal D-Type Edge-Triggered Flip-Flops
with 3-STATE Outputs
General Description
These 8-bit register s feature totem-pole 3- STATE outputs
designed specifically fo r driving highly-capacitive or relatively low-impedance loa ds. Th e hi gh -im ped ance state and
increased high-logic-level drive provide these registers with
the capability of being connected directly to and driving the
bus lines in a bu s-or ga nized sy stem w ith ou t n eed fo r interface or pull-up components. They are particularly attractive
for implementing buffer registers, I/O ports, bidirectional
bus drivers, and working registers.
The eight flip-flops of the AS374 are edge-triggered D-type
flip-flops. On the p ositive tr ansiti on o f the clock, t he Q outputs will be set to the logic states that wer e set u p a t the D
A buffered output control input ca n be used to place the
eight outputs in either a normal l ogic state (HIGH or LOW
logic levels) or a high impe dance state. In the high-i mpedance state the outputs ne ither load nor dr ive the bus lines
The output control does not affect the i nternal oper ation of
the flip-flops. That is, the old data can be retained or new
data can be entered even while the outputs are off.
■ Switching specifications at 50 pF
■ Switching specifications guaranteed over full tempera-
ture and V
■ Advanced oxide-isolated, ion-implanted Schottky TTL
■ Functionally and pin-for -p i n com pat ib le wi th LS and ALS
TTL counterparts
■ Improved AC perform ance over LS and A LS TTL counterparts
■ 3-STATE buffer-type outputs drive bus lines directly
Ordering Code:
Devices also availab le in Tape and Reel. Specify by appending th e s uffix let t er “X” to the ordering code.
Connection Diagram
Order Number Package Number Package Description
DM74AS374WM M20B 20-Lead Small Outline Integrated Circuit (SOIC), JEDEC MS-013, 0.300 Wide
DM74AS374N N20A 20-Lead Plastic Dual-In-Line Package (PDIP), JEDEC MS-001, 0.300 Wide